[SAEN] 前马刺后卫丹尼·格林 (Danny Green) 在征战 NBA 15 个赛季后宣布退役 ▶️

By Nick Moyle, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-10-10 10:38:15


2014 年 6 月 12 日,在佛罗里达州迈阿密的美国航空球馆举行的 2014 年 NBA 总决赛第四场比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队的丹尼·格林 (Danny Green) 4 号对阵迈阿密热火队做出反应。

丹尼·格林 (Danny Green) 从一个在进入 NBA 的前两年两次被裁掉的二轮秀,成长为马刺队最伟大的璞玉成功案例之一,他在圣安东尼奥成长为一名可靠的 3D 侧翼球员,帮助球队在 2014 年赢得了队史第五座 NBA 总冠军奖杯。在征战了 15 个赛季后,这位 37 岁的三届总冠军球员决定退役。



— Danny Green (@ DGreen_14) 2024 年 10 月 10 日

格林在 2009 年离开北卡罗来纳大学后的最初几年充满了挫折。他在新秀赛季结束后被克利夫兰骑士队裁掉,并在 2010 年 11 月短暂效力一周后被圣安东尼奥马刺队裁掉,然后在 2011 年重新加入马刺队。由于 NBA 与球员工会就新的劳资协议陷入僵局,停摆期间他前往斯洛文尼亚的奥林匹亚联盟队效力。

2011 年 12 月下旬,停摆结束后,缩水赛季终于开始,很明显,格林找到了一个长期的归宿。从 2011 年到 2018 年,他为马刺队出场 520 场常规赛,其中 464 场首发,并且在马刺队投进的三分球 (959 个) 比除马努·吉诺比利 (Manu Ginobili) (1,495 个) 和帕蒂·米尔斯 (Patty Mills) (1,171 个) 以外的任何人都多。格林一直以其防守端的全面性而闻名,在 2016-17 赛季入选了最佳防守阵容二阵。

这位身高 6 英尺 6 英寸的神射手是马刺队在 2014 年季后赛激动人心的征程中“美丽篮球”的理想成员,他们在总决赛中五场比赛击败了勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James)、德维恩·韦德 (Dwyane Wade)、克里斯·波什 (Chris Bosh) 领衔的迈阿密热火队。在那个系列赛中,格林场均得到 9.2 分,投篮命中率为 51.3%,三分球 20 投 9 中。

尽管他在 2018 年 7 月与科怀·伦纳德 (Kawhi Leonard) 一起被交易到多伦多猛龙队,但格林在马刺队历史季后赛出场次数排行榜上仍排名第六 (100 场),并且是仅有的六位身披银黑战袍首发超过 90 场 (94 场) 的球员之一。他的季后赛三分球命中数 (191 个) 仅次于吉诺比利 (324 个),同时在盖帽 (85 个) 排行榜上排名第三,抢断 (101 个) 排行榜上排名第六,得分 (843 分) 排行榜上排名第八,分钟数 (2,501 分钟) 排行榜上排名第九,篮板 (323 个) 排行榜上排名第十。

正如在圣安东尼奥一样,格林帮助多伦多猛龙队在 2019 年赢得了队史首座 NBA 总冠军奖杯,并在 2020 年作为洛杉矶湖人队的首发得分后卫获得了他的第三枚总冠军戒指。他从费城 76 人队 (2020-22) 转会到孟菲斯灰熊队 (2022-23),然后是克利夫兰骑士队 (2022-23),之后在 2023-24 赛季再次回到费城 76 人队,直到去年 11 月被裁掉。

现在,格林已经准备好迎接人生的下一个阶段,包括主持他早在 2018 年就推出的播客节目“Inside the Green Room”。



马刺队教练格雷格·波波维奇 (Gregg Popovich),图中是他在 2014 年西部决赛对阵俄克拉荷马城雷霆队的比赛中与丹尼·格林讨论战术。

2013 年 6 月 6 日,马刺队的丹尼·格林、托尼·帕克 (Tony Parker) 和帕蒂·米尔斯在迈阿密美国航空球馆举行的 2013 年 NBA 总决赛第一场比赛战胜迈阿密热火队后庆祝。马刺队以 92-88 获胜。

2017 年 5 月 22 日星期一,在 AT&T 中心举行的西部决赛第四场比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队的丹尼·格林在上半场对阵金州勇士队的德雷蒙德·格林 (Draymond Green) 时投出一记两分球。

2017 年 5 月 22 日星期一,在 AT&T 中心举行的西部决赛第四场比赛中,马刺队的丹尼·格林 (14 号) 面对金州勇士队的克莱·汤普森 (Klay Thompson) (11 号) 投出一记三分球。(摄影:Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News)


2017 年 5 月 11 日星期四,在丰田中心举行的西部半决赛第六场比赛战胜休斯顿火箭队后,马刺队的丹尼·格林 (14 号) 和马刺队主教练格雷格·波波维奇走回更衣室。马刺队以 114-75 击败火箭队,赢得了系列赛的胜利,并晋级西部决赛,对阵金州勇士队。(摄影:Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News)

2014 年 6 月 10 日星期二,在佛罗里达州迈阿密的美国航空球馆,圣安东尼奥马刺队的丹尼·格林、科怀·伦纳德和托尼·帕克在替补席上观看了 NBA 总决赛第三场对阵迈阿密热火队的比赛。


点击查看原文:Former Spurs guard Danny Green retiring after 15 seasons in NBA

Former Spurs guard Danny Green retiring after 15 seasons in NBA

Danny Green #4 of the San Antonio Spurs reacts against the Miami Heat during Game Four of the 2014 NBA Finals at American Airlines Arena on June 12, 2014 in Miami, Florida.

Danny Green went from a second-round pick who was twice waived in his first two years in the NBA to one of the Spurs’ greatest diamond-in-the-rough success stories, blossoming in San Antonio as a dependable 3-and-D wing who helped the franchise win its fifth NBA title in 2014. And after playing 15 seasons in a league that once seemed to disregard him, the 37-year-old three-time champion has decided to retire.

"I never imagined writing this letter, even though I knew this day would eventually come,” Green said in a retirement letter posted to his social media accounts. “My life has revolved around this game, taking me all over the world and introducing me to incredible people. It’s been one helluva journey that I’m immensely proud of, and I couldn’t have achieved it without he support of so many.”


— Danny Green (@ DGreen_14) October 10, 2024

Green’s early years after leaving UNC in 2009 were rife with setbacks. He was waived by Cleveland after his rookie year and by San Antonio following a one-week stint in November 2010, then rejoined the Spurs in 2011 before the lockout led him to KK Union Olimpija in Slovenia as the NBA and NBPA locked horns over a new collective bargaining agreement.

Once the dust settled and the compacted season finally began in late December 2011, it was clear Green had found a long-term home. He went on to appear in 520 regular-season games with 464 starts from 2011 to 2018 and hit more 3-pointers (959) in Spurs garb than anyone not named Manu Ginobili (1,495) or Patty Mills (1,171). Long-known as a switchable pest on the other side of the ball, Green also earned a nod to the All-Defensive second team in 2016-17.

The 6-foot-6 marksman made for an ideal member of the “beautiful game” Spurs during their exhilarating run through the 2014 playoffs, which culminated with a five-game win over LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and the Miami Heat in the Finals. Green averaged 9.2 points, shot 51.3% from the field and drilled 9-of-20 3s against Miami in that series.

Though he was traded with Kawhi Leonard to Toronto in July 2018, Green still ranks sixth on the Spurs’ all-time list in playoff appearances (100) and is one of just six to make at least 90 starts (94) in silver and black. He trails only Manu Ginobili (324) in postseason 3-pointers (191) while also ranking third in blocks (85), sixth in steals (101), eight in points (843), ninth in minutes (2,501) and 10th in rebounds (323).

As he did in San Antonio, Green would help Toronto win its first NBA title in 2019 and claim a third ring as the Lakers’ starting shooting guard in 2020. He bounced from Philadelphia (2020-22) to Memphis (2022-23) to Cleveland (2022-23) to Philly (2023-24) again before the 76ers waived him last November.

Now Green is ready for the next stage in his life, which includes hosting the “Inside the Green Room” podcast launched back in 2018.

“To all my friends, family coaches, and teammates from high school, college, and the pros; to my wife and little one, who have pushed me to be not only a great player but a better person each day," Green said. "I hope I make you proud as I hang up this jersey and sneakers and officially step away from the game.

“I’m excited for the next chapter and look forward to conquering new challenges.”

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, shown here discussing a play with Danny Green in 2014 Western Conference Finals against the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Spurs’ Danny Green, Tony Parker and Patty Mills celebrate after Game 1 of the 2013 NBA Finals against the Miami Heat on June 6, 2013 at American Airlines Arena in Miami. The Spurs won 92-88.

San Antonio Spurs’ Danny Green goes for two against Golden State Warriors’ Draymond Green during the first half in game four of the Western Conference Finals at the AT&T Center, Monday, May 22, 2017.

Spurs’ Danny Green (14) shoots a three against Golden State Warriors’ Klay Thompson (11) in Game 4 on the Western Conference Finals at the AT&T Center on Monday, May 22, 2017. (Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News)

Danny Green, Gregg Popovich and the Spurs will face the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals.

Spurs’ Danny Green (14) and Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich walk back to the locker room after defeating the Houston Rockets in Game 6 of the Western Conference semifinals at the Toyota Center on Thursday, May 11, 2017. Spurs defeated the Rockets, 114-75, to win the series and advance to the Western Conference Finals against the Golden State Warriors. (Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News)

San Antonio Spurs’ Danny Green, Kawhi Leonard, and Tony Parker watch Game 3 of the NBA Finals against the Miami Heat from the bench Tuesday June 10, 2014 at American Airlines Arena in Miami, Fla.

A knee injury has kept Danny Green from playing with the Grizzlies, but he’s poised to soon help another title contender.

By Nick Moyle, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News

By Shams Charania, 2024-10-10 22:34:00



在征战 NBA 15 个赛季后,丹尼·格林(Danny Green)宣布从篮球界退役。

格林在周四的播客节目中宣布了退役的决定,他是 NBA 历史上仅有的四位随三支不同球队夺冠的球员之一(2014 年随马刺队、2019 年随猛龙队、2020 年随湖人队)。

“我正式告别篮球和 NBA 了,这是一段很棒的旅程,”格林说,“我为能够以这样的方式离开赛场感到自豪,内心非常平静。”

这位 37 岁的球员以三分神射手著称,职业生涯三分球命中率高达 40%。在他的职业生涯中,他一直是更衣室的领袖。2023-24 赛季,他在费城 76 人队打了 2 场比赛,之后在将詹姆斯·哈登交易到洛杉矶快船队的交易中被裁掉。

格林在 2009 年的选秀大会上被骑士队在第二轮选中,在克利夫兰度过了一个赛季后,他最终在马刺队找到了自己的位置,并在那里度过了职业生涯的大部分时间。2014-15 赛季,他场均得到职业生涯最高的 11.7 分,出场 81 场比赛。他还入选了 2016-17 赛季的最佳防守阵容。

格林一共参加了 832 场比赛,场均得到 8.7 分和 3.4 个篮板。他还随北卡罗来纳大学获得了 2009 年的 NCAA 冠军。

格林将专注于继续他的广播事业、致力于赋能创新创业者的 GreenLight 风险基金、Between the Lines 导师计划,以及由他和国家篮球运动员协会联合发起的 The Throne 篮球锦标赛。

点击查看原文:Danny Green retires from NBA, won titles with 3 different teams

Danny Green retires from NBA, won titles with 3 different teams


After 15 NBA seasons, Danny Green says he is retiring from basketball.

Green, who announced his retirement on his podcast Thursday, is one of four players in NBA history to win championships with three different teams (2014 with the Spurs, 2019 with the Raptors, 2020 with the Lakers).

“I’m officially moving on from the game of basketball, the NBA. It’s been a great run,” Green said. “To me, I’m very proud to be able to walk away from the game. I’m at peace with it.”

The 37-year-old was known as a 3-point marksman – he was a career 40% shooter behind the arc – and a leader in the locker room over the course of his career. He played two games for the Philadelphia 76ers in 2023-24 before he was waived following the trade that sent James Harden to the LA Clippers.

Drafted in the second round by the Cavaliers in 2009, Green spent one season in Cleveland before eventually finding his spot with the Spurs, where he spent the majority of his career and averaged a career-high 11.7 points while playing in 81 games in 2014-15. He also made the All-Defensive Team in 2016-17.

He finishes with career averages of 8.7 points and 3.4 rebounds in 832 games. Green also won a national title with North Carolina in 2009.

Green will focus on continuing his broadcasting career, the GreenLight venture fund dedicated to empowering innovative entrepreneurs, the Between the Lines mentorship program, and The Throne basketball tournament powered by Green and the National Basketball Players Association.

By Shams Charania, via ESPN