[SAEN] 扎克·科林斯回归,马刺阵容趋于完整

By Jeff McDonald, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-10-13 15:06:38


马刺中锋扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)在周六的季前赛首秀前,对接受过手术修复的右肩状况毫无畏惧。



科林斯的左肩关节唇手术是在 2019 年 11 月效力于波特兰开拓者队时进行的,这也是困扰他的一系列伤病的一部分,让他一度觉得自己像个人体巫毒娃娃。

在不到一年的时间里(从 2020 年 9 月到 2021 年 6 月),他的左脚踝接受了三次手术,这导致他缺席了 2020-21 赛季开拓者队的全部比赛。


科林斯很有意识地等到上赛季最后一场比赛才撕裂了右肩的肩关节唇,在 4 月 14 日马刺战胜活塞的比赛中,他在封盖时受伤。

由于这次幸运的时机,科林斯可能是 NBA 历史上第一个遭遇这种特殊伤病却没有错过常规赛比赛的球员。

“我很高兴能回到球场,”科林斯在马刺周六以 126-120 战胜犹他爵士队后说道。“能再次打球真是太棒了。”

周六上半场,科林斯的表现就像一个六个月没有参加过 NBA 竞技比赛的球员。

顶替轮休的维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)首发出场,科林斯在上半场 5 投 0 中,在其他方面也没有明显的贡献。

这位身高 6 英尺 11 英寸的科林斯似乎在下半场找到了感觉并调整了呼吸,最终得到 11 分、2 个篮板、1 个盖帽和 1 次抢断。

他在第三节得到 10 分,8 投 4 中。

“考虑到(休赛期),我认为他看起来真的很不错,”主教练格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)说。“他抢篮板,与对手对抗,他一点也不害怕自己的肩膀。”

科林斯周六的最终投篮数据有点辣眼睛。他 13 投 4 中,3 分球 6 投 0 中。

对于一个上赛季三分球命中率暴跌至 32% 的球员来说,后一个数字并不令人鼓舞,这是科林斯自 2017-18 赛季新秀赛季以来的最低命中率。

尽管如此,马刺队还是指望这位 26 岁的科林斯(他去年秋天签下的续约合同还剩两年 3800 万美元)在本赛季扮演文班亚马替补的重要角色。

“他是那种我毫不担心的球员,”前锋凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)说。“他整个夏天都在努力训练,所以我觉得他会没事的。”


到 10 月 1 日训练营开始时,科林斯已经完全恢复了所有的篮球活动,包括对抗。




查尔斯·贝西(Charles Bassey)是另一位替补内线球员,他正在从上赛季的 ACL 伤病中恢复,他很有可能在马刺最后两场季前赛中的一场出场,周二客场挑战迈阿密热火,周四客场挑战休斯顿火箭。

首发得分后卫德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)在 6 月份接受了足部手术,预计要到 11 月才能复出。


“扎克是个硬汉,”前锋杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)说。“很高兴他能回来。”

科林斯复出的消息传出后,NBA 的裁判们可能并不那么高兴,他们经常首当其冲地承受着这位强硬的科林斯那股倔脾气。

“他可能很快就会吃到技术犯规,”控球后卫特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)笑着说。




对科林斯来说,他自 4 月份以来的第一场比赛的最终数据并不重要,重要的是他顺利地完成了比赛。




2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,犹他爵士队中锋沃克·凯斯勒(左)与圣安东尼奥马刺队的克里斯·保罗(3 号)和扎克·科林斯(中)纠缠在一起。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛下半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队的特雷·琼斯(33 号)和凯尔登·约翰逊在一个进球后做出反应。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队的杰里米·索汉(10 号)在犹他爵士队的泰勒·亨德里克斯(左)的防守下上篮。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,犹他爵士队后卫科林·塞克斯顿在进球后庆祝。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(54 号)在犹他爵士队的德鲁·尤班克斯(左)的防守下上篮。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋哈里森·巴恩斯(40 号)在犹他爵士队前锋科迪·威廉姆斯的防守下突破。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队的凯尔登·约翰逊(左)与犹他爵士队的凯尔·菲利波夫斯基(22 号)和德鲁·尤班克斯纠缠在一起。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,犹他爵士队的布莱斯·森萨博(28 号)与圣安东尼奥马刺队的凯尔登·约翰逊(中)相撞。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(54 号)在犹他爵士队前锋凯尔·菲利波夫斯基的防守下准备传球。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛下半场,犹他爵士队主教练威尔·哈迪(右)与爵士队后卫科林·塞克斯顿交谈。圣安东尼奥以 126-120 获胜。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛下半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队后卫克里斯·保罗(3 号)在犹他爵士队的科迪·威廉姆斯(5 号)和凯尔·菲利波夫斯基的防守下突破。圣安东尼奥以 126-120 获胜。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛下半场,犹他爵士队前锋凯尔·菲利波夫斯基在圣安东尼奥马刺队的凯尔登·约翰逊(0 号)的防守下上篮。圣安东尼奥以 126-120 获胜。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

2024 年 10 月 12 日,星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛下半场,犹他爵士队后卫杰森·普雷斯顿(10 号)在圣安东尼奥马刺队的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)(5 号)的防守下突破。圣安东尼奥以 126-120 获胜。(美联社照片/达伦·阿贝特)

点击查看原文:Zach Collins' return brings Spurs closer to full health

Zach Collins’ return brings Spurs closer to full health

Spurs center Zach Collins had no fear about the state of his surgically repaired right shoulder as he prepared make his preseason debut Saturday.

When it comes to life after tearing a labrum, Collins knew from the most unfortunate kind of experience about the marvels of modern medicine.

“I did it to this one (in the past) and I came out of that fine,” Collins said, tapping his left shoulder. “I’m pretty confident that it’s just even stronger now, so I wasn’t worried about it.”

Collins’ left labrum surgery came in November of 2019 while with Portland, part of a raft of medical issues that have at times left him feeling like a human voodoo doll.

He underwent three surgeries on his left ankle the span of less than a year – from September 2020 to June 2021 – which caused him to sit out all of the 2020-21 campaign with the Trail Blazers.

Compared to that nearly career-derailing run of bad injury mojo, Collins’ latest surgery came with a dose of luck.

Collins had the good sense to wait until the final game of last season to tear the labrum in his right shoulder, hurting himself while stretching for a block in the Spurs’ win over Detroit on April 14.

Thanks to that fortunate timing, Colling might be the first player in NBA history to suffer that particular injury and not miss a regular season game.

“I was just happy to get out there,” Collins said after the Spurs’ 126-120 victory over Utah on Saturday. “It’s just fun to play again.”

In the first half Saturday, Collins looked a lot like a player who had not been in a competitive NBA game in six months.

Starting in place of the resting Victor Wembanyama, Collins started 0 for 5 from the field in the first half and did not demonstrably contribute in any other area.

The 6-foot-11 Collins seemed to find his footing and catch his breath after halftime, finishing with 11 points, a pair of rebounds a block and a steal.

He had 10 points during a third quarter in which he made 4-of-8 field goals.

“Considering (the layoff), I thought he looked really good,” coach Gregg Popovich said. “He boarded. He banged with people. He wasn’t afraid of the shoulder or anything like that.”

Collins’ final shooting numbers Saturday were something of an eyesore. He went 4-of-13 overall and missed all six of his 3-point attempts.

The latter was not an encouraging number for a player who saw his 3-point percentage plummet to 32% last season, its lowest mark since Collins’ rookie season in 2017-18.

Still, the Spurs are counting on the 26-year-old Collins – who has two years and $38 million remaining on the contract extension he signed last fall – to play an integral role as Wembanyama’s primary backup this season.

“He’s one of those guys I have no worries about,” forward Keldon Johnson said. “He worked his butt off all summer, so I feel like he’ll be alright.”

Collins was able to work out for most of the summer while rehabbing his right shoulder. He spent a much of his time immediately following the procedure shooting only left-handed.

By the time training camp rolled around Oct. 1, Collins had been fully cleared for all basketball activities, including contact.

Out of caution, the Spurs held Collins out of their first two preseason contests before unleashing him Saturday.

“It’s great to have him back in the fold,” Popovich said.

With Collins back, the Spurs are one step closer to fielding a completely healthy roster.

Charles Bassey, another backup big man who is coming off an ACL injury last season, has a puncher’s chance of playing in one of the Spurs’ final two preseason games, Tuesday at Miami and Thursday at Houston.

Starting shooting guard Devin Vassell, who underwent foot surgery in June, has been ruled out until November.

If nothing else, Collins’ return should come as a boon to a Spurs squad lacking for size on its second unit. With Wembanyama out Saturday, Collins was the only true big man available against the Jazz.

“Zach’s a dog,” forward Jeremy Sochan said. “It’s good to have him back.”

Word of Collins’ latest comeback comes as perhaps less enthusiastic to the NBA’s officiating corps, who often bear the brunt of the hard-nosed Collins’ hard-headed outbursts.

“It will be only a matter of time before he probably gets a technical,” point guard Tre Jones said with a laugh.

“First game of the season,” Sochan predicted.

For now, Collins seems content to ease into that part of his game as well.

Saturday’s preseason debut went off without incident, save for a handful of clanged 3-pointers.

For Collins, the final numbers from his first game since April didn’t matter as much as simply surviving the night.

He left the Frost Bank Center no worse for wear.

“The body feels good, the shoulder feels good,” Collins said.

As Collins knows experience, at this point in his comeback process, that is the most important thing.

Utah Jazz center Walker Kessler, left, tangles with San Antonio Spurs’ Chris Paul (3) and Zach Collins, center, during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs’ Tre Jones (33) and Keldon Johnson react after a basket during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Utah Jazz, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs’ Jeremy Sochan (10) goes to the basket against Utah Jazz’s Taylor Hendricks, left, during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Utah Jazz guard Collin Sexton celebrates a basket during the first half of an NBA basketball game against the San Antonio Spurs, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs forward Sandro Mamukelashvili (54) goes to the basket against Utah Jazz’s Drew Eubanks, left, during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes (40) drives against Utah Jazz forward Cody Williams during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs’ Keldon Johnson, left, tangles with Utah Jazz’s Kyle Filipowski (22) and Drew Eubanks during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Utah Jazz’s Brice Sensabaugh (28) collides with San Antonio Spurs’ Keldon Johnson, center, during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs forward Sandro Mamukelashvili (54) looks to pass as he is defended by Utah Jazz forward Kyle Filipowski during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Utah Jazz head coach Will Hardy, right, speaks with Jazz guard Collin Sexton during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the San Antonio Spurs, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. San Antonio won 126-120. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

San Antonio Spurs guard Chris Paul (3) drives against Utah Jazz’s Cody Williams (5) and Kyle Filipowski during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. San Antonio won 126-120. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Utah Jazz forward Kyle Filipowski goes to the basket against San Antonio Spurs’ Keldon Johnson (0) during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. San Antonio won 126-120. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

Utah Jazz guard Jason Preston (10) drives against San Antonio Spurs’ Stephon Castle (5) during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. San Antonio won 126-120. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)

By Jeff McDonald, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News