By Bill Huan | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-08 21:35:26
圣安东尼奥标志性的传切配合从一开始就显而易见,他们通过不断的跑动和快速传球,总能找到处于空位的队友。在俄克拉荷马城雷霆队还在寻找状态的时候,马刺队在外线频频发炮,早早取得领先。 特雷·琼斯和杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)的多次精妙传球帮助队友轻松得分,而首发中锋哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)也为球队带来了更多的进攻选择。
然而,随着比赛的进行,雷霆的天赋和体型优势逐渐显现,尤其是在文班亚马(Wembanyama)缺阵的情况下。 切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)和以赛亚·哈尔滕施泰因(Isaiah Hartenstein)组成的内线双塔凭借技术、传球和投篮,在每一次进攻回合中都让马刺难以招架。 马刺也对杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams)束手无策,他对于马刺的大个子来说太快,而对于他们的后卫来说又太强壮。 他在上半场砍下18分,帮助雷霆以58-45领先。
随着雷霆主力球员下场休息,马刺在斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的带领下逐渐将比分追近。 作为球队的进攻发动机,这位四号秀展现了他超高的篮球智商,他耐心地观察场上形势,为队友创造得分机会。 在防守端,卡斯尔一如既往地顽强,他一次又一次地挤过掩护,紧贴着自己的防守目标。 尽管话不多,但卡斯尔的领袖气质通过他无私的球场表现和永不放弃的态度展现得淋漓尽致。
这位新秀的拼搏精神帮助圣安东尼奥打出一波10-0的小高潮,一度将比分扳平,但马刺在最后一节未能完成逆转。 波波维奇决定将卡斯尔和其他轮换阵容中的主力换下,给球队的深度球员一些上场时间,最终雷霆以112-107取得了胜利。 尽管如此,这场比赛还是有很多重要的收获:
- 卡斯尔5分、3助攻和2篮板的数据并不抢眼,但他在比赛中的沉着冷静令人印象深刻。 这位19岁的年轻球员在掌控球权时显得游刃有余,他在无球状态下也保持着积极的跑动和空切。 即使他的投篮在未来仍然是低于平均水平,卡斯尔在未来几年仍然会是一个非常有影响力的粘合剂型角色球员。
- 观看雷霆的比赛让我想起了联盟未来的发展方向–想要争夺总冠军的球队需要所有球员都能运球、传球和投篮。 东西部最热门的两支球队分别是雷霆和凯尔特人,这并非巧合,因为他们可能是联盟中唯二能够排出由五名全能球员组成的首发阵容的球队。
- 将这一点应用到马刺身上,他们未来最重要的四名球员分别是文班亚马、瓦塞尔、索汉和卡斯尔,这并非巧合,因为他们都能在高水平的比赛中完成运球和传球。 唯一的问题是整体投篮–前两位球员的投篮水平高于联盟同位置平均水准,而后两位球员的投篮仍然是短板。 如果这四个人组成了圣安东尼奥的长期首发阵容,那么他们的第五名球员就必须具备高水平的投篮能力。 考虑到这一点,马刺在夏天有意交易得到劳里·马尔卡宁也就不足为奇了。
- 球迷们不应该对哈里森·巴恩斯在球场上的表现抱有太大期望,因为他已经过了巅峰期。 然而,这位老将将为马刺年轻的更衣室带来丰富的经验,并引导他们走上正确的道路。 圣安东尼奥最近几年的选秀球员都很有个性,这并非偶然,而让这些年轻人 surrounded by 像巴恩斯和克里斯·保罗这样的老将会帮助他们充分发挥自己的潜力。
— 马刺文化 (@ SpursCulture) 2024年10月8日
如果文班亚马能够出场并对阵2022年状元秀保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero),那么马刺在周三的比赛中可能会更加精彩。
点击查看原文:Wemby-less Spurs drop first preseason game to Thunder
Wemby-less Spurs drop first preseason game to Thunder
Even though Wemby sat during Monday night’s game, there were still plenty of important takeaways from the match.
After a long 176 days, Spurs basketball is back! The Silver & Black played their first preseason game leading up to the 2024-25 season on Monday night, resulting in a 112-107 loss to the OKC Thunder.
San Antonio’s patented ball movement was evident from the jump, as the good guys constantly found the open man through their cutting and quick passing. The Spurs bombed away from deep and built an early lead while OKC was still finding their footing. In particular, Tre Jones and Jeremy Sochan made smart passes that led to easy shots, and starting Harrison Barnes at center gave the home team more offensive versatility as well.
However, the Thunder’s talent and size soon proved to be too much for San Antonio, especially with Wemby absent. OKC’s big men tandem of Chet Holmgren and Isaiah Hartenstein gave the Thunder a mismatch on every offensive possession due to their skill, passing, and shooting. The Spurs also had no answer for Jalen Williams, who proved to be too fast for San Antonio’s bigs and too strong for their guards. He finished the first half with a cool 18 points and helped OKC go up 58-45.
With OKC sitting their starters, the Spurs got back in the game largely on the back of Stephon Castle. As the primary ball handler, the fourth overall pick flashed his high basketball IQ by making patient reads to find the open man. On defense, Castle was his usual tenacious self, fighting through multiple screens at a time to stay with his assignment. Even though he wasn’t the most vocal, Castle’s leadership qualities were put on display through his unselfish play and never-say-die attitude.
The rookie’s infectious effort helped San Antonio go on a 10-0 run to tie the game, but the Spurs couldn’t complete the comeback in the final quarter. Pop decided to pull Castle and other rotation regulars to give the depth players some run, resulting in a 112-107 OKC victory. Still, there were important takeaways from the game:
Game notes
- Castle’s modest line of 5 points, 3 assists, and 2 rebounds won’t blow anyone away, but his poise really stood out in the game. The 19-year-old looked very comfortable making decisions with the ball in his hands, and he stayed active off-ball too by constantly moving and cutting. Even if his jumper remains below average for his career, Castle will still be a very impactful connective role player for years to come.
- Watching OKC reminded me of where the league is heading - teams that want to compete need players who all know how to dribble, pass, and shoot. It isn’t a coincidence that the two favorites from each conference are the Thunder and the Celtics, as they are potentially the only teams in the league that can roll out a starting five full of players who can do all three things.
- Applying that to the Spurs, it’s not a coincidence that their four most important players moving forward are Wemby, Vassell, Sochan, and Castle, as they can all dribble and pass at a high level. The overall shooting is the only question mark - the former two are above average for their position, while the latter two are still liabilities. If those guys do make up four of San Antonio’s long-term starters, their fifth player must need to shoot at a high level. With that in mind, it isn’t surprising at all that the Spurs were allegedly interested in trading for Lauri Markannen in the summer.
- Fans shouldn’t expect much from Harrison Barnes on the court, as his best years are from behind him. However, the veteran will bring tons of wisdom to the Spurs’ young locker room and set them on the right path. It isn’t a coincidence that San Antonio’s recent draft picks have all been high character players, and surrounding the young guys with veterans such as Barnes and Chris Paul will help them reach their full potential
Play of the game
Castle sure lets his play do all the talking.
— Spurs Culture (@ SpursCulture) October 8, 2024
Next game: vs Magic on Wednesday
The Spurs might be in for another entertaining game on Wednesday if Wemby suits up and faces off against 2022 #1 Paolo Banchero.
By Bill Huan, via Pounding The Rock