[PtR] 圣安东尼奥马刺 vs. 休斯顿火箭,最终比分:马刺队在惊险的揭幕战中以 109-106 险胜火箭队

马刺 vs 火箭 109 - 106 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-27 11:21:59


NBA: Houston Rockets at San Antonio Spurs


马刺队 (1-1) 在主场迎战火箭队 (1-2) 的比赛中,顶住了客队在整个第四节的猛烈反击,以 109-106 的比分惊险取胜。圣安东尼奥马刺队打出了一波 20-3 的进攻高潮,其顽强的防守是自 2010 年代以来从未见过的,并且像往常一样在进攻端分享球权(前 24 次投篮中有 15 次助攻,全场 39 次投篮中有 23 次助攻),在上半场取得了 21 分的领先优势,并在下半场需要所有这些缓冲才能取得来之不易的胜利。

杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)(17 分、12 个篮板和 2 次抢断)在本赛季初的第二场比赛中表现出色,而维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)(29 分、7 个篮板和 3 次盖帽)在球队最需要的时候扛起了球队。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)(16 分和 8 个篮板)的坚持和勇气在下半场保住了圣安东尼奥马刺队的领先优势,而经验丰富的克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)(9 次助攻)与文班亚马的配合也相得益彰。

休斯顿火箭队的杰伦·格林(Jalen Green)(29 分和 5 次助攻,最近刚签下一份续约合同)是球队今晚最耀眼的球星。圣安东尼奥马刺队火热的上半场成功地限制了狄龙·布鲁克斯(Dillon Brooks)(16 分)的发挥,但他在下半场造成了相当大的破坏,而火箭队的其他重要球员,弗雷德·范弗利特(Fred Van Vleet)(18 分和 7 次助攻)和阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun)(6 分和 5 个篮板)则相对沉寂。

在第一节比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队在进攻端占据了优势,而休斯顿火箭队则用首发球员的一连串三分球予以还击,紧咬比分。索汉(10 分)和文班亚马(6 分)的表现尤为突出,而休斯顿火箭队则凭借几记三分球避免了比赛过早失去悬念。马刺队在 12 分钟的努力后,以 7 分的优势领先结束第一节。

马刺队在第二节出现了一些非受迫失误,让休斯顿火箭队得分。随后,圣安东尼奥马刺队稳扎稳打,在扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)的两记罚球的推动下打出了一波 13-0 的攻击波,同时让火箭队在长达 9 分钟的时间里一分未得。索汉似乎出现在每一个有球的地方。保罗给文班亚马的两记空中接力让休斯顿火箭队陷入困境,马刺队带着 62-41 的比分进入中场休息。

圣安东尼奥马刺队在第三节比赛中陷入困境,让休斯顿火箭队迅速将比分差距缩小了一半。当进攻端背叛他们时,他们继续在防守端和篮板上展现自己的实力。凯尔登·约翰逊利用他野蛮的冲击篮筐得到了一些关键的得分,并稳住了马刺队。在圣安东尼奥马刺队阻止了火箭队的反扑后,文班亚马(7 分)重新展现了他的进攻才华,将比分改写为 87-69 结束第三节。

观察 :

  • 圣安东尼奥马刺队在休斯顿火箭队的第一次进攻中就逼迫对手出现失误!#进步
  • 在重温了周四的比赛后,我认为雷吉·米勒(Reggie Miller)仍然不能正确地说出维克托的姓。
  • 什么是马刺队版本的弗雷迪·弗里曼(Freddie Freeman)的再见满贯?是马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)在 2014 年对阵克里斯·波什(Chris Bosh)的扣篮?还是罗杰·梅森(Roger Mason)在 2008 年圣诞大战中的制胜三分?
  • 令人鼓舞的是,在上半场,扎克·科林斯背身单打比他矮的防守球员,完成了一次漂亮的 lay-up。
  • 当比赛在上半场末段陷入僵局时,圣安东尼奥马刺队在防守端顽强拼搏,争抢每一个地板球——并赢得了其中相当一部分——尤其是在休斯顿火箭队 9 分钟的得分荒期间。
  • 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)的二次进攻意识被低估了——在上半场开始阶段,他跟进了一个错失的投篮,并在防守球员反应过来之前将球补进。
  • 维克托的轻松写意 : 在第二节开始时,他做出了凯文·麦克海尔(Kevin McHale)的梦幻脚步,并在距离篮筐大约 9 英尺的地方伸展双臂完成扣篮。普通人只会在玩 Nerf 篮球的时候才会这样做。
  • 新奥尔良时期克里斯·保罗的影子 : 在第一节比赛激动人心的过程中,他用一个精妙的口袋传球助攻索汉完成了一次杂耍般的 lay-in。
  • 比赛精彩瞬间 #1 : 在比赛开始后不久,阿尔佩伦·申京试图在文班亚马面前完成一次软弱的 lay-up,但被后者无情地拒绝,这让尚帕尼在转换进攻中命中一记漂亮的三分。
  • 考虑到他们共事的时间之长,比尔·兰德(Bill Land)选择在肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliott)的球衣退役仪式上退休真是太合适了!
  • 比赛精彩瞬间 #2 : 在第二节比赛开始后不久,文班亚马在右侧低位要到位置,接到传球后助攻空切的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)完成得分,埃利奥特只能将其形容为“凶猛的终结”。
  • 休斯顿火箭队的新秀里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard)已经留起了浓密的胡须。
  • 双方在第一节比赛中都打得很努力,文班亚马命中了一记logo三分,并破坏了申京的几次进攻尝试。范弗利特则凭借两记三分球帮助客队以 5 投 4 中的成绩开局,而文班亚马也在很远的地方命中了两记三分。保罗的后撤步三分球帮助圣安东尼奥马刺队领先 7 分,申京则沮丧地摊开双手。休斯顿火箭队的 6 记三分球帮助他们紧咬比分。布莱克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)在第一节比赛中获得了一些上场时间,他助攻凯尔登·约翰逊在底角命中三分,并在一次进攻中助攻空切的索汉完成 lay-up。随后,他在一次突破中冷静地完成了得分。圣安东尼奥马刺队以 38-31 领先结束第一节。
  • 马刺队在进攻端出现两次失误,并将领先优势缩小了一半。马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)凭借娴熟的控球和投篮,带领球队打出一波 6-0 的攻击波。两队的进攻效率在比赛中期都出现了问题,直到尚帕尼试图隔扣申京并获得罚球。哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)的侧翼三分球将比分改写为 53-38。保罗给文班亚马的两记空中接力(我在打字的时候都在笑)帮助马刺队将领先优势扩大到 22 分。格林的三分球结束了休斯顿火箭队 9 分 6 秒的得分荒,但他们带着 21 分的劣势进入中场休息。
  • 圣安东尼奥马刺队的致命弱点——第三节——再次出现,休斯顿火箭队通过强硬的身体对抗和制造失误打出一波 7-0 的攻击波。布鲁克斯和文班亚马纠缠在一起,尽管布鲁克斯使出了他惯用的伎俩,但最终还是被吹罚了一次跳球违例。巴恩斯以一记强硬的传统三加一为球队首开纪录。申京的三分和罚球帮助火箭队将比分差距缩小到 11 分。卡斯尔-索汉-科林斯-约翰逊的阵容在一定程度上遏制了火箭队的势头。约翰逊两次冲击篮筐,完成了两次艰难的 lay-up。卡斯尔完成了一次高难度的突破得分,这会让马努·吉诺比利感到骄傲。文班亚马在一次进攻中先是用后撤步跳投得分(模仿德克·诺维茨基(Dirk Nowitzki)),然后造成对手犯规,两罚一中,将比分改写为 83-65。尽管在比赛初期打出了一波攻击波,但在文班亚马 buzzer-beater 式的后撤步跳投命中后,休斯顿火箭队仍然带着 18 分的劣势进入第四节。
  • 范弗利特和布鲁克斯的三分球吹响了休斯顿火箭队第四节反击的号角。范弗利特的三分和凯姆·惠特莫尔(Cam Whitmore)的转换进攻 lay-up 帮助火箭队将比分差距缩小到 7 分。尚帕尼差点出现失误,但他抢到一个地板球后完成 lay-up。格林的突破 lay-up 将比分改写为 95-90。文班亚马的双手暴扣被布鲁克斯的 fadeaway 跳投还以颜色。布鲁克斯和格林的 lay-up 将比分差距缩小到 2 分。文班亚马的两记罚球被格林高难度的 2+1 抵消。
  • 在最后的 100 秒里,休斯顿火箭队有几次机会反超比分——但他们连续出现失误和进攻违例。文班亚马的两记罚球帮助球队将领先优势扩大到 3 分。保罗——做着多年来他经常对马刺球迷做的事情——在布鲁克斯三分不中的情况下,助攻弱侧的索汉完成了一次关键的得分。布鲁克斯随后命中三分,而卡斯尔的进攻则被封盖。贾巴里·史密斯(Jabari Smith)连续两次跳投不中。在文班亚马出现失误后,格林的传球在转换进攻中被惠特莫尔错过。
  • 在比赛的最后关头,罚球线在比赛结果中扮演了重要的角色。新秀卡斯尔令人印象深刻地两罚全中。在格林轻松完成 lay-up 后,约翰逊两罚全中。范弗利特的 lay-up 被卡斯尔的一记罚球抵消。格林最后时刻的三分出手偏出,圣安东尼奥马刺队终于松了一口气。

想了解火箭球迷的看法,请访问 The Dream Shake .

两队将于美国中部时间周一晚上 7:00 在圣安东尼奥再次交锋。

点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Houston, Final Score: Spurs edge Rockets 109-106 in thrilling opener

San Antonio vs. Houston, Final Score: Spurs edge Rockets 109-106 in thrilling opener

NBA: Houston Rockets at San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio secures victory from the free throw line after Houston’s furious comeback in the fourth.

The Spurs (1-1), in their home opener against the Rockets (1-2), held off a rally from the visitors that lasted the entire fourth quarter and won in heart-stopping fashion 109-106. San Antonio leveraged a 20-3 run, pairing dogged defense not seen in these parts since the 2010s, and its usual sharing of the ball on offense (15 assists on their first 24 field goals and 23 of 39 overall) to go up 21 at the half before needing all of that cushion in the second half to secure a hard-earned triumph.

Jeremy Sochan (17 points, 12 rebounds and 2 steals) had his second productive outing to start the young season, while Victor Wembanyama (29 points, 7 rebounds, and 3 blocks) carried his team when it mattered the most. Keldon Johnson’s (16 points and 8 rebounds) persistence and grit preserved the San Antonio lead in the second half, and journeyman Chris Paul (9 assists) worked well with Wembanyama in tandem.

Houston’s Jalen Green (29 points and 5 assists, having signed a recent contract extension, was the team’s brightest star tonight. San Antonio’s hot first half managed to keep Dillon (16 points) Brooks from being more of an irritant, but he did quite a bit of damage in the second half, and the Rockets’ other important contributors, Fred Van Vleet (18 points and 7 assists) and Alperen Sengun (6 points and 5 rebounds) were relatively muted.

While San Antonio had its way on the offensive end of an exciting first quarter, the Rockets countered with a flurry of threes from their starters to keep themselves close. Sochan (10 points) and Wembanyama (6 points), in particular, stood out brightest for the hosts, while Houston kept prevented a blowout with a handful of threes. A workmanlike 12 minutes of effort netted the Spurs a seven point lead after one.

The Spurs committed some unforced turnovers in the second quarter to cede points to Houston. San Antonio then slowly but surely mounted an 13-0 run punctuated by Zach Collins free throws - while keeping the Rockets off the scoreboard for what turned out to be a whopping nine minutes. Sochan seemingly was everywhere there was a loose ball or a carom. A pair of lobs from Paul to Wembanyama put Houston in a hole, and the Spurs went to the break up 62-41.

San Antonio struggled in the third period - allowing the Rockets to quickly slice that deficit in half. When the offense betrayed them, they continued to assert themselves defensively and on the boards. Keldon Johnson used his brutish drives to the rim to get some crucial buckets and stabilize the Spurs. After San Antonio stopped the comeback in its tracks, Wembanyama (7 points) resumed showing off his offensive repertoire to make it an 87-69 game after three.


  • San Antonio forced a turnover on Houston’s first possession! #progress
  • After re-watching Thursday’s game, I think Reggie Miller still can’t pronounce Victor’s last name correctly.
  • What would be the Spurs’ equivalent of Freddie Freeman’s walkoff grandslam? Manu Ginobili’s dunk on Bosh in 2014? Roger Mason’s game-winning three on Christmas Day in 2008?
  • Encouragingly in the first half, Zach Collins backed down his shorter defender for a nice lay-up.
  • When the action ground down to a slog late in the opening half, San Antonio gutted out defensive possessions and scrapped for loose balls - winning a fair amount of them - especially during Houston’s nine minute scoring drought.
  • Julian Champagnie has an underrated second bounce - following a miss and tapping the ball back in before his defender could gather himself early in the first half.
  • Victor Ease: At the start of the second, he executed the Kevin McHale up-and-under move and extended his arms for a dunk from about nine feet out. Normal humans do these on Nerf hoops.
  • Shades of Chris Paul - New Orleans version: Midway through an exciting first frame, he led Sochan with a nify pocket pass for an acrobatic lay-in.
  • Sequence of the Game #1: In some briskly action from the tip, Alperen Sengun attempted a meek lay-up on Wembanyama and was summarily turned away, which allowed Champagnie to step into a pretty three in transition.
  • It was really appropriate, given how long they worked together, for Bill Land to retire with Sean Elliott’s jersey number!
  • Sequence of the Game #2: Early in the second, Wembanyama re-posted himself on the right block and found a slashing Stephon Castle for what Elliott could only describe as a “ferocious finish.”
  • Houston rookie Reed Sheppard already has a well-defined mid-season beard going.
  • The teams went hard at each other throughout the first stanza with Wembanyama hitting a logo three and disrupting several Sengun attempts. Van Vleet had a pair of threes to pace the visitors’ 4-for-5 start, while Wembanyama had two of his own from really really far. Paul’s stepback three put San Antonio up seven, and Sengun threw his hands up in disgust. Houston’s six threes kept them close. Blake Wesley received some first quarter minutes and found Keldon Johnson for a corner three and in traffic to a cutting Sochan for a lay-up. He then cooled his jets on a drive to get himself a well-earned bucket. San Antonio left the first up 38-31.
  • The Spurs committed two turnovers on the offensive end and gave back half of their lead. Malaki Branham sparked a 6-0 run in response with deft handling and shooting. Both teams’ execution went awry over a number of possessions midway until Champagnie tried to slam dunk Sengun into the floor and earned free throws. Harrison Barnes’ wing three made it 53-38. Paul’s pair of lobs (I’m beaming as I type this) to Wembanyama extended the Spurs’ lead to 22. Green’s three ended a 9 minute 6 second drought for Houston, but they went into the half down 21.
  • San Antonio’s achilles heel - the third quarter - reared its head again, as Houston forged a 7-0 run by being physical and forcing turnovers. Brooks and Wembanyama got tied up, which resulted in a jumpball despite Brooks engaging in his typical nonsense. Barnes started the scoring with a tough traditional 3-point play. Sengun’s three and free throw trimmed the deficit to 11. A Castle-Sochan-Collins-Johnson line-up stemmed the tide somewhat. Johnson attacked the rim twice to net two tough layups. Castle converted a difficult drive that would have made Manu Ginobili proud. Wembanyama paired a stepback (a la Dirk) and an and-1 to make it 83-65. Despite their early run, Houston still left the third down 18 after Wembanyama’s audacious buzzer-beating stepback.
  • Van Vleet and Brooks’ threes kickstarted Houston’s fourth quarter comeback. Van Vleet’s three and Cam Whitmore’s transition layup brought the Rockets within seven. Champagnie nearly gave possession away, but scooped up a loose ball to get a lay-up. Green’s knifing layup made it 95-90. Wembanyama’s tip-dunk was answered by a Brooks fadeaway. Brooks and Green’s layups made it a two point game. Wembanyama’s freebies were answered by an air-defying and-1 by Green.
  • In the final 100 seconds, Houston had several chances to take the lead - turning it over and suffering a shot clock violation in succession. Wembanyama’s free throws pushed his team’s to three. Paul punished Brooks’ missed three by - doing something he’s done so many times to Spurs fans over the years - finding Sochan weakside for a key crunchtime bucket. Brooks hit the next three, and Castle was turned away at the rim. Jabari Smith missed two straight jumpers. After a Wembanyama turnover, Green’s pass eluded Whitmore in transition.
  • With the game on the line, the free throw stripe figured prominently into the outcome. The rookie Castle impressively hit both free throws. After Green’s easy lay-in, Johnson connected on both of his free throws. Van Vleet’s lay-up was answered by Castle’s one free throw. Green’s straightaway three fell off to the left, and San Antonio breathed a sigh of relief.

For the Rockets fan’s perspective, please visit The Dream Shake.

The two combatants face off again in San Antonio on Monday night at 7:00 PM CDT.

By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock