By Casey Coggins | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-29 12:59:00
在圣安东尼奥马刺队周六晚上击败休斯顿火箭队后,仅仅48小时后,火箭队卷土重来,展现出强大的攻势似乎是不可避免的。比赛开始三分钟,马刺队就以3-14落后。朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)几次三分球失手,上篮不中,以及火箭队精准的战术配合,都导致了马刺队的落后。马刺队的防守已经尽力了,但最后一分钟火箭队打出8-0的攻击波,以29-15领先结束首节。
下半场开始后,马刺队花了一些时间才开始缩小分差。第三节过半,马刺队将火箭队的得分限制在8分,其中4分来自罚球。毋庸置疑,虽然有一些艰难的时刻,但马刺队的防守在前三场比赛中确实比上赛季有所进步。马刺队在六分钟的节点再次陷入困境。在一次进攻中,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)的上篮弹筐而出后,马刺队抢下了四个进攻篮板却未能得分。在另一端,史蒂文·亚当斯(Steven Adams)的进球将火箭队的领先优势扩大到20分,此时第三节还剩3分56秒。不过,马刺队并没有放弃,当马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)在第三节结束时连续命中两个三分球后,马刺队看到了追赶的希望。
布莱克(Blake)在最后一节开始时便以一记突破扣篮得分。紧接着,马拉基又命中一记三分。在接下来的几分钟里,维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)开始发力,马拉基再次得分。第四节进行了四分钟,马刺队发现自己只落后两分,比分是88-86。不幸的是,这已经是他们最接近胜利的时刻了。两队在剩下的比赛中交替领先,但马刺队始终无法越过那道坎。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在一次三分球出手时被吹罚恶意犯规,马刺队获得六分,比赛变得更加精彩。这使得比赛在还剩35秒时变成了101-99,马刺队看到了希望。然而在火箭队的下一次进攻中,马刺队防守端的沟通失误导致弗雷德·范弗利特(Fred VanVleet)获得空位三分的机会,这基本上宣告了比赛的结束。对于一支仍在努力寻找化学反应的球队来说,这是一场勇敢的战斗,更不用说他们还缺少了球队的二号球星。
杰里米。索汉。 两次得分!
(来自维克多的妙传!)— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@ spurs) 2024年10月29日
- 大个子回归。这可能是一个马刺队的网站,但看到史蒂文·亚当斯重返球场真的很高兴。由于膝盖受伤,他上次参加NBA比赛还是在2023年1月22日。即使在数据统计上没有太多贡献,他的存在感仍然很强。他最终以全队最高的+11的正负值结束了比赛。
- 索汉保持侵略性。《比赛理论》播客的主持人萨姆·韦塞尼(Sam Vecenie) 录制了一期节目,分析了他在前两场马刺队比赛中注意到的一些事情。其中之一就是索汉的表现。他在第三场比赛中依然表现出色,拿下了全队最高的22分,外加9个篮板,并让几名火箭队球员感到沮丧。
- 杰伦·格林(Jalen Green)状态火热。格林是那种可以瞬间爆发的球员。他在第二节就做到了这一点,当时他7投5中,命中了5记三分球。这些三分球帮助火箭队在半场结束时将领先优势扩大到17分,他最终得到36分。
- 马拉基提供火花。当比赛看起来已经遥不可及时,马拉基·布拉纳姆挺身而出。他在第三节还剩1分12秒时替补出场,当时马刺队以69-85落后16分。随后,他连续两回合命中三分,并在进入第四节前将分差缩小到12分。这些投篮给球队和观众带来的能量是显而易见的。为马拉基时刻准备着点赞。
马刺队将首次离开德克萨斯州,挑战雷霆队。我们都知道这意味着文班将对决切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)。
点击查看原文:Spurs almost shake off a rough first three quarters but come up short
Spurs almost shake off a rough first three quarters but come up short
Turnovers and a slow start made the Spurs’ comeback attempt a little too tough
After the kind of effort the San Antonio Spurs put forth Saturday night to beat the Houston Rockets, it seemed inevitable the Rockets would come out strong when the two faced off again 48 hours later. Three minutes into the game, the Spurs found themselves trailing 14-3. A couple missed open Julian Champagnie three balls, missed layups, and a Rockets team operating with precision accounted for the deficit. The Spurs defense did its best until an 8-0 run in the final minute gave the Rockets a 29-15 lead.
The second quarter was a little better, but the Spurs were unable to cut into the deficit at all before halftime. They’d make a couple plays, the lead would get down to 11, and then the Rockets would answer right back to keep the Spurs well at arm’s length. It really did seem like a Freaky Friday version of the previous game, even down to the halftime score. Saturday night, the Spurs went into the locker room leading 62-41. Tonight, they were down 62-45.
It took a little time coming out of half, but the Spurs started chipping away at the lead. Midway through the quarter, the Spurs had limited the Rockets to eight points, four of which were free throws. Needless to say, while there have been some rough patches, it does seem like the Spurs defense has improved from last season through three games. The six-minute mark is when the wheels fell off a bit for the Spurs. In one possession, the Spurs collected four offensive rebounds and failed to score after Jeremy Sochan’s layup bounced off the rim. A Steven Adams bucket on the other end pushed the Rocket’s lead to 20 with 3:56 left in the third. The Spurs kept at it, though, and when Malaki Branham connected on two three-point attempts to close the quarter, the Spurs were within striking distance.
Blake started the scoring in the final frame with a driving dunk baseline. The next time down, Malaki nailed yet another three. Over the next couple minutes, Victor Wembanyama would enter the party and Malaki would score again. Four minutes into the fourth, the Spurs found themselves trailing by a mere two points, 88-86. Unfortunately, that’s as close as it would get. The two teams would go back and forth the rest of the game, but the Spurs just couldn’t get over the hump. It did get interesting when a flagrant foul was called on a Chris Paul three, which ended in a six-point possession from the Spurs. That made it a 101-99 game with 35 seconds remaining, and hope sprang eternal. On the Rockets next possession, a miscommunication on defense led to a wide open Fred VanVleet three, which basically put the game to bed. It was a valiant effort for a team still trying to find its footing together, not to mention is still missing their second-best player.
Play of the game
There ended up being more candidates, but as alluded to above, the Wemby to Sochan pick-and-roll at the foul line needs to be a thing moving forward.
(with that oooop from Victor!)— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 29, 2024
Game Notes
- The return of Big Kiwi. This may be a Spurs site, but it was truly nice to see Steven Adams back on the court. Tonight was his first NBA game since January 22, 2023, due to a knee injury. His presence was felt even without contributing a ton on the box score. He ended the game as a team high +11.
- Sochan stays aggressive. Sam Vecenie of Game Theory Podcast recorded an episode going a game tape breakdown of a few things he’s noticed. One of which was how Sochan had played over the first two Spurs games. It was no different in game three as he scored a team-high 22 points, added nine rebounds, and made a few Rockets upset.
- Jalen Green heats up. Green is the kind of player who can get it going in a hurry. That’s just what he did in the second quarter, when he hit five of his seven total three pointers. Those threes helped push the Rockets lead to 17 at half, and he would end the game with 36 points.
- Malaki provides a spark. When it seemed like the game had gotten just too far out of reach for a feasible Spurs comeback, enter Malaki Branham. He entered the game with 1:12 left in the third quarter when the Spurs were down 16, 85-69. He then drained three pointers on back-to-back possessions and made it a 12-point game going into the fourth. The energy those shots brought out of the team and crowd could be felt. Props to Malaki for staying ready.
Next Game: at Oklahoma City on Wednesday
The Spurs leave Texas for the first time to face the Thunder. Which we all know means Wemby vs. Chet Holmgren
By Casey Coggins, via Pounding The Rock