[PtR] 圣安东尼奥马刺 vs. 犹他爵士,最终比分:马刺以 126-120 力克爵士

By Mark Barrington | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-13 10:28:55


犹他爵士 vs. 圣安东尼奥马刺


马刺队今晚与爵士队进行了一场精彩的季前赛,双方势均力敌。由于维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)本场轮休,波波维奇教练排出了多套双控球后卫阵容,这套阵容在面对缺少劳里·马尔卡宁(Lauri Markkannen)和其他几名老将的年轻爵士队时效果不错。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的影响力扩展到了其他年轻的马刺控球后卫身上,他们有时甚至与保罗同时在场,表现出色。

第四节,布莱克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)接管了比赛,扮演了克里斯·保罗在比赛早些时候的角色,带领马刺队打出一波攻击波,最终以 6 分优势获胜。特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)、克里斯·保罗、凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)都为马刺队贡献了精彩的表现。


  • 文班今晚没有上场。我认为很多球迷认为,维克托在上赛季场均出场约 29 分钟,并缺席了 11 场比赛后,本赛季将会在关键时刻发挥重要作用。我认为这可能就是我们今年会再次看到的情况。没有理由过度消耗这位年轻球员的身体。
  • 扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)在上赛季最后一场对阵活塞的比赛中肩部分离后,今晚迎来了他的第一场比赛。他本赛季和下赛季的合同都已签署,马刺队希望他在今年有更多贡献,并与文班亚马有更好的配合。
  • 马刺队在本场比赛中同时派上了克里斯·保罗和特雷·琼斯,而且这在一定程度上起到了作用,圣安东尼奥队在早些时候落后的情况下扳平了比分。保罗被布莱克·韦斯利换下,后者是季前赛表现最抢眼的球员之一,马刺队继续闪耀,首节过后以 27-29 落后。
  • 沃克·凯斯勒(Walker Kessler)是一位精英级别的篮筐防守者。马刺队一直试图挑战他,但他始终拒绝让他们得分。
  • 半场结束时,爵士队以 53-52 领先,科迪·威廉姆斯(Cody Williams)得到 11 分。
  • 我忘了帕蒂·米尔斯(Patty Mills)在爵士队了。很遗憾他今晚没有上场。
  • 凯尔登·约翰逊身上肯定贴了很多肌效贴,但这对他来说似乎很有效,因为他看起来和减重 20 磅之前一样强壮,而且速度更快了一些。
  • 杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)现在看起来更加流畅和自如了,因为他不再需要成为球队的主要控球手之一。他更适合扮演一个粘合剂的角色,在不需要一直控球的情况下抢篮板和获得得分机会。
  • 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)正是马刺队需要的球员。他不是一个顶级运动员,但他是一个优秀的射手,在克里斯·保罗的组织下,他将获得更多空位投篮的机会。
  • 爵士队从凯尔·菲利波夫斯基(Kyle Filipowski)那里得到了一些不错的上场时间,并在第三节结束时以 91-88 领先。
  • 威尔·哈迪(Will Hardy)在这支年轻球队的执教非常出色。尽管大多数球员都是新秀和二年级球员,但他们的配合非常好。
  • 马刺队在第四节开始阶段打出一波 10-0 的攻击波,这波攻击波是由防守引发的。比赛还剩大约 7 分钟时,克里斯·保罗的下场时间到了,然后布莱克·韦斯利接管了比赛,这位速度最快的马刺球员接管了比赛,他突破了爵士队的防守,并将球传给巴恩斯、卡斯尔和马穆,轻松得分。
  • 爵士队一度缩小了分差,但最终,韦斯利、卡斯尔和莱利·米尼克斯(Riley Minix)带领马刺队顶住了米哈伊柳克(Mykhailiuk)的猛烈反击,最终以 126-120 赢得了比赛。西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)也打出了他在季前赛中的最佳表现,帮助马刺队赢得了比赛。

马刺队将在下周结束季前赛,周二在迈阿密,周四晚上在休斯顿。马刺队的常规赛将于 10 月 24 日在达拉斯开始,对手是卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic)、克莱·汤普森(Klay Thompson)和达拉斯独行侠队。

点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Utah, Final Score: Spurs outhustle the Jazz 126-120

San Antonio vs. Utah, Final Score: Spurs outhustle the Jazz 126-120

Utah Jazz v San Antonio Spurs

The game was close all night, but a fourth quarter surge put the game away for the Wemby-less Silver and Black

The Spurs played a spirited preseason contest tonight against the Jazz that was close throughout. With Victor Wembanyama resting tonight, Pop played a lot of two point guard lineups and it worked pretty well against the young Jazz, who were resting Lauri Markkannen and several other veterans. Chris Paul’s influence extended to the other young Spurs point guards who played well, sometimes on the court with CP3 at the same time.

The Silver and Black put the game away in the fourth quarter as Blake Wesley took over and assumed the role the Chris Paul played earlier in the game and the Spurs won by six, with great games from Tre Jones, Chris Paul, Keldon Johnson and Stephon Castle.


  • Wemby was out tonight. I think that a lot of fans think that Victor is going to play big minutes after averaging about 29 minutes per game last year, and missing 11 games completely. I think that’s probably what we’ll see again this year. There’s no reason to overstress the young guy’s body.
  • Tonight was the first game for Zach Collins after separating his shoulder in the season finale last season against the Pistons. He’s under contract this year season next, and the Spurs are looking for more production from him this year and a better fit with Wembanyama.
  • The Spurs played both Chris Paul and Tre Jones together in the game, and it kind of worked as San Antonio evened the score after trailing early. Paul got replaced by Blake Wesley, who has been one of the bright spots of the preseason, and the Spur continued to shine, trailing 27-29 after the first quarter.
  • Walker Kessler is an elite rim defender. The Spurs kept trying him, he kept denying them.
  • The Jazz led 53-52 at the half, led by Cody Williams with 11 points.
  • I forgot that Patty Mills was on the Jazz. It’s too bad he didn’t play tonight.
  • Keldon Johnson sure wears a lot of kinesiology tape, but it seems to work for him, as he seems to be just as physical as he was before he lost 20 lbs, and a little quicker.
  • Jeremy Sochan seems a lot smoother and more comfortable now that he’s no longer required to be one of the main ball handlers on the team. He’s better casted as a glue guy who can get rebounds and opportunistic points without having the ball in his hands all of the time.
  • Julian Champagnie is exactly what the Spurs need. He’s not an elite athlete, but he’s a good shooter and he’ll get a lot more opportunities at open shots with Chris Paul distributing the rock.
  • The Jazz got some nice minutes from Kyle Filipowski and led 91-88 after three quarters.
  • Will Hardy is doing a great job with this young team. They played really well together even though most of the players were rookies and second year players.
  • The Spurs went on an 10-0 run to start the fourth quarter triggered by defense. With about 7 minutes left, Chris Paul’s night was done, then Blake Wesley took over and kept it going as the quickest Spur took over the game breaking down the Jazz defense and distributing the ball to Barnes, Castle and Mamu for easy baskets.
  • The Jazz closed things up but a final run led by Wesley, Castle and Riley Minix closed it out as the Spurs weathered a flurry from Mykhailiuk. Sidy Cissoko also had his best appearance of the preseason as he helped the Spurs close it out 126-120.

The Spurs finish out the preseason next week at Miami on Tuesday and in Houston on Thursday night. The real games start for the Spurs on October 24 at Dallas against Luka Doncic, Klay Thompson and the Mavericks.

By Mark Barrington, via Pounding The Rock

1 个赞

会打逆风球了,团队轮转协防质量提高了,继续这样的防守水平,保底35胜。 :sunglasses: