By ESPN, 2024-10-01 07:35:00
NBA 各队集结!2024-25 赛季即将到来,所有人的目光都集中在 10 月 22 日的揭幕战之夜。
这是一个充满变数的休赛期,并在本周末以一笔重磅交易达到高潮,纽约尼克斯队从明尼苏达森林狼队交易得到了卡尔-安东尼·唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns)。唐斯是最新一位转投新球队的全明星球员,其他还包括克莱·汤普森、保罗·乔治和克里斯·保罗。
在正式比赛开始之前,来自 28 支球队的球员和教练们于周一在训练营开始前参加了媒体日活动。另外两支球队——波士顿凯尔特人队和丹佛掘金队——在上周前往阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比参加两场季前赛之前,已经举行了他们的媒体日活动。
在丹佛,三届 NBA 最有价值球员尼古拉·约基奇(留着漂亮的胡须)谈到了在上赛季季后赛早早出局后,如何带领掘金队重回巅峰。至于凯尔特人队,杰森·塔图姆表示,在一个经历了历史性的 3.15 亿美元续约和一枚奥运金牌的夏天之后,他专注于为波士顿带来另一个总冠军。
我们的 NBA 内部人士周一在现场关注了那些有望在本赛季制造大量话题的关键球队。以下是他们在媒体日上所捕捉到的信息。
独行侠 | 活塞 | 勇士 | 快船 | 湖人
雄鹿 | 森林狼 | 尼克斯 | 雷霆 | 76人 | 马刺
新泽西州卡姆登——76人队周一抵达训练基地,准备迎接他们 40 多年来首次夺冠并自 2001 年以来首次打进 NBA 总决赛的征程。迪肯贝·穆托姆博去世的消息在整个大楼里回荡。
这在费城引起了共鸣。穆托姆博是那支 2001 年球队的赛季中期加盟球员,他与阿伦·艾弗森一起带领 76 人队在总决赛中对阵洛杉矶湖人队。
穆托姆博出生于刚果民主共和国,在非洲篮球史上占有举足轻重的地位。这位八届 NBA 全明星球员和名人堂成员也是 76 人队中锋乔尔·恩比德(喀麦隆人)的榜样和英雄。
76人队篮球运营总裁达雷尔·莫雷在周一的新闻发布会上被拉下舞台,当时他正与教练尼克·纳斯在一起,一位球队官员告诉他穆托姆博去世的消息。当他回来时,他的眼中含着泪水,他谈到了穆托姆博对他个人的意义,此前他在 2007 年担任休斯顿火箭队负责人的第一个赛季就与这位大个子共事。
“他在球场上的成就,我们不需要多说。他为非洲在场外所做的一切,真是太伟大了。安息吧,迪肯贝。” – 蒂姆·邦坦普斯
- 76 人媒体日: 恩比德减重“25 到 30 磅”,目标是季后赛保持健康
加州埃尔塞贡多——自从 2020 年奥兰多泡泡园区的季后赛以来,安东尼·戴维斯的三分球命中率为 38.3%——包括西部决赛对阵丹佛掘金队的第二场比赛中的制胜球——这位湖人队的大个子在三分线外看起来迷失了方向。
前湖人队教练达尔文·哈姆意识到了这一点,并在上个赛季一开始就恳求戴维斯每场比赛投 6 个三分球,这种理念让人想起诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的一句话:“唯一的出路是穿越它。”
戴维斯并没有接近这个数字,他场均出手 1.4 次三分球,并且在他参加的 76 场比赛中只有两场出手了 6 次或更多三分球。
新任湖人队教练 J.J. 雷迪克也没有放弃戴维斯的外线投篮。他只是采用了一种更微妙的方法:能得到什么就拿什么,而不是操之过急。
根据 ESPN 的研究,在这五个赛季中,他的三分球命中率为 27.9%,在出手次数达到 500 次或以上的球员中仅领先于基利安·海斯。
根据 Second Spectrum 的数据,戴维斯在这段时间内的接球就投三分球命中率也排名垫底(28.7%),在 2019-20 赛季以来至少出手 300 次的球员中,他的空位三分球命中率也排名垫底(29.6%)。
时间会证明,换一位教练鼓励戴维斯出手三分球是否会带来改变。– 戴夫·麦克梅纳明
- 湖人媒体日: 勒布朗与布朗尼并肩作战,带着“满满的能量”进入第 22 个赛季
布伦森在上个赛季经历了在 OG·阿奴诺比交易后受益于更多空间后的进攻狂潮,现在他将有更多空间来突破防守球员。锡伯杜在周一引用了球队上赛季在进攻和防守效率方面都排名前十的排名,他说他觉得球队本赛季在这两方面都可能做得更好。
哈特和布伦森花时间谈论了兰德尔和迪温琴佐,他们在谈话中反复强调了他们对上赛季 50 胜球队的重要性,以及这是这项运动残酷的一面。
但随着唐斯的加盟以及他将为球队进攻提供的额外空间,尼克斯队也清楚地看到了本赛季冲击更高目标的潜力。– 克里斯·赫林
- 尼克斯媒体日: 布伦森在谈到唐斯交易时开玩笑说“谁是卡尔?”
但唐斯的前队友们并没有掩饰他们的悲伤,以及失去他对这支球队的的影响,这支球队将得到唐特·迪温琴佐、朱利叶斯·兰德尔和一个未来的首轮选秀权,以换取这位身高 7 英尺的球员,他在九年的职业生涯中三分球命中率超过 40%。
虽然安东尼·爱德华兹很享受他在可能进入超级巨星阶段时所获得的赞誉——康奈利说球队相信他可以成为 NBA 历史上最伟大的球员之一——但他也表示,没有他的“兄弟”是一段艰难的时光。
“我觉得谈论这件事有点奇怪,因为他刚刚被交易了,”爱德华兹说。“那可是我的兄弟,伙计。这不是什么一号二号的事情。是我们俩都是一号。我们只是互相成就。所以,我的意思是,我很乐意成为他们现在想让我成为的任何人,但[唐斯和我]曾经在一起,所以这很难。” – 迈伦·梅德卡夫
- 森林狼媒体日: 在唐斯交易后,森林狼队将希望寄托在爱德华兹身上
“在美国以外,我认为其他所有人都更加重视奥运会……[欧洲球员]可能更愿意赢得一枚奥运金牌,而不是赢得 NBA 总冠军,”格林说。“看到他在全世界都在关注的那个舞台上,就像,在我们的眼里,你需要做到这一点才能成为他那样的人。”
格林将库里在巴黎奥运会上的表现比作迈克尔·乔丹在 1992 年西班牙巴塞罗那奥运会上与梦之队的比赛。
“斯蒂芬需要那个,”格林说。“我们总是说,你在美国队打球。最难的部分是入选球队。一旦你入选了球队,你就会赢,所以你会得到一枚金牌。他让赢得金牌成为他的高光时刻。那是我见过的他做过的最特别的事情。” – 肯德拉·安德鲁斯
- 勇士媒体日: 焕然一新的勇士队看到了后克莱时代的“机遇”
圣安东尼奥——从维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和老将控球后卫克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)之间惊人的身高差距,到教练格雷格·波波维奇坚持站着参加他 14 分钟的新闻发布会,马刺队的媒体日充满了值得注意的景象。
@ 文班
@ 保罗 @ VCMtweets | #赞助
— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@ spurs) 2024 年 9 月 30 日
前法国男篮主教练文森特·科莱,他带领法国队在巴黎奥运会上获得银牌,最近表达了在 NBA 执教的兴趣,特别是为波波维奇和马刺队执教。
“他是一位好朋友。他是一位伟大的教练,”波波维奇说。“他就像欧洲的许多教练一样:你不必是美国人才能在 NBA 执教。这有点像过去对球员的偏见:‘那些家伙不能在这里打球。他们在文化上无法适应。他们不防守。’不管是什么。然后我们都开始把他们带过来,并意识到那是胡说八道。
“我还没想过这个问题,”文班亚马在谈到科莱加入马刺队教练组的可能性时说,“但那会很酷。” – 迈克尔·C. 莱特
- 马刺媒体日: 文班亚马认为他的奥运会经历“非常幸运”
底特律——活塞队球星凯德·坎宁安在这个休赛期刚刚签下了一份 5 年 2.24 亿美元的续约合同,他在本赛季设定了个人目标。
他希望在新任活塞队教练 J.B. 比克斯塔夫的带领下成为一名全明星球员和全 NBA 球员,而坎宁安的动力来自于目睹 NFL 底特律雄狮队和 MLB 底特律老虎队最近的成功。
老虎队在本周末获得了自 2014 年以来的第一个季后赛席位,而被视为超级碗竞争者的雄狮队在上赛季打进 NFC 冠军赛后,在当晚的“周一橄榄球之夜”上迎战西雅图海鹰队。
活塞队已经连续八个赛季胜率不超过 50%。除此之外,他们已经连续 16 个赛季没有赢得过季后赛的胜利,这是 NBA 历史上最长的现役记录。
“他在这里做了一些了不起的事情,希望我能向他学习,”兰登谈到霍姆斯时说。– 埃里克·伍迪亚德
但随着这位 34 岁的射手取代自由球员德里克·琼斯二世进入首发阵容,哪位独行侠队的首发球员将承担起防守对手外线得分手的任务呢?
人们预计,大前锋 P.J. 华盛顿将与汤普森、卢卡·东契奇(Luka Doncic)、凯里·欧文以及一名空接威胁型大个子(德里克·莱弗利二世是热门人选)一起进入独行侠队的首发阵容。达拉斯最好的持球防守球员(纳吉·马歇尔、昆汀·格莱姆斯、丹特·埃克萨姆)预计将替补出场。
在经历了 NBA 总决赛的失利后,东契奇也没有回避对独行侠队整体的期望。
“我喜欢这样,因为这意味着我们做得很好,”东契奇说。“自从在皇家马德里队开始,我就一直在面对这样的情况,所以我已经习惯了。但我认为对于整个球队来说,这应该被用作动力。人们期待你变得更好,这是一个好兆头。” – 蒂姆·麦克马洪
- 独行侠媒体日: 卢卡和欧文认为克莱是他们实现 NBA 总决赛希望的关键
密尔沃基——去年这个时候,达米安·利拉德加盟雄鹿队是 NBA 最大的新闻之一。他从波特兰开拓者队的交易发生在训练营开始前不久,而利拉德在两天前就向密尔沃基报到了——他现在称这次转会和这个赛季对他来说是模糊的。
利拉德,这位八届全明星球员,场均得到 24.3 分和 7 次助攻,同时为密尔沃基队投进了一些关键球。然而,他远没有他在波特兰的前 11 个赛季中那么有统治力。
现在,在经历了一个没有交易传闻的更加正常的休赛期,并且有时间找到一个训练计划——包括与前海豹突击队员大卫·戈金斯进行了一次高强度的训练,挑战包括在 45 分钟内完成 1000 次弓步和 700 次俯卧撑——利拉德发誓要在 2024-25 赛季展现出他通常的状态。
雄鹿队将 heavily 依靠利拉德和扬尼斯·阿德托昆博的二人组来帮助球队继续保持东部联盟的竞争力。然而,这对雄鹿队的球星在休赛期并没有机会聚在一起训练,因为利拉德最初计划在赛季结束后去希腊拜访阿德托昆博。
“我绝对感觉现在和他更有默契了,”利拉德谈到阿德托昆博时说。– 贾马尔·科利尔
- 雄鹿媒体日: 扬尼斯在圣诞大战被冷落后感觉“被忽视了”
随着保罗·乔治现在效力于费城 76 人队,而科怀·伦纳德由于接受手术修复的右膝出现炎症而无法参加快船队训练营开始前的身体对抗训练,哈登将被委以重任,为球队定下基调。
快船队已经看到了哈登在挡拆战术中的出色表现,尤其是与大个子伊维察·祖巴茨的配合。哈登上赛季场均得到 16.6 分、8.5 次助攻和 5.1 个篮板,快船队希望看到他更多地展现出他过去的组织能力和高得分之夜。
“你上个赛季刚看到一个家伙以和我一模一样的打法打进了总决赛。所以,总有办法的。你的球队必须构建得非常好,你还得有一点运气,并确保自己保持健康。” – 杨奥姆
- 快船媒体日: 科怀在膝盖受伤的情况下“感觉良好” | 如果被禁赛,波特将“承担责任”
从超级巨星谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)到新援亚历克斯·卡鲁索(Alex Caruso)和以赛亚·哈滕施泰因(Isaiah Hartenstein),雷霆队集体回避了在经历了一个 57 胜的赛季(包括成为西部联盟头号种子)后设定目标的话题。
他们实际上更希望不要改变自己是被忽视的 underdog 的心态,他们在 2020-21 赛季和 2021-22 赛季总共只赢了 46 场比赛。
ESPN Bet 将雷霆队列为赢得西部冠军的 3 比 1 的热门球队。
他们是一支年轻的球队——卡鲁索是球队中唯一一位年龄超过 30 岁的球员——而且他们没有那些往往会给竞争者增加压力的伤疤。
例如,教练马克·戴格诺特对让大个子哈滕施泰因(雷霆队在自由球员市场上的主要引援)与切特·霍姆格伦一起首发的计划含糊其辞,霍姆格伦上赛季在中锋位置上首发了全部 82 场比赛。
乔将被称为“泽伊”,而哈滕施泰因将被称为“哈特”。 – 布莱恩·温德霍斯特
点击查看原文:NBA media day 2024 - Takeaways from top players and teams
NBA media day 2024 - Takeaways from top players and teams
NBA teams, assemble! The 2024-25 season is just weeks away, and all eyes can now turn toward opening night on Oct. 22.
It has been an eventful offseason that was capped by a blockbuster trade this weekend, with the New York Knicks acquiring Karl-Anthony Towns from the Minnesota Timberwolves. Towns is the latest All-Star bound for a new team, a group that also includes Klay Thompson, Paul George and Chris Paul.
Oh, and LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers will have a familiar face as a new coach – as well as a new teammate in Bronny James.
Before the real games begin, players and coaches from 28 teams gathered on Monday for media day ahead of training camp. The other two teams – the Boston Celtics and the Denver Nuggets – held their media day activities last week prior to traveling to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for a pair of preseason games.
In Denver, three-time NBA MVP Nikola Jokic (sporting a nifty goatee) spoke about getting the Nuggets back on top after an early playoff exit last season. As for the Celtics, Jayson Tatum said he is focused on bringing another title to Boston after an eventful summer that included a historic $315 million extension and an Olympic gold medal.
Our NBA insiders were on site Monday with the key teams that are primed to create plenty of buzz this season. Here’s what caught their attention from media day.
Jump to a team:\
Mavericks | Pistons | Warriors | Clippers | Lakers\
Bucks | Timberwolves | Knicks | | Thunder | 76ers | Spurs
Mutombo’s legacy remembered in Philadelphia
CAMDEN, N.J. – As the 76ers arrived to their practice facility Monday ahead of their quest to win the franchise’s first championship in over 40 years and reach the NBA Finals for the first time since 2001, the news of Dikembe Mutombo’s death rippled throughout the building.
It was one that hit home in Philadelphia. Mutombo was a midseason addition to that 2001 team who, alongside Allen Iverson, led the Sixers to the Finals against the Los Angeles Lakers.
Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mutombo has a prominent place in African basketball history. The eight-time NBA All-Star and Hall of Fame inductee was also a role model and a hero for 76ers center Joel Embiid, a native of Cameroon.
“It’s a sad day, especially for us Africans – and really the whole world – because other than what he’s accomplished on the basketball court, I think he was even better off the court,” Embiid said of Mutombo on Monday. “He’s one of the guys that I look up to, as far as having an impact, not just on the court but off the court. He’s done a lot of great things. He did a lot of great things for a lot of people, so he was a role model of mine. It’s a sad day.”
Last week, Embiid was on a stage at the United Nations alongside Toronto Raptors president of basketball operations Masai Ujiri talking about potential growth opportunities in Africa – something no one embodied more than Mutombo.
76ers president of basketball operations Daryl Morey was pulled off the stage during his Monday news conference with coach Nick Nurse and was told about Mutombo’s death by a team official. When he returned, tears were in his eyes as he spoke about what Mutombo meant to him personally, after working with the big man during his first season in charge of the Houston Rockets in 2007.
“There aren’t many guys like him,” Morey said. "Just a great human being. When I was a rookie GM in this league, my first chance in Houston, he was someone I went to all the time.
“His accomplishments on the court, we don’t need to talk about too much. Just an amazing human being, what he did off the court for Africa. Rest in peace, Dikembe.” – Tim Bontemps
- 76ers media day: Embiid drops ‘25 to 30 pounds’ with playoff health as goal
AD for 3, again? Redick wants to see better shots
EL SEGUNDO, Calif. – Ever since the 2020 playoffs in the Orlando bubble, where Anthony Davis shot 38.3% from 3 – including the Game 2 winner in the Western Conference finals against Denver – the Lakers big man has looked lost beyond the arc.
Former Lakers coach Darvin Ham recognized this and went into last season imploring Davis to take six 3s a game anyway, a philosophy that brought to mind a line from poet Robert Frost: “The only way round is through.”
Davis didn’t come anywhere near that figure, averaging 1.4 attempts from deep and only attempting six or more 3s in two of the 76 games he played.
New Lakers coach JJ Redick hasn’t given up on Davis’ deep ball, either. He’s just using a more subtle approach: take what he can get instead of asking for too much, too soon.
“Obviously, we have one of the best shooters to ever play in our head coach [in Redick],” Davis said Monday. “He’s been on me all summer about shooting 3s. Even the Olympics when I’d make a 3, he’d text me, ‘That’s what I want to see.’ Things like that. So, for him, it’s definitely going to be just shooting more 3s.”
Davis has nowhere to go but up. Taking into account his regular-season stats since arriving in L.A. (so that hot streak during the bubble playoffs doesn’t apply), Davis has been the league’s second-worst volume 3-point shooter.
He shot 27.9% on all 3s in those five seasons, only ahead of Killian Hayes among players with 500 attempts or more in that span, according to ESPN Research.
Davis is also last in catch-and-shoot 3s in that time (28.7%) and last in wide-open 3-point attempts among players with at least 300 attempts since 2019-20 (29.6%), according to Second Spectrum.
Time will tell if a different coach encouraging Davis to hoist them up can make all the difference. – Dave McMenamin
- Lakers media day: LeBron, joined by Bronny, enters Year 22 with ‘a lot in the tank’
With KAT in the house, Knicks are ‘unofficially’ excited
GREENBURGH, N.Y. – Knicks wing Josh Hart simply decided to lean all the way into the elephant in the room after a while.
With Karl-Anthony Towns – the club’s new (but still unofficial) star – at the team’s practice facility on Monday, Hart eventually spoke on how the pending trade would shake up the Eastern Conference race.
“It’s definitely going to be tougher. A lot of teams made big moves this offseason. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be a cakewalk,” he said. “But we’re extremely confident in what we have. Both officially and unofficially.”
As he finished speaking, Hart smiled and looked over at the team’s public relations official, as if to get clearance to say what’s all but certain at this point: Towns is going to be a Knick.
Julius Randle and Donte DiVincenzo, key members of the club from last season, won’t be.
Both realities figure to shake up the club in a number of ways, particularly on offense.
Nearly everyone – from coach Tom Thibodeau to captain Jalen Brunson to Hart – alluded to New York expecting to play a lot more 5-out offense this season with Towns as a stretch big.
Brunson, coming off a season in which he went on an offensive onslaught after benefitting from more space following the OG Anunoby trade, now figures to have even more room to break down opposing defenders. Thibodeau on Monday cited the team’s top-10 rating in both offensive and defensive efficiency last season, saying he felt the club could be even better on both ends this campaign.
Hart and Brunson spent time talking about Randle and DiVincenzo, cycling between how integral they were to last season’s 50-win team and how this is the difficult side of the business.
But with Towns and the added spacing he’ll provide for the team’s offense, the Knicks also clearly see the potential for a higher ceiling this season. – Chris Herring
- Knicks media day: Brunson jokes ‘Who’s Karl?’ when talking KAT trade
Edwards, Gobert brace for new era after KAT’s trade
MINNEAPOLIS – The Timberwolves’ media day got off to an awkward start when both coach Chris Finch and team president Tim Connelly refused to talk about the Karl-Anthony Towns trade to the Knicks, even though hours earlier the former franchise anchor had posted a photo of himself in New York City.
“I can’t comment on anything that’s yet to happen,” Connelly said.
But Towns’ former teammates were not bashful about their sadness and the impact the loss will have on the franchise that will get Donte DiVincenzo, Julius Randle and a future first-round pick in exchange for the seven-footer who has made more than 40% of his 3-point attempts during his nine-year career.
“It was a big surprise,” Rudy Gobert said. “It’s not something anyone expected a few days before training camp. I’m still processing it. [Towns] is someone I have a lot of respect for. We had two years together, and I’m really grateful for the time that we spent together. From the time I got here, from day one, he embraced me. He did everything he could to help me be the best version of myself, on and off the court.”
Gobert’s somber tone was a sentiment that hovered over the team on Monday.
While Anthony Edwards has enjoyed the praise he has received as he potentially enters his superstardom phase – Connelly said the team believes he can become one of the greatest players in NBA history – he also said it’s a difficult moment without his “brother.”
“I feel like it’s kind of weird to talk about it because he just got traded,” Edwards said. “That’s my dog, man. It wasn’t like a one or two situation. It was we both were the one. We just played off of each other. So, I mean, I’m happy to be [whoever] they want me to be now, but [Towns and I] were just together, so it’s hard.” – Myron Medcalf
- Timberwolves media day: Wolves turn to Edwards in wake of Towns trade
Curry learns some French after iconic Olympic moment
SAN FRANCISCO – Did Golden State Warriors star guard Stephen Curry learn any French while he was in Paris for the Olympics?
“Nuit nuit,” Curry said, a grin spreading across his face.
Curry vividly remembers his late-game dagger shot in Team USA’s gold-medal-game win over France that prompted his infamous “night night” celebration. He recalled seeing LeBron James and Kevin Durant wide open and a clear double-team headed his way. But once Durant passed him the ball, Curry said his muscle memory took over.
“I see the two guys, but I’m already in rhythm,” Curry said. “As long as I get it off, I know I’m going to make it.”
As he shot it, Curry saw Durant and James with their hands up in a shrug position – ready for a pass back to the weak side.
“But as soon as it went in, seeing Bron do the [night night] gesture, seeing the guys on the bench, KD threw his head back and was kind of in amazement,” Curry said.
Draymond Green, who was in the stands at Paris’ Bercy Arena, said his favorite part was watching Durant’s and James’ reactions to Curry’s iconic shot. Green is used to his Golden State teammate’s otherworldly shooting on the court, but it’s not often that their opponents get to celebrate alongside the Warriors sharpshooter.
“What I appreciated most about it was watching the guys that don’t get to play with him, their reactions to being on the same side as him,” Green said of Curry.
International fans also got to experience Curry’s magic shot in his first Olympics ever.
“Outside of America, I think everyone else takes the Olympics more seriously … [European players] probably would rather win an Olympic gold medal, rather than win an NBA championship,” Green said. “To see him on that stage where everyone else in the world is watching that thing and, like, that’s the thing that you need to do in order to be this guy in our eyes.”
Green likened Curry’s performance during the Paris Games to that of Michael Jordan’s play with the Dream Team at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.
“Steph needed that,” Green said. “We always say, you play on Team USA. The hard part is making the team. Once you make the team, you’re going to win, so you’re going to get a gold medal. He made that his moment in getting the gold medal. That was as special as anything I’ve ever seen him do.” – Kendra Andrews
- Warriors media day: New-look Dubs see ‘opportunity’ in post-Klay era
Pop responds to France coach’s interest with Spurs
SAN ANTONIO – From the striking size difference between Victor Wembanyama and veteran point guard Chris Paul to coach Gregg Popovich’s insistence on standing for his 14-minute new conference, the Spurs’ media day featured plenty of notable sights.
First look
@ wemby
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— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) September 30, 2024
But one small nugget gained traction Monday due to San Antonio’s longtime appreciation of contributions from international players.
Former France men’s basketball coach Vincent Collet, who led his team to a silver medal during the Paris Games, recently expressed interest in coaching in the NBA, particularly for Popovich and the Spurs.
“He’s a good friend. He’s a great coach,” Popovich said. "And he’s like many coaches in Europe: You don’t have to be an American to coach in the NBA. It’s sort of a little unintended prejudice, just like it used to be with players: ‘Those guys can’t play here. They won’t adjust culturally. They don’t play defense.’ Whatever it was. Then we all started bringing them over and realized that was baloney.
“It’s the same with the coaches. There are a bunch of coaches over there that could be doing as good or a better job than we’re doing. Coach Collet is definitely in that category.”
Throughout Popovich’s tenure with the Spurs, the organization has gained a reputation for bringing both international players and coaches to San Antonio. The team currently features at least three international staffers in assistant Matt Nielsen (Australia) and athletic performance coaches Carlos Sosa Marin (Spain) and Guillaume Alquier (France).
“I haven’t thought about it,” Wembanyama said of the possibility of Collet joining the Spurs’ staff, “but it would be cool.” – Michael C. Wright
- Spurs media day: Wemby feels ‘really lucky’ for his Olympic experience
Pistons want to join Lions, Tigers in the postseason
DETROIT – Pistons star Cade Cunningham, fresh off signing a five-year, $224 million extension this offseason, has personal goals this campaign.
He wants to become an All-Star and an All-NBA player under new Pistons coach J.B. Bickerstaff, and Cunningham is drawing motivation from witnessing the recent success of the NFL’s Detroit Lions and MLB’s Detroit Tigers.
The Tigers clinched their first playoff berth since 2014 this weekend, while the Lions, who are viewed as Super Bowl contenders after reaching the NFC Championship Game last season, hosted the Seattle Seahawks that evening on “Monday Night Football.”
“It’s a challenge that we definitely want to take on for sure,” Cunningham said. "I was there at the game on Friday when the Tigers clinched, so watching that, I’m in the building watching how the stadium was reacting to that. It gave me chills.
“So, that’s what we want to do for the Pistons fans, for the city, on the basketball side. We want to bring that same excitement and that same joy to the Pistons. It’s a challenge that we’re all excited to take on, and I’ll be the head of that snake.”
The Pistons have finished .500 or worse in eight consecutive seasons. That’s in addition to going 16 campaigns in a row without a playoff win, the longest active drought in the NBA.
However, president of basketball operations Trajan Langdon is committed to revitalizing the franchise. Langdon visited the Lions’ training camp over the summer, and he spoke with Lions general manager Brad Holmes. Langdon said he is hoping to emulate that same foundation while developing the current Pistons’ identity.
“He’s done some amazing things here that hopefully I can learn from,” Langdon said of Holmes. – Eric Woodyard
‘Why not?’: Kidd quips on Luka’s defensive duties
DALLAS – The Mavericks have been buzzing with anticipation since Klay Thompson decided to choose Dallas over the Lakers for his free agency destination.
But with 34-year-old sharpshooter replacing free agency departee Derrick Jones Jr. in the lineup, which Mavs starter will get the assignment of defending the opponents’ primary perimeter scorers?
“Luka,” coach Jason Kidd quipped. “Why not?”
The anticipation is that power forward P.J. Washington will join Thompson, Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving and one of the lob-threat big men (Dereck Lively II is the favorite) in the Mavs’ starting lineup. Dallas’ best on-ball defenders (Naji Marshall, Quentin Grimes, Dante Exum) are expected to come off the bench.
If that’s the case, Kidd said the primary defender role among the starters will be the responsibility of “a committee” based on matchups and depending on help within Dallas’ scheme.
In all seriousness, Doncic could occasionally get some of those duties.
“There’s going to be times where Luka’s going to have to guard someone,” Kidd said. “That’s just part of being the best in the world. I don’t think he’s going to run from that.”
Nor is Doncic shying away from expectations for the Mavs as a whole coming off an NBA Finals appearance.
“I love it, because that means we did something great,” Doncic said. “I’ve been dealing with this since Real Madrid, so I’m used to it. But I think for the whole team, that should be used as motivation. People expect you to be good, and that’s a good sign.” – Tim MacMahon
- Mavericks media day: Luka, Kyrie feel Klay is the key to NBA Finals hopes
Real time? Dame ready for a reset this season
MILWAUKEE – At this time last year, Damian Lillard’s arrival to the Bucks was one of the biggest storylines in the NBA. His trade from the Portland Trail Blazers occurred near the start of training camp, and Lillard had reported to Milwaukee two days before that – a move and a season he now calls a blur.
“When I look back at last year, I was just trying to get through the year,” Lillard said Monday.
Lillard, an eight-time All-Star, averaged 24.3 points and seven assists while hitting some clutch shots for Milwaukee. Yet, he was far from the dominant force he had been in his first 11 seasons with Portland.
Now coming off a more normal offseason absent from trade speculation and with time to find a training routine – including an intense workout session with former Navy SEAL David Goggins, with challenges such as 1,000 lunges and 700 pushups in 45 minutes – Lillard is vowing to look like his usual self in 2024-25 season.
“My teammates, my coaches, they’re going to get the real version of me,” Lillard said Monday. “I know what type of year I had, and I know what type of summer I had and preparation I had.”
The Bucks will be leaning heavily on the duo of Lillard and Giannis Antetokounmpo to help keep the team among the Eastern Conference contenders. However, the Bucks co-stars did not get an opportunity to meet together for an offseason workout after Lillard initially planned to visit Antetokounmpo in Greece after the season.
Antetokounmpo played in the Olympics then got married over the summer, so the timing never worked out.
Still, both Lillard and Antetokounmpo were touting increased chemistry on Monday, especially as compared to this point one year ago, when they had had only a phone conversation entering training camp.
“I definitely feel more on the same page with him now than I did last year,” Lillard said of Antetokounmpo. – Jamal Collier
- Bucks media day: Giannis feels ‘overlooked’ after Christmas game snub
Harden on Clippers’ style: It will ‘involve a lot of me’
INGLEWOOD, Calif. – James Harden used one word to describe his mentality entering this season with the LA Clippers.
“Aggressive,” Harden said. “Aggressive.”
With Paul George now with the Philadelphia 76ers and Kawhi Leonard being held out of physical drills entering Clippers training camp due to inflammation in his surgically repaired right knee, Harden will be relied on to set the early tone.
The point guard said his role will be clearer this season after arriving in a trade early last season and trying to fit in alongside Leonard, George and Russell Westbrook.
“We tried last year to where I’m trying to figure it out, guys, the roles,” Harden said. "And it was kind of difficult when you got that high caliber of players or Hall of Famers and basically [playing similar or] the same position [with] everybody trying to figure the roles out. It was pretty difficult.
“But this year for me, I got a clear space on what I need to be doing.”
Clippers coach Ty Lue said having an entire training camp with Harden will be extremely beneficial.
The Clippers saw how good Harden can be in the pick-and-roll, especially with big man Ivica Zubac. Harden averaged 16.6 points, 8.5 assists and 5.1 rebounds last season, and the Clippers would love to see more of his vintage playmaking and high-scoring nights.
“To myself, yeah – that I am going to do it,” Harden said as to whether he has something to prove that he can still play at a high level. "I don’t really have too much to say about it. I am just going to go out there and do it.
“I am excited about having an opportunity to be who I am again.”
Harden said the Clippers will figure out the best style of play to be successful but that it will have one key component.
“I am going to tell you one thing: It is definitely going to involve a lot of me,” Harden said. "Not just because I can create a shot and get guys involved. There is always going to be talk. There was talk when I was in Houston when I was doing what I was doing: ‘You can’t win like that.’
“You just seen a guy last season make it to the Finals playing the same exact way that I play. So, there is a way. Your team has to be constructed very well, and you got to have a little bit of luck and make sure you are healthy.” – Ohm Youngmisuk
- Clippers’ media day: Kawhi ‘feeling good’ amid knee trouble | Porter to be ‘accountable’ if suspended
No title talk allowed for the West’s top team
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Thunder have the potential to be the league’s best defensive team this season, and they got started by getting a stop on media day.
From superstar Shai Gilgeous-Alexander right down the line to new arrivals Alex Caruso and Isaiah Hartenstein, the Thunder collectively deflected talk about setting expectations following a 57-win season that included being the top seed in the Western Conference.
They actually would prefer not to change their mentality of being the overlooked underdogs that won a total of just 46 games combined over the 2020-21 and 2021-22 campaigns.
“Honestly, when we sucked for those couple of seasons, we weren’t worried about the world respecting us. We were like, ‘We’re not where we want to be; let’s get there by working,’” Gilgeous-Alexander said. “Us not changing our mentality and keeping that the same is in our best interest. It might’ve looked like last year like we had a chip on our shoulder, but we really were just fighting to get better.”
ESPN Bet has the Thunder installed as 3-to-1 favorites to win the West.
They are a young team – Caruso is the only player on the roster over the age of 30 – and they are free from battle scars that tend to add layers of pressure to contenders.
Despite carrying the favorite tag, there was no talk about trying to win the team’s first championship – only a unified dose about process.
For example, coach Mark Daigneault was noncommittal about plans to play big man Hartenstein (OKC’s major free agent addition) next to Chet Holmgren, who started all 82 games at center last season.
Daigneault deferred to the need to let process win out over the course of the season. As is the nature of the Thunder, both Holmgren and Hartenstein were exactly on the same page.
However, a decision had been reached on one important piece of business.
After successfully navigating the challenge of having both Jalen Williams and Jaylin Williams on the roster, the Thunder gathered for a team decision on how to address Isaiah Hartenstein alongside Isaiah Joe, their shooting specialist guard who re-signed over the summer:
Joe will be “Zay” and Hartenstein will be “Hart.” – Brian Windhorst