By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-11 03:39:38
前圣安东尼奥马刺队球员、三届 NBA 总冠军丹尼·格林(Danny Green) 通过 X 平台和他的 YouTube 频道 Danny Green x Inside the Green Room 宣布从篮球界退役 。
作为北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 NCAA 冠军队的成员,格林在第二轮被选中进入 NBA。他很快成为勒布朗·詹姆斯在克利夫兰骑士队的最爱搭档之一。不幸的是,他的场边舞蹈比他在场上的表现更出名,在新秀赛季只打了 20 场比赛就被裁掉了。
很快,他便成为了马刺队最励志的救赎故事之一。在 2010-2011 赛季,他与马刺队签约,但仅仅打了 2 场比赛就被裁掉了,用他自己的话说,他需要一些成长。随后,他与发展联盟雷诺大角羊队签约,并在赛季末重返马刺队,在奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥两地奔波。在经历了 NBA 停摆期后,他以一个全新的面貌回归,并在 2011-2012 赛季迎来了爆发,帮助马刺队重返总冠军争夺行列,接下来的故事大家都知道了。
他是那个时代完美的三分防守型球员,为马刺队提供可靠的外线投篮和全明星级别的防守。尽管他有时不稳定的但致命的投篮为他赢得了“冰火两重天”的绰号,但他的存在让马努·吉诺比利能够回到他喜欢的第六人角色。2013 年,格林在总决赛中投进了创纪录的 27 记三分球,险些帮助马刺队夺冠,而他们在接下来的一个赛季就如愿以偿。
在接下来的四个赛季里,格林一直是马刺队轮换阵容和球队文化的重要组成部分,并在 2017 年入选了最佳防守阵容二队。不幸的是,他在马刺队的时光在 2017-18 赛季后戛然而止,他被交易到猛龙队,换来了德玛尔·德罗赞和雅各布·珀尔特尔。没有人希望看到他在马刺队的时光以这种方式结束,但为了摆脱他的队友给球队带来的困境,他们不得不这样做。
格林随后又赢得了两枚总冠军戒指,分别是 2019 年随猛龙队和 2020 年随湖人队,这使他成为继约翰·萨利和罗伯特·霍里之后第三位随三支不同球队夺冠的 NBA 球员。即使在他职业生涯末期成为一名流浪汉,他仍然是争冠球队梦寐以求的轮换球员。不幸的是,在 2022 年季后赛中,他的队友乔尔·恩比德假摔倒在他的腿上,导致他遭遇了前十字韧带和外侧副韧带撕裂,在宣布退役前的两个赛季里,他只打了 13 场比赛。
丹尼·格林曾经是,并将永远是 最具马刺精神的马刺球员,也是圣安东尼奥球迷的最爱。祝贺他在经历了坎坷的开局后取得如此辉煌的 NBA 职业生涯,我相信无论他身在何处,未来都将一片光明。
点击查看原文:Spurs champion Danny Green announces retirement from the NBA
Spurs champion Danny Green announces retirement from the NBA
The former Spur and fan favorite brought defense, threes, and a championship to San Antonio as part of a lucrative career.
Former San Antonio Spur and 3x NBA champion Danny Green has announced retirement from basketball via X and his YouTube account, Danny Green x Inside the Green Room.
After coming into the NBA as a second round pick coming off an NCAA championship with the North Carolina Tar Heels, he quickly ingrained himself as one of LeBron James’ favorite sidekicks with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Unfortunately, he become more known for his sideline dances than his play on the court and was waived after playing in just 20 games his rookie season.
He soon found himself as one of the Spurs’ ultimate redemption stories. During the 2010-2011 season, he signed with the Spurs but was waived after just two games because, in his own words, he had some growing up to do. He then signed with the G-League Reno Bighorns before returning to the Spurs late in the season, splitting time between Austin and San Antonio. He returned following the NBA lockout a new man, had his breakout season in 2011-2012 as the Spurs returned to true championship contention, and the rest is history.
He was the the perfect, prototypical three-and-D player of his era who gave the Spurs a reliable outside shooter and All-NBA level defense. Although he earned the nickname “Icy-Hot” for his sometimes inconsistent but lethal three-point shot, his presence allowed the Spurs to return Manu Ginobili to the preferred sixth-man role. Green nearly helped lead the Spurs to a championship in 2013 with a then record-breaking 27 threes in the finals, and they would go on to win it all the next season.
Green remained a key part of the Spurs’ rotation and culture for the next four seasons, including making 2nd Team All-Defense in 2017. Unfortunately, his time with the Spurs came to an abrupt end after the 2017-18 season, when he was included in the trade that sent Kawhi Leonard to the Raptors for DeMar DeRozan and Jacob Poeltl. It wasn’t how anyone wanted to see his time with the Spurs end, but it had to be done move on from the saga his teammate had brought on the franchise.
Green would go on to win two more championships, with the Raptors in 2019 and Lakers in 2020, making him the 3rd NBA player to win championships with three different teams, along with John Sally and Robert Horry. Even as he became a journeyman at the end of his career, he remained a desirable rotation player for contenders. Unfortunately, he suffered a torn ACL and LCL in the 2022 playoffs when his teammate, Joel Embiid, flopped fell into his leg, and he would only play in 13 more games across the next two season before announcing his retirement.
Danny Green was and always will be on of the Spursiest Spurs and a fan favorite here in San Antonio. Congratulations to him on such a wonderful NBA career after it got off to a rocky start, and I’m sure he has an extremely bright future ahead whereever it may take him.
Thanks for everything, Danny!
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock