[PtR] 马刺战胜火箭,比赛火药味十足 ▶️

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-28 00:01:34


休斯顿火箭 vs 圣安东尼奥马刺


圣安东尼奥马刺队与休斯顿火箭队的竞争在过去两年重新燃起。在经历了几个赛季两队都无法威胁季后赛席位后,这两支球队都取得了进步,提高了比赛的赌注。一系列事件(包括状元秀庆祝被马刺队选中而不是火箭队)导致这两支球队在球场上的对抗更加激烈。在周六晚上的比赛前,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)开玩笑地表示要火上浇油。

从今晚开始,马刺队将在接下来的12天里与休斯顿火箭队交手三次。杰里米·索汉对即将到来的比赛和竞争的看法?绝对精彩。#Spurs #Rockets #NBA #RedNation #ClutchCity #RunAsOne #GoSpursGo pic.twitter.com/IDP6SrToF8

— SpursRΞPORT (@ SpursReporter) 2024年10月26日

比赛开始后,两队剑拔弩张。与输给达拉斯独行侠队的比赛相比,马刺队本场比赛发挥出色,并在最后时刻守住优势,以109-106击败火箭队,取得赛季首胜。维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)表现出色,得到29分、7个篮板和3次盖帽。最大的看点之一可能是他在第三节和狄龙·布鲁克斯(Dillon Brooks)之间发生的事情。

狄龙·布鲁克斯和文班 pic.twitter.com/96HwNDkOri

— NBA on ESPN (@ ESPNNBA) 2024年10月27日


精彩瞬间 pic.twitter.com/0UuSvSSvii

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日

两队开场后都手感火热,在第一节你来我往地投进三分球。这一幕是马刺队在半场结束时取得巨大领先的关键。文班亚马出色的篮筐防守,以及二次进攻中出色的球权转移,让朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)获得空位三分的机会,他本场比赛得到12分。


— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日

文班亚马开场就火力全开。在对阵达拉斯的首场比赛中表现令人失望后,他从跳球开始就全神贯注,完全统治了与阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun)的对位。这些后撤步跳投看起来比上赛季更加流畅。


维克多·文班亚马太不可思议了 pic.twitter.com/pyvkPO8NXf

— NBA on ESPN (@ ESPNNBA) 2024年10月27日


我的天哪,文班亚马:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/mEzHVPg4qT

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日



第三节结束 | 马刺 87,火箭 69 pic.twitter.com/ygsF0gHa35

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日

文班亚马在周六的比赛中展现了他的全部实力。这记压哨后撤步跳投展现了他高超的脚步移动和平衡能力,即使面对前马刺球员乔克·兰代尔(Jock Landale)的防守也是如此。

终结比赛。 pic.twitter.com/4sQU8BfzEF

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日


斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)。 pic.twitter.com/CNSvmwIKz4

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日

马刺队可能又收获了一名优秀的球员。斯蒂芬·卡斯尔在本场比赛中出场时间很长,表现令人印象深刻。他得到8分、3次助攻和2次抢断。不是每个人都知道卡斯尔有一定的弹跳能力,但阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson)在这记隔人扣篮后很快就吸取了教训。

再来一个,谢谢! pic.twitter.com/5yWBbvG2y8

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日

卡斯尔的场上视野给我留下了深刻的印象。他已经非常擅长在传球或空中接力中找到空位的队友。在这里,他面对包夹保持冷静,找到了空位的哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes),后者命中三分。

抓住他 pic.twitter.com/7uw3iOOr9K

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日


太棒了! pic.twitter.com/EvolEv0n9c

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日

凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)替补出场,得到16分和8个篮板,为球队提供了得分火力。这位前锋在马刺队昨晚的快节奏比赛中表现出色。当他快速反击并利用自己的力量和终结能力得分时,他的状态最好。


— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日


强壮的身体:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/FtaC3vj5yM

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日



: 17分、12个篮板、3次助攻 pic.twitter.com/fSUFumdW7q

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2024年10月27日



点击查看原文:Things get chippy in the Spurs win against the Rockets

Things get chippy in the Spurs win against the Rockets

Houston Rockets v San Antonio Spurs

Highlights from the Spurs first win of the season.

The San Antonio Spurs-Houston Rockets rivalry has been reignited in the last two years. After a few seasons of neither team being a threat to make the playoffs, these two teams have improved, raising the stakes of the matchup. A series of events (including a number one pick celebrating being drafted by the Spurs over the Rockets) have led to these two teams getting even more chippy on the court. Before Saturday night’s game, Jeremy Sochan jokingly leaned into fueling the flames.

Starting tonight, the Spurs are set to clash with the Houston Rockets three times in the next dozen days. Jeremy Sochan’s take on the upcoming games and the rivalry? Absolute gold. #Spurs #Rockets #NBA #RedNation #ClutchCity #RunAsOne #GoSpursGo pic.twitter.com/IDP6SrToF8

— SpursRΞPORT (@ SpursReporter) October 26, 2024

Come game time, these two teams were ready to battle. The Spurs played a much improved game compared to their loss to the Dallas Mavericks, and held on late for their first victory of the season, defeating the Rockets 109-106. Victor Wembanyama was dominant putting up 29 points, 7 rebounds and 3 blocks. One of the biggest stories may be what happened to he and Dillon Brooks in the third quarter.

DILLON BROOKS AND WEMBY pic.twitter.com/96HwNDkOri

— NBA on ESPN (@ ESPNNBA) October 27, 2024

Brooks tries to go for the steal, Wembanyama loses footing and goes to the floor, and a mob ensues. Brooks has a long track record of physical play. He’s not afraid to be the bad guy and he sure was one to the fans at the Frost Bank Center. Outside of the dust-up, it was a fairly normal, competitive game from these two Western Conference foes.

this sequence pic.twitter.com/0UuSvSSvii

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Both teams were red hot from three to start the game. They traded deep shots throughout the first quarter. This play is indicative of the breakneck pace the Spurs rode to a big lead come half time. Good rim deterrence by Wembanyama, then great ball movement on the secondary break leading to an open three from Julian Champagnie, who had 12 points in the win.

Pull up…
SPLASH pic.twitter.com/dnqimlKdcR

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Wembanayama came out of the gates firing. After a disappointing opener against Dallas, he was locked in from tip off and really owned the matchup against Alperen Sengun. These pull-up jumpers look even smoother than last season.


Victor Wembanyama is UNREAL pic.twitter.com/pyvkPO8NXf

— NBA on ESPN (@ ESPNNBA) October 27, 2024

I mean he’s just casually nailing pull-ups from the logo. A 7-foot-5 player hitting pull-ups. from. the. logo. Crazy.

OH MAMA WEMBANYAMA​:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/mEzHVPg4qT

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Pairing that range with the ability to do this in the post is what makes Wembanyama so special. The defense has to respect the fake to the middle because he is so hard to contest. Wemby gets the defender off his feet, then steps through, covering insane distance for the dunk.


END Q3 | SAS 87, HOU 69 pic.twitter.com/ygsF0gHa35

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Wembanyama got deep into his bag on Saturday. This step-back jumper at the buzzer showed off supreme footwork and balance, even in the face of a decent contest by former Spur Jock Landale.

Finished it. pic.twitter.com/4sQU8BfzEF

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

This play shows Wembanyama doing it all. He finds the cutter, and cleans up the miss on the contested layup with a put back slam.

STEPH. CASTLE. pic.twitter.com/CNSvmwIKz4

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

The Spurs may have another good rookie on their hands. Stephon Castle played big minutes in the win and had an impressive game. He finished with 8 points, 3 assists and 2 steals. Not everyone knows that Castle has some vertical pop, but Amen Thompson learned quickly on the losing end of this poster.

another one, thank you! pic.twitter.com/5yWBbvG2y8

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

I’ve been impressed with Castle’s floor vision overall. He’s already so adept at finding open players on cross court passes or dump offs. Here he maintains poise in the face of the double team and finds and open Harrison Barnes for the three.

got eeeeeem pic.twitter.com/7uw3iOOr9K

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

As Castle continues to mature as an NBA player, he will give the Spurs a solid pick and roll ball-handler and a guard/wing who can provide rim pressure. He’s patient and can explode to the rim with strength within a moment.

Yessir! pic.twitter.com/EvolEv0n9c

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Keldon Johnson provided a scoring pop of the bench with 16 points and 8 rebounds. The forward really thrives in the up-tempo game the Spurs played last night. He’s at his best when he’s getting out on the break and using his strength and finishing ability to make plays.


— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Exhibit A.

BIG B0DY​:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/FtaC3vj5yM

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Exhibit B.

Double-double night for Jeremy!

: 17 PTS, 12 REB, 3 AST pic.twitter.com/fSUFumdW7q

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) October 27, 2024

Jeremy Sochan faced scrutiny all summer for his play last year. A point guard experiment and learning to play next to Wembanyama led to an uneven year. He’s come out of the gates really strong this season with a double-double on Saturday. Sochan had 17 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals. He competes his tail off and has been effective as a cutter and finisher around the basket. His development will be key to the Spurs success this season.

Check out full highlights from the Spurs win below.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock