By Elizabeth L. T. Moore, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-10-27 16:18:44
周六,在马刺主场弗罗斯特银行中心对阵火箭队的比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) (1号) 在休斯顿火箭队后卫里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard) (15号) 的防守下接球。马刺队以109-106击败了火箭队。
这具12 英尺高的家得宝骷髅经过用户 kingjku11 的巧妙改造,摇身一变成为了这位身高 7 英尺 3 英寸的 NBA reigning 最佳新秀。
周六,这段吉普车的视频被发布到 X(前身为推特)上,视频中吉普车装饰着小型骷髅、骷髅贴纸和一面美国国旗。视频一经发布便迅速走红,目前已获得 3.9 万次观看和 1000 多个赞。
“我看到了,”发布者 @SpursSixthMan 说,他的同伴说:“快发给我。”
然后,发布者 shouted道:“是文班!”
一具巨大的@ 文班 骷髅
在圣安东尼奥南部游荡!#Spurs #GoSpursGo #SpursFamily #aliens #wemby
— 马克·伯内特 (Mark Burnett) (@ SpursSixthMan) 2024年10月26日
这辆车的幕后策划者 @Roxya28 或 kingjku11 在视频中评论道:“嘿嘿嘿,那是我!!!!#gospursgo”。
“我喜欢这里,”评论者 @prod_w_attitude 说。
“永远不要改变南部。永远不要,”另一位网友 @MoNSpringBranch 说。
另一位网友 @QueenRuHa 带着一个大笑的表情写道:“所以那是他的新车——蒂姆说服他买了一辆吉普车,”他指的是退役的马刺球员蒂姆·邓肯。
kingjku11 周六发布了一段 TikTok 视频,展示了骷髅文班 吉普车,背景音乐是国王凯尔·李演唱的《Go Spurs Go》。
点击查看原文:Giant Wemby skeleton spotted cruising San Antonio's South Side
Giant Wemby skeleton spotted cruising San Antonio’s South Side
San Antonio Spurs forward Victor Wembanyama (1) catches a pass while being defended by Houston Rockets guard Reed Sheppard (15) during the first half of their NBA home opener with the Rockets at the Frost Bank Center on Saturday. The Spurs beat the Rockets 109-106.
Spotted on the South Side: Wemby in the afterlife?
A giant skeleton wearing a Wemby shirt to resemble San Antonio Spurs star Victor Wembanyama was riding around the back of Jeep this weekend, just in time for Halloween.
A 12-foot Home Depot skeleton was transformed into the 7-foot-3 reigning NBA rookie of the year with the creative work of user kingjku11.
A video of the the Jeep — decked-out with smaller skeletons, skeleton decals and an American flag — was posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) on Saturday and has already generated 39,000 views and more than 1,000 likes.
“I got it,” said poster @SpursSixthMan, with his companion saying “Send it to me.”
The poster then shouted: “It’s Wemby!”
A giant @ wemby Skeleton
rolling on the Southside of San Antonio! #Spurs #GoSpursGo #SpursFamily #aliens #wemby
— Mark Burnett (@ SpursSixthMan) October 26, 2024
The mastermind behind the ride commented on the video: “Heyyyyyy THATS ME!!! #gospursgo” said @Roxya28 or kingjku11.
“I love it here,” said one commenter, @prod_w_attitude.
“Never change Southside. Never change,” said another, @MoNSpringBranch.
Another commenter wrote, with a laughing emoji: “so that’s his new ride — Timmy talked him into a Jeep,” wrote @QueenRuHa, likely referring to retired Spurs player Tim Duncan.
Kingjku11 posted a TikTok Saturday showing off the skeleton Wemby Jeep set to the song “Go Spurs Go” by King Kyle Lee.
By Elizabeth L. T. Moore, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News