[PtR] 马刺战胜开拓者,摆脱背靠背失利的阴影

By Casey Coggins | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-11-08 20:30:00




在经历了几场令人失望的失利之后,圣安东尼奥马刺队回到主场,希望在与波特兰开拓者队的比赛中强势开局,而这不仅仅是为了摆脱连败的阴影。由于杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)的缺席,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)连续第二场首发出战,并直接对位安芬尼·西蒙斯。他在比赛一开始就展现了活力,不仅率先得分,还送出几次漂亮的助攻,并在防守端表现稳健。首节结束时,他得到6分和3次助攻。不过,比赛开局略显低迷,马刺在比赛进行到6分钟时以13-15落后。这促使米奇·约翰逊叫了暂停,帮助球队重新调整。暂停回来后,他们打出一波14-3的进攻高潮,以27-18领先。在首节比赛还剩28秒时,凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)在杰拉米·格兰特(Jerami Grant)投三分球时被吹罚恶意犯规。这使得开拓者队获得一次五分进攻机会,首节结束时比分定格在33-27。

第二节的开局与第一节有些相似,开拓者队努力缩小与马刺队的分差,但马刺队的替补球员上场后又打出一波进攻高潮。替补阵容的投篮命中率高达10投12中,三分球3投3中。事实上,到目前为止,替补席上唯一投丢球的球员是凯尔登,但他用7个篮板弥补了这一点。球在队员之间流畅地传递,球员们适时地空切,并在防守端积极跑动。在布雷克接扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)的妙传后空切暴扣得分后,马刺队在半场还剩3分54秒时以54-45领先。但德安德烈·艾顿(Deandre Ayton)确保开拓者队紧咬比分。在最后3分30秒内,他砍下了17分中的6分,开拓者队以10-2的攻势结束了本节比赛。马刺队一度领先11分,但半场结束时只以56-55领先1分。

第三节的前四分钟成为了朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)的表演时间。他命中了两记三分球,并在篮下助攻文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)得分,帮助马刺队得到前8分。在马刺队以64-62领先并将球带到自家篮下时,文班和杰拉米·格兰特在争抢位置时发生了冲突,文班两次倒地。在事态平息后,对抗仍在继续,直到文班造成对方死球犯规。他随后罚中一球,马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)在本回合命中一记三分,帮助马刺队稍微拉开比分。布拉纳姆的三分球只是马刺队在本节三分雨中的一滴。马刺队本节得到的35分中,有24分来自三分线外。这些三分球和替补球员的表现稳步扩大着马刺队的领先优势——将半场结束时1分的领先优势扩大到进入第四节时的12分。



斯蒂芬·卡斯尔会成为一名优秀的射手。 关于斯蒂芬·卡斯尔作为新秀的表现,有很多可以说的。其中一点是,他的三分球投篮命中率非常低。今晚过后,卡斯尔的三分球24投3中,命中率为12.5%。如果他上场时间足够多,投200次三分球,这个命中率将打破至少投200次三分球的球员的最差命中率纪录(马库斯·斯马特241次出手,命中率仅为25.3%)。但问题是:他的投篮姿势其实相当不错。这几乎就是马拉基·布拉纳姆的翻版,因为当你观看马拉基前两年的比赛时,你会看到一个可以在中距离得分和投篮很好的球员。虽然他场均2.8次出手,52%的命中率可能无法持续,但马拉基似乎已经找到了他的外线手感。我敢打赌,随着越来越多的NBA比赛经验,我们会看到卡斯尔成为马刺队可以信赖的,至少能达到35%三分命中率的球员。

想念杰里米·索汉。 当一支球队轻松获胜时,很难说他们想念某个球员。但这并不一定适用于马刺队与开拓者队的比赛。杰拉米·格兰特是那种马刺队在防守端一直没有很好对位球员的类型。他速度太快,投篮也太准,无法用大个子防守他。他太高壮了,无法用瘦小的侧翼防守他。格兰特本场比赛10投6中,但其中有三次投丢来自三分线外,他还11次站上罚球线,命中8球。他强劲的进攻表现在这场比赛中还不够好,但弄清楚如何防守像他这样的球员对于马刺队未来的发展至关重要。

开拓者队很高大。 昌西·比卢普斯派出的首发阵容的体型立刻引人注目。这五名球员分别是6尺4寸的安芬尼·西蒙斯、6尺8寸的图马尼·卡马拉、6尺8寸的杰拉米·格兰特、6尺9寸的德尼·阿夫迪亚和7尺的德安德烈·艾顿。斯科特·亨德森是唯一一个比西蒙斯矮的球员,身高6尺3寸,但他也非常强壮。他们可能没有足够的整体天赋成为一支附加赛球队或更好的球队,但他们到目前为止的阵容构建方式还是有一些可取之处的。

把朱利安·尚帕尼放在左侧底角就对了。 每个球员在球场上都有一个他们投篮更准的位置。最好的射手不止一个这样的位置。在他从左侧底角命中第二记三分球后,我突然想到要查一下他在球场上不同区域的投篮数据。在本场比赛之前,尚帕尼在左侧底角三分球10投5中。在右侧底角?他是6投1中。在他今晚5投4中之后,他的左侧底角数据变得更好了。马刺队很可能知道这些数据,所以看到他们把尚帕尼放在 左侧 底角也就不足为奇了。

一个好的扎克·科林斯意味着一个好的马刺队。 我尽量避免在文章中使用“我”,但为了这一点,我打算打破这个规矩。这是因为我一直对科林斯上赛季的表现以及他今年到目前为止的表现(见下文)都有一些看法。我不是在这里为他道歉,因为他对阵开拓者队的表现非常出色。相反,我在这里要说明的是,马刺队每场比赛都打出这样的科林斯是多么重要。也许有些对位对他来说不太好——这很正常。但如果他在大多数比赛中都能接近昨晚的表现,我们将会看到一支潜在的季后赛球队。



— Casey Coggins (@ caseylevane) 2024年11月7日

当晚出人意料的最佳阵容。 由于马刺队正在处理伤病问题,他们依赖于一些在赛季开始前可能并不理想的轮换阵容。对阵开拓者队的比赛中,有一个五人阵容在正负值排行榜上名列前茅,如果给你机会,你绝对猜不到。这五名球员分别是扎克·科林斯、凯尔登·约翰逊、朱利安·尚帕尼、马拉基·布拉纳姆和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔。这套阵容在他们上场的4.3分钟内比开拓者队多得了11分。荣誉提名给到了科林斯、凯尔登、马拉基、布雷克·韦斯利和哈里森·巴恩斯,他们一起上场1.9分钟,比开拓者队多得了8分。这是每支球队都渴望的替补席贡献。





点击查看原文:Spurs shake off back-to-back losses in win over the Trail Blazers

Spurs shake off back-to-back losses in win over the Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers v San Antonio Spurs

A full team effort was on display as eight Spurs scored in double figures in their win

Coming back home after a couple of disappointing losses, and not just in the loss column department, the San Antonio Spurs looked to start the home stand strong against the Portland Trail Blazers. Stephon Castle started his second straight game in the absence of Jeremy Sochan and took the Anfernee Simonsmatchup head on. He started the scoring, had a few nice assists, and played solid defense. He finished the first with six points and three assists. The quarter started off a bit sluggish, though, as the Spurs trailed 15-13 at the six-minute mark. This prompted a Mitch Johnson timeout that helped reset the team. They came out of that and went on a 14-3 run to give them a 27-18 lead. With 28 seconds remaining, Keldon Johnson was called for a flagrant on Jerami Grant three-pointer. This resulted in a five-point possession for the Blazers and a 33-27 after one.

The second quarter started a bit like the first, with the Blazers doing a good job of cutting into the Spurs lead – only for the bench to come in and go on a run. The bench unit started the game 10/12 from the field and 3/3 from three. In fact, the only bench player to miss a shot up to this point of the game was Keldon, but he made up for it a bit with seven rebounds. The ball was whipping around, guys were making timely cuts, and they were flying around defensively. When Blake slammed it home off a back cut and nice Zach Collins pass, the Spurs led 54-45 with 3:54 left in the half. But Deandre Ayton made sure the Blazers kept it close. He scored six of his 17 points in the final 3:30, and the Blazers closed out the quarter on a 10-2 run. After leading by as much as 11, the Spurs went to the locker room only up one, 56-55.

The first four minutes of the third quarter was a bit of a Julian Champagnie show. He hit two three-pointers and had an assist to Wemby under the basket to attribute to the Spurs first eight points. With the Spurs leading 64-62 and bringing the ball in under their basket, Wemby and Jerami Grant got into a battle of who could get the most leverage, which resulted in Wemby hitting the ground twice. After things got settled, the battle continued until Wemby drew a dead-ball foul. He would go on to hit a free throw, and Malaki Branham would make a three that possession to give the Spurs a little breathing room. The Branham three was just one of the three-point barrage the Spurs laid on the Blazers in the quarter. Out of the Spurs 35 points, 24 of them were from behind the arc. Those threes and the play of the bench slowly kept building the Spurs lead – pushing that one-point halftime lead to 12 heading into the fourth.

That momentum didn’t carry over, unfortunately, with the Blazers starting the fourth on a 9-2 run to trim the Spurs lead to five, 93-88. Double unfortunately, that was in large part due to Wemby’s play. His first four minutes went turnover, a missed tip, and three missed shots before finally getting a three to fall as the trail man. Moments before that three, Mitch Johnson used a timeout at just the right time once again. When play started back up, the Spurs would go on an 8-2 run to push their lead back out to 101-90, which after another few minutes of good Spurs basketball, would turn into a 108-95 lead with five minutes left. The next three minutes wouldn’t be what we’d call beautiful basketball. Both teams would foul, miss shots, and turn it over (three of the Blazers five points were free throws and Castle made two field goals). With 1:16 left, Castle hit Keldon for a layup that caused Chauncey Billups to call timeout and bring the reserves in. Once it was all said and done, the Spurs would prevail 118-105.

Game Notes

Stephon Castle is going to be a good shooter. There’s a lot that could be said about Stephon Castle’s play thus far as a rookie. One thing in particular is how he’s not shooting the ball well from three in the slightest. After tonight, Castle is 3/24 from three. That equates to 12.5%. If he was to play enough to hit 200 three-point attempts, that percentage would decimate the record for worst percentage for a player who took at least 200 threes (Marcus Smart shot a paltry 25.3% on 241 attempts). Here’s the thing though: His shot is actually pretty nice as far as form goes. It’s almost the Malaki Branham scenario because when you watched Malaki his first two years, you saw a player who could score and shoot well in the midrange. And while his insane 52% on 2.8 attempts per game might not be sustainable, Malaki has seemingly found his stroke from outside. I’d bet that with more and more NBA reps, we’ll see Castle become somebody the Spurs can trust to make at least 35%.

Jeremy Sochan is missed. It’s hard to say any team was missing a player when they win comfortably. That’s not necessarily true when it comes to how the Spurs matched up with the Blazers. Jerami Grant is the kind of player the Spurs haven’t had a great matchup for defensively. He’s too quick and shoots too well to guard him with a big. He’s too big to guard him with a slight wing. Grant ended the night 6/10 from the field, but three of those misses were from three, and he worked his way to the free throw line 11 times, making eight. His strong offensive performance wasn’t good enough in this one, but figuring out how to guard players like this will be important for the Spurs moving forward.

The Blazers are big. Something noticeable right away was the size of the starting lineup Chauncey Billups threw out there. Those five were the 6’4” Anfernee Simons, 6’8” Toumani Camara, 6’8” Jerami Grant, 6’9” Deni Avdija, and 7’0” Deandre Ayton. Scoot Henderson is the only player listed shorter than Simons at 6’3”, but he’s also stout and strong. They might not quite have the overall talent to be a play-in team or better, but there’s something to like about how they’ve built out their roster up to this point.

Just plant Julian Champagnie in the left corner. Every player has a spot on the court they shoot better from. The best shooters have more than one of those spots. After he made his second three from the left corner, it clicked to look up what his numbers are from the different areas on the court. Coming into this game, Champagnie had made five of 10 attempts from the left corner three. From the right corner? He was 1/6. Those left corner numbers got better after he went 4/5 tonight. The Spurs likely know these numbers, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see them put Champagnie in the left corner.

A good Zach Collins is a good Spurs team. I try to avoid using “I” in the articles I write, but I’m going to break that for this point. That’s because I’ve been somewhat vocal about how Collins played last season and how he’s played so far this year (see post below). I’m not here to issue an apology for this criticism because he was awesome against the Blazers. Rather, I’m here to address how important it is the Spurs get this Collins game after game. Maybe there are matchups that aren’t good for him – that happens. But if he can be close to what he was last night in a majority of games, we’ll be looking at a potential playoff team.

You gotta wonder what Zach’s career plays out like without those injuries.
But right now, he’s not quick enough to hang on the perimeter, big enough to bang in the post, explosive enough to be a lob threat and rim protector.

His on/off is -11.5 after being -9.5 last year.

— Casey Coggins (@ caseylevane) November 7, 2024

The unexpected best lineup of the night. With the injuries the Spurs are dealing with, they’re dependent on some rotations that might not have been ideal before the season started. Against the Blazers, there was one five-man lineup at the top of the +/- leaderboard nobody would’ve guessed if given the chance. Those five were Zach Collins, Keldon Johnson, Julian Champagnie, Malaki Branham, and Stephon Castle. That lineup outscored the Blazers by 11 points in their 4.3 minutes on the court. Honorable mention goes to Collins, Keldon, Malaki, Blake Wesley, and Harrison Barnes who played 1.9 minutes together and outscored the Blazers by 8. That’s the kind of bench production every team yearns for.

Play of the game

Sure, this play ends with a foul instead of being one of the 35 assists the Spurs had tonight (Harrison Barnes split the ensuing free throws), but this pass from Wemby is special.

Next Game: Vs Utah Jazz on Saturday

The Spurs face off against the Jazz in the second of five straight games at home. Game tips off at 4 PM CT as it also happens to be Kids Takeover Night

By Casey Coggins, via Pounding The Rock