[PtR] 媒体对马刺队 2024-25 赛季的评价 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-22 01:38:45




2024-25 赛季的常规赛开赛仅剩三天,这意味着许多媒体都发布了每支球队的赛季前瞻,通常以第 0 周(或在某些情况下为第 1 周)实力排名的形式出现。虽然这通常会在 马刺周回顾 (下周将恢复,届时会有一些实际比赛进行评估)中处理,但在新赛季开始之前,先看看媒体成员对马刺队的看法还是不错的。

John Schuhmann,NBA.com —— 第 23 名(上赛季末:第 23 名)

这是 维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 的第二年,也是克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul) 的第 20 年,他几乎总能在第一次穿上新球衣时让球队变得更好。但对于身处竞争激烈的西部联盟的马刺队来说,这可能是一段艰难的攀登之路。


  1. 德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell) (右脚手术)一直缺阵,并将缺席常规赛开始阶段的比赛,朱利安·尚帕尼 (Julian Champagnie) 似乎将顶替他的首发位置。他无法复制瓦塞尔的运球技巧(他上赛季总共只投进了 7 个急停跳投),但尚帕尼在季前赛中 38 投 16 中(42%)的三分球命中率。

  2. 根据 Synergy 的追踪数据,马刺队(上赛季区域联防回合数排名第 13 位)在季前赛中使用区域联防的次数排名第二。当然,区域联防是一种让文班亚马在防守端至少靠近篮筐的方法。

第一周值得关注的事情: 文班亚马的投篮。在季前赛中,这位身高 7 英尺 3 英寸的球员 21 次出手 中只有 9 次(43%)是在禁区内完成的,部分原因是 他选择了跳投,而不是攻击篮筐。上赛季,这一比例为 51%,仍然太低了。他可是 7 英尺 3 英寸啊!让他在篮筐附近接球。

马刺队在上赛季与德克萨斯州另外两支球队的比赛中取得了 1 胜 7 负的战绩,而本赛季他们将先与独行侠队和火箭队(2 次)进行三场比赛,并在周六对阵火箭队的比赛中拥有休息优势。

第 1 周 : @ 达拉斯独行侠队,vs 休斯顿火箭队

ESPN 员工 —— 第 21 名(选秀前排名:第 23 名)

BPI 总排名: 第 28 名

进入季后赛的几率: 1.0%

预计胜场数: 31.0

上次看到他们时的表现: 状元秀和 2023-24 赛季一致通过的最佳新秀 维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 为这支在 11 月 5 日至 12 月 13 日期间遭遇了队史最长连败(18 场)之前仅赢下了前五场比赛中的三场的球队提供了几处亮点之一。今年夏天,圣安东尼奥增加了领导力和文班亚马需要的首发级别控球后卫,他们签下了未来的名人堂成员 克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul),此外还引进了老将和前总冠军 哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes)。马刺队在六月的选秀大会上用 4 号签选中了保罗的最终接班人 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle)

最大的优势和劣势: 文班亚马提供了精英级别的篮筐保护,他送出了 254 次盖帽,这是自 2015-16 赛季(哈桑·怀特塞德 (Hassan Whiteside))以来的单赛季最高纪录。文班亚马可以弥补队友的错误,让圣安东尼奥的外线防守者可以放手一搏。尽管如此,在整个训练营和季前赛期间,集体防守的提高一直是马刺队强调的重点。球队还需要找到更稳定的外线射手。圣安东尼奥上赛季创造了三分球命中数的队史纪录(1,036 个),但这在 NBA 中仅排名第 16 位。— 迈克尔·莱特 (Michael Wright)

马刺队 NBA 排名:

维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)(第 11 名)

克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul)(第 99 名)


文班亚马上赛季场均送出 3.6 次盖帽,领跑全联盟,比其他任何球员都多出一次以上。他还拿到了一次盖帽上双的三双,并最终送出了 254 次盖帽,成为自 1973-74 赛季盖帽统计正式开始以来第 6 位盖帽数达到 250 次以上的新秀。

最佳投注:文班亚马在每场常规赛中都至少送出 1 次盖帽;至少出场 40 场比赛(+2000)

今年,我们预计文班将以场均 33.4 分钟 4.3 次盖帽的数据领跑全联盟。考虑到这些数据,这个赌注值得投入一些资金。— 埃里克·穆迪 (Eric Moody)

潜在的幻想破灭者: 凯尔登·约翰逊 (Keldon Johnson)

并不是说他是什么令人兴奋的选择,但考虑到约翰逊的平均顺位刚刚超过 100 位,他将在幻想前场中被寄予厚望,希望他能真正做出贡献。不信任约翰逊的原因在于,在一种罕见的情况下,他在经历了 2022-23 赛季的突破性表现后,上赛季的出场时间、触球次数和出手次数都减少了。看起来,他在第四个赛季的得分飙升,更多地是由于在一支乐透球队中获得了进攻机会。马刺队的轮换阵容现在大不相同,天赋异禀的年轻球员与久经沙场的老将在波波维奇 (Popovich) 以维克托·文班亚马为中心的全新体系中融合在一起。约翰逊不太可能成为圣安东尼奥的首发球员,也很难找到真正适合自己的角色,而是会转变为一个补充角色,这将熄灭他作为可靠得分点时期的任何势头。考虑到他的防守效率不高,而作为一名前锋,他的篮板球 porcentaje 也低于平均水平,我宁愿让竞争对手去选择约翰逊这种低上限的球员。— 吉姆·麦考密克 (Jim McCormick)

安迪·贝利 (Andy Bailey),露天看台体育 —— 第 20 名(上次排名:未排名)


在 2023-24 赛季,当新秀维克托·文班亚马与特雷·琼斯 (Tre Jones)(一名真正的控球后卫)和德文·瓦塞尔(一名合格的 3D 球员)同时在场时,圣安东尼奥马刺队的百回合净胜分高达 10.2 分

文班已经是一位全明星级别的球员。当他出现在合理的阵容中时(而不是那些试图把杰里米·索汉 (Jeremy Sochan) 改造成控球后卫的实验阵容),马刺队几乎可以与任何对手抗衡。


点击查看原文:What the media is saying about the Spurs heading into the 2024-25 season

What the media is saying about the Spurs heading into the 2024-25 season

San Antonio Spurs vs Miami Heat

Did the Spurs get better or stay the same? What should we anticipate?

The tip-off to the 2024-25 regular season is just three days away, and that means many outlets are releasing the season previews of every team, often in the form of Week 0 (or Week 1, in some cases) Power Rankings. While that is usually handled in Spurs Week in Review (which will be back next week when there’s some actual games to evaluate), it’s still good to get an early look at what members of the media think of the Spurs heading into the new season.

John Schuhmann, NBA.com— 23 (end of last season: 23)

It’s Year 2 for Victor Wembanyama and Year 20 for Chris Paul, who almost always makes teams better when he first puts on their uniform. But it could be a tough climb for the Spurs in a deep Western Conference.

Preseason takeaways

  1. Devin Vassell (right foot surgery) has been out and will miss the start of the regular season, with Julian Champagnie appearing to be his replacement in the starting lineup. He can’t replicate Vassell’s skills off the dribble (he made seven pull-up jumpers all of last season), but Champagnie shot 16-for-38 (42%) from beyond the arc in the preseason.

  2. The Spurs (who ranked 13th in total zone possessions last season) played the second most zone in the preseason, according to Synergy tracking. Zone, of course, is a way to keep Wembanyama near the basket … on defense, at least.

Something to watch in Week 1: Wembanyama’s shots. In the preseason, the 7-foot-3 guy took only nine (43%) of his 21 shots in the paint, at least in part because he settled for jumpers instead of attacking the basket. Last season, that rate was 51%, which is still too low. He’s 7-foot-3! Get him the ball near the hoop.

The Spurs were 1-7 in games played between the three Texas teams last season, and they’ll begin this one with three games against the Mavs and Rockets (x 2), with a rest advantage against Houston on Saturday.

Week 1: @ DAL, vs. HOU

ESPN Staff— 21(pre-draft ranking: 23)

BPI’s overall ranking: 28

Chances to make playoffs: 1.0%

Projected wins: 31.0

When we last saw them: No. 1 overall pick and unanimous 2023-24 Rookie of the Year Victor Wembanyama provided one of the few bright spots for a team that won three of its first five games before enduring the longest losing streak (18 games) in franchise history from Nov. 5 to Dec. 13. This summer, San Antonio added leadership, and the legitimate starter-level point guard that Wembanyama needed by signing future Hall of Famer Chris Paul, in addition to bringing in veteran and former champion Harrison Barnes. The Spurs drafted Paul’s eventual successor, Stephon Castle, with the No. 4 pick in June’s draft.

Biggest strength and weakness: Wembanyama provides elite rim protection, finishing with 254 blocks, which ranked as the most in a season since 2015-16 (Hassan Whiteside). Wembanyama erases mistakes and allows San Antonio’s perimeter defenders to take chances. Still, collective improvement on defense has been a point of emphasis for the Spurs throughout training camp and the preseason. The team also needs to find more consistent outside shooting. San Antonio set a franchise record last season for 3-pointers made (1,036), but that ranked just 16th in the NBA. — Michael Wright

Spurs in NBA Rank:

Victor Wembanyama (11)

Chris Paul (99)

Number to watch: Wembanyama’s rim protection

Wembayama led the league last season with 3.6 blocks per game, over a block more than any other player. He also recorded a 10-block triple-double and finished in total with 254 blocks, becoming the 6th rookie to reach 250-plus blocks since the stat became official in 1973-74

Best bet: Wembanyama to record 1+ blocks in every regular season game; minimum 40 games played (+2000)

This year, we project Wemby to lead the league with 4.3 BPG in 33.4 MPG. With those numbers in mind, this bet is worth putting a few units on. — Eric Moody

Potential fantasy bust: Keldon Johnson

Not that he’s some exciting pick, but with Johnson going just past 100 overall in average draft position, he’s going to be relied on in fantasy frontcourts to really contribute. The holdup in trusting Johnson is that, in a rare case, he saw fewer minutes, touches and shots last season after a breakout 2022-23 effort. It’s looking more like his scoring spike in his fourth season was part of pacing a lottery-bound team in offensive opportunities. The Spurs’ rotation is now much, much different, with gifted young players mixing with proven late-career vets in a new-look Popovich concoction centered around Victor Wembanyama. Johnson is unlikely to start or find a truly specialized role for San Antonio, instead shifting to a complementary role that extinguishes any momentum left from his days as a bankable scoring source. Without very loud defensive rates and subpar rebounding percentages for a forward, I’d rather let a competitor take Johnson’s low-ceiling profile. — Jim McCormick

Andy Bailey, Bleacher Report — 20 (last ranking: N/A)

I’ve spent much of this summer pounding this number into your heads. But since I may not have many more chances to do it, here it is one more time.

In 2023-24, when rookie Victor Wembanyama was on the floor with Tre Jones (an actual point guard) and Devin Vassell (a competent three-and-D wing), the San Antonio Spurs were a whopping plus-10.2 points per 100 possessions.

Wemby is already an All-Star-level talent. And when he’s part of logical lineups (as opposed to experiments intent on turning Jeremy Sochan into a point guard), the Spurs can compete with just about anyone.

Now that Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes are around, those logical lineups should be more common. And San Antonio might even be in the mix for a top-10 finish in the West.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock