[PtR] 设想一下,如果维克托·文班亚马只有 6 英尺 7 英寸高会怎样?

By Lee Dresie | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-10-02 21:30:00



有时候,身高决定了 NBA 中锋球员的伟大。如果文班只有 NBA 平均身高,会怎么样呢?

当人们讨论如果一个球员身高不同,他会多么出色时,他们通常会让球员更高。“你能想象如果球员 X 是 6 英尺 7 英寸而不是 6 英尺 1 英寸吗?”我敢肯定每个人都被告知过,“我本来可以打篮球的,但我身高不够,”——这很少是真的。事实上,在我周日早上的比赛中,最好的球员之一身高 5 英尺 7 英寸,但他几乎无法阻挡,即使是那些有天赋的大个子也是如此。我的比赛中有很多有天赋的大个子。

在这篇文章中,我要换个方向。如果维克托·文班亚马身高 6 英尺 7 英寸而不是 7 英尺 4 英寸,他会多么出色?维克托是为数不多的几个可以让我们合法地提出这个问题的大个子之一。大多数大个子之所以优秀,是因为他们个子高。维克托之所以优秀,是因为他优秀。他之所以伟大,是因为他既优秀又高大,这就是为什么我总是用敏捷、聪明、迅速、灵活、有动力和全面等词语来形容他的原因。

像沙克·奥尼尔、姚明,甚至伟大的蒂姆·邓肯这样的传统中锋,如果身高只有 6 英尺 7 英寸,他们的比赛就不够全面,不足以成为 NBA 球员。沙克和邓肯的投篮不够好,而姚明虽然投篮不错,但技术和灵活性都不够。即使是像卡里姆这样灵活的人也会有问题——如果他的标志性天勾不是真的从天上释放出来,那么它的效果就不会那么好。像乔尔·恩比德、卡尔-安东尼·唐斯和鲁迪·戈贝尔这样的当今天才大个子也会有他们自己的问题——恩比德将无法防守外线球员,唐斯的速度太慢,而戈贝尔没有任何进攻技巧。尼古拉·约基奇身高 6 英尺 7 英寸?嗯。这个问题就交给掘金队的作者们去解决吧。



今日问题 – 如果维克托·文班亚马身高 6 英尺 7 英寸而不是 7 英尺 4 英寸,他还会是 NBA 级别的球员吗?你可以随意定义“NBA 级别球员”。

(法律免责声明:你的回复可能会被引用在 Pounding the Rock 中。)

以下是我收到的回复。你会发现,大多数人(但不是所有人)都认为答案是肯定的。为了好玩,我们将在最后进行一次投票。(内特·西尔弗不会对这项只询问马刺球迷而不是“随机样本”的投票感到满意,但 1. 内特正忙于其他事情,2. 这是我的投票,3. 我恰好喜欢马刺球迷。)




身高 6 英尺 7 英寸的顶级 NBA 球员要么拥有出色的外线防守(OG·阿奴诺比、赫伯·琼斯、斯科蒂·巴恩斯),要么在进攻端才华横溢/技术娴熟(卢卡、拉梅洛、米德尔顿),要么两者兼备(巴特勒和科怀)。剩下的球员大多是可以互换的角色球员。



也就是说,他拥有同样的弹跳力,同样的横向移动能力,同样的运动能力,同样的跳投,以及适合 6 英尺 7 英寸球员的臂展?不——他的身高和臂展才是他与众不同的地方。


他必须要有 6 英尺 9 英寸才能成为杰登·麦克丹尼尔斯。

史蒂夫·C(Steve C)

如果他身高 6 英尺 7 英寸,虽然仍然高于平均水平,但在 NBA 中更为常见,那么他比赛的某些方面无疑会受到影响。



适应能力:他现在必须与更高的球员比赛并防守他们……我相信他能防守住 6 英尺 3 英寸到 6 英尺 10 英寸的球员……但对于那些更厚实、更高的球员,就像现在这样,他需要增加更多的肌肉重量。



以他现在的体型,他是百年不遇的天才。不确定人们是否会对他有那么高的评价,但我知道他会很快适应,因为他有强烈的职业道德和成为最好球员的强烈愿望。他会在 NBA 成为一名先发球员,并且希望仍然在马刺队!

柯克队长(Captain Kirk)

嗨,李!我的回答是肯定的,他仍然是 NBA 级别的人才,但影响力要小得多,至少在他职业生涯的早期是这样。我认为他的心态将使他能够不断提高自己的技术水平,并做出有意义的贡献。


这是一个有趣的问题。然而,在构思我的回答时,我得出的结论是,这是一个不公平的问题。说不公平,是指对文班不公平。如果他身高没有 18 英尺,他就会磨练其他更适合他身高(在本例中是 6 英尺 7 英寸)的技能。据说迈克尔·乔丹身高 6 英尺 6 英寸。我不认为文班在进攻端或特别是防守端拥有接近乔丹的技术。但这正是问题不公平的地方。如果文班身高 6 英尺 7 英寸,他就会利用自己的天赋来培养适合这个身高的防守技能。也就是说,我仍然不认为他在球场的任何一端都接近乔丹。但你的问题不是他会是乔丹,而是他会是 NBA 级别的人才吗?我只是把乔丹的分析作为一种上限。至于成为一名 NBA 级别的球员,我认为毫无疑问他会是,他只是不会像他身高 7 英尺 4 英寸那样成为一名特权球员。


你问我,如果维克托·文班亚马只有 6 英尺 7 英寸高,他是否还会在 NBA 打球,我的回答是肯定的,他当然会在。



马克·C(Marc C)

如果他在 6 英尺 7 英寸的身高下仍然拥有同等水平的运动能力,那么是的,他会在 NBA 打球。


NBA 级别的人才指的是那些能够留在球队中,无论是否被选中,并且能够在一个球队中效力超过一年的球员。

根据这个定义,身高 6 英尺 7 英寸的文班绝对符合条件。

首先,他拥有一些可以转化的技能:速度、投篮眼光和篮球意识。而前两项技能在 6 英尺 7 英寸的身高下将得到指数级的提升。一个典型的 3D 型侧翼球员。

而且,即使拥有 7 英尺 4 英寸的身体天赋,他也显然拥有使这些天赋得以发挥的职业道德;他不是一觉醒来就变成了现在的球员。

这种职业道德会让他进入 NBA。”

托尼是我大学篮球队的队友,他现在仍然是我的好朋友。当我得到他的答案时,我告诉他,他的答案——所有的答案——都和我回答的一模一样。我可能还会补充一点——维克托只有 20 岁,而且只会越来越好。没有人会在 20 岁时达到巅峰。


点击查看原文:Imagining if Victor Wembanyama was 6’7”

Imagining if Victor Wembanyama was 6’7”

San Antonio Spurs Media Day

Sometimes height is what makes NBA big men great. What if Wemby was just the average NBA height?

When people talk about how good a particular player would be if he were a different height, they normally make the player taller. “Can you imagine if Player X was 6’7” instead of 6’1?” And I’m sure everyone has been told, “I would have played basketball but I wasn’t tall enough,” — something that is rarely true. Indeed, one of the best players in my Sunday morning game, which has a bunch of talented big guys, is 5’7” but pretty much unstoppable, even by those talented big guys.

For this post, I am going in a different direction. How good would Victor Wembanyama be if he was 6’7” instead of 7’4”? Victor is one of the few big guys about who we can legitimately ask this question. Most big guys are good because they are tall. Victor is good because he is good. He is great because he is good AND tall, which is why I always describe him with words like agile, smart, quick, mobile, driven and well-rounded.

Traditional bigs like Shaq, Yao Ming and even the Great Tim Duncan did not have enough of a well-rounded game to have been NBA players at 6’7”. Shaq and TD did not shoot well enough, and Yao, though a good shooter, was not nearly skilled or mobile enough. Even someone as mobile as Kareem would have issues — his signature sky hook would not be nearly as effective if not actually released from the sky. Current talented big guys like Joel Embiid, Karl Anthony Towns and Rudy Gobert would have their own issues — Embiid would not be able to defend a permitter player, Towns would be too slow, and Gobert doesn’t have any offensive skills. Nikola Jokic at 6’7”? Hmm. I’ll let the Nuggets writers handle that one.

For Victor, I have my own thoughts, but I decided to rely on the wisdom of the masses. In this case, the “masses” are friends whose basketball opinions I respect. Several are ex-college players (including guys I coached or play with now) and others just have a fine eye for the game. I asked each one the following question:

If you are getting this, I respect your opinion about basketball related matters (and perhaps less important things too).

Question of the day – Would Victor Wembanyama still be an NBA level talent if he was 6’7” instead of 7’4’’? You can define “NBA level talent” as you wish.

(Legal disclaimer: By responding, you might just be quoted in Pounding the Rock.)

Here are the responses I received. You will see that most, but not all, decided that the answer is yes. Just for fun, we will have a poll at the end. (Nate Silver would not be pleased with this poll that only asks Spurs fans instead of a “random sample”, but 1. Nate is busy with other stuff, 2. this is my poll, and 3. I happen to like Spurs fans.)

I will start with the negative responses from my crew. Hang in there, they get more positive.


Answer is no.

The top 6’7 NBA players either play elite perimeter defense (OG Anunoby, Herb Jones, Scottie Barnes), are exceptionally talented/skilled offensively (Luka, LaMelo, Middleton) or are both (Butler and Kawhi). The rest are interchangeable role players for the most part.

More importantly, Victor’s Fadeaway and Jump shot percentages are abysmal—if you take away his height, I would expect those percentages drop even further putting more pressure on him to make the three. Alley Oop and dunk percentage would also drop.


So, he had the same vertical, the same lateral movement, the same athleticism, the same jump shot, a wing span appropriate for a 6-7 player? NO – his length and wing span are what make him special.


He would have to be 6’9” to be Jaden McDaniels.

Steve C

If he were 6’7”, which is still taller than average but more common in the NBA, some aspects of his game would undoubtedly be affected.

Skill set: if he retained his skills of shooting, dribbling and hoop IQ he would certainly be able to play… one note, he would have to be able to shoot of the dribble much better.

Athleticism: does it get worse, no way. I think he gets stronger and a bit thicker in the smaller frame.

Adaptability: he now would have to play and guard taller players… I’m sure he could guard, 6”3 - 6-10… but with the thicker, taller players, like now, he needs more muscle weight on him

Development: his work ethic is unparalleled for a man his size, his age and lack of weight.

So, here’s my one sentence take…

He is a once in a lifetime talent at his size now. Not sure he would be as highly thought of, but I know he would quickly adapt because of his intense work ethic and complete passion for being the best. He would be a starter in the NBA and hopefully still on the Spurs!

Captain Kirk

Hi Lee! My answer is yes, still an NBA level talent, but a far less impactful one, at least early in his career. I think his mentality would allow him to continually improve his skillset and make meaningful contributions.


It’s an interesting question. In formulating my response, though, I also concluded that it’s an unfair question. By unfair, I mean unfair to Wemby. If he weren’t eighteen feet tall, he would have been honing other skills more appropriate to his diminished height, in this case 6’7”. MJ was supposedly 6’6”. I don’t think Wemby has anywhere close to the skills MJ had on offense or, especially, on defense. But that’s where the unfair part of the question comes in. If Wemby were 6’7” he would have been using his talents to develop the necessary defensive skills for that height. That said, I still don’t think he’s close to MJ on either side of the ball. But your question isn’t would he be MJ but would he be an NBA level talent. I only offer the MJ analysis as kind of the upper limit. As to being an NBA level talent, I don’t think there’s any question he would be, he just wouldn’t be the franchise player he is at 7’4”.


You asked me if Victor Wembanyama would be in the NBA if he was only 6’ 7’, and my answer is YES, of course, he would.

He has a high basketball IQ, he’s got PG skills and a great jump shot. Plus, Euro players are known for their great basketball fundamentals, so I don’t see how he would be any different.

That’s my answer and I’m sticking to it.

Marc C

If he’s still the same level as an athlete at 6’ 7” then yes, he’s in the NBA.


NBA level talent is someone who could stick with a team, whether drafted or not, and stay on a roster for more than a year.

With that definition, Wemby at 6’7’’ would absolutely qualify.

First of all, he possesses skills that would translate: foot speed, a shooter’s eye, and a basketball mind. And the first two would be exponentially enhanced at 6’7”. A prototype 3 and D wing.

And, even with his 7’4” physical gifts, he obviously has a work ethic that allowed those gifts to flourish; he didn’t just fall out of bed and become the player he is.

That work ethic would have carried him to the NBA.”

Tony is a guy I played college basketball with, and he remains a good friend. When I got his answer, I told him that his answer — all of it — was exactly how I would have responded. I might have added one thing — Victor is still only 20 and will only get better. No one has ever peaked at 20.

How do you respond? Also feel free to add some analysis in the comments section.

By Lee Dresie, via Pounding The Rock