马刺 vs 爵士 110 - 111 技术统计 | 视频集锦
By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-11-10 08:49:45
圣安东尼奥马刺(San Antonio) (4胜6负)在多次阻挠犹他爵士(Utah)的取胜尝试后,最终在比赛的最后时刻告负,主场战绩变为1胜1负。犹他队在油漆区内外的顽强拼搏确保了这场来之不易的胜利,尤其是在上半场,他们16罚12中,并在篮板球方面以25-18领先,而圣安东尼奥队投篮命中率仅为34%,令人咋舌的是他们只投进了5个两分球。凭借出色的团队配合,马刺队在第三节和第四节奋力追赶,在上半场艰难开局后,他们前28次投篮中有23次来自助攻,并且德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)和维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的投篮表现出色。
瓦塞尔在有限的出场时间内贡献了21分,这是他2024-2025赛季的首秀。文班亚马得到24分、16个篮板和7次盖帽,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)得到23分和2次抢断。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)再次替补出场表现出色,得到14分和5次助攻,而克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)则在面对更快、更壮的爵士后卫时表现挣扎,6投0中。
犹他爵士(2胜7负)的领军人物是劳里·马尔卡宁(Lauri Markkanen)(20分、6个篮板和2次抢断)和科林·塞克斯顿(Collin Sexton)(23分和4次助攻)。他们的替补席贡献了54分,其中乔丹·克拉克森(Jordan Clarkson)(16分和3次抢断)、约翰·科林斯(John Collins)(15分和10个篮板)和约翰尼·朱赞(Johnny Juzang)(10分)表现突出,他们在下半场的关键时刻给予了球队巨大的支持。
圣安东尼奥队在文班亚马远投的带领下发起了一波漂亮的反击。瓦塞尔的第一记投篮令人鼓舞地命中。前南加州大学的杰出球员以赛亚·科利尔(Isaiah Collier)顽强地杀入内线得分,而马尔卡宁也找到了他的投篮感觉。除了瓦塞尔之外,马刺队的其他球员在几分钟内都无法命中投篮,马尔卡宁则以一记漂亮的接球跳投完成了一次3+1。犹他队像整个第二节一样,利用罚球机会扩大了领先优势。爵士队以53-45的比分进入中场休息。
由于球队投篮命中率低迷,哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)在第三节开始时将注意力转向进攻端,圣安东尼奥队一度抹平了半场落后的所有分差。犹他队在接下来的几分钟内不断利用大个球员在篮下的优势,一度将领先优势扩大到9分。然而,这似乎激怒了马刺队,他们在最后几分钟内将比分追平,最终布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)将球传给卡斯尔,后者完成了一记势大力沉的扣篮,将比分追至82平。
- 在周五晚上的比尔·西蒙斯播客中,他公布了他最新的NBA球员前25名榜单,文班排名第16位(“主要是因为他的防守”)。
- 开球时,下层看台明显空空荡荡。
- 罚球期间的商业广告片段……一言难尽。
- 保罗的投篮显然不在状态。
- 巴恩斯在比赛初期积极拼抢了一些地板球,而年轻球员可能会放弃这些球。
- 除了马尔卡宁,我会选择桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)(尽管他只打了7分钟)而不是凯尔·菲利波夫斯基(Kyle Filipowski)和沃克·凯斯勒(Walker Kessler)。
- 比赛最佳镜头 #1: 在第一节末段,卡斯尔抢断爵士队的传球,并将球传给快速跟进的约翰逊,后者完成了一记略显尴尬的空中接力扣篮/上篮。
- 比赛最佳镜头 #2: 在第二节中段,马穆克拉什维利干扰了犹他队的一次转换进攻传球,保罗得到球后传给了文班亚马,后者命中了上半场的第四记三分球。在此之前,马穆克拉什维利几乎助攻韦斯利完成了一次底线 layup(可惜没进)。
- 比赛最佳镜头 #3: 在第三节末段的关键时刻,韦斯利接到约翰逊的传球,在两名爵士球员的防守下高高跃起,完成了一记精彩的空中接力并造成犯规,打成2+1。
- 帕蒂·米尔斯(Patty Mills)最擅长的就是制造进攻犯规。他在下半场对朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)的制造的进攻犯规阻止了马刺队的一波攻势。
- 文班的轻松得分: 进一步证明他只需要队友给他传球,文班亚马在下半场开始的第一分钟就盖掉了马尔卡宁的三分球,然后轻轻地将球放进篮筐,他的身体几乎要越过底线。
- 约翰逊的精彩表现: 在上半场末段,约翰逊做到了他今年一直在做得更好的事情——在防守端缠绕马尔卡宁完成抢断,然后强硬地突破防守球员,完成一记擦板得分。
- 近年来圣安东尼奥队很少打过如此胶着的比赛,他们在第四节对爵士队将比分追至一分(89-89、91-91、93-93、95-95)时的回应非常精彩。
- 文班亚马和凯斯勒,联盟中盖帽最多的两名球员,在第一分钟就各自送出了一记盖帽。卡斯尔和文班亚马的三分球让圣安东尼奥队取得了早期的领先。卡斯尔的第二记三分——来自丹尼·格林(Danny Green)标志性的弧顶位置——看起来非常稳健。他的第三记三分球,距离更远,看起来更加精彩。塞克斯顿利用马刺队糟糕的控球完成了两次快攻上篮,帕蒂·米尔斯迅速得到5分,将比分追至15平。在出现一系列失误和进攻停滞后,圣安东尼奥队落后6分。文班亚马的后撤步三分球帮助马刺队将比分追至22-25。
- 在文班亚马的罚球和韦斯利一记杂耍般的上篮的带领下,马刺队再次反超比分。克拉克森糟糕的防守让他领到三次犯规,这位马刺队的“克星”被换下场。文班亚马的三分球让圣安东尼奥队取得了4分的领先优势,但科利尔和马尔卡宁的得分将比分追平。瓦塞尔在马尔卡宁的三分球前后各命中一记漂亮的跳投。爵士队强大的造罚球能力加上圣安东尼奥队低迷的投篮手感让他们以8分的优势进入中场休息。
- 第三节的特点是连续的得分高潮——马刺队5-0,犹他队6-0,马刺队7-0——文班亚马的第五记三分球开启了第二波得分高潮,巴恩斯“偷偷”得到两分。巴恩斯在本节的第三次投篮将比分追至62平。科林斯和凯斯勒多次溜到篮下得分,而朱赞的正面三分球让爵士队再次领先6分。科林斯的第二次3+1让犹他队领先9分。扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)回敬一记侧翼三分,开启了圣安东尼奥队一波10-0的得分高潮(这是他们本节的第三波!)。瓦塞尔的得分一如既往的流畅和优雅。瓦塞尔在人群中找到了扎克·科林斯,后者完成扣篮,而科林斯尽管在第三节造成了很大的破坏,但也领到了他的第五次犯规。韦斯利精妙地助攻卡斯尔完成扣篮,圣安东尼奥队以37-29赢得了第三节。
- 第四节开始,菲利波夫斯基打出一波5-0的个人得分高潮,文班亚马则通过晃倒马尔卡宁完成上篮回应,他的第六记三分球将比分追至87平。圣安东尼奥队的投篮再次失准,爵士队领先4分。卡斯尔试图给文班亚马一个打板空中接力,但被塞克斯顿犯规,得分无效。卡斯尔自信的罚球再次将比分追至91平。他大胆地突破两名犹他防守球员,将比分追至93平。不幸的是,克拉克森开始随心所欲地得分,他的三分球让比分变成了99-95。瓦塞尔再次吸引了多名防守球员,并将球传给约翰逊,后者完成反手上篮,塞克斯顿则以一记不可思议的小费球回应。
- 马尔卡宁在被犯规后尴尬地摔倒,但两罚一中,爵士队将领先优势扩大到5分。圣安东尼奥队连续投篮不中,直到保罗找到卡斯尔,后者完成一记高飞扣篮。在爵士队的下一次进攻中,场上出现了混乱,文班亚马连续盖掉多次出手,约翰逊助攻卡斯尔完成快攻扣篮。塞克斯顿和约翰逊互飙关键三分。卡斯尔对克拉克森的后撤步三分犯规,这位圣安东尼奥人三罚两中,爵士队以107-104领先。当文班亚马与他发生身体接触时,克拉克森假摔,裁判在观看录像回放后没有改判。在克拉克森罚球命中后,尚帕尼命中底角三分,将马刺队的分差缩小到2分。塞克斯顿两罚全中,瓦塞尔的擦板球结束了比赛的得分。
想了解爵士球迷的视角,请访问SLC Dunk。
圣安东尼奥队将在周一下午7:00 CDT继续主场迎战德玛尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan)和萨克拉门托国王队。
点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Utah, Final Score: Spurs fall to Jazz 110-111
San Antonio vs. Utah, Final Score: Spurs fall to Jazz 110-111
Wembanyama and Vassell re-esablished their 1-2 status, while Castle continued to impress in the tough loss.
San Antonio (4-6), after repeatedly stymieing Utah’s attempts to escape with a win, finally succumbed at the very end to fall to 1-1 on their homestand. Utah secured its hard-fought victory inside and around the painted area - particularly in the first half when they were able to go 12-for-16 from the free throw line and muscle their way to a 25-18 rebounding advantage, while San Antonio converted only 34% from the field with a horrid five 2-point shots made. The Spurs willed their way back into the game in well-played third and fourth quarters - by assisting on 23 of their first 28 field goals after that tough opening half and getting great shooting from Devin Vassell and Victor Wembanyama.
Vassell, in his first 2024-2025 action contributed 21 points in limited minutes. Wembanyama (24 points, 16 rebounds, and 7 blocks) and Stephon Castle (23 points and 2 steals). Keldon Johnson (14 points and 5 assists) excelled off the bench again, while Chris Paul (0-6 FG) struggled against the quicker and bigger Jazz guards.
Utah (2-7) was led by Lauri Markkanen (20 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 steals) and Collin Sexton (23 points and 4 assists). They were bolstered by 54 bench points from Jordan Clarkson (who else - 16 points and 3 steals), John Collins (15 points and 10 rebounds), and Johnny Juzang (10 points) - with the bulk of their damage done in critical second-half moments.
In what only could be described as a ragged first frame, a trio of impressive threes from Castle helped give the Spurs a six-point advantage. Vassell came into the game 6+ minutes in, and though he missed his first two attempts, got a deflection. The Jazz leveraged a jarring 18-2 advantage in the paint to lead ahead. San Antonio needed all of Castle’s nine points and Wembanyama’s six to remain within three after one.
San Antonio made a nice push behind Wembanyama’s shotmaking from distance. Devin Vassell saw his first shot go down encouragingly. Former USC standout Isaiah Collier droved doggedly into the paint to get some points, while Markkanen found his shooting touch. The non-Vassell Spurs’ shots stopped falling over several minutes, and Markkanen got a traditional three-point play with a pretty catch-and-shoot three. Utah, as it did throughout the second period, took advantage at the free throw stripe to surge ahead of the hosts. The Jazz went into the break up 53-45.
With his team struggling to hit shots, Harrison Barnes turned his attention to the offensive end at the start of the third period, and San Antonio briefly erased the entirety of that halftime deficit. Utah ran the same action over a number of minutes by posting a big at the front of the rim and was able to go up as much as nine. However, this seemed to collectively anger the Spurs squad, and they made up all of that deficit over the last several minutes - capped off by Blake Wesley zipping a bullet pass to Castle for an emphatic dunk. The teams exited the frame tied at 82.
- Late on Friday’s Bill Simmons podcast, he rattled off his updated top 25 NBA players list, and had Wembanyama #16 (“mainly for his defense”).”
- The lower bowl was noticeably empty at tipoff.
- The commercial snippets during free throws are… something.
- Paul’s shooting stroke is clearly off.
- Harrison Barnes stuck his nose in there on some early loose balls that younger players may have given up on.
- Aside from Markkanen, I’d take Sandro Mamukelashvili (despite registering only seven minutes of playing time) over Kyle Filipowski and Walker Kessler.
- Sequence of the Game #1: Late in the opening stanza**,** Castle stole an errant Jazz pass, and fed a streaking Johnson for an alley-oop dunk/layup thing of awkwardness.
- Sequence of the Game #2: Partway into the second quarter, Mamukelashvili deflected a Utah transition pass, which found its way to Chris Paul, who dished it to Wembanyama for his fourth three of the half. This came after Mamekelashvili almost found Wesley for another baseline lay-up (that he missed).
- Sequence of the Game #3: With the game in the balance late in the third period, Wesley took an outlet pass from Johnson and soared to the rim through two Jazz for an aerial and-1.
- One thing Patty Mills could always do was draw charges. His charge drawn on Julian Champagnie halted a second-half Spurs run.
- Victor Ease: Further evidence that he has just needed teammates to look for him, Wembanyama blocked Markkanen’s three attempt in the opening minute of the second half, and gently laid the ball with his body inches from going over the baseline.
- Keldon’s Kitchen: Late in the first half, Johnson did what he has been doing better this year - pestering Markkanen into a steal on defense and then barreling into a defender to muscle a bankshot home.
- There’s been so few close games San Antonio’s played in recent years, that the fourth quarter responses to the Jazz making it a one-possession game (89-89, 91-91, 93-93, 95-95) were a wonderful thing to watch.
- Wembanyama and Kessler, the top two shot-blockers in the league, had one apiece in the first minute. Castle and Wembanyama’s threes gave San Antonio an early lead. Castle’s second three - from Danny Green’s above the break spot - looked really solid. His third three from even further out looked splashy. Sexton was the beneficiary of some sloppy Spurs’ ballhandling and got two transition lay-ups, and Patty Mills put up five quick points to tie things at 15. San Antonio, after a rash of turnovers and stalled possessions, went down six. Wembanyama’s stepback three drew the Spurs to within 22-25.
- The Spurs got back ahead behind Wembanyama’s free throws and an acrobatic Blake Wesley lay-up. Jordan Clarkson’s poor approach to defense drew him three fouls and the Spur-tormentor went to the bench. Wembanyama’s three gave San Antonio a four point lead that was erased by Collier’s and Markkanen’s baskets. Vassell sandwiched gorgeous jumpers around Markkanen’s three. The Jazz’s free throw drawing ability paired with San Antonio’s lost shooting touch allowed them to head to the break up eight.
- Successive runs characterized an excellent third quarter - Spurs 5-0, Utah 6-0, and Spurs 7-0 - with Wembanyama’s fifth three kickstarting the second run, and Barnes ‘sneaking’ in two buckets. Barnes third field goal of the frame tied the game at 62. John Collins and Kessler snuck to the front of the rim for numerous scoring chances, while Johnny Juzang’s straightaway three put the Jazz back up six. John Collins’ second three-point play put Utah up nine. Zach Collins hit a wing three in response to initiate a 10-0 San Antonio run (its third of the quarter!). Vassell’s points looked like what he’s always done for the Spurs - smooth and elegant. Vassell found Zach Collins in traffic for a dunk, and John Collins, despite all the damage he did in the third, picked up his fifth foul. Wesley assisted Castle excellently on a dunk, and San Antonio won the quarter 37-29.
- At the start of the fourth, Filipowski made a personal 5-0 run, and Wembanyama responded by putting Markkanen in the spin cycle for a lay-up and his sixth three tied the game at 87. San Antonio’s shooting touch betrayed it again, and the Jazz went up four. Castle threw an off-the-backboard alley-oop to Wembanyama, but was fouled by Sexton - nullifying the points. Castle’s confident free throws tied it again at 91. His daring drive around and through two Utah defenders tied things at 93. Unfortunately, Clarkson started scoring at-will with his three making it 99-95. Vassell again drew several defenders and found Johnson for a reverse lay-up, which was answered by an inexplicable Sexton tipback.
- Markkanen fell awkwardly as he was fouled, but made 1-of-2 from the line to nudge the Jazz lead to five. Shot-after-shot fell errantly for San Antonio until Paul found Castle for a soaring dunk. Chaos ensued during the next Jazz possession as Wembanyama turned away multiple attempts, and Johnson fed Castle for a transition dunk. Sexton and Johnson exchanged clutch threes. Castle fouled Clarkson on a stepback three, and the San Antonian made 2-of-3 to make it 107-104 Utah. Clarkson flopped when Wembanyama made contact with him and the review for the offensive foul was not overturned. After Clarkson made his freebies, Champagnie hit a corner three to bring the Spurs within two. Sexton made both of his free throws, and Vassell’s banker closed out the game’s scoring.
For the Jazz fan’s perspective, please visit SLC Dunk.
San Antonio continues its homestand on Monday night against DeMar DeRozan and the Sacramento Kings at 7:00 PM CDT.
By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock