[ESPN] 2024-25 赛季 NBA 球馆排名 - 北岸花园球馆、麦迪逊广场花园等 ▶️

By ESPN Staff | ESPN, 2024-10-23 20:00:00



加州,英格尔伍德 – 詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)从未像上周一那样描述过一场季前赛。

“这里太棒了,”哈登说。“屏幕、球迷、座位上的灯光 – 这将是我们美好赛季的开始。我只是对这栋建筑的整体氛围感到兴奋。我认为洛杉矶的市民也对此感到兴奋。”

从竞技场中最大的双面环形屏幕到“The Wall”座位区,以及为无缝球迷体验而设计的尖端技术,史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)斥资 20 亿美元打造的球馆已准备好迎接 NBA 第 79 个赛季的盛大亮相。

“很多人都在为洛杉矶人民倾尽全力打造这座球馆,”Halo 体育娱乐公司首席执行官吉莉安·扎克(Gillian Zucker)说。“我们希望他们会喜欢。


虽然凭借环形屏幕和球迷体验,Intuit 球馆承诺将展现比迄今为止在音乐会和两场季前赛中更多的东西,但联盟第 30 座球馆的加入已经引起了球迷、球队和媒体的极大兴趣。

在快船队 Intuit 球馆常规赛首秀之前,我们对 29 座 NBA 球馆进行了排名,从新奥尔良鹈鹕队的冰沙国王中心到洛杉矶湖人队的 Crypto.com 球馆。

我们要求我们的 NBA 内部人士在四个类别中对每个球馆进行 1-5 分的评分:交通/位置、餐饮/特许经营、便利设施和整体球迷体验。我们对这些分数进行平均,得出每个球馆的最终排名。

根据 NBA 内部人士提供的独立研究和信息,以下是 2024-25 赛季 NBA 球馆排名,从高到低,帮助你计划本赛季的下一次观赛之旅。

– Ohm Youngmisuk

亚特兰大老鹰队 | 波士顿凯尔特人队 | 布鲁克林篮网队 | 夏洛特黄蜂队 | 芝加哥公牛队 | 克利夫兰骑士队
达拉斯独行侠队 | 丹佛掘金队 | 底特律活塞队 | 金州勇士队 | 休斯顿火箭队 | 印第安纳步行者队
洛杉矶快船队 | 洛杉矶湖人队 | 孟菲斯灰熊队 | 迈阿密热火队 | 密尔沃基雄鹿队 | 明尼苏达森林狼队
新奥尔良鹈鹕队 | 纽约尼克斯队 | 俄克拉荷马雷霆队 | 奥兰多魔术队 | 费城 76 人队 | 菲尼克斯太阳队
波特兰开拓者队 | 萨克拉门托国王队 | 圣安东尼奥马刺队 | 多伦多猛龙队 | 犹他爵士队 | 华盛顿奇才队

1. 黄金 1 号中心,萨克拉门托国王队

位置: 加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托
容量: 17,608
开馆年份: 2016

小市场,顶级球馆。联盟中可能没有比黄金 1 号中心更被低估的球馆了。它没有 2022 年关闭的 Arco 球馆的怀旧感,但它以一流的食物、便利设施和球迷体验弥补了这一点。这座球馆在我们所有四个类别中均排名前五,并在交通和位置类别中排名第一,因此在我们的排名中位居榜首。球馆位于市中心,周围环绕着餐厅,球馆内的餐饮选择也值得一提。球馆内的当地餐厅和啤酒厂 90% 的食材来自球馆 150 英里半径范围内,甚至还有一个专门的咖啡吧,可以在深夜比赛期间为球迷提供能量。国王队的球迷被称为“牛铃王国”,是联盟中最响亮的球迷群体之一,这也是他们在球迷体验类别中排名第五的原因。我们不要忘记球馆最鲜明的特征:国王队每赢一场比赛,建筑物顶部就会亮起标志性的紫色光束。

凯瑞·埃德蒙森 - 美国今日体育

2. 麦迪逊广场花园,纽约尼克斯队

位置: 纽约
容量: 19,812
开馆年份: 1968

麦迪逊广场花园是篮球的圣地,作为 NBA 最古老的球馆,这里充满了历史。传奇的吸音天花板、标志性的风琴音乐以及热情洋溢的纽约球迷群体,只是麦迪逊广场花园在球迷体验类别中排名第一的几个原因。斯派克·李(Spike Lee)和本·斯蒂勒(Ben Stiller)等尼克斯队的忠实球迷经常与名人一起坐在场边座位上,为纽约的夜生活增添了一份魅力。“世界最著名的竞技场”位于西半球最繁忙的交通设施之一宾夕法尼亚车站上方,在交通和位置类别中排名第二。麦迪逊广场花园是纽约经典美食的故乡,比如塞满熏牛肉的三明治,甚至还有 5 磅重的热狗,在餐饮和特许经营类别中排名第四。作为美国最繁忙的旅游城市之一,麦迪逊广场花园是纽约不容错过的景点。

(照片由 Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE 通过 Getty Images 提供)

3. 大通中心,金州勇士队

位置: 加利福尼亚州旧金山
容量: 18,064
开馆年份: 2019

虽然它永远无法复制奥克兰甲骨文球馆的记忆和氛围,但这座耗资 14 亿美元、位于旧金山湾边的大通中心也不负众望。首先,球馆的餐饮(包括 NBA 第一家完全以植物为基础的餐厅,以及其他湾区主食)在我们餐饮/特许经营和便利设施的排名中均位居榜首。此外,通过与 Adobe 的合作,大通中心艺术收藏馆在球馆周围展出了 87 件原创艺术品(包括一件斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)吃爆米花的艺术品)和 250 张照片。位于旧金山市中心,可以欣赏到海湾大桥的景色,“Dub Nation”在整体球迷体验类别中排名第八。尽管在两个类别中名列前茅,但勇士队的球馆在交通/位置类别中排名垫底(总排名第 23 位),最终使金州勇士队的主场排名第三。

凯尔·特拉达 - 美国今日体育

4. 北岸花园球馆,波士顿凯尔特人队

位置: 波士顿
容量: 19,600
开馆年份: 1995

从标志性的镶木地板到头顶上 18 面总冠军旗帜,北岸花园球馆的每一个细节都增添了凯尔特人队不可否认的主场优势。这支凯尔特人队的主场经历了稳固的升级,但独特而经典的氛围依然存在。波士顿球迷群体在球迷体验类别中排名第二,他们会对现场播音员独特的声音所说的每一个字都报以热烈的欢呼,季后赛的氛围更是无与伦比。由于地铁 T 线贯穿球馆,因此在交通、位置和便利设施类别中排名第四。

(照片由 Joe Murphy/NBAE 通过 Getty Images 提供)

5. 加拿大丰业银行中心,多伦多猛龙队

位置: 加拿大安大略省多伦多
容量: 19,800
开馆年份: 1999

多伦多的丰业银行中心是美国境外唯一举办过 NBA 全明星赛的球馆,它提供了一个多元化且充满活力的环境,应该是每个篮球迷的打卡地。即使在一个较旧的场馆中,城市的活力也反映在球馆的氛围中。从比赛期间球队吉祥物“猛龙”的精彩表演,到球馆外名为“侏罗纪公园”的观赛区,这里是在加拿大体验篮球的绝佳去处。这也解释了为什么投票者将其在整体球迷体验类别中排名第四,这是其在所有类别中的最高排名。尽管丰业银行中心位于港口,可以欣赏到多伦多群岛的景色,但在交通和位置类别中排名第十,在餐饮/特许经营和便利设施类别中排名较低。这座场馆可能没有一些较新球馆的浮华,但它是一个拥有忠实球迷群体的目的地。


6. 小凯撒球馆,底特律活塞队

位置: 密歇根州底特律
容量: 20,332
开馆年份: 2017

来到小凯撒球馆是为了看篮球,留下来是为了美食。尽管一些投票者评论说,这座场馆更适合底特律红翼队的比赛(理由是上层碗形看台太陡峭,而且座位不能提供观看篮球比赛的最佳视角),但这座球馆在餐饮/特许经营类别中排名第二,在便利设施类别中排名第六。如果你能克服与奥本山宫殿相比缺乏怀旧感的问题,那么球馆的市中心位置也是一个重大升级。5,100 平方英尺的记分牌是世界上最大的记分牌之一,提供了极佳的视觉效果。我们提到过食物了吗?食物的选择(包括一片小凯撒披萨)怎么夸赞都不为过。它在球迷体验类别中排名第 26 位,是所有类别中排名最低的,但这可能是因为活塞队正处于重建阶段。随着球队实力的提升,球馆的建筑和设计使其成为一个很有前途的场馆。

拉伊·梅塔 - 美国今日体育

7. 巴克莱中心,布鲁克林篮网队

位置: 纽约布鲁克林
容量: 17,732
开馆年份: 2012

巴克莱中心位于布鲁克林市中心,紧邻地铁站,从城市各个角落都能轻松抵达,因此在交通和位置类别中排名第六也就不足为奇了。巴克莱中心在餐饮和便利设施类别中均排名第五,娱乐活动丰富多彩,而且这里有 NBA 中最好吃的一些食物,将布鲁克林的正宗主食汇聚在一处。麦迪逊广场花园拥有悠久的历史,而巴克莱中心在同一个城市提供了一个更实惠的选择,而且球场设计是联盟中最酷的设计之一,有趣的灯光效果营造出剧院般的氛围。尽管在球迷体验类别中排名第 23 位,但巴克莱中心拥有足够的优势,使其成为前十名的球馆,同时又提供了纽约的另一种风味。

(照片由 Bruce Bennett/Getty Images 提供)

8. 费哲球馆,密尔沃基雄鹿队

位置: 威斯康星州密尔沃基
容量: 17,341
开馆年份: 2018

投票者认为,费哲球馆融合了 NBA 和大学篮球的氛围。球迷可以通过“Bratzooka”(一种将热香肠发射到人群中的大炮)收到一根经典的烤香肠。当你可能会被扔到一根烤香肠时,谁还需要经典的 T 恤作为礼物呢?球馆内的菜单在餐饮和特许经营类别中排名第 15 位,反映了这座城市的口味,提供“州立博览会风格”的奶油泡芙等选择。费哲球馆位于密尔沃基市中心,在交通和位置类别中排名第三。这里并不浮华,但却是观看高水平篮球比赛以及超级巨星二人组扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)和达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)二人表演的绝佳去处。

(照片由 Kena Krutsinger/NBAE 通过 Getty Images 提供)

9. Crypto.com 球馆,洛杉矶湖人队

位置: 洛杉矶
容量: 19,079
开馆年份: 1999

Crypto.com 球馆在许多洛杉矶当地人中仍然被称为斯台普斯中心,这里的湖人队比赛通常被视为一场盛大的活动,而不仅仅是一场篮球比赛。本赛季将是湖人队第一次独享这座球馆,因为快船队将迁往英格尔伍德的新 Intuit 球馆。在球迷体验类别中排名第七,“湖人闪电”和标志性的湖人女孩啦啦队为独特的篮球观看环境做出了贡献。我们提到过名人了吗?VIP 体验被描述为有好有坏 – 最值得注意的是,卫生间不够多。在过去几年里,金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和其他名人都不得不使用媒体室的卫生间,不过最近的翻新已经改变了这种情况。尽管位于市中心,但 Crypto.com 球馆在交通和位置类别中排名第 12 位,低于其在餐饮/特许经营(第九)和便利设施(第十)类别中的得分。湖人队的比赛仍然提供一流的氛围,而且勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)在阵容中也增色不少。

位于洛杉矶的 Crypto.com 球馆是湖人队、火花队和国王队的主场。柯比·李 - 美国今日体育

10. Gainbridge 球馆,印第安纳步行者队

位置: 印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯
容量: 17,274
开馆年份: 1999

Gainbridge 球馆(也是凯特琳·克拉克(Caitlin Clark)和印第安纳狂热队的主场)专为篮球迷而建,提供怀旧且独一无二的比赛日体验。这里没有一个座位视野不好,阳台上的空中平台可以欣赏到球队传奇人物旗帜背后的绝佳视野,这也是它在球迷体验类别中排名第六的原因。最近的翻新(一项耗资 3.6 亿美元、分三期进行的项目的一部分)提升了球馆的档次,包括新的高级区域、巨大的 LED 屏幕以及更新的下层碗形座位区。新的站立观赛区营造出活跃的氛围,吸引了更多球迷前来观赛。Gainbridge 球馆位于印第安纳波利斯市中心,在交通和位置类别中排名第五。

(照片由 Stacy Revere/Getty Images 提供)

11. 联合中心球馆,芝加哥公牛队

位置: 伊利诺伊州芝加哥
容量: 20,917
开馆年份: 1994

“乔丹建造的房子”是另一个篮球迷必去的地方。热情的球迷群体、传奇的赛前介绍以及标志性的迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)雕像营造出一种其他球馆难以匹敌的氛围。比赛运营一流,吉祥物本尼牛为球迷带来娱乐,以及甜甜圈比赛等经典传统让比赛充满活力,这也是它在球迷体验类别中排名第三的原因。球馆的位置距离芝加哥市中心有点远,在这个类别中排名垫底。然而,这并没有影响它作为乔丹时代公牛队主场的怀旧感。

12. 标靶中心,明尼苏达森林狼队

位置: 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯
容量: 18,798
开馆年份: 1990

标靶中心是联盟中第二古老的球馆。尽管最近在 2017 年进行了翻新,但森林狼队的球迷们一直在讨论是否要彻底重建这座球馆。便利设施和球迷体验在我们量表中排名靠后。投票者将此归因于缺乏下层碗形座位区,大多数座位位于远离球场的上层看台。然而,这座场馆的交通和位置排名第七,球馆外是一个非常适合步行的区域。

13. 美国航空中心,达拉斯独行侠队

位置: 德克萨斯州达拉斯
容量: 20,000
开馆年份: 2001

独行侠队的主场位于达拉斯市中心,德克萨斯州的球迷群体以在季后赛期间变得狂热而闻名,这使得它成为 NBA 中最具娱乐性的球馆之一。他们的便利设施也是一流的,在这个类别中排名第八。众所周知,达拉斯队会在巨型屏幕上播放精彩片段,即使是他们自己的球员被隔扣了。在上赛季的总决赛中,凯尔特人队的杰伦·布朗(Jaylen Brown)在一个变向运球后晃倒了卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic),独行侠队在巨型屏幕上重播了这一幕,这让小蒂姆·哈达威(Tim Hardaway Jr.)和马基夫·莫里斯(Markieff Morris)非常沮丧。ESPN 的蒂姆·麦克马洪(Tim MacMahon)后来表示,多年来,在马克·库班(Mark Cuban)的带领下,这已经成为一种趋势,这种娱乐因素可能是球迷体验排名第 11 的原因。有时,真的是你自己的球迷在坑你。

View this post on Instagram A post shared by NBA on ESPN (@ nbaonespn)

14. 卡塞亚中心,迈阿密热火队

位置: 佛罗里达州迈阿密
容量: 19,600
开馆年份: 1999

拉丁音乐在卡塞亚中心回荡,营造出一种在 NBA 其他地方都很难找到的派对氛围。更不用说这里还是名人的聚集地,为这座场馆增添了星光熠熠的感觉。南海滩的氛围和球馆的活力使这里成为一个有趣且令人难忘的体验场所。然而,卡塞亚中心在餐饮/特许经营和便利设施类别中排名第 13 位。这支球队的“白热”活动非常引人注目,球迷们穿着统一的服装,在整个看台上营造出一片白色的海洋,这是迈阿密的一项长期传统。总的来说,这是一个篮球和充满活力的当地文化独特融合的地方。

距离 305 公路变成一片白色还有 24 小时。#HEATNation,发出你们的呐喊吧 :speaking_head: https://twitter.com/MiamiHEAT/status/1783981150597271767/video/1

— 迈阿密热火队 (@ MiamiHEAT) 2024 年 4 月 26 日

15. 能源方案球馆,犹他爵士队

位置: 犹他州盐湖城
容量: 18,206
开馆年份: 1991

能源方案球馆位于盐湖城的黄金地段,毗邻 Gateway 购物中心和多条公交线路。这就是为什么它在交通和位置类别中排名第八的原因。与其他球馆不同的是,这座球馆的建造是垂直方向比水平方向更长,这确保了球馆内的几乎任何座位视野都很好。能源方案球馆拥有联盟中最具未来感的豪华包厢之一,每次最多只能容纳 50 人,而且还有一面墙那么长的糖果自助餐。本赛季,这座球馆的餐饮价格在 2 到 3 美元之间,这可能会提升其目前在餐饮/特许经营类别中排名第 18 位的排名。谁不喜欢便宜货呢?

16. 州立农业球馆,亚特兰大老鹰队

位置: 佐治亚州亚特兰大
容量: 16,888
开馆年份: 1999

老鹰队的比赛体验是 NBA 中最不为人知的秘密之一,它为球迷提供了一种独特且身临其境的氛围,反映了这座城市的文化。在球场边,“Gucci Row”(名人们经常坐的区域)吸引着富人和名人。与此同时,在一个篮筐后面,一个酒吧和套房的风格就像南方的猎枪小屋,提升了整个氛围。球馆内的嘻哈音乐经常会让当地球迷群体充满活力,而 Killer Mike 球馆内的理发店则增添了这座城市的当地风味。在餐饮和特许经营类别中,由获奖厨师、亚特兰大人 G. Garvin 掌勺的餐饮服务使州立农业球馆排名第六。然而,尽管有吉祥物哈利鹰的滑稽动作和 ATL BOOM 鼓乐队的表演,但球迷体验仍然排名第 17 位。

17. Footprint 中心,菲尼克斯太阳队

位置: 亚利桑那州菲尼克斯
容量: 18,422
开馆年份: 1992

一提到 Footprint 中心,人们就会想起太阳队传奇球星查尔斯·巴克利(Charles Barkley)近十年前对“老奶酪”和“不新鲜薯条”的指责。虽然不清楚这种说法有多准确,因为这座球馆在餐饮/特许经营类别中排名第 14 位。Footprint 中心因其紫色的座位而被称为“紫色宫殿”,是联盟中第四古老的球馆,但在 2021 年斥资 2.3 亿美元进行了翻新,其中包括该州最大的体育酒吧和 70,000 平方英尺的新增便利设施空间。菲尼克斯拥有一座很棒的球馆,季后赛的氛围非常热烈,而且没有其他球馆可以拥有太阳队大猩猩这一标志性吉祥物。

18. 摩达中心,波特兰开拓者队

位置: 俄勒冈州波特兰
容量: 19,393
开馆年份: 1995

波特兰是一个以篮球为主导的城市,球迷们在摩达中心(以前称为“玫瑰花园”,这个名字在开拓者队的铁杆球迷中仍然存在)营造出喧闹的氛围。它位于威拉米特河畔,就在波特兰市中心的北部,公共交通工具使到达这座场馆变得非常方便。尽管在总体排名中排名靠后,但摩达中心在餐饮/特许经营类别中排名第六,选择包括俄勒冈州的酿酒厂和啤酒厂以及波特兰的连锁店。波特兰在便利设施类别中排名第 16 位,拥有 NBA 中最古老的、尚未进行过重大翻新的球馆,不过今年早些时候该市同意进行翻新。

19. Paycom 中心,俄克拉荷马雷霆队

位置: 俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马城
容量: 18,203
开馆年份: 2002

如果说 MVP 热门人选谢伊·吉尔吉斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)的出色表现还不足以让 Paycom 中心的氛围变得热烈起来,那么上赛季由前锋杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams)发起的吠叫传统则证明,雷霆队的球迷是非常忠诚的。在雷霆队季后赛的激烈角逐中,球迷们穿着蓝色、白色和橙色相间的 T 恤,营造出一片海洋,这也是 Paycom 中心在总体排名中排名第 19 位,但在球迷体验类别中排名第九的原因。虽然餐饮/特许经营和便利设施的排名靠后,但如果雷霆队继续在西部崛起,这对俄克拉荷马人来说可能并不重要。

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20. 火箭抵押贷款球馆,克利夫兰骑士队

位置: 俄亥俄州克利夫兰
容量: 19,432
开馆年份: 1994

火箭抵押贷款球馆位于克利夫兰市中心,在交通和位置类别中排名第 13 位。这座场馆最初被称为冈德球馆,在 2019 年斥资 1.85 亿美元进行翻新后,它为球迷提供了现代化的 NBA 体验,将这座老化的场馆改造成了一座最先进的设施。球馆的升级改造包括全新的设计和新技术。绰号为“Humongotron”的记分牌(NBA 中第四大记分牌)是最近新增的主要设施之一。遗憾的是,它的规模还不足以让人们忽视平庸的特许经营服务,该服务排名第 24 位。

21. 百事中心,丹佛掘金队

位置: 科罗拉多州丹佛
容量: 19,099
开馆年份: 1999

掘金队在他们的球馆(以前称为“百事中心”)里宣传高海拔的影响,这可不是开玩笑。这里海拔 5,280 英尺,是 NBA 中最高的球馆,为客队创造了一种独特的体验,也为丹佛队创造了不可否认的主场优势。即使主队状态不佳,名人堂超级吉祥物洛奇也可以凭借杂技和喜剧短剧来抢尽风头,这使得百事中心的球迷体验排名第 13 位。然而,百事中心的餐饮在西部球队的排名中垫底,因此在餐饮方面还有提升空间。

他是有原因的 NBA 最佳吉祥物 :shushing_face:

超级吉祥物洛奇 5310 英尺梯子投篮全角度 :video_camera: https://twitter.com/nuggets/status/1654205092869050369/video/1

— 丹佛掘金队 (@ nuggets) 2023 年 5 月 4 日

22. 丰田中心,休斯顿火箭队

位置: 德克萨斯州休斯顿
容量: 18,500
开馆年份: 2003

在詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)带领的休斯顿成功时代,丰田中心以“摇滚”而闻名,但近年来上座率有所下降,导致空座位增多,即使是在下层碗形座位区也是如此。观众人数不足也无助于改善这座场馆排名第 25 位的球迷体验。但排名第 12 位的便利设施(比迈阿密卡塞亚中心高一位)值得一提。丰田中心横跨休斯顿市中心六个街区,球迷们称赞休斯顿的轻轨系统为往返球馆提供了顺畅的交通体验。

23. 起亚中心,奥兰多魔术队

位置: 佛罗里达州奥兰多
容量: 18,846
开馆年份: 2010

旁边有一个停车场和一座步行桥,可以轻松抵达起亚中心。起亚中心在几乎所有投票类别中排名都很低。尽管上层门票价格实惠,但餐饮价格却很高,而且球迷体验(排名第 24 位)也是 NBA 中的标准水平。氛围和便利设施(排名第 23 位)都有待改善。虽然球馆的设施还有待改进,但总是有球队的主题曲来调动人们的情绪。随着魔术队在过去几个赛季中取得越来越大的成功,“播放那首歌!”的呼喊声现在可以在看台上听到,这是指球队最初的主题曲,现在为了这支由保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero)领衔的球队重新混音和 revitalized。

24. 富国银行中心,费城 76 人队

位置: 宾夕法尼亚州费城
容量: 21,000
开馆年份: 1996

热情的费城球迷群体创造了 NBA 中最活跃的环境之一,尽管与其他球馆相比,这座场馆的某些方面可能显得缺乏吸引力。富国银行中心位于费城体育中心,与林肯金融球场和市民银行公园相邻,受益于附近的 Xfinity Live! 娱乐区。费城著名的体育文化增强了比赛日的体验,使每场比赛都像是一场盛会。虽然 76 人队的球馆在餐饮/特许经营类别中排名不尽如人意,位列第 19 位,但你仍然可以在球馆内找到经典的费城奶酪牛排。这支 76 人队的主场在任何类别中都没有进入前十名,但我们怀疑费城的球迷是否会在意。

25. Capital One 球馆,华盛顿奇才队

位置: 华盛顿特区
容量: 20,000
开馆年份: 1997

这座球馆位于国家肖像馆附近,交通便利,靠近华盛顿特区地铁站,球迷可以轻松抵达 DMV 地区。直到你把高昂的停车费考虑在内,这使得这座球馆的交通便利性排名降至第 17 位。这座场馆也开始显现出老态,但幸运的是,今年早些时候,一项耗资 5 亿美元的翻新项目获得批准,将对这座场馆进行现代化改造,并将其保留在华盛顿特区市中心。餐饮选择是体育场馆的典型特征,还不错,但价格过高,这就是为什么餐饮在排名中垫底,位列第 26 位。虽然位于美国首都的中心地带为比赛日增添了整体体验,但 Capital One 球馆远非出类拔萃。

26. 联邦快递广场,孟菲斯灰熊队

位置: 田纳西州孟菲斯
容量: 18,200
开馆年份: 2004

联邦快递广场,又称“磨坊”,在融入孟菲斯的一切方面都做得非常出色。这其中包括对这座城市浓厚音乐氛围的致敬。球馆内有一家摇滚灵魂乐博物馆,甚至还有自己的室内乐队和鼓乐队,名为孟菲斯灰熊鼓乐队。尽管有备受欢迎的 Rendezvous 烤肉店纳乔玉米片,但联邦快递广场在餐饮/特许经营类别中排名第 23 位。它位于孟菲斯市中心和密西西比河的正下方,在便利设施、位置和球迷体验方面的得分都很低。与他们上赛季的场上表现一样,这里还有提升的空间。

27. 光谱中心,夏洛特黄蜂队

位置: 北卡罗来纳州夏洛特
容量: 19,077
开馆年份: 2005


By ESPN Staff | ESPN, via ESPN

点击查看原文:2024-25 NBA Arena Rank - TD Garden, MSG and more

2024-25 NBA Arena Rank - TD Garden, MSG and more


INGLEWOOD, Calif. – James Harden has never described a preseason game the way he did last Monday.

“It’s cracking in here,” Harden said. “Just the screen, the fans, the lights on the seats – it’s going to be a good season for us. I’m just excited about the whole atmosphere in this building. I think the city of LA is excited about it as well.”

From the largest double-sided Halo Board display in an arena setting to “The Wall” of seats and the state-of-the-art technology designed for a seamless fan experience, Steve Ballmer’s $2 billion arena is ready to make its grand debut in the NBA’s 79th season.

“There’s a lot of people who have put every ounce of everything they’ve got into delivering this for the people of Los Angeles,” said Gillian Zucker, CEO of Halo Sports and Entertainment. "And we hope they love it.

“Literally from the second you walk in, it’s just energy, excitement, fun. It gives a personality to this building that’s very Steve.”

While the Intuit Dome promises to reveal a lot more with the Halo Board and fan experience than it has shown so far in concerts and two preseason games, the addition of the league’s 30th arena has rustled up a lot of excitement from fans, teams and media.

Ahead of the Clippers’ Intuit Dome regular-season debut, we ranked the 29 NBA arenas, from the New Orleans Pelicans’ Smoothie King Center to the Los Angeles Lakers’ Crypto.com Arena.

We asked our NBA Insiders to score each arena on a scale of 1-5 in four categories: accessibility/location, food/concessions, amenities, and overall fan experience. We averaged those scores to give each arena a final rank.

With independent research and information provided by NBA Insiders, here is the 2024-25 NBA arena rank from top to bottom to help you plan your next visit for this season.

– Ohm Youngmisuk

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1. Golden 1 Center, Sacramento Kings

Location: Sacramento, California\

Capacity: 17,608\

Opening year: 2016

Small market, elite arena. There might not be a more underrated arena in the league than the Golden 1 Center. It doesn’t have the nostalgia of Arco Arena, which closed in 2022, but it makes up for it with top-notch food, amenities and fan experience. This arena claims the No. 1 spot in our rankings after scoring in the top 5 in all four categories and No. 1 in accessibility and location. In the heart of downtown, the arena is surrounded by restaurants, and the food options inside the arena are worth writing home about as well. The local restaurants and breweries inside source 90% of their ingredients within a 150-mile radius of the arena, and there’s even a dedicated coffee bar to sustain fans during those late-night games. With a fan base nicknamed “Cowbell Kingdom,” the crowd is one of the loudest in the league – a reason it ranked fifth in fan experience. Let’s not forget the arena’s most defining characteristic: the iconic purple beam that’s lit from the top of the building after every Kings win.

Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports

2. Madison Square Garden, New York Knicks

Location: New York\

Capacity: 19,812\

Opening year: 1968

Madison Square Garden is the mecca of basketball, and as the oldest arena in the NBA, it’s full of history. The legendary sound-absorbing ceiling, iconic organ music and a juiced-up New York crowd are just a few reasons MSG ranked No. 1 in fan experience. Celebrities often dot the courtside seats alongside Knicks loyalists like Spike Lee and Ben Stiller, adding to the glamour of the New York nightlife. Right above Penn Station, one of the busiest transportation facilities in the Western Hemisphere, “The World’s Most Famous Arena” ranked second in accessibility and location. Home to New York classics like a stuffed pastrami sandwich and even a 5-pound hotdog, MSG came in fourth in food and concessions. In one of the busiest touring cities in the country, Madison Square Garden is a New York attraction that’s hard to miss.

(Photo by Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE via Getty Images)

3. Chase Center, Golden State Warriors

Location: San Francisco\

Capacity: 18,064\

Opening year: 2019

Though it will never replicate the memories and atmosphere of Oakland’s Oracle Arena, the $1.4 billion Chase Center, located on the bayside of San Francisco, lives up to the hype. For one, the arena’s food – which includes the NBA’s first fully plant-based restaurant, among other Bay Area staples – claimed No. 1 in our concessions rankings along with amenities. Additionally, In a partnership with Adobe, there are 87 original pieces of art, including one of Stephen Curry eating popcorn, and 250 pieces of photography in the Chase Center art collection around the arena. In downtown San Francisco with views of the Bay Bridge, “Dub Nation” comes in at eighth for overall fan experience. Despite taking the top spot in two categories, the Warriors’ arena took a hit in the accessibility/location category (23rd overall), ultimately landing Golden State’s home in the No. 3 spot.

Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports

4. TD Garden, Boston Celtics

Location: Boston\

Capacity: 19,600\

Opening year: 1995

From the iconic parquet floor to the 18 championship banners overhead, every detail of TD Garden adds to the Celtics’ undeniable home-court advantage. The home of the Celtics has seen solid upgrades, but the unique and classic atmosphere remains. Ranked second overall in fan experience, the Boston crowd erupts at every word spoken by the PA announcer’s distinctive voice, and the playoff atmosphere is like no other. With the T running right through the arena, it ranks fourth in accessibility, location and amenities.

(Photo by Joe Murphy/NBAE via Getty Images)

5. Scotiabank Arena, Toronto Raptors

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada\

Capacity: 19,800\

Opening year: 1999

Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, the only arena outside the U.S. to host an NBA All-Star Game, offers a diverse and vibrant environment that should be on every basketball fan’s radar. Even in an older venue, the city’s energy is reflected in the arena’s atmosphere. From lively in-game entertainment from the team’s mascot aptly named “The Raptor” to the viewing area outside the arena called “Jurassic Park,” it’s a fun place to experience basketball in Canada. This explains why voters ranked it fourth in overall fan experience – its highest placing in each of the categories. Despite being on the harbor with views of the Toronto islands, Scotiabank scored 10th in accessibility and location and lower in food, concessions and amenities. The venue might not have the glitz of some newer arenas, but it’s a destination spot with a devoted fan base.


6. Little Caesars Arena, Detroit Pistons

Location: Detroit, Michigan\

Capacity: 20,332\

Opening year: 2017

Come to Little Caesars Arena for the basketball, stay for the food. Despite some voters commenting on the venue being better suited for a Detroit Red Wings match (citing a steep upper bowl and seats that don’t provide the best views for basketball), the arena ranked second overall in food/concessions and sixth in amenities. If you can get past the lack of nostalgia compared to the Palace of Auburn Hills, the arena’s downtown location is also a major upgrade. The 5,100-square-foot scoreboard is one of the largest in the world and provides excellent visuals. And did we mention the food? The offerings – which include a slice of Little Caesars pizza – cannot be overstated. It came in 26th in fan experience, its lowest ranking, but that’s likely due to the Pistons’ rebuilding era. The arena’s architecture and design make it a promising venue as the team improves.

Raj Mehta-USA TODAY Sports

7. Barclays Center, Brooklyn Nets

Location: Brooklyn, New York\

Capacity: 17,732\

Opening year: 2012

In the center of Brooklyn, the Barclays Center is located right next to a subway station, making it easily accessible from all parts of the city, so it’s no wonder it comes in sixth in accessibility and location. Ranking fifth in both food and amenities, Barclays’ entertainment is strong, and the venue has some of the best food in the NBA, bringing together tastes of authentic Brooklyn staples under one roof. While Madison Square Garden has the history, Barclays provides a more affordable option in the same city, and the court design is one of the coolest in the league, with fun lighting effects creating a theater-like atmosphere. Despite ranking 23rd in fan experience, Barclays has enough upside to make it a top-10 arena while offering a different flavor of New York.

(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

8. Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee Bucks

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin\

Capacity: 17,341\

Opening year: 2018

Voters opined that Fiserv Forum offers a blend of NBA and college basketball vibes. Fans can receive a classic bratwurst via the “Bratzooka” – a cannon that launches hot sausage into the crowd. Who needs the classic T-shirt offering when you can get tossed a bratwurst? The menu inside the arena, which ranked 15th in food and concessions, reflects the tastes of the city with options such as “state-fair style” cream puffs. In the heart of downtown Milwaukee, the Fiserv Forum comes in third in accessibility and location. It’s not flashy, but it’s a great spot to catch high-level basketball and two-man action from superstar duo Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard.

(Photo by Kena Krutsinger/NBAE via Getty Images)

9. Crypto.com Arena, Los Angeles Lakers

Location: Los Angeles\

Capacity: 19,079\

Opening year: 1999

Still known to many L.A. locals as Staples Center, Lakers games at Crypto.com Arena are often seen as a full-blown event rather than a basketball game. This season will be the first time the Lakers have the venue all to themselves, with the Clippers moving to the new Intuit Dome in Inglewood. Ranked seventh in fan experience, the “Laker Lighting” and iconic Laker Girls contribute to the unique basketball-viewing environment. Did we mention the celebrities? The VIP experience was described as hit or miss – most notably, there aren’t enough bathrooms. In years past, Kim Kardashian and other celebrities have had to use media room restrooms, though that’s changed with recent renovations. Despite its downtown location, Crypto.com ranked 12th in accessibility and location, a lower score than it received in food/concessions (ninth) and amenities (10th) The Lake Show still provides a top-tier atmosphere, and having LeBron James on the roster doesn’t hurt.

Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles is home to the Lakers, Sparks and Kings. Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

10. Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Indiana Pacers

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana\

Capacity: 17,274\

Opening year: 1999

Built with the basketball fan in mind, Gainbridge Fieldhouse – also home to Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever – delivers a nostalgic and one-of-a-kind game-day experience. There’s not a bad seat in the house, and the sky deck above the balcony provides a fantastic view behind the banners of franchise legends, which is why it’s ranked sixth in fan experience. Recent renovations – part of a $360-million, three-phase project – have elevated the arena with new premium areas, a massive LED screen, and updated lower-bowl seating. The new standing-room-only section fosters a lively atmosphere and brings even more fans to the games. Located in the heart of Indianapolis, Gainbridge ranked fifth in accessibility and location.

(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)

11. United Center, Chicago Bulls

Location: Chicago, Illinois\

Capacity: 20,917\

Opening year: 1994

The “House that Jordan Built” is another must-visit for NBA fans. The charged crowd, legendary pregame intro and iconic Michael Jordan statue create a buzz that few arenas can match. Game operations are top-notch, with Benny the Bull entertaining fans and classic traditions like the Dunkin’ Donuts race keeping the energy high which is why it’s ranked third in fan experience. The arena’s location is a bit removed from downtown Chicago, ranking it near the bottom of this category. However, this doesn’t detract from its overall Jordan-era Bulls nostalgia.

12. Target Center, Minnesota Timberwolves

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota\

Capacity: 18,798\

Opening year: 1990

Target Center is the second oldest arena in the league. Despite having recently been renovated in 2017, there have been discussions among Timberwolves fans about replacing it altogether. Amenities and fan experience ranked on the lower end of our scale. Voters attributed this to the lack of lower bowl seats, with the majority of seats being in the upper deck further from the court. However, the venue ranked seventh overall in accessibility and location with an extremely walkable area outside the stadium.

13. American Airlines Center, Dallas Mavericks

Location: Dallas, Texas\

Capacity: 20,000\

Opening year: 2001

The Mavericks home is located in the heart of Dallas with a Texas crowd known to get rowdy during the playoffs, making it one of the more entertaining arenas in the NBA. They also tout first class amenities, claiming the eight spot in that category. Dallas has been known to show highlights on the jumbotron even if their own player is the one getting posterized. After the Celtics’ Jaylen Brown dropped Luka Doncic on a crossover during last season’s Finals, the Mavericks ran the replay on the jumbotron, much to the dismay of Tim Hardaway Jr. and Markieff Morris. ESPN’s Tim MacMahon later said this has been a trend for years spearheaded by Mark Cuban, this entertainment factor likely contributes to the eleventh overall fan experience ranking. Sometimes, it really be your own people.

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14. Kaseya Center, Miami Heat

Location: Miami, Florida\

Capacity: 19,600\

Opening year: 1999

Latin music pulses through the Kaseya Center, contributing to the party-like atmosphere that’s hard to find anywhere else in the NBA. Not to mention it’s a celebrity hot spot, adding to the venue’s star power. The South Beach flair and the arena’s electric energy make for a fun and memorable experience. However, Kaseya ranked 13th in food/concessions and amenities. The team’s eye-catching “White Hot” campaign coordinates fans to create a sea of white throughout the stands and is a long standing tradition in Miami. Overall it’s a unique mix of basketball and vibrant local culture.

24 hours until the 305 is White Hot. Bring the noise, #HEATNation :speaking_head: https://twitter.com/MiamiHEAT/status/1783981150597271767/video/1

— Miami HEAT (@ MiamiHEAT) April 26, 2024

15. Delta Center, Utah Jazz

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah\

Capacity: 18,206\

Opening year: 1991

The Delta Center has a premiere location in Salt Lake City, right next to the Gateway Mall and multiple transit lines. Which is why it’s ranked eighth in accessibility and location. Unlike others, the arena is built more vertical than wide, ensuring that almost any seat in the house will be a good one. The Delta Center has one of the more futuristic luxury suites in the league – no more than 50 people can be in there at a time and there’s a candy buffet that spans an entire wall. This season the arena is offering $2 to $3 concessions, which could bolster their current ranking of 18th in food and concessions. Who doesn’t love a deal?

16. State Farm Arena, Atlanta Hawks

Location: Atlanta, Georgia\

Capacity: 16,888\

Opening year: 1999

The Hawks’ game experience is one of the NBA’s best-kept secrets, offering fans a unique and immersive atmosphere that reflects the city’s culture. Courtside, “Gucci Row,” as the area where celebrities tend to sit is referred to, attracts the rich and famous. Meanwhile, behind one basket, a bar and suites styled like Southern shotgun homes elevate the vibe. Hip-hop music inside the arena often energizes the local crowd and Killer Mike’s in-arena barbershop adds to the local flavor of the city. State Farm ranked sixth overall in food and concessions, which is headed by award-winning chef and Atlanta native, G. Garvin. However, despite antics from mascot Harry the Hawk and performances from ATL BOOM, the arena’s drumline squad, fan experience was still ranked 17th.

17. Footprint Center, Phoenix Suns

Location: Phoenix, Arizona\

Capacity: 18,422\

Opening year: 1992

It’s impossible to think of the Footprint Center and not remember the “old cheese” and “stale chip” accusations from Sun’s legend Charles Barkley nearly a decade ago. Though it’s unclear how accurate that take is as the arena is ranked 14th in food and concessions. The Footprint Center, nicknamed “The Purple Palace” due to its purple seats, is the fourth oldest arena in the league, but underwent a $230 million renovation in 2021 that included the state’s largest sports bar and 70,000 square feet of new amenity space. Phoenix has a solid arena with a loud playoff atmosphere – and no other arena can claim the staple mascot Suns Gorilla.

18. Moda Center, Portland Trail Blazers

Location: Portland, Oregon\

Capacity: 19,393\

Opening year: 1995

A basketball-driven city, Portland fans generate a raucous atmosphere at Moda Center, formerly known as the “Rose Garden,” a moniker that still remains amongst diehard Blazers fans. Next to the Willamette River, it sits just north of downtown Portland and public transportation makes getting to the venue an effective trip. Despite being this low in the overall rankings, Moda Center came in at sixth in food and concessions – options include Oregon-based distilleries and breweries as well as Portland-based chains. Ranked 16th in amenities, Portland has the oldest NBA arena to not undergo a major renovation, though earlier this year the city agreed to do exactly that.

19. Paycom Center, Oklahoma City Thunder

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma\

Capacity: 18,203\

Opening year: 2002

If the atmosphere inside Paycom Center wasn’t electric enough behind MVP-hopeful Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, the barking tradition started last season by forward Jalen Williams convinces that OKC fans are dedicated. The color coordination of t-shirts by the crowd that creates a sea of blue, white and orange during the Thunders’ deep playoff runs is another reason why, despite being 19th in the overall rankings, Paycom Center came in at ninth in fan experience. While food, concessions and amenities ranked on the lower end of the scale, it might not even matter for Oklahomans if the Thunder continue on their meteoric rise in the West.

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20. Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, Cleveland Cavaliers

Location: Cleveland, Ohio\

Capacity: 19,432\

Opening year: 1994

Situated right in the middle of downtown Cleveland, Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse was ranked 13th overall in accessibility and location. Originally known to local Ohioans as Gund Arena, the venue offers a modernized NBA experience, thanks to a $185 million renovation in 2019 that transformed the aging venue into a state-of-the-art facility. The arena’s updates include a refreshed design and new technology. The scoreboard nicknamed “Humongotron” – the fourth largest scoreboard in the NBA – is one of the main recent additions to the arena. Sadly, it’s not large enough to distract from the mediocre concession offerings, which ranked 24th.

21. Ball Arena, Denver Nuggets

Location: Denver, Colorado\

Capacity: 19,099\

Opening year: 1999

Formerly known as the “Pepsi Center,” the Nuggets advertise the effects of mile high altitude in their arena – and it’s no joke. At 5,280 feet above sea level, it is the highest arena in the NBA, creating a unique experience for visiting teams and an undeniable home court advantage for Denver. Even when the home team is having a down night, Hall of Famer SuperMascot Rocky can steal the show himself with acrobatics and comedic skits – placing Ball Arena’s fan experience at 13th. However, the Ball Arena’s concessions scored near the lower end for teams in the West, so there’s work to be done in the food department.

He’s the best mascot in the NBA for a reason :shushing_face:

SuperMascot Rocky’s 5310-foot ladder shot from all the angles :video_camera: https://twitter.com/nuggets/status/1654205092869050369/video/1

— Denver Nuggets (@ nuggets) May 4, 2023

22. Toyota Center, Houston Rockets

Location: Houston, Texas\

Capacity: 18,500\

Opening year: 2003

The Toyota Center was known to get “rocking” during Houston’s successful James Harden-led era but in recent seasons attendance has dipped leading to an increase in empty seats - even in the lower bowl. The less than stellar turnout doesn’t help with the venue’s 25th-ranked fan experience. But the 12th-ranked amenities – one spot above Miami’s Kaseya Center – feel worth a mention. Spanning six city blocks in the middle of downtown Houston, fans have credited Houston’s METROrail as a means for public transportation and a smooth trip experience to and from the arena.

23. Kia Center, Orlando Magic

Location: Orlando, Florida\

Capacity: 18,846\

Opening year: 2010

A parking garage next door and a short walking bridge makes getting to the Kia Center a breeze. The Kia Center ranked low in almost every voting category. Despite offering affordable upper-level tickets, food prices are high and the fan experience (ranked 24th) is a standard NBA one. The atmosphere and amenities (ranked 23rd) could be enhanced. While the arena’s features leave room for improvement, there’s always the team’s theme song to get the people going. With the Magic’s increased success over the last couple of seasons, chants of “play the song!” can now be heard from the stands – a reference to the team’s original theme song, now remixed and revitalized for this Paulo Banchero-led squad.

24. Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia 76ers

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania\

Capacity: 21,000\

Opening year: 1996

The passionate Philly crowd creates one of the liveliest environments in the NBA, even though some aspects of the venue may feel lacking compared to other arenas. Located in the Philadelphia sports complex alongside Lincoln Financial Field and Citizens Bank Park, Wells Fargo Center benefits from the Xfinity Live! entertainment district nearby. The game-day experience is enhanced by Philly’s renowned sports culture, making every game feel like an event. While the Sixers’ arena came in at an underwhelming rank of 19th in food/concessions, you still can’t go wrong with a classic Philly cheese steak located inside the venue. The 76ers home base didn’t crack the top 10 in any category, but we doubt the Philly faithful care.

25. Capital One Arena, Washington Wizards

Location: Washington, D.C.\

Capacity: 20,000\

Opening year: 1997

Located near the National Portrait Gallery and conveniently near a D.C. Metro station, the arena offers easy access for fans around the DMV. That is until you factor in the high parking fees, which dropped the arena’s accessibility ranking to No. 17. The venue is also starting to show its age, but fortunately a $500 million renovation project was approved earlier this year to modernize the space and keep it in downtown D.C… Food options are typical for a sports venue – decent, but overpriced - which is why concessions ranked among the bottom tier at No. 26. While being in the middle of our nation’s capital adds to the overall game-day experience, Capital One arena is far from exceptional.

26. FedExForum, Memphis Grizzlies

Location: Memphis, Tennessee\

Capacity: 18,200\

Opening year: 2004

FedEx Forum, which has come to be known as the Grind House, does an excellent job of leaning into all things Memphis. This includes nods to its strong music scene. There’s a Rock n’ Soul museum located inside the arena and it even has its own in-house band and drumline aptly named the Memphis Grizzline. Despite housing the ever popular Rendezvous BBQ Nachos, FedEx Forum ranked 23rd in food and concessions. Located right below downtown Memphis and the Mississippi River, it received low marks for amenities, location and fan experience. As with their on-court performance last season, there’s room for improvement.

27. Spectrum Center, Charlotte Hornets

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina\

Capacity: 19,077\

Opening year: 2005

Catching a Hornets game at Spectrum Center won’t empty your wallet, especially on weekdays. However, the food inside the arena leaves much to be desired. Ranking 15th in accessibility and location, parking right by the arena is pricey. But if you’re up for a short walk in uptown Charlotte, free street parking is often available a few blocks away. The Spectrum Center ranked last in fan experience and amenities and the game-day experience is pretty straightforward according to fans. Also, it doesn’t help that the Hornets haven’t had a winning record since 2022.

28. Smoothie King Center, New Orleans Pelicans

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana\

Capacity: 18,500\

Opening year: 1999

New Orleans has an arena in crisis. At the bottom of our rankings, it earned the second lowest score for food and concessions and tied last in amenities. It also has one of the smallest capacities in the league. Stationed in between the Caesars Superdome and train tracks, there isn’t adequate room for expansion, and it ranked 26th in accessibility and location. The only other logical answer is for the franchise to tear it down and rebuild it. Of course, that’s easier said than done.

29. Frost Bank Center, San Antonio Spurs

Location: San Antonio, Texas\

Capacity: 18,418\

Opening year: 2002

Best known for the Manu Ginobili bat incident and multiple championships, the Frost Bank Center has a complicated legacy. It’s stationed far from downtown San Antonio, with voters ranking it last in accessibility. Food and concessions were also ranked the lowest for Frost Bank. But fan experience, despite being ranked 21st, should be on the rise as Spurs fans are some of the most loyal in the league. They also have a lot to look forward to with another French phenom in up-and-coming star Victor Wembanyama at the helm of the team. It’s also hard to find a reason to dislike the Coyote mascot…another legendary Spur who has battled with bats on the court.

To be determined…: Intuit Dome, LA Clippers

Location: Los Angeles, California\

Capacity: 18,000\

Opening year: 2024

LA ClippersThe Clippers, after years of sharing an arena with their crosstown rival Lakers and the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings, are finally getting their own arena. Owner Steve Ballmer invested $2 billion dollars to build Intuit Dome in Inglewood, Los Angeles.

Sure, there have been some glitches that needed to be smoothed out, but Ballmer is hoping his technologically-savvy arena will provide for a seamless fan experience.

Most notably, the 38,375 square foot “Halo Board” will display 4K images of replays, statistics and analytics throughout the game. Also…it’s capable of firing T-shirts from cannons, hosting interactive games that fans can participate in from a console on their seats and even utilizes software that can narrow the audio level down to each individual seat.

There is a full court to hoop outside and on the seventh-floor terrace, fans can test their shooting and passing skills on the Shoot 360 immersive competition stations. On the concourse, there’s an exhibit showcasing a jersey from every high school basketball team in California. Everything about the venue is by design, from the 1,100 toilets to the touchless concessions meant to mitigate typical long lines.

Even the opponents are in awe.

“The locker room area – Golden State [Chase Center] has what I thought was the nicest but this is Golden State times 10,” one Mavericks assistant said after Dallas was the first team to visit Intuit Dome for a preseason game on Oct. 14.

“That’s the best arena in the NBA. It was spectacular. Ballmer’s doing things that other people aren’t going to do to create a great fan experience.”

– Youngmisuk