By NBA Insiders | ESPN, 2024-10-30 20:00:00
2024-25 NBA 赛季已经过去一周多,很多事情都发生了,与季前赛截然不同。
在揭幕战中,波士顿凯尔特人队以压倒性的优势战胜了纽约尼克斯队,他们高高挂起了队史第 18 面总冠军旗帜,并投进了一连串追平联盟纪录的三分球,他们已经展现出东部领跑者的姿态。
在西部,由 MVP 竞争者谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大领衔的俄克拉荷马雷霆队开局火热,而卫冕 MVP 尼古拉·约基奇所在的 2023 年 NBA 总冠军丹佛掘金队,则已经低于预期。
除了每周排名之外,我们的 NBA 内部人士还为每支球队选择了一位已经产生影响的新人——包括新秀、休赛期新援或新教练。从 JJ·雷迪克(JJ Redick) 在洛杉矶的教练处子秀,到克莱·汤普森(Klay Thompson) 在达拉斯重焕活力的三分球,以下是给人在赛季第一周留下深刻印象的 30 名球员和教练。
注:球队排名基于我们专家组(ESPN 的肯德拉·安德鲁斯、蒂姆·邦坦普斯、贾马尔·科利尔、迈克尔·莱特(Michael Wright)、蒂姆·麦克马洪、戴夫·麦克梅纳明、奥姆·扬米苏克、克里斯·赫林和凯文·佩尔顿)认为球队本赛季应有的位置。
- 波士顿凯尔特人队
- 2024-25 战绩: 4-0
- 先前排名: 1
- 下一场比赛: @ IND (10 月 30 日), @ CHA (11 月 1 日), @ CHA (11 月 1 日), @ ATL (11 月 4 日)
卫冕冠军从上赛季到本赛季保持了极高的阵容连续性,因此球队名单上只有一个“新人”选项:新秀后卫 贝勒·谢尔曼(Baylor Scheierman) ,他上周对阵华盛顿的比赛中出场了 8 分钟,其余时间都在作壁上观。值得注意的是,在周一晚上对阵雄鹿的比赛中,由于萨姆·豪瑟受伤,教练乔·马祖拉上半场选择了二年级前锋乔丹·沃尔什而不是谢尔曼。 – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 俄克拉荷马雷霆队
- 2024-25 战绩: 3-0
- 先前排名: 2
- 下一场比赛: vs. SA (10 月 30 日), @ POR (11 月 1 日), @ LAC (11 月 2 日), vs. ORL (11 月 4 日)
虽然中锋以赛亚·哈尔滕施泰因的雷霆队首秀将因左手骨折至少推迟一个月,但后卫 亚历克斯·卡鲁索(Alex Caruso) 已经与俄克拉荷马城的第二阵容无缝衔接。卡鲁索在雷霆队 3-0 的开局中总共只得到 5 分,但他已经产生了重大影响,这正是球队在夏季用约什·吉迪交易得到他时所预期的。卡鲁索,过去两个赛季的全防守阵容球员,场均 20.7 分钟内得到 1.7 次抢断和 1.3 次盖帽。当卡鲁索在场时,雷霆队每百回合仅失 84.2 分。他的净效率值高达 +29.0,是俄克拉荷马城轮换球员中最高的。 – 蒂姆·麦克马洪
- 克利夫兰骑士队
- 2024-25 战绩: 4-0
- 先前排名: 10
- 下一场比赛: vs. LAL (10 月 30 日), vs. ORL (11 月 1 日), @ MIL (11 月 2 日), vs. MIL (11 月 4 日)
泰·杰罗姆(Ty Jerome) 严格来说并不是新人,他在 2023 年夏天签约,但感觉他就像新人一样。杰罗姆上赛季只参加了骑士队的前两场比赛,之后就因为脚踝受伤缺席了 2023-24 赛季的剩余比赛。在克利夫兰 4-0 的开局中,这位身高 6 英尺 5 英寸的后卫充分利用了他在教练肯尼·阿特金森的 10 人轮换阵容中的位置,场均 14.3 分钟内得到 10.8 分(投篮命中率 62.5%,三分命中率 50%)、3.3 次助攻和 1.5 次抢断。克利夫兰是自 2019 年杰罗姆被选中以来拥有他权利的第七支球队。也许他终于找到了一个家。 – 戴夫·麦克梅纳明
- 达拉斯独行侠队
- 2024-25 战绩: 3-1
- 先前排名: 6
- 下一场比赛: vs. HOU (10 月 31 日), vs. ORL (11 月 3 日), vs. IND (11 月 4 日)
在与他的水花兄弟斯蒂芬·库里友好分手后, 克莱·汤普森 仍然是 NBA 最顶尖的外线射手之一。汤普森预计在达拉斯与卢卡·东契奇和凯里·欧文一起打球会得到很多空位机会,他在赛季的第一周并没有失望。在独行侠 3-1 开局期间,他场均出手 11 次三分球,命中率高达 45.5%,场均得分 19.7 分。汤普森表示他决心“摆脱‘我不再是曾经的防守者’的观念”,而且他在防守端的开局也很强劲。本赛季汤普森在场时,独行侠的防守效率为 112.7(他不在场时为 101.9)。 – 麦克马洪
- 明尼苏达森林狼队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 7
- 下一场比赛: vs. DEN (11 月 1 日), @ SA (11 月 2 日), vs. CHA (11 月 4 日)
狼队只用了两场比赛就看到了 朱利叶斯·兰德尔(Julius Randle) 与全明星安东尼·爱德华兹搭档的潜力。上周四对阵国王的比赛中,兰德尔 17 投 13 中得到 33 分,与爱德华兹一起成为狼队历史上第一对在一场比赛中都得到 30 分和 5 记三分球的队友。兰德尔与爱德华兹之间的化学反应将是明尼苏达在没有卡尔-安东尼·唐斯的情况下,试图复制上赛季成功的关键。 – 贾马尔·科利尔
- 洛杉矶湖人队
- 2024-25 战绩: 3-1
- 先前排名: 15
- 下一场比赛: @ CLE (10 月 30 日), @ TOR (11 月 1 日), @ DET (11 月 4 日)
JJ·雷迪克 执教生涯 3-0 的开局令人鼓舞——成为自 2010 年菲尔·杰克逊以来第一位以如此佳绩开始赛季的湖人队教练——但他对湖人队首败的回应可能更能说明问题。“如果要吹毛求疵,那可能是我,”雷迪克在湖人队周一以 109-105 输给菲尼克斯队,未能保住 18 分的领先优势后说道。“我认为这是我们所有人的责任,而不仅仅是他,”安东尼·戴维斯为雷迪克辩护说。他补充说,失利是整个球队的责任,并指出他们都“非常生气”。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 菲尼克斯太阳队
- 2024-25 战绩: 3-1
- 先前排名: 8
- 下一场比赛: @ LAC (10 月 31 日), vs. POR (11 月 2 日), vs. PHI (11 月 4 日)
在上赛季尝试让德文·布克和布拉德利·比尔担任控球后卫之后,菲尼克斯在休赛期以一年 330 万美元的廉价合同签下了 泰斯·琼斯(Tyus Jones) 来打这个位置。在赛季初期,这位 28 岁的杜克大学出品的球员表现出色,场均得到 10.0 分,投篮命中率为 48.5%(三分球命中率为 37.5%),同时在助攻(6.0 次)和抢断(1.8 次)方面均排在联盟前 20 名。 – 麦克梅纳明
- 纽约尼克斯队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-2
- 先前排名: 3
- 下一场比赛: @ MIA (10 月 30 日), @ DET (11 月 1 日), @ HOU (11 月 4 日)
我们可以列举卡梅隆·佩恩等球员的替补贡献,甚至是新秀替补中锋阿里埃尔·胡克波蒂,他在纽约有两名大个子球员(普雷舍斯·阿丘瓦和米切尔·罗宾逊)受伤的情况下发挥了作用。但 卡尔-安东尼·唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns)和米卡尔·布里奇斯(Mikal Bridges) ——三场比赛场均合计得到 34 分和 19 个篮板——始终将是这支球队中最具影响力的新援。他们与队友的融合程度可能会决定尼克斯能否打进东部决赛甚至更远。 – 克里斯·赫林
- 孟菲斯灰熊队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 11
- 下一场比赛: vs. BKN (10月 30 日), vs. MIL (10 月 31 日), @ PHI (11 月 2 日), @ BKN (11 月 4 日)
贾伦·杰克逊的季前赛腿筋受伤(现在已经回到阵容中)为中锋 杰伊·哈夫(Jay Huff) 提供了一个机会——他抓住了这个机会。这位四年级中锋之前曾在湖人队、奇才队和掘金队效力,周一他获得了一份新的四年标准合同。哈夫当然配得上这份合同,他场均得到 12.3 分、3.0 个篮板和 1.8 次盖帽,三分球命中率高达 58.8%。周六对阵奥兰多的比赛中,哈夫得到了职业生涯最高的 18 分。2021 年落选的哈夫似乎是又一个孟菲斯培养的成功故事,他将成为前场伤病情况下的保险。 – 迈克尔·莱特
- 奥兰多魔术队
- 2024-25 战绩: 3-1
- 先前排名: 13
- 下一场比赛: @ CHI (10 月 30 日), @ CLE (11 月 1 日), @ DAL (11 月 3 日), @ OKC (11 月 4 日)
肯塔维奥斯·考德威尔-波普(Kentavious Caldwell-Pope) 的进攻数据并没有很突出,但在保罗·班凯罗砍下 50 分之后,他的进攻数据并不是最重要的。魔术队目前在联盟防守效率排名第八,而考德威尔-波普在防守端的贡献,比如盯防对手最强硬的进攻球员,已经带领奥兰多取得了 3-1 的开局。这正是魔术队在休赛期从掘金队得到这位 12 年老将时所设想的。也许他最大的影响可以从他离开后 1-2 的掘金队身上看出来。 – 肯德拉·安德鲁斯
- 金州勇士队
- 2024-25 战绩: 3-1
- 先前排名: 14
- 下一场比赛: vs. NO (10 月 30 日), @ HOU (11 月 2 日), @ WAS (11 月 4 日)
勇士队引进了 巴迪·希尔德(Buddy Hield) ,以帮助弥补克莱·汤普森前往达拉斯后球队的得分损失。到目前为止,他已经为勇士队提供了他们一直想要的替补得分火力。在本赛季的前四场比赛中,希尔德场均得到 19 分,投篮命中率和三分球命中率均为 52%。在勇士队的首秀中,他在 15 分钟内得到 22 分并命中 5 记三分球,接下来的比赛中,他在 20 分钟内得到 27 分并命中 7 记三分球,对阵鹈鹕的比赛中,他以 28 分领衔全队,三分球命中率高达 63.6%。由于本周安德鲁·维金斯和德安东尼·梅尔顿的背伤,以及斯蒂芬·库里的脚踝扭伤,勇士队将需要更多地依靠希尔德的表现。 – 安德鲁斯
- 费城 76 人队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-2
- 先前排名: 5
- 下一场比赛: vs. DET (10 月 30 日), vs. MEM (11 月 2 日), @ PHX (11 月 4 日)
安德烈·德拉蒙德(Andre Drummond) 今年夏天来到费城,他知道自己作为乔尔·恩比德的主要替补将获得大量的上场时间。现在,随着恩比德因膝伤继续缺席,德拉蒙德立即拥有了他想要的所有时间。这位 13 年的老将在费城的前三场比赛中场均得到 10 分和 13 个篮板。 – 邦坦普斯
- 丹佛掘金队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 4
- 下一场比赛: @ MIN (11 月 1 日), vs. UTAH (11 月 2 日), vs. TOR (11 月 4 日)
对于 拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook) 来说,前两场比赛很艰难。休赛期加盟掘金队带领替补席的威斯布鲁克在前两场输给雷霆队和快船队的比赛中 18 投 2 中,其中三分球 9 投 1 中。但掘金队引进威斯布鲁克并不是为了他的投篮——尽管他们可能需要它。相反,威斯布鲁克带来了能量、篮板、节奏和防守。在输给雷霆队的比赛中,他得到 5 个篮板和 5 次助攻。在对阵猛龙队的加时赛胜利中,威斯布鲁克 7 投 3 中,得到 9 分、4 个篮板和 3 次助攻;在掘金队战胜篮网队的加时赛中,他得到了赛季最高的 22 分。尽管如此,掘金队仍然需要一些时间来磨合,克里斯蒂安·布劳恩成为全职首发,而佩顿·沃森和朱利安·斯特劳瑟则扮演更重要的替补角色。 – 奥姆·扬米苏克
- 密尔沃基雄鹿队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-3
- 先前排名: 9
- 下一场比赛: @ MEM (10 月 31 日), vs. CLE (11 月 2 日), @ CLE (11 月 4 日)
在球队对阵费城的赛季揭幕战中, 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent Jr.) 承担了防守控球后卫泰瑞斯·马克西的任务,并且出色地完成了任务。密尔沃基的防守将马克西的得分限制在 31 投 25 分,而特伦特自己也贡献了 11 分,帮助雄鹿队取得了胜利。然而,这是他们本赛季唯一的胜利,他们在输给公牛队、篮网队和凯尔特人队的比赛中难以重现揭幕战的表现。 – 科利尔
- 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 16
- 下一场比赛: @ GS (10 月 30 日), vs. IND (11 月 1 日), vs. ATL (11 月 3 日), vs. POR (11 月 4 日)
尽管投篮挣扎(15 投 4 中), 德章泰·穆雷(Dejounte Murray) 在鹈鹕队揭幕战胜利中,在锡安·威廉姆森因病缺席的情况下,带动了球队的进攻,他在新奥尔良的首秀中差两个篮板就拿到三双。唉,那是我们最后一次看到穆雷在场上,因为左手骨折需要手术,他将缺席 4 到 6 周。在没有穆雷和新近续约的特雷·墨菲三世(腿筋拉伤缺席)的情况下,新奥尔良周末在波特兰的两场比赛中净负 20 分。 – 凯文·佩尔顿
- 洛杉矶快船队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-1
- 先前排名: 20
- 下一场比赛: vs. POR (10 月 30 日), vs. PHX (10 月 31 日), vs. OKC (11 月 2 日), vs. SA (11 月 4 日)
杰夫·范甘迪(Jeff Van Gundy) 在上赛季担任波士顿的顾问后,加入快船队担任泰伦·卢的首席助理教练。范甘迪的影响是巨大的,快船队的防守在本赛季初期造成了巨大的破坏。随着德里克·琼斯和克里斯·邓恩等新防守球员的加入,他们成为了卢所说的“封锁角”,快船队将对手的得分限制在每场 108 分,排名联盟第六。在揭幕战加时输给太阳队之后,快船队在科怀·伦纳德(膝盖)无限期缺席的情况下,在丹佛和金州取得了胜利。“我们知道快船队的防守会非常出色,”勇士队教练史蒂夫·科尔说。“他们给我们施加了很大的压力,赛后的录像分析并不好看。” – 扬米苏克
- 印第安纳步行者队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-3
- 先前排名: 12
- 下一场比赛: vs. BOS (10 月 30 日), @ NO (11 月 1 日), @ DAL (11 月 4 日)
对于 詹姆斯·怀斯曼(James Wiseman) 来说,这是一场不幸的印第安纳首秀,在赛季揭幕战中出场五分钟得到六分后,他的跟腱撕裂了。怀斯曼在季前赛中表现出色,场均得到 8.5 分,并且积极抢篮板。怀斯曼将是一个年轻的步行者队非常想念的球员,这支球队开局不佳。 – 科利尔
- 迈阿密热火队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-1
- 先前排名: 18
- 下一场比赛: vs. NYK (10 月 30 日), @ WAS (11 月 2 日), vs. SAC (11 月 4 日)
另一支保留了大部分球员的球队,迈阿密最引人注目的新援是中锋 凯莱尔·威尔(Kel’el Ware) 。这位 20 岁的 7 英尺高的球员是 6 月份选秀大会的第 15 顺位新秀,目前只打了一场比赛。威尔在夏季联赛中展现出了一些希望,他获得了四次两双——包括总决赛中的一次。从长远来看,如果事情按照热火队希望的方向发展,他将是迈阿密前场巴姆·阿德巴约身边一个运动能力强、引人入胜的搭档。 – 邦坦普斯
- 萨克拉门托国王队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 17
- 下一场比赛: @ ATL (11 月 1 日), @ TOR (11 月 2 日), @ MIA (11 月 4 日)
德玛尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan) 荣幸地点亮了国王队本赛季的第一束灯光,这是理所当然的。他在萨克拉门托的前三场比赛中场均得到 24 分,场均 9.3 次罚球尝试使他目前排名前 10。更重要的是,他为球队更衣室带来了不可替代的老将经验和领导力,球队认为这是在迈克·布朗教练执教的两个赛季中所缺少的。 – 安德鲁斯
- 亚特兰大老鹰队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 22
- 下一场比赛: @ WAS (10 月 30 日), vs. SAC (11 月 1 日), @ NO (11 月 3 日), vs. BOS (11 月 4 日)
在将德章泰·穆雷交易到鹈鹕队后, 戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels) 为亚特兰大提供了急需的后场防守,与明星控球后卫特雷·杨并肩作战。老鹰队换来的,除了其他东西之外,还有丹尼尔斯,他在四场比赛中以场均 7 次干扰球领先 NBA。除了场均近 13 分和 50% 的投篮命中率外,他几乎满足了亚特兰大目前为止的所有要求。 – 赫林
- 休斯顿火箭队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 19
- 下一场比赛: @ DAL (10 月 31 日), vs. GS (11 月 2 日), vs. NYK (11 月 4 日)
前锋 塔里·伊森(Tari Eason) 并不是新人,但他在上赛季出场 22 场比赛后,就因为左胫骨良性增生而缺席了 2023-24 赛季的剩余比赛。在他缩短的第二个赛季之前,伊森在新秀赛季出场了 82 场比赛。上周五对阵孟菲斯的比赛中,伊森贡献了赛季最高的 13 分,并且在前四场比赛中抢断了 10 次。伊森在比赛中展现出了教练伊梅·乌多卡想要的防守直觉、强度和多功能性。乌多卡承认伊森有时会冒险,但这有时会让他吃亏,但由于他的技术特点,乌多卡愿意接受这一点。 – 莱特
- 芝加哥公牛队
- 2024-25 战绩: 2-2
- 先前排名: 23
- 下一场比赛: vs. ORL (10 月 30 日), @ BKN (11 月 1 日), vs. UTAH (11 月 4 日)
公牛队多年来一直表达了希望加快比赛节奏的愿望,而他们以 约什·吉迪(Josh Giddey) 为首的新阵容终于在本赛季开始在攻防转换中奔跑起来。芝加哥拥有 NBA 第一的节奏,并且在周一战胜孟菲斯的比赛中追平了球队单场三分球出手次数的纪录。吉迪帮助保持了进攻的流畅性——场均得到 14.3 分、6.0 次助攻和 7.8 个篮板,三分球命中率为 46%。 – 科利尔
- 圣安东尼奥马刺队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-2
- 先前排名: 21
- 下一场比赛: @ OKC (10 月 30 日), @ UTAH (10 月 31 日), vs. MIN (11 月 2 日), @ LAC (11 月 4 日)
替补控球后卫特雷·琼斯的受伤导致了乐透秀新秀 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 上场时间的增加,他在防守端的稳健表现增强了球队对他的信心。周六对阵火箭队的比赛中,卡斯尔出场了赛季最高的 27 分钟,并贡献了 2 次抢断和 1 次盖帽,以及 8 分。教练组对卡斯尔的成熟度、身体素质和比赛节奏赞不绝口。此外,他正在向未来的名人堂成员克里斯·保罗学习如何打控球后卫,这对他很有帮助。 – 莱特
- 夏洛特黄蜂队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-2
- 先前排名: 25
- 下一场比赛: vs. TOR (10 月 30 日), vs. BOS (11 月 1 日), vs. BOS (11 月 2 日), @ MIN (11 月 4 日)
一年级教练 查尔斯·李(Charles Lee) 用他的缩写 MIG——“最重要的人”——在训练营中向他的球员明确表示,防守将是重中之重。他说,在任何特定时刻,他最重要的人就是防守持球人的那个人。到目前为止,夏洛特在防守端做得更好,在有效投篮命中率方面排名第七,比上赛季的第 29 名有了巨大的进步。另一个值得注意的提升是:黄蜂队到目前为止的防守篮板球能力处于联盟中游水平,而上赛季他们在这一类别中的百分比排名第 24 位。 – 赫林
- 多伦多猛龙队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-3
- 先前排名: 24
- 下一场比赛: @ CHA (10 月 30 日), vs. LAL (11 月 1 日), vs. SAC (11 月 2 日), @ DEN (11 月 4 日)
一年级前锋 乔纳森·莫格博(Jonathan Kuminga) 在替补席上的机会中填满了数据表,就像他在旧金山大学时一样,在猛龙队唯一一场胜利(对阵费城)中,他得到了 12 分、9 个篮板、5 次助攻、3 次盖帽和 2 次抢断。由于首发控球后卫伊曼纽尔·奎克利因骨盆挫伤缺席了过去三场比赛,新援戴维恩·米切尔和二轮秀贾马尔·希德场均合计得到 16.5 分和 9.8 次助攻,但失误次数很高(场均 5.8 次),而且得分效率不如奎克利。 – 佩尔顿
- 布鲁克林篮网队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-3
- 先前排名: 28
- 下一场比赛: vs. MEM (10 月 30 日), vs. CHI (11 月 1 日), vs. DET (11 月 3 日), vs. MEM (11 月 4 日)
周日晚上,在球队战胜雄鹿队之后,布鲁克林的球员们在更衣室里用水和佳得乐淋浴了教练 霍尔迪·费尔南德斯(Jordi Fernandez) ,这是费尔南德斯 NBA 执教生涯的第一场胜利。这不是一个球迷或球队期待很多胜利的赛季。(如果说有什么不同的话,那就是输球对篮网队更有利,这样他们就可以利用明年选秀大会上预计会很高的乐透签位。)但保持竞争力,养成正确的习惯,并像周日那样赢得一些胜利,将对布鲁克林的重建产生奇妙的影响。 – 赫林
- 波特兰开拓者队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-3
- 先前排名: 29
- 下一场比赛: @ LAC (10 月 30 日), vs. OKC (11 月 1 日), @ PHX (11 月 2 日), @ NO (11 月 4 日)
新秀中锋 多诺万·克林根(Donovan Clingan) 正在充分利用他在德安德烈·艾顿身后有限的角色,在他场均 13 分钟的上场时间里贡献了 2.0 次盖帽和 2.3 个进攻篮板。在至少出场 50 分钟的球员中,克林根的篮板率为 20%,排名第三,而他的盖帽率为 14.5%,排名 NBA 第一。自从揭幕战惨败给勇士队之后,开拓者队看起来有所进步,尽管新援德尼·阿夫迪亚的三分球命中率很低(15 投 1 中,6.7%)。 – 佩尔顿
- 底特律活塞队
- 2024-25 战绩: 0-4
- 先前排名: 27
- 下一场比赛: @ PHI (10 月 30 日), vs. NYK (11 月 1 日), @ BKN (11 月 3 日), vs. LAL (11 月 4 日)
随着另一位新援托比亚斯·哈里斯开局缓慢,老将后卫 蒂姆·哈达威(Tim Hardaway Jr.) 为活塞队的首发阵容提供了所需的投篮空间。哈达威以 48% 的命中率投中了全队最高的 11 记三分球,为底特律的年轻后卫组合凯德·坎宁安和杰登·艾维场均合计得到 47.3 分打开了局面。尽管活塞队 0-4 开局,但他们在面对艰难的早期赛程时一直保持着竞争力,所有四场比赛——加上接下来的两场——都是对阵 2024 年东部季后赛球队。底特律的失分都没有超过 12 分。 – 佩尔顿
- 犹他爵士队
- 2024-25 战绩: 0-4
- 先前排名: 26
- 下一场比赛: vs. SA (10 月 31 日), @ DEN (11 月 2 日), @ CHI (11 月 4 日)
科迪·威廉姆斯(Cody Williams) 是爵士队三位新秀中唯一一位获得大量上场时间的球员,随着他适应 NBA 比赛的速度,他的开局很慢。这位 10 号秀和俄克拉荷马城球星杰伦·威廉姆斯的弟弟,这位新秀前锋在爵士队 0-4 开局期间场均出场 20 分钟,得到 2.0 分和 3.7 个篮板,投篮命中率为 18.2%。但爵士队对这位身高 6 英尺 7 英寸、体重 190 磅的年轻球员的潜力感到兴奋,因为他对比赛的感觉和运动能力都非常出色。 – 麦克马洪
- 华盛顿奇才队
- 2024-25 战绩: 1-2
- 先前排名: 30
- 下一场比赛: vs. ATL (10 月 30 日), vs. MIA (11 月 2 日), vs. GS (11 月 4 日)
本赛季所有的目光都将集中在榜眼秀亚历山大·萨尔身上——这位新秀在华盛顿的前三场比赛中都贡献了两次盖帽。但 14 号秀巴布·卡灵顿(Bub Carrington)可能会提供更多的进攻火力。在奇才队本赛季的第一场胜利(对阵亚特兰大)中,卡灵顿替补出场得到 13 分。奇才队希望这位身高 6 英尺 4 英寸的后卫能成为他们的意外收获,他在过去两场比赛中得分上双,三分球 8 投 5 中。这位新秀也无所畏惧,经常看到他对对手喋喋不休。华盛顿在又一个重建赛季中将需要所有的战斗力。 – 扬米苏克
点击查看原文:NBA Power Rankings - Best newcomers and where all 30 teams stack up early
NBA Power Rankings - Best newcomers and where all 30 teams stack up early
We’re a little over a week into the 2024-25 NBA season and a lot has happened since the preseason.
The Boston Celtics are already looking like the front-runners in the East after a dominant performance against the New York Knicks on opening night that was highlighted by raising their 18th championship banner and a barrage of league-tying 3-pointers.
In the West, the Oklahoma City Thunder have started out hot, led by MVP contender Shai Gilgeous-Alexander while the 2023 NBA champion Denver Nuggets are already falling short of expectations behind reigning MVP Nikola Jokic.
In addition to our weekly rankings, our NBA insiders chose a newcomer – defined by a rookie, offseason addition or new coach – who has made an impact already for each team. From JJ Redick’s coaching debut in Los Angeles to Klay Thompson’s revitalized 3-point shooting in Dallas, these are the 30 players and coaches who impressed in the first week of the season.
Note: Team rankings are based on where members of our panel (ESPN’s Kendra Andrews, Tim Bontemps, Jamal Collier, Michael Wright, Tim MacMahon, Dave McMenamin, Ohm Youngmisuk, Chris Herring and Kevin Pelton) think teams belong this season.
Previous rankings: Preseason
Jump to a team:\
NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\
1. Boston Celtics
- 2024-25 record: 4-0
- Previous ranking: 1
- Next games: @ IND (Oct. 30), @ CHA (Nov. 1), @ CHA (Nov. 1), @ ATL (Nov. 4)
In a sign of how much continuity the defending champions have had from last season to this season, there is only one option for a “newcomer” on the roster: rookie guard Baylor Scheierman, who played eight minutes against Washington last week but otherwise has been a spectator. It was noteworthy that Monday night against the Bucks, with Sam Hauser hurt, coach Joe Mazzulla chose to go with second-year forward Jordan Walsh over Scheierman in the first half. – Tim Bontemps
2. Oklahoma City Thunder
- 2024-25 record: 3-0
- Previous ranking: 2
- Next games: vs. SA (Oct. 30), @ POR (Nov. 1), @ LAC (Nov. 2), vs. ORL (Nov. 4)
Though center Isaiah Hartenstein’s Thunder debut will be delayed at least a month because of a broken left hand, guard Alex Caruso has fit seamlessly with Oklahoma City’s second unit. Caruso has scored a total of only five points during the Thunder’s 3-0 start, but he has made exactly the kind of major impact that was anticipated when acquired in a summer trade for Josh Giddey. Caruso, an All-Defensive selection the past two seasons, has averaged 1.7 steals and 1.3 blocks in 20.7 minutes. The Thunder have given up only 84.2 points per 100 possessions with Caruso on the court. He has a plus-29.0 net rating, the best of Oklahoma City’s rotation players. – Tim MacMahon
3. Cleveland Cavaliers
- 2024-25 record: 4-0
- Previous ranking: 10
- Next games: vs. LAL (Oct. 30), vs. ORL (Nov. 1), @ MIL (Nov. 2), vs. MIL (Nov. 4)
Ty Jerome isn’t technically a newcomer, having signed in the summer of 2023, but it feels as if he is. Jerome played in only the Cavs’ first two games last season before sitting out the rest of 2023-24 because of an ankle injury. Through Cleveland’s 4-0 start, the 6-foot-5 guard has made the most of his spot in coach Kenny Atkinson’s 10-man rotation, averaging 10.8 points (on 62.5% shooting and 50% from 3), 3.3 assists and 1.5 steals in 14.3 minutes. Cleveland is the seventh team to hold Jerome’s rights since he was drafted in 2019. Maybe he has finally found a home. – Dave McMenamin
4. Dallas Mavericks
- 2024-25 record: 3-1
- Previous ranking: 6
- Next games: vs. HOU (Oct. 31), vs. ORL (Nov. 3), vs. IND (Nov. 4)
Klay Thompson continues to be one of the NBA’s premier perimeter shooters after the amicable separation with his Splash Brother, Stephen Curry. Thompson anticipated getting a lot of good looks playing alongside Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving in Dallas, and he hasn’t been disappointed during the first week of the season. He shot 45.5% from 3-point range on 11 attempts per game during the Mavs’ 3-1 start, averaging 19.7 points. Thompson has stated his determination “to get rid of that notion that I’m not the same defender as I once was,” and he’s also off to a strong start on that end of the court. The Mavs have a 112.7 defensive efficiency with Thompson on the court this season (101.9 when he is off). – MacMahon
5. Minnesota Timberwolves
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 7
- Next games: vs. DEN (Nov. 1), @ SA (Nov. 2), vs. CHA (Nov. 4)
It took only two games for the Wolves to see the potential behind pairing Julius Randle with All-Star Anthony Edwards. Randle scored 33 points on 13-of-17 shooting against the Kings last Thursday, joining Edwards as the first pair of Wolves teammates with 30 points and five 3s in a game. Randle’s chemistry with Edwards will be key for Minnesota as it attempts to repeat the success of last season with a roster without Karl-Anthony Towns. – Jamal Collier
6. Los Angeles Lakers
- 2024-25 record: 3-1
- Previous ranking: 15
- Next games: @ CLE (Oct. 30), @ TOR (Nov. 1), @ DET (Nov. 4)
As encouraging as the 3-0 start to JJ Redick’s coaching career was – becoming the first Lakers coach since Phil Jackson in 2010 to start a season that well – his response to L.A.'s first loss might have been an even bigger indicator of success. “If there’s one thing to nitpick, it’s probably me,” Redick said after the Lakers failed to protect an 18-point lead in Monday’s 109-105 loss to Phoenix. “I think it’s on all of us, not just him,” Anthony Davis said defending Redick. He added the loss fell on the entire team but noted they were all “pretty pissed.” – McMenamin
7. Phoenix Suns
- 2024-25 record: 3-1
- Previous ranking: 8
- Next games: @ LAC (Oct. 31), vs. POR (Nov. 2), vs. PHI (Nov. 4)
After trying out Devin Booker and Bradley Beal as point guards at times last season, Phoenix signed Tyus Jones to a bargain one-year, $3.3 million deal in the offseason to play the position. In the early going, the 28-year-old Duke product is producing, averaging 10.0 points on 48.5% shooting (37.5% from 3), while ranking in the top 20 in the league in both assists (6.0) and steals (1.8). – McMenamin
8. New York Knicks
- 2024-25 record: 1-2
- Previous ranking: 3
- Next games: @ MIA (Oct. 30), @ DET (Nov. 1), @ HOU (Nov. 4)
We could cite the bench contributions of someone such as Cameron Payne or even rookie backup center Ariel Hukporti, who has been useful with New York having two injured big men (Precious Achiuwa and Mitchell Robinson) on the roster. But Karl-Anthony Towns and Mikal Bridges – averaging a combined 34 points and 19 boards through three games – were always going to be the most impactful newcomers with this group. How they gel with their teammates probably will dictate whether the Knicks can make a run to the conference finals and beyond. – Chris Herring
9. Memphis Grizzlies
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 11
- Next games: vs. BKN (Oct. 30), vs. MIL (Oct. 31), @ PHI (Nov. 2), @ BKN (Nov. 4)
A preseason hamstring injury to Jaren Jackson Jr., who has now returned to the lineup, provided center Jay Huff an opportunity – and he ran with it. Having spent time previously with the Lakers, Wizards and Nuggets, the fourth-year center received an upgrade Monday to a new four-year standard contract. Huff certainly earned it, averaging 12.3 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.8 blocks while connecting on 58.8% from 3-point range. Huff scored a career-high 18 points Saturday against Orlando. Undrafted in 2021, Huff appears to be yet another Memphis development success story that will serve as insurance in case of frontcourt injuries. – Michael Wright
10. Orlando Magic
- 2024-25 record: 3-1
- Previous ranking: 13
- Next games: @ CHI (Oct. 30), @ CLE (Nov. 1), @ DAL (Nov. 3), @ OKC (Nov. 4)
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope’s offensive numbers aren’t popping off of the page, but his offensive production is not top of mind after a 50-point performance from Paolo Banchero. The Magic are currently eighth in the league in defense and Caldwell-Pope’s contributions on that end, such as taking on the opponents’ toughest offensive player, has led Orlando to its 3-1 start. It’s exactly what the Magic envisioned from the 12th-year veteran when they acquired him in the offseason from the Nuggets. Perhaps his biggest impact can be seen in the void he left on the 1-2 Nuggets. – Kendra Andrews
11. Golden State Warriors
- 2024-25 record: 3-1
- Previous ranking: 14
- Next games: vs. NO (Oct. 30), @ HOU (Nov. 2), @ WAS (Nov. 4)
The Warriors acquired Buddy Hield in an effort to help replace the scoring they lost when Klay Thompson left for Dallas. So far, he’s given the Warriors the scoring boost off the bench they’ve been wanting. Through his first four games of the season, Hield is averaging 19 points per game and is shooting 52% from both the floor and beyond the 3-point arc. He scored 22 points and hit five 3s in 15 minutes in his Warriors debut, followed that up with 27 points and seven 3s in 20 minutes in his next game out against Utah and led the team with 28 points against the Pelicans and shot 63.6% from 3. With this week’s rash of ailments affecting Andrew Wiggins and De’Anthony Melton (back injuries), as well as Stephen Curry’s ankle sprain, the Warriors will need to lean more on Hield’s production. – Andrews
12. Philadelphia 76ers
- 2024-25 record: 1-2
- Previous ranking: 5
- Next games: vs. DET (Oct. 30), vs. MEM (Nov. 2), @ PHX (Nov. 4)
Andre Drummond came to Philadelphia this summer knowing that he would get plenty of playing time as the primary backup for Joel Embiid. And now, with Embiid’s continued absence with a knee injury, it turns out Drummond instantly has all the time he could ask for. The 13-year veteran is averaging 10 points and 13 rebounds through Philadelphia’s first three games. – Bontemps
13. Denver Nuggets
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 4
- Next games: @ MIN (Nov. 1), vs. UTAH (Nov. 2), vs. TOR (Nov. 4)
It was a rough first two games for Russell Westbrook. Added in the offseason to lead the bench, Westbrook shot 2-for-18, including 1-for-9 from 3, in the first two losses of the season to the Thunder and Clippers. But the Nuggets didn’t bring on Westbrook for his shooting – though they might need it. Instead, Westbrook brings energy, rebounding, pace and defense. He had five rebounds and five assists in their loss to the Thunder. In the overtime win at Toronto, Westbrook went 3-for-7 with nine points, four rebounds and three assists and had a season-high 22 points in the Nuggets’ overtime win against the Nets. Still, it will take some time for this Nuggets team to mesh with Christian Braun being full-time starter, and Peyton Watson and Julian Strawther playing bigger bench roles. – Ohm Youngmisuk
14. Milwaukee Bucks
- 2024-25 record: 1-3
- Previous ranking: 9
- Next games: @ MEM (Oct. 31), vs. CLE (Nov. 2), @ CLE (Nov. 4)
In the team’s season opener against Philadelphia, Gary Trent Jr. took on the assignment of guarding point guard Tyrese Maxey and was up to the task. Milwaukee’s defense held Maxey to 25 points on 31 shots while Trent added 11 points himself, helping lead the Bucks to a win. It’s their only victory of the season, however, and they’ve struggled to recapture their opening night performance in losses to the Bulls, Nets and Celtics. – Collier
15. New Orleans Pelicans
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 16
- Next games: @ GS (Oct. 30), vs. IND (Nov. 1), vs. ATL (Nov. 3), vs. POR (Nov. 4)
Despite struggling with his shooting (4-of-15), Dejounte Murray powered a Pelicans offense temporarily without Zion Williamson due to illness in their opening win, coming within two rebounds of a triple-double in his debut in New Orleans. Alas, that was the last time we’ll see Murray on the court for a while, as a broken bone in his left hand required surgery and will sideline him 4-to-6 weeks. Without Murray and newly extended Trey Murphy III, sidelined by a hamstring strain, New Orleans was outscored by 20 points in a two-game split in Portland over the weekend. – Kevin Pelton
16. LA Clippers
- 2024-25 record: 2-1
- Previous ranking: 20
- Next games: vs. POR (Oct. 30), vs. PHX (Oct. 31), vs. OKC (Nov. 2), vs. SA (Nov. 4)
Jeff Van Gundy joined the Clippers as Ty Lue’s lead assistant after serving as a consultant last season with Boston. Van Gundy’s impact has been massive, with the Clippers’ defense wreaking havoc early this season. With new defensive acquisitions such as Derrick Jones Jr. and Kris Dunn acting as what Lue describes as shutdown corners, the Clippers have held opponents to a sixth-best 108 points per game. After their disappointing overtime loss to the Suns on opening night, the Clippers won at Denver and Golden State with Kawhi Leonard (knee) out indefinitely. “We knew the Clippers were going to be excellent defensively,” Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. “They put a lot of pressure on us, and the film [afterward] was not pretty.” – Youngmisuk
17. Indiana Pacers
- 2024-25 record: 1-3
- Previous ranking: 12
- Next games: vs. BOS (Oct. 30), @ NO (Nov. 1), @ DAL (Nov. 4)
It was an unfortunate Indiana debut for James Wiseman, scoring six points in five minutes during the season opener before tearing his Achilles. Wiseman was impressive in the preseason, averaging 8.5 points per game and getting to the boards. Wiseman will be a sorely missed component to a young Pacers roster that is struggling out the gate. – Collier
18. Miami Heat
- 2024-25 record: 2-1
- Previous ranking: 18
- Next games: vs. NYK (Oct. 30), @ WAS (Nov. 2), vs. SAC (Nov. 4)
Another team that has most of its players back, the most notable newcomer to Miami is center Kel’el Ware. The 20-year-old 7-footer was the 15th pick in June’s draft who (so far) has only played in one game. Ware showed signs of promise during summer league where he had four double-doubles – including one in the title game. Long-term, though, he’s an athletic, intriguing fit next to Bam Adebayo in Miami’s frontcourt – if things go the way the Heat hope they will. – Bontemps
19. Sacramento Kings
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 17
- Next games: @ ATL (Nov. 1), @ TOR (Nov. 2), @ MIA (Nov. 4)
DeMar DeRozan had the honor of lighting the Kings’ first beam of the season Monday, and rightfully so. He averaged 24 points in his first three games with Sacramento, and his 9.3 free throw attempts per game has him in the top 10 so far. More than that, he’s brought an irreplaceable sense of veteran presence and leadership to a locker room the team feels it has lacked the two seasons under coach Mike Brown. – Andrews
20. Atlanta Hawks
- 2024-25 record: 2–2
- Previous ranking: 22
- Next games: @ WAS (Oct. 30), vs. SAC (Nov. 1), @ NO (Nov. 3), vs. BOS (Nov. 4)
Dyson Daniels has given Atlanta a much-needed backcourt defender alongside star floor general Trae Young after moving Dejounte Murray to the Pelicans. What the Hawks got in exchange, among other things, was Daniels, who through four games leads the NBA in deflections with seven per game. Along with his nearly 13 points per game and his 50% mark from the field, he’s been just about everything Atlanta could have asked for so far. – Herring
21. Houston Rockets
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 19
- Next games: @ DAL (Oct. 31), vs. GS (Nov. 2), vs. NYK (Nov. 4)
Forward Tari Eason isn’t a newcomer, but he played in 22 games last season before sitting out the rest of 2023-24 with a benign growth on his left shinbone. That abbreviated sophomore season came after Eason played 82 games as a rookie. Eason contributed a season-high 13 points last Friday against Memphis, and he has snagged 10 steals in his first four games. Eason plays with the defensive instincts, intensity and versatility that coach Ime Udoka wants. Udoka admits Eason takes chances that sometimes get him burned, but Udoka is willing to live with that because of his skill set. – Wright
22. Chicago Bulls
- 2024-25 record: 2-2
- Previous ranking: 23
- Next games: vs. ORL (Oct. 30), @ BKN (Nov. 1), vs. UTAH (Nov. 4)
The Bulls have expressed a desire to play faster for years, and their new-look roster, headlined by Josh Giddey, finally is running in transition to start the season. Chicago has the No.1 pace in the NBA and tied the franchise record for 3-point attempts in a single game in Monday’s win against Memphis. Giddey has helped keep the offense going – averaging 14.3 points, 6.0 assists and 7.8 rebounds and shooting 46% from 3. – Collier
23. San Antonio Spurs
- 2024-25 record: 1-2
- Previous ranking: 21
- Next games: @ OKC (Oct. 30), @ UTAH (Oct. 31), vs. MIN (Nov. 2), @ LAC (Nov. 4)
An injury to reserve point guard Tre Jones has led to increased minutes for rookie lottery pick Stephon Castle, who has only reinforced the team’s confidence in him with solid performances on the defensive end. Castle played a season-high 27 minutes Saturday against the Rockets and finished with two steals and a block to go with eight points. The coaching staff raves about Castle’s maturity, physicality and playing pace. Plus, it helps that he is learning to play the position from future Hall of Famer Chris Paul. – Wright
24. Charlotte Hornets
- 2024-25 record: 1-2
- Previous ranking: 25
- Next games: vs. TOR (Oct. 30), vs. BOS (Nov. 1), vs. BOS (Nov. 2), @ MIN (Nov. 4)
With his acronym MIG – “Most Important Guy” – first-year coach Charles Lee made clear to his players in training camp that defense would be a priority. Lee’s most important guy at any given moment, he said, is the one guarding the ball. So far, Charlotte has done a better job on that end of the floor, ranking seventh in effective field goal percentage allowed, a massive improvement from 29th last season. Another noteworthy uptick: The Hornets are a middle-of-the-road defensive rebounding unit so far after ranking 24th in that category on a percentage basis last season. – Herring
25. Toronto Raptors
- 2024-25 record: 1-3
- Previous ranking: 24
- Next games: vs. LAL (Nov. 1), vs. SAC (Nov. 2), @ DEN (Nov. 4)
First-year forward Jonathan Mogbo has stuffed the stat sheet as he did at the University of San Francisco in his opportunities off the bench, highlighted by 12 points, nine rebounds, five assists, three blocks and two steals in the Raptors’ lone win (over Philadelphia). With starting point guard Immanuel Quickley missing the last three games with a pelvic contusion, newcomer Davion Mitchell and second-round pick Jamal Shead have averaged a combined 16.5 points and 9.8 assists per game, but with high turnovers (5.8 per game) and worse efficiency as scorers than Quickley. – Pelton
26. Brooklyn Nets
- 2024-25 record: 1-3
- Previous ranking: 28
- Next games: @ MEM (Oct. 30), vs. CHI (Nov. 1), vs. DET (Nov. 3), vs. MEM (Nov. 4)
Brooklyn players showered coach Jordi Fernandez with water and Gatorade in the locker room Sunday night following the club’s victory over the Bucks, the first of Fernandez’s NBA career. It’s not a campaign in which fans or the organization are expecting a ton of wins. (If anything, it’s more beneficial for the Nets to lose and take advantage of what figures to be a high lottery pick in next year’s loaded draft.) But being competitive, building the right habits and snatching a handful of wins like Sunday’s will do wonders for Brooklyn’s rebuild. – Herring
27. Portland Trail Blazers
- 2024-25 record: 1-3
- Previous ranking: 29
- Next games: @ LAC (Oct. 30), vs. OKC (Nov. 1), @ PHX (Nov. 2), @ NO (Nov. 4)
Rookie center Donovan Clingan is making the most of his limited role behind Deandre Ayton, packing 2.0 blocks and 2.3 offensive rebounds into the 13 minutes he’s averaging per game. Among players who have seen at least 50 minutes of action, Clingan’s 20% rebound rate ranks third and his 14.5% block rate is tops in the NBA. Since a lopsided loss to the Warriors on opening night, the Blazers look improved, although veteran addition Deni Avdija has struggled to make 3s (1-of-15, 6.7%). – Pelton
28. Detroit Pistons
- 2024-25 record: 0-4
- Previous ranking: 27
- Next games: @ PHI (Oct. 30), vs. NYK (Nov. 1), @ BKN (Nov. 3), vs. LAL (Nov. 4)
With fellow newcomer Tobias Harris off to a slow start, it’s been veteran guard Tim Hardaway Jr. who has supplied needed floor spacing to the Pistons’ starting five. Hardaway has a team-best 11 3-pointers at a 48% clip, opening things up for Detroit’s young guard duo of Cade Cunningham and Jaden Ivey to average a combined 47.3 points per game. Although the Pistons are 0-4, they’ve been competitive against a difficult early schedule with all four games – plus their next two – against 2024 East playoff teams. None of Detroit’s losses has been by more than 12 points. – Pelton
29. Utah Jazz
- 2024-25 record: 0-4
- Previous ranking: 26
- Next games: vs. SA (Oct. 31), @ DEN (Nov. 2), @ CHI (Nov. 4)
Cody Williams is the only one of the Jazz’s three rookies to get significant playing time, and he’s gotten off to a slow start as he adjusts to the speed of the NBA game. The No. 10 pick and younger brother of Oklahoma City star Jalen Williams, the rookie forward averaged 2.0 points and 3.7 rebounds while shooting 18.2% from the floor in 20 minutes per game during the Jazz’s 0-4 start. But the Jazz are excited about the 6-7, 190-pound teenager’s potential due to his excellent feel for the game and athleticism. – MacMahon
30. Washington Wizards
- 2024-25 record: 1-2
- Previous ranking: 30
- Next games: vs. ATL (Oct. 30), vs. MIA (Nov. 2), vs. GS (Nov. 4)
All eyes will be on second overall pick Alexandre Sarr this season – the rookie had two blocks in each of Washington’s first three games. But the 14th pick, Bub Carrington, likely will provide more offensive punch. Carrington scored 13 points off the bench in the Wizards’ first win of the season (over Atlanta). The Wizards hope they have a steal in the 6-4 guard, who scored in double figures and went 5-of-8 on 3-pointers in the past two games. The rookie is also fearless, seen chirping at opponents. Washington will need all the fight it can get in another rebuilding season. –Youngmisuk
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