[SAEN] 马刺寻求第六人凯尔登·约翰逊的稳定发挥

By Jeff McDonald, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-11-04 15:43:57


2024年10月31日,犹他州盐湖城:在三角洲中心球馆对阵犹他爵士队的比赛下半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队的0号球员凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)对一个回合做出反应。

洛杉矶——克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)很快就了解到马刺队大多数人早已熟知的一件事:凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)的比赛精神。


当这位充满活力的锋线球员能够将 seemingly endless supply of energy 倾注到球场上时,对他来说往往会取得不错的效果。

周六以 113-103 战胜明尼苏达森林狼队的比赛就是如此,约翰逊替补出场,以势不可挡的姿态砍下全队最高的 25 分,同时还抢下了 8 个篮板。


“当我们不久前让他从替补席出发时,这就是我们思考过程的一部分,”助理教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)说道,他正在顶替身体不适的格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)执教。 “他可以非常有侵略性,成为一个焦点,仍然可以打很多分钟,仍然可以得到很多分,仍然可以终结比赛,并帮助平衡我们的阵容。”


在周一客场挑战洛杉矶快船队的比赛之前,约翰逊场均得到 12.7 分,投篮命中率为 40.6%,三分球命中率则低至 23.3%。


约翰逊在比赛一开始就在攻防两端都展现出侵略性。他很多得分都是通过直接攻击明尼苏达中锋、四届年度最佳防守球员鲁迪·戈贝尔(Rudy Gobert)得到的。


米奇·约翰逊认为,约翰逊在进入自己的第六个 NBA 赛季之前减掉了 10 磅体重,这有助于他在赛季的最初几周保持充沛的精力。




截至周一,马刺队在失误 17 次或更多的情况下战绩为 1 胜 4 负,而在失误少于 17 次的情况下战绩为 2 胜 0 负。



在周三以 93-105 输给俄克拉荷马雷霆队的比赛中,马刺队出现了 22 次失误,球权保护成为了赛后讨论的关键话题。雷霆队在那场比赛中完成了 18 次抢断。


在接下来的两场比赛中,马刺队在战胜犹他和明尼苏达的比赛中总共只出现了 24 次失误。

“只是需要放慢节奏,”后卫马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)说道。“我觉得我们在对阵雷霆队的比赛中有点着急。我们只需要冷静下来,做出正确的选择。”


马刺队中锋扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)被 NBA 罚款 2000 美元,原因是联盟认定他在对阵森林狼队的第三节比赛中假摔。

当时科林斯正在防守明尼苏达的朱利叶斯·兰德尔(Julius Randle)的突破。在与兰德尔接触后,科林斯向后踉跄,并举起双手,试图诱使裁判吹罚进攻犯规。


SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - OCTOBER 31: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs shoots during the second half of a game against the Utah Jazz at Delta Center on October 31, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

San Antonio Spurs forward Keldon Johnson, middle, takes the ball inside, as Utah Jazz guards Johnny Juzang (33) and Collin Sexton (2) defend during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Egan)

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 2: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs drives on Donte Divencenzo #0 of the Minnesota Timberwolves in the second half at Frost Bank Center on November 2, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 2: Victor Wembanyama #1 of the San Antonio Spurs hugs Keldon Johnson late in the second half as they defeated the Minnesota Timberwolves at Frost Bank Center on November 2, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 2: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs walks off the court after he lead his team in defeating the Minnesota Timberwolves in the second half at Frost Bank Center on November 2, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

点击查看原文:Spurs seek consistency from Sixth Man Keldon Johnson

Spurs seek consistency from Sixth Man Keldon Johnson

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - OCTOBER 31: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs reacts to a play during the second half of a game against the Utah Jazzat Delta Center on October 31, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

LOS ANGELES – It didn’t take long for Chris Paul to learn something about Keldon Johnson most around the Spurs have known for a long time.

“Keldon’s spirit has been unbelievable since day one,” the Spurs’ starting point guard said.

The days when the boisterous small forward is able to funnel that seemingly endless supply of energy onto the court tend to work out well for him.

Such was the case in Saturday’s 113-103 victory over Minnesota, when Johnson bulldozed his way to a team-high 25 points off the bench while also hauling in eight rebounds.

It was the kind of night the Spurs coaching staff envisioned when they converted the 25-year-old Johnson to a sixth man role toward the end a last season.

“When we brought him off the bench a while ago, this was part of that thought process,” said assistant coach Mitch Johnson, who is filling in for an ailing Gregg Popovich. “He could be extremely aggressive and be a focal point, still play a ton of minutes, still score plenty of points and finish games and help balance our lineups.”

A starter for 3 ½ seasons before shifting to the second unit, Johnson is still adjusting to the move.

Heading into Monday’s game at the Los Angeles Clippers, Johnson was averaging 12.7 points while shooting 40.6% from the field and a dire 23.3% from 3-point range.

More games like Saturday will help.

Johnson began the game in attack mode on both ends of the floor. He converted many of his baskets by going directly at Minnesota center Rudy Gobert, a four-time Defensive Player of the Year.

“That’s my game, getting downhill going to the basket and make some tough shots,” Johnson said.

Mitch Johnson credits the 10 pounds Keldon Johnson lost coming into his sixth NBA season for helping maintain his energy through the first few weeks of the season.

“He’s in great shape and his activity has shown it,” Mitch Johnson said.

Turnovers top of mind for Spurs’ staff

Six games into the season, turnovers have told the tale for the Spurs.

Heading into Monday, the Spurs were 1-4 when committing 17 or more and 2-0 when coming in under that number.

Mitch Johnson said he hopes turnovers will be less of an issue as players gain greater familiarity with one another.

“We have a unique team where we have a lot of guys who can be in different spots and different positions,” Johnson said. “We’re still learning each other.”

Ball security became a key topic of conversation after the Spurs coughed up 22 turnovers in a 105-93 loss at Oklahoma City on Wednesday. The Thunder racked up 18 steals in that game.

In a film session after that loss, coaches showed players film of each of their miscues.

In the next two games, the Spurs committed only 24 turnovers combined in victories over Utah and Minnesota.

“It’s just taking our time,” guard Malaki Branham said. “I feel like we were rushing a little bit at OKC. It was just a matter of calming down and making the right plays.”

Collins popped for flopping

Spurs center Zach Collins has drawn a $2,000 fine from the NBA, after the league flagged him for flopping in the third quarter against the Timberwolves.

Collins was defending a drive by Minnesota’s Julius Randle at the time. Upon contact with Randle, Collins staggered backward and flung his hands in the air in an attempt to bait the officials into calling an offensive foul.

No foul was called at all on the play. Upon review the next day, league czars ruled Collins had flopped and hit him with a fine.

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - OCTOBER 31: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs shoots during the second half of a game against the Utah Jazz at Delta Center on October 31, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

San Antonio Spurs forward Keldon Johnson, middle, takes the ball inside, as Utah Jazz guards Johnny Juzang (33) and Collin Sexton (2) defend during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Egan)

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 2: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs drives on Donte Divencenzo #0 of the Minnesota Timberwolves in the second half at Frost Bank Center on November 2, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 2: Victor Wembanyama #1 of the San Antonio Spurs hugs Keldon Johnson late in the second half as they defeated the Minnesota Timberwolves at Frost Bank Center on November 2, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 2: Keldon Johnson #0 of the San Antonio Spurs walks off the court after he lead his team in defeating the Minnesota Timberwolves in the second half at Frost Bank Center on November 2, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.

By Jeff McDonald, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News