[ESPN] 2024-25 赛季 NBA 球员排名:第 100-51 名

By ESPN Insiders, 2024-10-15 20:00:00



NBA 球员排名迎来了第 14 个赛季,我们将继续为您揭晓联盟中实力最强的球员。本赛季哪些球员入选了前 100 名?

尼古拉·约基奇、扬尼斯·阿德托昆博、谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大和卢卡·东契奇等 MVP 竞争者排在什么位置?哪些年轻球星首次亮相?勒布朗·詹姆斯在这份榜单上的排名是上升还是下降?这位 NBA 历史得分王即将迎来他追平历史纪录的第 22 个赛季。

为了得到最终的 NBA 球员排名预测,我们邀请专家小组对超过 15,000 种可能的球员对决组合进行了投票。投票者被问及“哪位球员在 2024-25 赛季会表现更好?”,并且必须预测每位球员在本赛季的表现。

我们的倒计时从第 100-51 名的球员排名开始,其中包括未来的名人堂成员、前年度最佳防守球员以及现役(和前)尼克斯球员。排名将在周三继续公布第 50-11 名,周四公布本赛季排名前 10 的球员。

注:ESPN 的 NBA 球员排名小组由 150 多名记者、编辑、制片人和分析师组成,他们根据球员在 2024-25 赛季的预计贡献——质量和数量——对球员进行排名。

100. 安芬尼·西蒙斯(Anfernee Simons),后卫,波特兰开拓者队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 85

身高 6 英尺 3 英寸的西蒙斯是一位身材矮小的后卫,在防守端有时会被对手利用。在达米安·利拉德被交易后,他的使用率高得令人不安,这也许可以解释为什么他的有效投篮命中率是自 2019-20 赛季以来的最低值。但即使面临更多的防守压力,西蒙斯上赛季在距离篮筐 3 英尺范围内的投篮命中率也达到了职业生涯最高的 65.8%,数据来自 Basketball-Reference。– 克里斯·赫林

99. 克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul),后卫,圣安东尼奥马刺队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 76

上赛季效力于勇士队的保罗首发出场次数(18 场)创下职业生涯新低,自然而然地,他的数据也受到了影响。保罗的得分(9.2 分)、助攻(6.8 次)、抢断(1.2 次)和投篮次数(8.1 次)均创下职业生涯新低,但随着他与维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)并肩作战,这一情况将会改变。保罗在马刺队的职责已经超越了球场。他的任务是帮助马刺队重建冠军文化。但他也将对文班亚马的成长起到至关重要的作用。有保罗这位真正的首发级别控球后卫在场,预计马刺队的进攻效率会更高,关键时刻的执行力也会更强。– 迈克尔·莱特

98. 迈克·康利(Mike Conley),后卫,明尼苏达森林狼队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 93

即将迎来自己第 18 个 NBA 赛季的康利依然保持着稳健的作风。也许最能说明康利对森林狼队影响的数据是:森林狼队在康利首发出场的比赛中取得了 53 胜 23 负的战绩,而在他在打进西部决赛前的六场比赛中缺阵的情况下,球队的战绩为 3 胜 3 负。他仍然是一位出色的组织者(场均 5.9 次助攻),并且在与安东尼·爱德华兹并肩作战时,他在无球进攻方面表现出色,上赛季他的三分球命中率达到了职业生涯最高的 44.2%。– 蒂姆·麦克马洪

97. 赫伯特·琼斯(Herbert Jones),前锋,新奥尔良鹈鹕队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

也许琼斯应该排在更高的位置,因为他刚刚结束了一个入选最佳防守阵容一阵和年度最佳防守球员评选第五名的赛季。琼斯在第三年成为了一名可靠的三分射手(41.8%)。也许是时候在这个领域加大火力了。琼斯防守顽强,令人窒息,他可以与德章泰·默里在小球阵容中搭档后场,组成令对手胆寒的防守组合。考虑到琼斯职业生涯中每个赛季至少首发出场 66 场比赛并且仍在进步,他理应留在鹈鹕队的首发阵容中。– 莱特

96. 艾尔·霍福德(Al Horford),中锋,波士顿凯尔特人队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

霍福德是波士顿更衣室里一位受人爱戴的人物,他在 38 岁的年纪重返这份榜单,这证明了他坚持不懈的职业道德以及他为这支冠军球队带来的持续多才多艺。预计凯尔特人队将继续严格控制他的出场时间。但是,尤其是在克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯赛季初因伤缺阵的情况下,霍福德即使在他职业生涯的这个阶段,也依然会是凯尔特人队争冠道路上的关键一环。– 蒂姆·邦唐

95. 杰伦·萨格斯(Jalen Suggs),后卫,奥兰多魔术队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

萨格斯在 2023-24 赛季迎来了爆发,场均得分创职业生涯新高的 12.6 分,三分球命中率达到职业生涯最高的 39.7%,并入选最佳防守阵容二阵。也许最值得注意的是,他打了 75 场比赛——相比之下,他的新秀赛季打了 48 场比赛,第二个赛季打了 53 场比赛。但本赛季,魔术队需要有人来掌控进攻,因此萨格斯被要求承担更典型的控球后卫角色。– 肯德拉·安德鲁斯

94. 基根·穆雷(Keegan Murray),前锋,萨克拉门托国王队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

上赛季,穆雷以接球投篮球员的身份进入了他的第二个赛季。但他很快就证明了自己的进攻手段更加丰富,比如运球得分和冲击篮筐。他进步最大的标志是在防守端的任务。与第一个赛季相比,他不再是防守端的漏洞,现在他会去防守对手最好的进攻球员。本赛季,由于没有哈里森·巴恩斯,穆雷将被要求在防守端承担更多责任,并承担更艰巨的任务。– 安德鲁斯

93. 布鲁克·洛佩斯(Brook Lopez),中锋,密尔沃基雄鹿队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 69

无论是洛佩斯还是雄鹿队的防守,在 2023-24 赛季都没有像前一个赛季那样具有统治力,当时洛佩斯在年度最佳防守球员的评选中排名第二,而雄鹿队的防守效率排名联盟第四。但洛佩斯的进攻效率也有所下降,他场均得到 12.5 分,投篮命中率为 48.5%(三分球命中率为 36.6%)。35 岁的洛佩斯在本赛季将再次成为雄鹿队防守体系的核心,并且是球队球星身边的关键角色球员。– 贾马尔·科利尔

92. 贾巴里·史密斯(Jabari Smith Jr.),前锋,休斯顿火箭队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

史密斯的职业生涯起步可能比预期要慢一些,但这位即将升入三年级的球员似乎即将迎来一个真正的爆发赛季。他在 2023-24 赛季追平了自己职业生涯最高的 16 次两双,同时在投篮和篮板球方面都有所进步。史密斯说,弗雷德·范弗利特和狄龙·布鲁克斯等老将在上赛季教会了他如何做好准备、如何保养身体以及如何研究比赛录像,这对他帮助很大。所以,预计他会在本赛季早些时候运用这些经验,同时很可能在他的个人发展方面取得最显著的进步。– 莱特

91. 约纳斯·瓦兰丘纳斯(Jonas Valanciunas),中锋,华盛顿奇才队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 99

瓦兰丘纳斯上赛季展现出了惊人的耐战能力,他出战了全部 82 场比赛,场均接近两双,投篮命中率高达 56%。2023-24 赛季是这位老将连续第八个赛季出场 70 场或更多。奇才队拥有 NBA 最年轻的阵容,这意味着奇才队将依靠瓦兰丘纳斯的老将领导能力。考虑到奇才队上赛季场均被对手抢到二次进攻得分排名联盟倒数第一,场均被对手在油漆区得分排名联盟第 29 位,他在内线的实力也将被证明是有益的。– 莱特

90. 安德鲁·威金斯(Andrew Wiggins),前锋,金州勇士队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 54

就在三个赛季前,威金斯还是一位冉冉升起的全明星球员。两个赛季前,他只打了 37 场比赛;而上赛季,尽管他打了 71 场比赛,但他的数据却有所下降。威金斯场均得到 13.2 分——比前两个赛季少了 4 分。他在进攻端缺乏爆发力,在防守端缺乏韧性,而这些都是帮助勇士队在 2022 年夺冠的关键。威金斯一直坚称自己会恢复状态,但由于生病,他错过了在夏威夷的所有训练营。勇士队主教练史蒂夫·科尔相信这不会影响威金斯赛季初的状态,而勇士队也指望着他帮助球队重返季后赛。– 安德鲁斯

89. 迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter Jr.),前锋,丹佛掘金队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 68

波特上赛季出战了职业生涯最高的 81 场比赛,而就在两个赛季前,他还因为背部手术只打了 9 场比赛。在上个赛季场均投出 41.4% 的三分球命中率后,他的三分球命中率在上赛季略有下降,为 39.7%。波特的场均得分也从两个赛季前的 17.4 分略微下降到上赛季的 16.7 分,但这位前锋的场均篮板数达到了职业生涯最高的 7.0 个。由于夺冠功臣肯塔维奥斯·卡德维尔-波普在休赛期加盟奥兰多魔术队,掘金队本赛季将更加依赖波特。– 奥姆·扬米苏克

88. 以赛亚·哈腾施泰因(Isaiah Hartenstein),中锋,俄克拉荷马城雷霆队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

在 NBA 的前六个赛季里效力过五支球队后,哈腾施泰因已经成为了一名公认的精英角色球员,他在尼克斯队效力期间表现出色,并与雷霆队签下了一份丰厚的合同(三年 8700 万美元),这证明了这一点。哈腾施泰因的数据并不华丽,但这位 7 英尺长的球员已经证明了自己是一名防守支柱和进攻串联器,能够影响比赛的胜负。上赛季当哈腾施泰因在场时,尼克斯队每百回合得分比对手高出 10 分,这是尼克斯队八名出场时间至少达到 900 分钟的球员中净效率值最高的。– 麦克马洪

87. 纳兹·里德(Naz Reid),前锋,明尼苏达森林狼队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

从明尼苏达的民间英雄到 NBA 的最佳第六人,里德首次登上了这份百强榜单。他已经成为了森林狼队的一名关键球员,在 81 场比赛中场均得到职业生涯最高的 13.5 分和 5.2 个篮板,他既是关键的替补球员,也是一名临时的首发球员(上赛季当里德首发出场时,球队的战绩为 10 胜 4 负)。在交易走卡尔-安东尼·唐斯后,森林狼队将更加依赖里德。– 科利尔

86. 海梅·哈克斯(Jaime Jaquez Jr.),前锋,迈阿密热火队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

对于哈克斯来说,这是一个辉煌的新秀赛季,他立即赢得了主教练埃里克·斯波尔斯特拉的信任,出场次数位居热火队之首,出场时间仅次于全明星中锋巴姆·阿德巴约。无论哈克斯本赛季最终是首发还是替补出场,他显然已经成为了热火队现在和未来计划中的关键一员。对于热火队来说,能够在乐透区之外选中他,看起来是一场重大的胜利。– 邦唐

85. 卢根茨·多尔特(Luguentz Dort),后卫,俄克拉荷马城雷霆队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

多尔特在他的前五个 NBA 赛季里,从一名双向合同的落选秀成长为 3D 球员的典范。正如“多尔特牢笼”的绰号所证明的那样,防守对于多尔特来说是与生俱来的,他脚步异常灵活,身材魁梧,并且在穿过掩护方面有着不屈不挠的精神。他努力成为一名多产的三分球威胁点,在上赛季取得了突破,场均出手 5.0 次三分球,命中率高达 39.4%。– 麦克马洪

84. CJ·麦科勒姆(CJ McCollum),后卫,新奥尔良鹈鹕队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 44

作为一名无球进攻球员,麦科勒姆上赛季在高出手数(场均 8.4 次)的情况下,三分球命中率达到了职业生涯最高的 42.9%。但在季后赛中,由于锡安·威廉姆森和布兰登·英格拉姆的受伤,麦科勒姆成为了主要的组织者,他陷入了挣扎,失误数(场均 4.0 次)是常规赛(1.7 次)的两倍多,而三分球命中率也只有 24.1%。由于后场球员人数众多,麦科勒姆本赛季有可能作为第六人替补出场,而这位老将也表示,他可以接受减少出场时间。– 莱特

83. 马库斯·斯马特(Marcus Smart),后卫,孟菲斯灰熊队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 59

斯马特如何融入灰熊队还有待观察。在上赛季通过一笔三方交易加盟灰熊队(这笔交易将克里斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯送到了凯尔特人队)后,他经常出现在孟菲斯的长期伤病名单上,最终只打了 20 场比赛。灰熊队希望这位前年度最佳防守球员的顽强防守和组织能力能够将这支渴望在一个赛季的季后赛缺席后证明自己的球队凝聚在一起。– 麦克马洪

82. 米切尔·罗宾逊(Mitchell Robinson),中锋,纽约尼克斯队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 100

对于罗宾逊来说,关键因素是健康。只要他能上场,他就是联盟中最好的大个子之一。他是一位精英级别的篮筐保护者,同时他还拥有足够的防守范围来封盖三分球投手。近年来,他最擅长的技术是进攻篮板。他在 2021-22 赛季的进攻篮板率排名联盟第二,并在 2022-23 赛季领跑联盟——这项技术在过去几年里巩固了纽约队强硬的进攻风格。– 赫林

81. 迈尔斯·特纳(Myles Turner),中锋,印第安纳步行者队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 65

九个赛季以来,特纳一直是印第安纳中锋位置上的常客,而上赛季是他最健康的赛季之一。特纳出战了 77 场比赛,这是他自 2016-17 赛季以来的最高纪录,并且在步行者队自 2014 年以来首次打进东部决赛的过程中扮演了关键角色。现在,特纳即将进入合同年,他希望证明自己在印第安纳的价值,并向联盟其他球队展示他仍然保持着高水平。– 科利尔

80. 杰拉米·格兰特(Jerami Grant),前锋,波特兰开拓者队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 58

格兰特在过去四个赛季中第三次打出场均 20 分的表现。他的三分球命中率也第二次达到 40%,在利拉德被交易后,这给了重建中的开拓者队极大的帮助。但是,尽管他在进攻端展现出了所有这些技术,但他的篮筐保护能力却有所下降。上赛季当格兰特在防守时,对手在篮筐附近的投篮命中率比他们的平均水平高出 4.3 个百分点,这几乎与 2022-23 赛季格兰特在防守时对手的投篮命中率比他们的平均水平低 3.9 个百分点完全相反。– 赫林

79. 弗雷德·范弗利特(Fred VanVleet),后卫,休斯顿火箭队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 56

范弗利特上赛季的场均得分创下了自 2019-20 赛季以来的最低值,但他的场均助攻数却创下了职业生涯新高(8.1 次)。考虑到这位控球后卫上赛季为年轻且经常缺乏方向的火箭队带来了领导力和稳定性,他的排名下降 somewhat 令人惊讶。休斯顿引进范弗利特是为了建立球队文化,而随着阿尔佩伦·申京、阿门·汤普森、贾巴里·史密斯和杰伦·格林的不断成长,这方面还有很多工作要做。他的任务是帮助年轻球员在个人发展方面更上一层楼,同时担任这支渴望打进季后赛的球队的场上指挥官。– 莱特

78. 布兰丁·波杰姆斯基(Brandin Podziemski),后卫,金州勇士队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

去年的这个时候,波杰姆斯基还是一名预计将在后卫深度阵容末端替补上场的 19 号秀。勇士队很看好这位得分后卫,但对他能做出多少贡献并没有抱太高的期望。他最终场均出场 26.6 分钟,首发出场 28 场比赛,本赛季,他将与斯蒂芬·库里一起竞争首发阵容的位置。波杰姆斯基,以及他的 2023 届新秀同学特雷西·杰克逊-戴维斯,是金州勇士队最接近“赢在当下,投资未来”的建队理念的球员。– 安德鲁斯

77. 杰登·麦克丹尼尔斯(Jaden McDaniels),前锋,明尼苏达森林狼队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

现年 24 岁的麦克丹尼尔斯已经征战 NBA 四个赛季了,这位身高 6 英尺 9 英寸、体重 185 磅的前锋拥有 7 英尺的臂展,明尼苏达管理层希望他成为安东尼·爱德华兹身边的斯科蒂·皮蓬。在当今 NBA 比赛中,球员的位置越来越灵活,麦克丹尼尔斯是一位典型的防守球员,他可以换防到五个位置,并从外线到内线都能给对手施加窒息的防守。森林狼队也很看好他,就在麦克丹尼尔斯的年薪从 390 万美元飙升至 2300 万美元的时候,他们交易走了前球队基石唐斯——这意味着他们指望着麦克丹尼尔斯能够打出与之相匹配的表现。– 戴夫·麦克梅纳明

76. 泰勒·希罗(Tyler Herro),后卫,迈阿密热火队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 79

希罗应该排在更高的位置。这位热火队后卫上赛季的场均得分(20.8 分)和助攻数(4.5 次)都创下了职业生涯新高。但就像他的队友吉米·巴特勒一样,在球员排名中,出勤率很重要。希罗上赛季因伤只打了 42 场比赛,创下职业生涯新低,而且他从来没有在一个赛季里出场超过 70 场比赛。– 鲍比·马克斯

75. 多ンテ·迪温琴佐(Donte DiVincenzo),后卫,明尼苏达森林狼队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

作为尼克斯队上赛季进攻端的重要一环,迪温琴佐在 2023-24 赛季投进了惊人的 283 记三分球——排名 NBA 第三,几乎是他前一个赛季在金州勇士队与斯蒂芬·库里并肩作战时投进三分球数量的两倍。这位 27 岁的球员可能还有很大的上升空间。在尼克斯队的七场东部半决赛中,他场均得到近 23 分。预计迪温琴佐将成为森林狼队的一名关键球员,在卡尔-安东尼·唐斯加盟尼克斯队后,森林狼队将充分发挥他的投篮能力。– 赫林

74. 扎克·拉文(Zach LaVine),后卫,芝加哥公牛队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 38

由于伤病,拉文在 2023-24 赛季只打了 25 场比赛,表现令人失望,而且还充斥着交易流言,他的排名也因此下滑。然而,关于拉文的交易市场从未出现过,他回到了芝加哥,这将是他为公牛队效力的第八个赛季。拉文说,他赞成球队向年轻化方向转变,即使这意味着他必须在适应球队的同时努力恢复自己两届全明星球员的状态。– 科利尔

73. 贾莱特·阿伦(Jarrett Allen),中锋,克利夫兰骑士队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 50

如果排名是根据 1 月 3 日到全明星周末期间的比赛来排名的,那么阿伦将进入前 50 名。在那段时间里,阿伦场均得到 17.3 分、12.4 个篮板和 1.6 次盖帽,而骑士队的战绩为 18 胜 2 负,领跑联盟。在常规赛结束时,他的场均得分和篮板数连续第三个赛季达到两双。展望未来,令人担忧的仍然是他与埃文·莫布里的场上兼容性。根据 Cleaning the Glass 的数据,当莫布里和阿伦同时在场时,骑士队每百回合得分排名联盟第 38 位。– 马克斯

72. 奥斯汀·里夫斯(Austin Reaves),后卫,洛杉矶湖人队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 66

在经历了一个夏天代表美国男篮参加篮球世界杯的艰苦征程后,里夫斯在上赛季花了一些时间才找到了自己的节奏,而在 2023 年的季后赛中,他横空出世。从第二年(投篮命中率 52.9%,三分球命中率 39.8%)到第三年(投篮命中率 48.6%,三分球命中率 36.7%),他的 NBA 排名略有下滑,这与他的投篮效率下降相对应,也与湖人队在首轮出局后季后赛之旅提前结束有关,但这并没有认识到里夫斯在组织进攻方面的进步,也没有赞扬他打满了 82 场比赛。本赛季结束后,他应该会重回上升通道。– 麦克梅纳明

71. 克莱·汤普森(Klay Thompson),后卫,达拉斯独行侠队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 41

在上赛季场均仅得到 17.9 分,三分球命中率为 38.7% 之后,汤普森的排名下滑了 30 位,这也宣告了水花兄弟在勇士队的时代结束。正如这位 34 岁的未来名人堂成员在休赛期加盟独行侠队后所说的那样,汤普森坚信自己“还有很多很棒的篮球要打”,并且渴望在达拉斯为一支有竞争力的球队效力时证明这一点。独行侠队希望汤普森的冠军经验和三分球能力是他们迈向总冠军所缺少的最后一块拼图。– 麦克马洪

70. 布拉德利·比尔(Bradley Beal),后卫,菲尼克斯太阳队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 37

比尔的排名大幅下滑,虽然他在太阳队的第一个赛季投篮命中率达到了 51/43/81,但他缺席了 29 场比赛,这使得太阳队一直没能真正找到自己的定位。自 2019-20 赛季开始以来,比尔因为伤病已经缺席了 130 场比赛——这比安东尼·戴维斯(120 场)还要多,与科怀·伦纳德(161 场)不相上下,但他的声誉并没有像这两位球员那样受到打击。他排名骤降的原因与他最近的不可靠性直接相关。如果他能保持健康,帮助太阳队发挥出他们的潜力,那么他的排名也会再次上升。– 麦克梅纳明

69. 杰伦·格林(Jalen Green),后卫,休斯顿火箭队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 80

格林在去年春天提高了自己的效率,在 3 月份火箭队取得的 11 连胜期间,他场均得到 30.2 分,投篮命中率为 50%,三分球命中率为 45%。在这波连胜期间,格林成为了 NBA 历史上最年轻的在 11 连胜期间场均得分达到 30 分或以上的球员。在主教练伊梅·乌多卡的带领下,格林在他的第一个赛季提高了防守,预计他将在本赛季继续在这方面取得进步。格林最近提到,火箭队“需要打进季后赛”,并补充说“我们没有理由进不了季后赛”。– 莱特

68. 布兰登·米勒(Brandon Miller),前锋,夏洛特黄蜂队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

在很多个赛季里,米勒的新秀赛季——场均得到 17.3 分,出战 74 场比赛,三分球命中率超过 37%——都足以让他登上年度最佳新秀的投票榜首。然而,很多个赛季里,都不会有像维克托·文班亚马和切特·霍姆格伦这样的竞争者,这两位球员在投票中都领先于米勒。尽管如此,夏洛特用 2023 年选秀大会的榜眼签选中这位来自阿拉巴马大学的侧翼球员的决定,看起来一场比赛比一场比赛更加英明,他也理所当然地登上了这份榜单的中游。– 邦唐

67. 凯德·坎宁安(Cade Cunningham),后卫,底特律活塞队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 74

这位前状元秀即将进入他的第四个赛季,但活塞队的球迷们仍在等待他真正爆发的一个赛季。坎宁安在 62 场比赛中场均得到 22.7 分和 7.5 次助攻,但活塞队遭遇了历史性的连败,并以 14 胜 68 负的战绩排名联盟垫底。在又一个充满变革的夏天过后,包括新教练 J.B. 比克斯塔夫的到来,活塞队希望他们已经找到了能够释放坎宁安潜力的方法。– 科利尔

66. 德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green),前锋,金州勇士队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 55

格林刚刚结束了一个险些以退役告终的赛季。在经历了两次总共被禁赛 17 场比赛的冲突事件之后——勇士队不得不思考格林在球场上的能力是否值得他们忍受他的古怪行为。答案是肯定的,因为格林在本赛季仍然是勇士队的领袖,尤其是在克莱·汤普森休赛期离开之后。但格林在本赛季仍然有很多东西需要证明——不仅要证明他能在球场上做出贡献,还要证明他是一个可靠的队友。– 安德鲁斯

65. 马利克·蒙克(Malik Monk),后卫,萨克拉门托国王队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

上赛季,蒙克对比赛的掌控力更强了,他将自己混乱的比赛风格发展成为更加连贯的技术体系。蒙克在替补球员中得分、助攻和关键时刻得分均排名第一,这使他成为了最佳第六人的有力竞争者。3 月份,他遭遇了赛季报销的 MCL 扭伤,这让他 upward 的势头和对这个奖项的争夺戛然而止。但蒙克在本赛季恢复了健康,他希望能够复制自己在替补席上的出色表现。– 安德鲁斯

64. 伊曼纽尔·奎克利(Immanuel Quickley),后卫,多伦多猛龙队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 92

年仅 25 岁的奎克利在上赛季接过了重建中的多伦多进攻端的指挥棒,他将在 38 场比赛中场均得到 18.6 分和 6.8 次助攻,三分球命中率接近 40% 的出色表现的基础上更进一步。具体来说,奎克利应该会在三分线内的一些位置上有所提高,从历史上看,他在这些位置上的表现要比他在猛龙队效力的那半个赛季要好。他在多伦多猛龙队的急停跳投和近距离抛投命中率(根据 Basketball-Reference 的数据,分别为 29.6% 和 37.1%)都将创下职业生涯新低。– 赫林

63. 克里斯·米德尔顿(Khris Middleton),前锋,密尔沃基雄鹿队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 46

伤病继续限制了米德尔顿在常规赛中的表现,这也导致了他的排名下滑。在过去的两个赛季里,他只打了 88 场比赛,一直在与伤病作斗争。米德尔顿在本赛季开始前接受了双脚踝手术,据球队透露,这只是一个小手术,但对于这位即将年满 33 岁、进入职业生涯第 12 个赛季的前锋来说,这又是一个健康隐患。对于雄鹿队来说,有一个好消息是:米德尔顿在季后赛中的表现——六场比赛中场均得到 24.7 分和 9.2 个篮板,投篮命中率为 48%——表明他仍然能够打出全明星级别的水准。– 科利尔

62. 肯塔维奥斯·卡德维尔-波普(Kentavious Caldwell-Pope),前锋,奥兰多魔术队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 未上榜

为了提升魔术队的年轻核心阵容,卡德维尔-波普将他的冠军经验和宝贵的攻防两端的能力带到了奥兰多。他的离开对 2023 年的总冠军丹佛掘金队来说无疑是一个打击。除了他在丹佛的两个赛季里场均得到 10.4 分和 41.5% 的三分球命中率之外,他在防守端的单兵防守能力对掘金队来说也是无价之宝。丹佛的损失就是奥兰多的收获,因为卡德维尔-波普将会把如何在季后赛中赢球的经验传授给保罗·班凯罗、弗朗茨·瓦格纳和杰伦·萨格斯。– 扬米苏克

61. 约什·哈特(Josh Hart),后卫,纽约尼克斯队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 91

很少有球员在冲抢篮板球方面比哈特更无所畏惧,尽管身高只有 6 英尺 4 英寸,但他却是 NBA 中最不知疲倦、最顽强的篮板手之一。尼克斯队的“瑞士军刀”在上赛季展现出了进步的组织能力,在两个月的时间里就拿到了六次三双,而在他职业生涯的前六个赛季里,他一次三双都没有拿到过。作为崇尚防守的主教练汤姆·锡伯杜的爱将,哈特在上赛季的四场季后赛中出场时间都达到了 48 分钟或更多。– 赫林

60. 德斯蒙德·贝恩(Desmond Bane),后卫,孟菲斯灰熊队

2023 年 NBA 排名: 61

贝恩在他的前四个赛季里,每个赛季的场均得分和助攻数都有所提高,在 2023-24 赛季因伤缩短的赛季里,他场均得到 23.7 分和 5.5 次助攻。他得到了一份顶薪续约合同,这份合同将在本赛季生效,但他仍然有点默默无闻,因为他效力于一个小球市,并且生活

By ESPN Insiders, via ESPN

点击查看原文:NBA Rank 2024-25 - Player rankings from 100 to 51

NBA Rank 2024-25 - Player rankings from 100 to 51


NBA Rank is back for its 14th season counting down the best players in the league. Who made this season’s cut of the top 100?

Where do MVP contenders such as Nikola Jokic, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and Luka Doncic check in? Which young stars are making their debut? Did LeBron James rise or fall on our list as the NBA’s all-time leading scorer embarks on his record-tying 22nd season?

To get the final NBA Rank prediction, we asked our expert panel to vote on player vs. player matchups from more than 15,000 possible pairings. Voters were asked, “Which player will be better in 2024-25?” and had to predict how each player will perform this season.

Our countdown kicks off with our ranking of players Nos. 100-51, which includes future Hall of Famers, former Defensive Players of the Year and current (and former) Nova Knicks. The rollout continues Wednesday with Nos. 50-11 and Thursday with the season’s top 10 players.

Note: ESPN’s NBA Rank panel, comprising more than 150 reporters, editors, producers and analysts, was asked to rank players based on their predicted contributions – quality and quantity – for the 2024-25 season only.

100. Anfernee Simons, G, Portland Trail Blazers

2023 NBA Rank: 85

At 6-foot-3, Simons is a small guard who can certainly be exploited defensively at times. His usage rate was uncomfortably high at times in the wake of the Damian Lillard trade, perhaps making it unsurprising that his effective field goal rate was the lowest it’s been since the 2019-20 season. But even with more defensive attention, Simons managed to finish last season shooting a career-best 65.8% within three feet of the basket, per Basketball-Reference. – Chris Herring

99. Chris Paul, G, San Antonio Spurs

2023 NBA Rank: 76

Paul started in the fewest games (18) of his career last season with the Warriors, and, naturally, his production suffered. Paul finished with career lows in points (9.2), assists (6.8), steals (1.2) and field goal attempts (8.1), but that should change now that he’s a starter again alongside Victor Wembanyama. Paul’s responsibilities in San Antonio extend beyond the court. He’s tasked with helping the Spurs reestablish their championship culture. But he’ll also prove critical to Wembanyama’s development. With a real starting-level point guard on the floor in Paul, expect more efficiency from the Spurs on offense and better execution in clutch time. – Michael Wright

98. Mike Conley, G, Minnesota Timberwolves

2023 NBA Rank: 93

Conley, who is heading into his 18th NBA season, remains as steady as they come. Perhaps the most telling stat about Conley’s impact with the Timberwolves: Minnesota went 53-23 with Conley in the starting lineup and 3-3 in the six games he missed before making a run to the Western Conference finals. He is still a stellar facilitator (5.9 assists per game) who has flourished playing off the ball more alongside Anthony Edwards, shooting a career-best 44.2% from 3-point range last season. – Tim MacMahon

97. Herbert Jones, F, New Orleans Pelicans

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Maybe Jones should rank higher here, considering he’s coming off a campaign in which he made the All-Defensive first team and finished fifth in Defensive Player of the Year voting. Jones turned into a reliable 3-point shooter (41.8%) in Year 3.Perhaps it’s time to pump up the volume in that area. Durable and stifling as a defender, Jones could pair with Dejounte Murray in small-ball lineups to form a frightening defensive backcourt for opponents this season. Jones deserves to stay in New Orleans’ starting lineup considering he has started in at least 66 games in every year of his career and is still improving. – Wright

96. Al Horford, C, Boston Celtics

2023 NBA Rank: NR

That Horford, a beloved figure in Boston’s locker room, got back onto this list in his age-38 season is a testament to his relentless work ethic as well as the continuing versatility that he brings to the champs. Expect the Celtics to continue to heavily manage and monitor his minutes. But, especially with Kristaps Porzingis sidelined to begin the season, Horford will once again be a critical part of the Celtics’ title hopes even at this advanced stage of his career – Tim Bontemps

95. Jalen Suggs, G, Orlando Magic

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Suggs had a breakout 2023-24 season, averaging a career-high 12.6 points per game, shooting a career-best 39.7% from 3 and being named to the All-Defensive second team. Perhaps most notably, he played in 75 games – compared with 48 games his rookie season and 53 games his second season. But this season, Suggs is being asked to take on a more typical lead guard role as the Magic need someone to control the offense. – Kendra Andrews

94. Keegan Murray, F, Sacramento Kings

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Last season, Murray entered his second year labeled as a catch-and-shoot player. But he quickly showed he had added more offensive tools to his game, such as scoring off the dribble and attacking the rim. The greatest sign of his growth was in his defensive assignments. In contrast to his first year in the league, when he was hunted on defense, he now takes on the opponent’s best offensive player. With no Harrison Barnes this season, Murray will be asked to lead even more on defense and take on even bigger assignments. – Andrews

93. Brook Lopez, C, Milwaukee Bucks

2023 NBA Rank: 69

Neither Lopez nor Milwaukee’s defense was the same dominant force in 2023-24 as it had been the season prior, when Lopez finished second in the voting for Defensive Player of the Year and the Bucks were ranked fourth in defensive efficiency. But Lopez’s offensive production also took a dip, as he averaged 12.5 points on 48.5% shooting from the field (36.6% from 3). Lopez, 35, figures to be at the center of Milwaukee’s defensive scheme again this season and a crucial role player alongside the team’s stars. – Jamal Collier

92. Jabari Smith Jr., F, Houston Rockets

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Smith’s career might be taking off a little slower than expected, but the rising third-year man appears to be on the verge of a true breakout season coming off a 2023-24 campaign in which he tied his career high with 16 double-doubles while improving as a shooter and rebounder. Smith said veterans such as Fred VanVleet and Dillon Brooks helped him tremendously last season in teaching preparation, how to take care of his body and how to study film. So, expect him to apply those lessons early this season while likely making the most significant jump in his development. – Wright

91. Jonas Valanciunas, C, Washington Wizards

2023 NBA Rank: 99

Valanciunas showcased incredible durability last season, playing in all 82 games and averaging a near double-double while shooting 56% from the floor. The 2023-24 campaign marked the eighth season in which the veteran played 70 games or more. Washington features the NBA’s eighth-youngest roster, which means the Wizards will lean on Valanciunas’ veteran leadership. His prowess in the paint should prove beneficial, too, given that Washington ranked last in second-chance points per game allowed last season and 29th in paint points allowed per game. – Wright

90. Andrew Wiggins, F, Golden State Warriors

2023 NBA Rank: 54

It was just three seasons ago that Wiggins was an All-Star on the rise. Two seasons ago, he played only 37 games; and last season, despite playing in 71 games, his production took a hit. Wiggins averaged 13.2 points per game – four points fewer than in his previous two seasons. He lacked the explosiveness on offense and tenacity on defense that helped the Warriors win a title in 2022. Wiggins has been adamant about a return to form, but he did miss all of training camp in Hawaii due to an illness. Warriors coach Steve Kerr is confident this won’t derail the start of Wiggins’ season, and the Warriors are depending on him to help the team get back in the playoff picture. – Andrews

89. Michael Porter Jr., F, Denver Nuggets

2023 NBA Rank: 68

Porter played a career-high 81 games last season, just two seasons removed from being limited to nine games due to back surgery. His 3-point shooting dipped slightly to 39.7% last season after he averaged 41.4% from behind the arc the season before. Porter’s scoring average also slipped slightly from 17.4 points per game two seasons ago to 16.7 last season, but the forward logged a career-best 7.0 rebounds per game. The Nuggets will rely more on Porter this season with key championship cog Kentavious Caldwell-Pope gone to Orlando in free agency. – Ohm Youngmisuk

88. Isaiah Hartenstein, C, Oklahoma City Thunder

2023 NBA Rank: NR

After playing for five teams in his first six NBA seasons, Hartenstein has become recognized as an elite role player, as evidenced by the rich contract (three years, $87 million) he signed with the Thunder after a strong stint with the Knicks. Hartenstein doesn’t produce gaudy numbers, but the 7-footer has proved himself as a defensive anchor and offensive connector who impacts winning. New York outscored opponents by 10 points per 100 possessions with Hartenstein on the floor last season, the best net rating of eight Knicks who played at least 900 minutes. – MacMahon

87. Naz Reid, F, Minnesota Timberwolves

2023 NBA Rank: NR

From Minnesota cult hero to NBA Sixth Man of the Year, Reid makes his top 100 debut. He has transformed into a key player for the Wolves, averaging a career-high 13.5 points and 5.2 rebounds in 81 games, as both a key reserve and as a spot starter (the team went 10-4 when Reid started last season). The Wolves, after trading Karl-Anthony Towns, will lean on Reid even more. – Collier

86. Jaime Jaquez Jr., F, Miami Heat

2023 NBA Rank: NR

It was a stellar rookie season for Jaquez, who immediately earned the trust of coach Erik Spoelstra and played the most games of anyone on Miami’s roster and the second-most minutes behind All-Star center Bam Adebayo. Whether Jaquez ultimately starts or comes off the bench this season, he clearly has become a key part of Miami’s present and future. It looks like a significant win for the organization to have landed him with a pick outside of the lottery. – Bontemps

85. Luguentz Dort, G, Oklahoma City Thunder

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Dort developed from an undrafted player on a two-way deal into the epitome of the 3-and-D prototype during his first five NBA seasons. As evidenced by the “Dorture Chamber” nickname, the defense comes naturally for Dort, who has remarkably quick feet, a linebacker’s frame and a relentless approach to fighting through screens. He worked to become a prolific 3-point threat, breaking through last season by shooting 39.4% on 5.0 long-distance attempts per game. – MacMahon

84. CJ McCollum, G, New Orleans Pelicans

2023 NBA Rank: 44

McCollum shot a career-best 42.9% from range last season on high volume (8.4 attempts per game) as an off-ball scorer. But injuries to Zion Williamson and Brandon Ingram in the playoffs left McCollum as a primary facilitator and he struggled, committing more than twice as many turnovers (4.0 per game) as in the regular season (1.7) while shooting 24.1% from 3-point range. There’s a possibility McCollum could be coming off the bench this season as a sixth man due to the sheer number of players in the backcourt, and the veteran has expressed he’s fine with a reduced role. – Wright

83. Marcus Smart, G, Memphis Grizzlies

2023 NBA Rank: 59

It remains to be seen how Smart fits with the Grizzlies. He was frequently on Memphis’ long injury list last season, when he was limited to only 20 games after arriving in a three-way trade that delivered Kristaps Porzingis to the Celtics. The hope is that the former Defensive Player of the Year’s blend of tenaciousness and playmaking can provide the glue to a Grizzlies team that is hungry to prove itself after a one-year playoff absence. – MacMahon

82. Mitchell Robinson, C, New York Knicks

2023 NBA Rank: 100

A key factor for Robinson is health. When available, he is one of the best big men in the league. He’s an elite rim protector who also possesses enough defensive range to close out on 3-point shooters. His best skill in recent years, though, has been his offensive rebounding. He finished with the second-highest offensive rebounding percentage in 2021-22 and led the league in the category in 2022-23 – a skill that bolstered New York’s rugged style of offense the past few years. – Herring

81. Myles Turner, C, Indiana Pacers

2023 NBA Rank: 65

Turner has been Indiana’s consistent presence at center for nine seasons, and last season was one of his healthiest. Turner played in 77 games, his most since the 2016-17 season, and he played a key role in getting the Pacers to the conference finals for the first time since 2014. Now entering a contract year, Turner will want to prove how valuable he is in Indiana and show the rest of the league he’s still operating at a high level. – Collier

80. Jerami Grant, F, Portland Trail Blazers

2023 NBA Rank: 58

For the third time in his past four seasons, Grant notched a 20-point-per-game campaign. He also shot 40% from deep for the second time, giving a much-needed boost to the rebuilding Blazers in the wake of the Lillard trade. But for all the offensive skill he showcased, his rim protection took a step back. Opponents shot 4.3 percentage points better than their averages around the basket when Grant was defending last season, almost a total reversal from the 3.9 percentage points worse on average they shot when Grant was defending during the 2022-23 season. – Herring

79. Fred VanVleet, G, Houston Rockets

2023 NBA Rank: 56

VanVleet finished last season with his lowest scoring average since the 2019-20 season, but he averaged a career high in assists (8.1). VanVleet’s drop is somewhat surprising considering the leadership and stability the point guard brought last season to a young, often rudderless Rockets squad. Houston brought in VanVleet to be a culture builder, and there’s more work there with Alperen Sengun, Amen Thompson, Jabari Smith and Jalen Green still growing. He’ll be tasked with helping the youngsters take the next steps in their development while serving as floor general for a team hungry to make the playoffs. – Wright

78. Brandin Podziemski, G, Golden State Warriors

2023 NBA Rank: NR

This time last year, Podziemski was a 19th pick slated to fill in at the end of the guard depth chart. The Warriors were high on the shooting guard but didn’t have high expectations for how much he’d contribute. He ended up averaging 26.6 minutes and starting 28 games and this season is in the hunt for the starting lineup next to Stephen Curry. Podziemski, along with his fellow 2023 draft classmate Trayce Jackson-Davis, is the closest Golden State has gotten to the franchise’s “win now while investing in the future” mantra. – Andrews

77. Jaden McDaniels, F, Minnesota Timberwolves

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Four years into his career yet only 24 years old, the 6-foot-9, 185-pound McDaniels – who boasts a 7-foot wingspan – has been aligned by Minnesota management to be the Scottie Pippen to Anthony Edwards’ Michael Jordan for years to come. In the modern NBA game, where positions are increasingly fluid, McDaniels is a prototypical defender who can switch on to all five spots and suffocate the opponent from the perimeter to the paint. The Wolves bet big on him, too, trading away a former franchise pillar in Towns just as McDaniels’ salary shot from $3.9 million to $23 million – meaning they’re counting on a production spike out of McDaniels to match. – Dave McMenamin

76. Tyler Herro, G, Miami Heat

2023 NBA Rank: 79

Herro should be higher. The Heat guard averaged career highs in points (20.8) and assists (4.5) last season. But as with his teammate Jimmy Butler, availability matters when it comes to the player rankings. Herro played a career-low 42 games last season dealing with multiple injuries and has never appeared in more than 70 games in one season. – Bobby Marks

75. Donte DiVincenzo, G, Minnesota Timberwolves

2023 NBA Rank: NR

A huge part of the Knicks’ attack last season, DiVincenzo drilled a whopping 283 triples in 2023-24 – the third most in the NBA and nearly double the number he canned the season before, when he worked alongside Stephen Curry in Golden State. The 27-year-old might still have a decent amount of upside, too. He averaged nearly 23 points in New York’s seven-game Eastern Conference semifinal series. Expect DiVincenzo to be a key contributor with the Wolves, who will fully embrace his shooting ability now that Karl-Anthony Towns is a Knick. – Herring

74. Zach LaVine, G, Chicago Bulls

2023 NBA Rank: 38

LaVine fell in the rankings after injuries limited him to 25 games in a forgettable 2023-24 season that was marred by trade speculation. Yet, a trade market for LaVine never developed, and he’s back in Chicago for what will be his eighth season with the Bulls. LaVine says he’s on board with the team’s pivot to a youth movement, even if that forces him to blend fitting in with recapturing his two-time All-Star form. – Collier

73. Jarrett Allen, C, Cleveland Cavaliers

2023 NBA Rank: 50

If the rankings were based on the games played from Jan. 3 to the All-Star break, Allen would be in the top 50. Allen averaged 17.3 points, 12.4 rebounds and 1.6 blocks in those games, and Cavaliers went a league-best 18-2. He finished the regular season averaging a double-double in points and rebounds for the third time in his career. The concern moving forward continues to be the fit on the court with Evan Mobley. According to Cleaning the Glass, Cleveland ranked in the 38th percentile in points per 100 possessions when Mobley and Allen played together. – Marks

72. Austin Reaves, G, Los Angeles Lakers

2023 NBA Rank: 66

Coming off an arduous summer playing for Team USA at the FIBA World Cup, Reaves took some time to find his groove last season after bursting onto the scene in the 2023 playoffs. His slight slip in NBA Rank mirrors his shooting efficiency from Year 2 (52.9% from the field and 39.8% from 3) to Year 3 (48.6%/36.7%) and L.A.'s abbreviated postseason run after being ousted in the first round, but it fails to recognize Reave’s improvement as a playmaker and credit him for playing all 82 games. He should be back on the climb after this season. – McMenamin

71. Klay Thompson, G, Dallas Mavericks

2023 NBA Rank: 41

Thompson slipped 30 spots after averaging just 17.9 points per game and shooting 38.7% from 3-point range last season in what ended up being the Splash Brother’s swan song with the Warriors. As the 34-year-old future Hall of Famer said after joining the Mavs in free agency, Thompson firmly believes he has “a lot of great basketball left” and is eager to prove it while playing for a contender in Dallas. The Mavs hope Thompson’s title experience and 3-point shooting are the missing elements needed for them to take the final steps to a championship in Dallas. – MacMahon

70. Bradley Beal, G, Phoenix Suns

2023 NBA Rank: 37

It was quite the precipitous fall for Beal as he may have had 51/43/81 shooting splits in his first season with the Suns, but he missed 29 games, prohibiting Phoenix from really finding an identity. Since the start of the 2019-20 season, Beal now has missed 130 games because of injury – which is more than Anthony Davis (120) and in the neighborhood of Kawhi Leonard (161) without taking the hit to his reputation the way those two did. This plummet in the rank is directly tied to his recent unreliability. If he can stay on the court and help the Suns realize their potential, he, too, will rise again. – McMenamin

69. Jalen Green, G, Houston Rockets

2023 NBA Rank: 80

Green boosted his efficiency last spring and averaged 30.2 points on 50% shooting from the floor and 45% from deep during an 11-game Rockets win streak in March. During the streak, Green became the youngest player in NBA history to average 30 points or more over an 11-game stretch while winning each of those outings. Green improved defensively in his first season with coach Ime Udoka, and it’s expected he’ll continue to make strides in that department. Green mentioned recently that the Rockets “need the playoffs” and added that “there’s no reason for us to not get there.” – Wright

68. Brandon Miller, F, Charlotte Hornets

2023 NBA Rank: NR

In many seasons, Miller’s rookie year – averaging 17.3 points, playing 74 games and shooting over 37% from 3-point range – would have landed him atop the Rookie of the Year ballot. A lot of seasons, however, don’t have fellow contenders for the award such as Victor Wembanyama and Chet Holmgren, both of whom finished ahead of Miller in the voting. Still, Charlotte’s decision to take the wing out of Alabama with the second pick in the 2023 draft looked better by the game, and he deservedly rose to the middle of this list. – Bontemps

67. Cade Cunningham, G, Detroit Pistons

2023 NBA Rank: 74

The former No.1 pick is entering his fourth season, but Pistons fans are still waiting for his true breakout season. Cunningham averaged 22.7 points and 7.5 assists in 62 games, but Detroit had a historic losing streak and NBA-worst 14-68 record. After another summer of change, including new coach J.B. Bickerstaff, the Pistons hope they have found the formula to unlock Cunningham’s potential. – Collier

66. Draymond Green, F, Golden State Warriors

2023 NBA Rank: 55

Green is coming off a season that almost ended with his retirement. After two altercations that resulted in suspensions totaling 17 games – the Warriors were left contemplating if Green’s on-court ability was worth his antics. The answer was yes, as Green is still a leader for the Warriors entering this season, even more so after Klay Thompson left in free agency. But Green still has a lot to prove this season – not only that he is a contributor on the floor but also a reliable teammate. – Andrews

65. Malik Monk, G, Sacramento Kings

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Last season, Monk got more control over his game, developing some of his chaotic style into a more coherent skill set. Monk finished first in points, assists and clutch points among reserves, making him a leading candidate for Sixth Man of the Year. His upward trajectory and claim over the postseason award were halted after he suffered a season-ending MCL sprain in March. But Monk enters this season healthy and looking to replicate his elite production off the bench. – Andrews

64. Immanuel Quickley, G, Toronto Raptors

2023 NBA Rank: 92

Quickley, still just 25 years old, took the reins of the rebuilding Toronto offense last season and will seek to build on a solid first impression: 18.6 points and 6.8 assists per game on almost 40% shooting from 3 over 38 games. Specifically, Quickley should improve from a couple of spots inside the arc, where he historically has been better than he was in that half-season stint with the Raptors. His midrange and short, floater-range field goal percentages with Toronto (29.6% and 37.1%, respectively, per Basketball-Reference) both would have registered as career lows. – Herring

63. Khris Middleton, F, Milwaukee Bucks

2023 NBA Rank: 46

Injuries have continued to limit Middleton’s production during the regular season and contributed to his slide down these rankings. He has appeared in just 88 games over the past two seasons while rehabbing injuries. Middleton enters this season coming off surgeries on both of his ankles, minor cleanups according to the team but additional health concerns for the 33-year-old forward entering his 12th season. One positive for the Bucks: Middleton’s playoff performance – 24.7 points and 9.2 rebounds on 48% shooting in six games – showed he still can reach an All-Star level. – Collier

62. Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, F, Orlando Magic

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Looking to boost the Magic’s young core, Caldwell-Pope brings his championship experience and invaluable two-way play to Orlando. His departure from Denver will certainly be a blow to the 2023 champs. Beyond the 10.4 points and 41.5% 3-point shooting he averaged in his two seasons in Denver, his on-ball defense was invaluable to the Nuggets. Denver’s loss is Orlando’s gain as KCP will have lessons to share with Paolo Banchero, Franz Wagner and Jalen Suggs on how to win in the playoffs. – Youngmisuk

61. Josh Hart, G, New York Knicks

2023 NBA Rank: 91

Few players are more fearless crashing the boards than Hart, who, despite standing 6-foot-4, is one of the most tireless, rugged rebounders in the NBA. The Knicks’ Swiss Army knife showed an improved playmaking ability last season by logging six triple-doubles in a two-month span after zero during his first six seasons in the league. A favorite of defensive-minded coach Tom Thibodeau, Hart also logged 48 minutes or more in four playoff games last season. – Herring

60. Desmond Bane, G, Memphis Grizzlies

2023 NBA Rank: 61

Bane has improved his scoring and assists averages each of his four years in the league, averaging 23.7 points and 5.5 assists per game in his injury-shortened 2023-24 campaign. He was rewarded with a maximum contract extension that kicks in this season, but he remains a bit under the radar, playing in a small market and the shadow of his highlight-creating backcourt partner Ja Morant. That might change if Memphis breaks through with a deep playoff run. – MacMahon

59. Alex Caruso, G, Oklahoma City Thunder

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Caruso has established himself as an elite perimeter defender, and he makes his debut on the top 100 list after appearing in a career-high 71 games in 2023-24. Caruso helped carry Chicago’s defense for the past three seasons while rounding out his game offensively – he shot 40.8% from 3 on 4.7 attempts per game last season – and his addition to Oklahoma City will only strengthen last season’s No. 4 defense. – Collier

58. Coby White, G, Chicago Bulls

2023 NBA Rank: NR

White makes his debut on the top 100 list after a runner-up finish in Most Improved Player voting. For a Bulls team depleted by injuries, White averaged a career-high 19.1 points and 5.1 assists in 78 starts, up from 9.7 points and 2.8 assists while starting just two games in 2022-23. The Bulls have a crowded backcourt entering this season, but the 24-year-old White has become a centerpiece of Chicago’s young core. – Collier

57. Darius Garland, G, Cleveland Cavaliers

2023 NBA Rank: 36

Garland has never appeared in more than 70 games and saw his offensive numbers decrease in 2023-24. Last season he had the second-fewest field goal attempts and second-lowest field goal percentage and 3-point percentage in his career. While the concerns on how Garland fits with Donovan Mitchell continue to linger, expect a more efficient season under new head coach Kenny Atkinson. “Just like Donovan, can we create more easy catch-and-shoot [3s],” Atkinson said on media day. “And when you look at the numbers, he’s really good coming off ball screens.” – Marks

56. Dereck Lively II, C, Dallas Mavericks

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Lively wasn’t on this list a year ago, when he was considered a raw project entering his rookie season. He quickly established himself as an essential part of the Mavs’ core. Lively is a springy pick-and-roll partner for Luka Doncic and a spectacular finisher (141 dunks, 74.7% from the floor). He is just starting to tap into his immense defensive potential as a rim protector who is comfortable switching onto elite perimeter scorers. At 20 years old, Lively projects as a premier center for years to come. – MacMahon

55. Jaren Jackson Jr., F, Memphis Grizzlies

2023 NBA Rank: 31

Jackson, the 2022-23 Defensive Player of the Year, dropped 24 spots after the injury-ravaged Grizzlies limped to only 27 wins. A silver lining of the lost season was that Jackson was forced to spread his wings offensively. He averaged career highs of 22.5 points and 2.3 assists per game, although his shooting efficiency dipped. The hope is that Jackson’s improvement as a creator will be beneficial when he’s surrounded by the rest of the regular Memphis starting lineup. – MacMahon

54. Alperen Sengun, C, Houston Rockets

2023 NBA Rank: NR

Coming off his best season, Sengun averaged career highs in points (21.1), rebounds (9.3), assists (5.0) and steals (1.2) on the way to finishing third in voting for NBA Most Improved Player. Along the way, Sengun became the second-youngest Rocket behind Jalen Green in 2022-23 to average 20 or more points in a season. Houston sent three player development staffers to work with Sengun for nearly seven weeks over the summer in his native Turkey, and the club came away even more optimistic about his prospects for the season. The staff focused heavily on Sengun’s preparation and believes he has become a more mature player. – Wright

53. RJ Barrett, F, Toronto Raptors

2023 NBA Rank: 71

The 24-year-old southpaw is coming off a career year statistically, with personal bests in scoring (21.8) and assist (4.1) averages, but also one that came with the emotions of his return to Canada via trade and the death of his 19-year-old brother, Nathan, from an illness. In particular, Barrett – who enjoyed the best effective field goal percentage of his career with Toronto (55.3%) – was efficient from the 3-to-10-foot floater range and the 16-to-23-foot midrange portion of the floor, where he shot 45% and 50%, respectively; both personal bests for him. – Herring

52. Franz Wagner, F, Orlando Magic

2023 NBA Rank: 52

Wagner has been a cornerstone of the Magic’s resurgence, resulting in him inking a five-year, $224 million rookie contract extension in July. He had seven 30-point games last season and ranked in the top 10 in layups and dunks, according to Second Spectrum tracking. – Andrews

51. OG Anunoby, F, New York Knicks

2023 NBA Rank: 67

Anunoby was an immediate fit in New York after joining the Knicks via trade. New York smashed opponents by 21.8 points per 100 possessions with him on the court. Much of that stemmed from Anunoby’s stifling defense. But he was also uber-efficient as a transition scorer, where he scored 1.51 points per attempt, the NBA’s best rate of any player who had at least 100 transition chances. – Herring

马刺队一个年轻人都没入选 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

