[ESPN] NBA 未来实力榜 - 未来三个赛季的预测

By ESPN, 2024-09-25 20:00:00



展望 2024-25 赛季,你的主队实力如何?到 2027 年又会是什么样子?

NBA 未来实力榜是 ESPN 对每支球队未来三个赛季(2024-25、2025-26 和 2026-27)预计赛场成功的预测。

卫冕冠军波士顿凯尔特人队是否具备薪资空间灵活性,能够成为 NBA 的下一个王朝?圣安东尼奥马刺队围绕法国天才球员维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 建造冠军争夺者阵容的速度能有多快?


为了确定排名,我们邀请了 ESPN 分析师凯文·佩尔顿 (Kevin Pelton)、鲍比·马克斯 (Bobby Marks) 和蒂姆·邦唐 (Tim Bontemps) 从五个类别对球队进行评分,并根据其在联盟中的相对位置进行排名。(每个类别的解释以及所有 30 支球队的完整评分位于此排名底部。)

以下是我们在 2024-25 赛季开始前的最新更新,其中包括一支新的榜首球队、冉冉升起的年轻争夺者,以及湖人队跌至联盟倒数 10 名的原因。

亚特兰大老鹰队 | 波士顿凯尔特人队 | 布鲁克林篮网队 | 夏洛特黄蜂队 | 芝加哥公牛队 | 克利夫兰骑士队
达拉斯独行侠队 | 丹佛掘金队 | 底特律活塞队 | 金州勇士队 | 休斯顿火箭队 | 印第安纳步行者队
洛杉矶快船队 | 洛杉矶湖人队 | 孟菲斯灰熊队 | 迈阿密热火队 | 密尔沃基雄鹿队 | 明尼苏达森林狼队
新奥尔良鹈鹕队 | 纽约尼克斯队 | 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队 | 奥兰多魔术队 | 费城 76 人队 | 菲尼克斯太阳队
波特兰开拓者队 | 萨克拉门托国王队 | 圣安东尼奥马刺队 | 多伦多猛龙队 | 犹他爵士队 | 华盛顿奇才队

1. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队


上赛季雷霆队取得了 57 场胜利,并以 NBA 第二年轻的阵容获得了西部第一,他们可能会在榜首位置停留一段时间。根据 ESPN BET 的数据,俄克拉荷马城已经拥有仅次于波士顿凯尔特人队的第二高夺冠赔率。与那些即将面临不断攀升的奢侈税和第二土豪线的卫冕冠军不同,雷霆队的建队基础非常稳固,他们拥有大量的选秀权,这使得他们能够在球星们薪水上涨时增加具有成本效益的球员。考虑到这种令人羡慕的地位和卫冕年度最佳教练马克·戴格诺特 (Mark Daigneault),俄克拉荷马城获得我们最高的管理层排名也就不足为奇了。-- 佩尔顿

2. 波士顿凯尔特人队


凯尔特人队下降了一个名次,但这并非他们自身的问题,因为他们在球员类别中保持了最高排名,并在管理层类别中从第四名跃升至第二名。但俄克拉荷马城在球员类别中的大幅跃升(从第七名跃升至第二名)使他们登上了榜首。另一个让波士顿的未来复杂化的因素是:2025-26 赛季即将到来的巨额工资单,届时凯尔特人队将成为 NBA 第一个总薪资达到 5 亿美元的球队。这是波士顿队连续第四次进入该排名的前五名,也是自 2015 年秋季以来,凯尔特人队第 13 次进入前十名。-- 邦唐

3. 纽约尼克斯队


在得到奥托·波特 (OG Anunoby) 和米卡尔·布里奇斯 (Mikal Bridges) 之后,尼克斯队在球员类别中从第 10 位跃升至第 3 位,从而在总排名中跃升了 5 位,来到第 3 位。这是尼克斯队自 15 年前该排名首次发布以来的最高排名。教练汤姆·锡伯杜 (Tom Thibodeau) 和总裁莱昂·罗斯 (Leon Rose) 持续的出色工作使纽约在管理层排名中从并列第九跃升至第四,而两个赛季前他们的排名还并列第 20。在增加的工资和交易中送出的选秀权之间,纽约在资金(并列第 13)和选秀权(第 6)方面的排名都比一年前有所下降,这也在预料之中。-- 邦唐

4. 费城 76 人队


76 人队比上赛季上升了 9 位,他们在 9 个月的时间里从结束詹姆斯·哈登 (James Harden) 的交易闹剧到签下超级巨星自由球员保罗·乔治 (Paul George)。这帮助费城在球员类别中从第 15 位跃升至第 5 位,而教练尼克·纳斯 (Nick Nurse) 的完整赛季以及达雷尔·莫雷 (Daryl Morey) 对哈登交易请求及其后续影响的处理,使他们在管理层类别中从第 17 位跃升至并列第 4 位。费城队排名第四的成绩追平了球队历史上的最高排名,与“过程”初期持平。-- 邦唐

5. 达拉斯独行侠队


卫冕西部冠军是本次排名中进步最大的球队之一,从总排名第 16 位一路上升到第 5 位。(与尼克斯队一样,独行侠队也享受着他们在榜单上的历史最高排名。)

达拉斯在总决赛之后,球员类别排名从第 13 位跃升至第 4 位,这在很大程度上要归功于中锋德雷克·莱夫利二世 (Dereck Lively II) 的迅速崛起,管理层类别排名也从并列第 22 位跃升至第 7 位,这两项提升是独行侠队跃居前五的主要原因。-- 邦唐

6. 丹佛掘金队


这是一个关键的赛季,将决定丹佛掘金队在三届 MVP 尼古拉·约基奇 (Nikola Jokic) 的带领下还能竞争多久才能再次夺冠。掘金队在上赛季一直被认为是西部冠军的有力争夺者,直到他们在第二轮第七场比赛中主场输给了明尼苏达森林狼队。首发后卫肯塔维奥斯·卡德维尔-波普 (Kentavious Caldwell-Pope) 随后以自由球员身份加盟奥兰多,这意味着他们将赌上近期首轮秀克里斯蒂安·布劳恩 (Christian Braun) 和朱利安·斯特劳瑟 (Julian Strawther) 来填补波普的位置,并延长他们的夺冠窗口期。展望未来,掘金队在与贾马尔·默里 (Jamal Murray) 签下顶薪续约合同以及阿隆·戈登 (Aaron Gordon) 可能会在明年夏天成为不受限制的自由球员之后,仍然存在奢侈税方面的担忧。掘金队不能指望通过交易市场获得帮助:丹佛在明年选秀结束后才能交易任何选秀权。-- 佩尔顿

7. 休斯顿火箭队


在常规赛以 16 胜 6 负的战绩结束比赛并最终取得 41 胜 41 负的战绩后,休斯顿的排名比去年提高了 19 位,是联盟中进步最大的球队。休斯顿队自五年前排名第四以来首次进入前十名,这得益于他们在管理层、资金、选秀权和市场类别中均排名前十,并在球员类别中从第 26 位跃升至第 17 位。-- 邦唐

8. 明尼苏达森林狼队


一年前,森林狼队为鲁迪·戈贝尔 (Rudy Gobert) 付出一切的交易在他们在首轮失利后看起来像是弄巧成拙。随着安东尼·爱德华兹 (Anthony Edwards) 和卡尔-安东尼·唐斯 (Karl-Anthony Towns) 的高薪续约合同生效,明尼苏达需要取得更大的成就,而他们也确实做到了。森林狼队在西部仅落后榜首一 game out,并在输掉与达拉斯的五场西部决赛之前淘汰了卫冕冠军丹佛掘金队。森林狼队现在必须在交易选秀权很少的情况下应对昂贵的球员阵容,以及球队所有权的争议,但随着爱德华兹的崛起,森林狼队已经具备了争夺冠军的实力。-- 佩尔顿

9. 金州勇士队


尽管上赛季错失季后赛并将克莱·汤普森 (Klay Thompson) 交易至独行侠队,但勇士队在 18 次排名中第 17 次进入前十名。然而,汤普森的离开让金州勇士队在引进凯尔·安德森 (Kyle Anderson)、巴迪·希尔德 (Buddy Hield) 和德安东尼·梅尔顿 (De’Anthony Melton) 后获得了更大的球员阵容灵活性。

勇士队本赛季将继续面临奢侈税的压力,但现在和未来都避免了惩罚性的第一和第二土豪线限制。随着教练史蒂夫·科尔 (Steve Kerr) 和斯蒂芬·库里 (Stephen Curry) 续约,这位教练将执教至 2025-26 赛季,而这位两届 MVP 后卫的合同将持续到 2026-27 赛季,球队也因此有了一种稳定的感觉。-- 马克斯

10. 圣安东尼奥马刺队


维克多·文班亚马的到来、未来大量的薪资空间以及 NBA 最佳的选秀权情况,使得马刺队自 2018 年以来首次进入前十名。如果文班亚马能够像他在一致获得年度最佳新秀的赛季中那样继续在球场上取得进步,并且马刺队能够在人才济济的 2025 年选秀大会上再签下一名精英球员,那么这可能是该球队连续多次进入前十名的开始。-- 邦唐

11. 奥兰多魔术队


东部没有哪支球队的进步比奥兰多更大。魔术队上赛季赢得了 47 场比赛,这是他们自 2010-11 赛季以来的最高纪录,然后签下了卡德维尔-波普,与弗朗茨·瓦格纳 (Franz Wagner) 续约,并与加里·哈里斯 (Gary Harris)、莫里茨·瓦格纳 (Moritz Wagner)、戈加·比塔泽 (Goga Bitadze) 和乔纳森·艾萨克 (Jonathan Isaac) 重新签约。奥兰多魔术队继续拥有良好的财政灵活性,阵中有六名球员拥有首轮新秀合同,其中包括全明星球员保罗·班凯罗 (Paolo Banchero)。魔术队是仅有的五支拥有未来七个首轮选秀权的球队之一。-- 马克斯

12. 孟菲斯灰熊队


对于球星后卫贾·莫兰特 (Ja Morant) 和灰熊队来说,这是一个失落的赛季,他们在前三届排名中分别位列第四、第一和第一之后,这次跌出了前十名。排名下降的原因是在莫兰特因停赛和肩伤仅出场 9 场比赛后,他们在球员(从第五名降至第十一名)和管理层(从第七名降至第十八名)类别中的排名均有所下降。如果孟菲斯队能够重返分区冠军争夺战,而莫兰特能够保持健康并留在场上,那么他们的排名应该会迅速上升。-- 邦唐

13. 克利夫兰骑士队


骑士队在勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James) 离开后首次赢得季后赛系列赛,但上赛季的表现也让人们对他们的未来产生了疑问。克利夫兰在达柳斯·加兰 (Darius Garland) 和埃文·莫布利 (Evan Mobley) 伤病期间打出了没有他们的最佳状态,这表明他们可能与多诺万·米切尔 (Donovan Mitchell) 和贾莱特·阿伦 (Jarrett Allen) 的组合并不理想。骑士队在今年夏天选择了保持阵容的连续性,希望新教练肯尼·阿特金森 (Kenny Atkinson) 能够从这支球队中挖掘出更多潜力。如果这不起作用,骑士队可能会选择交易一名核心球员,因为他们的选秀权很少,而且工资单已经达到了奢侈税线。-- 佩尔顿

14. 印第安纳步行者队


步行者队经历了一个梦幻般的赛季,他们从乐透区一路杀入分区决赛,并在令人印象深刻的季后赛之旅中充分利用了对手人手不足的优势。尽管由冉冉升起的新星泰瑞斯·哈里伯顿 (Tyrese Haliburton) 领衔的球员阵容排名第 10,但我们的专家组仍然不认为步行者队是冠军争夺者。问题在于,在今年夏天优先考虑通过自由球员签约和续约来留住球员之后,步行者队将如何更上一层楼。这可能会阻止步行者队在不缴纳奢侈税的情况下,与关键的首发球员迈尔斯·特纳 (Myles Turner) 重新签约,让他成为一名不受限制的自由球员。步行者队现在还因为帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆 (Pascal Siakam) 的交易而失去了一枚受乐透保护的首轮选秀权。-- 佩尔顿

15. 密尔沃基雄鹿队


在密尔沃基连续第二个赛季首轮失利后,雄鹿队在达米安·利拉德 (Damian Lillard) 加盟的第二个赛季前排名下降了 9 位。由于球员阵容老化(上赛季只有洛杉矶快船队的球员平均出场时间加权年龄更大),而且几乎没有可以交易的选秀权,密尔沃基只能寄希望于教练多克·里弗斯 (Doc Rivers) 的回归能够带来更好的化学反应。即使雄鹿队确实反弹,高昂的奢侈税账单也可能会影响他们明年夏天与首发中锋布鲁克·洛佩斯 (Brook Lopez) 续约的意愿。最令人担忧的是:如果扬尼斯·阿德托昆博 (Giannis Antetokounmpo) 感觉到密尔沃基无法再竞争冠军,他可能会提出交易请求。-- 佩尔顿

16. 新奥尔良鹈鹕队


在本赛季进入季中锦标赛四强并见证了锡安·威廉姆森 (Zion Williamson) 职业生涯中最健康的一个赛季后,鹈鹕队再次排在榜单的中间位置。但是,腿筋拉伤迫使威廉姆森错过了鹈鹕队被雷霆队横扫的全部四场比赛。通过交易得到德章泰·默里 (Dejounte Murray) 提升了球队的球员得分(从第 17 位升至第 14 位),但也降低了他们的选秀得分(从第五位降至第九位),导致新奥尔良的排名基本没有变化。-- 邦唐

17. 迈阿密热火队


吉米·巴特勒 (Jimmy Butler) 的未来让热火队处于观望状态。巴特勒在 2025-26 赛季前拥有价值 5240 万美元的球员选项,如果在 6 月 30 日之前没有达成续约协议,他将成为自由球员。热火队现在面临着两种可能性:如果巴特勒离开,迈阿密将重新获得财政灵活性,但在自由球员市场上只能算平均水平。如果巴特勒选择执行球员选项或签署一份新合同,热火队很可能再次成为一支需要缴纳奢侈税的球队。交易得到特里·罗齐尔 (Terry Rozier) 使迈阿密在选秀资产方面的排名从第 19 位下降到第 24 位。由于之前的交易,热火队欠俄克拉荷马城一枚 2025 年受前 14 位保护的首轮选秀权(如果该选秀权在 2026 年之前没有兑现,则不受保护),现在他们将向夏洛特黄蜂队送出一枚 2027 年受前 14 位保护的首轮选秀权。如果迈阿密本赛季没有进入季后赛,则该选秀权在 2028 年不受保护。-- 马克斯

18. 萨克拉门托国王队


国王队增加了六届全明星球员德玛尔·德罗赞 (DeMar DeRozan),与第六人马利克·蒙克 (Malik Monk) 续约,并与教练迈克·布朗 (Mike Brown) 续约至 2026-27 赛季,但在本期排名中仍然下降了 7 位,这主要是因为他们在选秀类别中的排名从第 14 位下降到第 20 位。由于凯文·许尔特 (Kevin Huerter) 的交易,国王队仍然欠亚特兰大一枚 2025 年受前 12 位保护的首轮选秀权,而作为德罗赞交易的一部分,萨克拉门托将有权在 2031 年与圣安东尼奥交换首轮选秀权。国王队在未来三年内没有可供交易的二轮选秀权。-- 马克斯

19. 菲尼克斯太阳队


虽然菲尼克斯可能还没有准备好将凯文·杜兰特 (Kevin Durant) 和布拉德利·比尔 (Bradley Beal) 的交易视为失败,但他们有理由担心未来。在首轮被明尼苏达横扫后,菲尼克斯仍然坚持以杜兰特、比尔和德文·布克 (Devin Booker) 为核心,这三名球员在未来三个赛季的总薪水将达到 3.75 亿美元。因此,菲尼克斯将不断受到第二土豪线的限制;太阳队预计本赛季和 2025-26 赛季的工资总额将超过 4 亿美元。由于杜兰特和比尔的交易,菲尼克斯只能交易他们的 2031 年首轮选秀权,因此他们在选秀类别中排名第 28 位。-- 马克斯

20. 洛杉矶快船队


2019 年从雷霆队交易得到保罗·乔治 (Paul George),然后在本赛季休赛期让他免费加盟 76 人队,这两件事将快船队挤出了排名的前半部分。快船队在选秀中排名第 26 位,这是因为他们仍然欠俄克拉荷马城一枚 2026 年不受保护的首轮选秀权。雷霆队还有权在 2025 年和 2027 年与快船队交换首轮选秀权。此外,由于交易得到詹姆斯·哈登,快船队只有一枚未来的首轮选秀权(2032 年)可以交易。如果说快船队还有什么希望的话,那就是他们有薪资空间来补充未来的球员阵容,并保持在第二土豪线以下。-- 马克斯

21. 洛杉矶湖人队


湖人队跌出了前十名,排名下降了 11 位,跌至第 21 位,这是自 2018 年勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James) 加盟以来他们的最低排名。尽管拥有詹姆斯和九届全明星球员安东尼·戴维斯 (Anthony Davis),但湖人队在球员类别中排名第 19 位,比去年下降了 11 位。排名下降的一个重要原因是,湖人队在赢得 47 场比赛并在季后赛首轮输给丹佛之后,在休赛期没有采取任何行动。在总经理罗布·佩林卡 (Rob Pelinka) 在过去五年中聘请的第三位教练达尔文·哈姆 (Darvin Ham) 的带领下,湖人队的管理层排名也下降了九位。哈姆是自 2010 年以来第六位没有任何职业教练经验就获得这份工作的主教练。-- 马克斯

22. 多伦多猛龙队


多伦多猛龙队在上个赛季告别了他们的上一个时代,弗雷德·范弗利特 (Fred VanVleet) 在去年夏天以自由球员的身份离开,随后帕斯卡尔·西亚卡姆 (Pascal Siakam) 和奥托·波特 (OG Anunoby) 被交易。猛龙队的资金和选秀得分均进入前十,球员得分也略有提升(从第 24 位升至第 22 位),他们在全明星球员斯科蒂·巴恩斯 (Scottie Barnes)、赛季中期得到的伊曼纽尔·奎克利 (Immanuel Quickley) 和 RJ·巴雷特 (RJ Barrett) 以及 2023 年乐透秀格雷迪·迪克 (Gradey Dick) 的带领下,坚定地走向未来。-- 邦唐

23. 亚特兰大老鹰队


老鹰队选择了一个方向,拆散了特雷·杨 (Trae Young) 和德章泰·默里 (Dejounte Murray) 的后场组合。与新奥尔良的默里交易为亚特兰大带来了两枚宝贵的第一轮选秀权:一枚来自湖人队的 2025 年首轮选秀权,以及一枚更有利的 2027 年雄鹿队或鹈鹕队首轮选秀权。尽管由于 2022 年从圣安东尼奥得到默里的交易,老鹰队在未来三个赛季无法控制自己的首轮选秀权,但他们在选秀资产方面仍然排名第 16 位。与此同时,将默里交易到新奥尔良也免除了欠他的 1.14 亿美元薪水,并让亚特兰大在本赛季的奢侈税线以下获得了一些喘息的空间。-- 马克斯

24. 犹他爵士队


爵士队在上赛季开始时就处于十字路口。尽管犹他在交易截止日前再次徘徊在 50% 的胜率附近,但让新秀控球后卫凯昂泰·乔治 (Keyonte George) 首发的决定表明,爵士队正在着眼于长远发展。尽管他们在 8 月份与全明星前锋劳里·马尔卡宁 (Lauri Markkanen) 续约,但现在情况显然就是这样,他们拥有一支年轻的球员阵容,其中包括五名在过去两届选秀中选中的球员。由于从多支球队获得了额外的选秀权,犹他可以放慢脚步,着眼于在排名三年窗口期之外取得可持续的成功。-- 佩尔顿

25. 芝加哥公牛队


不要把芝加哥排名上升两位误认为是对公牛队方向的认可。这仅仅是因为他们在今年夏天将亚历克斯·卡鲁索 (Alex Caruso) 交易到俄克拉荷马城,并在先签后换的交易中将德玛尔·德罗赞 (DeMar DeRozan) 送到萨克拉门托之后,已经回到了重建的道路上。考虑到这些球员的离开,令人失望的是,芝加哥在未来的首轮选秀权方面仍然是净持平的。公牛队欠圣安东尼奥一枚他们为了得到德罗赞而交易的受保护选秀权,而且他们可能永远也看不到波特兰开拓者队欠他们的那枚受乐透保护到 2028 年的选秀权了。至少芝加哥现在有了一条在 2026 年,也就是扎克·拉文 (Zach LaVine) 合同的最后一年获得薪资空间的途径。-- 佩尔顿

26. 夏洛特黄蜂队


黄蜂队已经慢慢地走出了倒数两名的位置。排名上升三位的原因是,自 1 月份以来,他们得到了七枚选秀权,包括两枚未来的首轮选秀权,以及 2023 年榜眼秀布兰登·米勒 (Brandon Miller) 的横空出世。交易走老将特里·罗齐尔 (Terry Rozier) 和 PJ·华盛顿 (PJ Washington) 使得夏洛特在未来三个赛季的选秀资产和财政灵活性方面都排名前十。然而,球员阵容如何在内部得到改善取决于 2022 年全明星球员拉梅洛·鲍尔 (LaMelo Ball) 的健康状况。鲍尔上赛季只出场了 22 场比赛,并且在他四年的职业生涯中缺席了 42% 的比赛。-- 马克斯

27. 布鲁克林篮网队


在纽约两支球队 40 年来的首次交易中,篮网队从米卡尔·布里奇斯 (Mikal Bridges) 的交易中获得了丰厚的回报,但他们现在的球员阵容在球员类别中排名垫底。在本赛季,随着丹尼斯·施罗德 (Dennis Schroder)、多里安·芬尼-史密斯 (Dorian Finney-Smith)、凯姆·约翰逊 (Cam Johnson) 和尼古拉斯·克拉克斯顿 (Nic Claxton) 等老将都有可能成为其他球队交易的目标,预计并且应该会变得更糟。随着篮网队重新获得了对未来选秀权的控制权,并拥有比联盟中任何一支球队都多的薪资空间,他们拥有扭转乾坤的良好基础。-- 邦唐

28. 华盛顿奇才队


尽管排名倒数第三,但华盛顿有理由感到乐观。自从去年从将布拉德利·比尔 (Bradley Beal) 交易到菲尼克斯开始精简球员阵容以来,奇才队已经获得了三枚首轮选秀权、四年选秀权互换权和 14 秒的选秀时间。选秀资产和比尔薪水的移除使得华盛顿在资金方面排名第四,在选秀方面排名第六。球员阵容改进的下一步(奇才队在球员方面排名第 29 位)是 2024 年新秀亚历克斯·萨尔 (Alex Sarr)、巴勃罗·卡林顿 (Bub Carrington) 和凯肖恩·乔治 (Kyshawn George) 以及 2023 年乐透秀比拉尔·库利巴利 (Bilal Coulibaly) 的内部发展。-- 马克斯

29. 底特律活塞队


活塞队上赛季非但没有在重建中取得进展,反而触底反弹,在 11 月和 12 月遭遇了创纪录的 28 连败。尽管底特律避免了真正冲击 NBA 历史上最低胜率的尴尬纪录,但失利让首席决策者特洛伊·韦弗 (Troy Weaver) 和教练蒙泰·威廉姆斯 (Monty Williams) 双双丢掉了工作。特雷西·麦克格雷迪 (Tracy McGrady) 和约翰·贝林 (John Beilein) 被聘为他们的继任者,他们的任务是从活塞队最近几年积累的乐透秀中找到可以留下的球员,并将他们组建成一支真正的球队,而不是一堆散兵游勇。-- 佩尔顿

30. 波特兰开拓者队


在交易走达米安·利拉德 (Damian Lillard) 一年后,开拓者队有史以来第一次跌至未来实力榜的垫底位置。不出所料,作为一名 19 岁的控球后卫,榜眼秀斯科蒂·亨德森 (Scoot Henderson) 在新秀赛季表现挣扎,而 2023 年乐透秀谢顿·夏普 (Shaedon Sharpe) 的赛季也在 1 月份因腹部手术而结束。今年的 7 号秀多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan) 被现任中锋德安德烈·艾顿 (Deandre Ayton) 挡在了首发阵容之外。除非他们的年轻球员中有人在本赛季迎来爆发,否则波特兰获得球星的最佳机会可能是 2025 年的选秀大会。开拓者队还必须至少等到 2026 年才能拥有可观的薪资空间,而且到 2028 年之前,他们只有自己的首轮选秀权(受乐透保护)。-- 佩尔顿

NBA 未来实力榜:完整结果和方法

我们认为最重要的类别是一支球队的现有球员阵容以及这些球员的未来潜力。该类别占每支 NBA 球队未来实力总评分的 50% 以上,未来实力总评分是每支球队用来确定其总体排名的 0-100 分制评分。




排名 球队 评分
1 波士顿 91
2 俄克拉荷马城 88
3 纽约 81
并列第 4 达拉斯 79
并列第 4 费城 79
6 丹佛 77
7 明尼苏达 76
8 克利夫兰 67
9 密尔沃基 66
10 印第安纳 59
并列第 11 孟菲斯 58
并列第 11 菲尼克斯 58
并列第 13 奥兰多 57
并列第 13 新奥尔良 57
15 金州 53
并列第 16 萨克拉门托 52
并列第 16 休斯顿 52
18 圣安东尼奥 49
19 洛杉矶湖人 47
20 迈阿密 42
21 洛杉矶快船 40
22 多伦多 33
23 亚特兰大 31
并列第 24 夏洛特 22
并列第 24 芝加哥 22
26 犹他 19
27 波特兰 17
28 底特律 16
29 华盛顿 10
30 布鲁克林 2


排名 球队 评分
并列第 1 俄克拉荷马城 92
并列第 1 波士顿 92
3 迈阿密 81
并列第 4 纽约 80
并列第 4 费城 80
6 金州 71
7 达拉斯 69
8 休斯顿 60
并列第 9 明尼苏达 59
并列第 9 洛杉矶快船 59
11 印第安纳 59
12 丹佛 58
13 圣安东尼奥 56
14 奥兰多 55
15 萨克拉门托 53
16 密尔沃基 50
17 犹他 49
并列第 18 孟菲斯 48
并列第 18 克利夫兰 48
20 新奥尔良 47
21 多伦多 44
22 菲尼克斯 43
23 亚特兰大 27
并列第 24 华盛顿 23
并列第 24 洛杉矶湖人 23
26 布鲁克林 22
27 底特律 14
28 夏洛特 10
29 波特兰 8
30 芝加哥 5


排名 球队 评分
1 布鲁克林 98
2 休斯顿 88
3 圣安东尼奥 86
4 华盛顿 79
5 底特律 76
6 夏洛特 72
并列第 7 多伦多 70
并列第 7 犹他
点击查看原文:NBA Future Power Rankings - Projecting the next three seasons

NBA Future Power Rankings - Projecting the next three seasons


How does your NBA team look heading into the 2024-25 season? What about in 2027?

The NBA Future Power Rankings are ESPN’s projection of the on-court success expected for each team over the next three seasons: 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27.

Do the defending champion Boston Celtics have the salary cap flexibility to become the NBA’s next dynasty? How soon can the San Antonio Spurs build a title contender around French phenom Victor Wembanyama?

What does the future hold for LeBron James’ Lakers, Stephen Curry’s Warriors and Kevin Durant’s Suns as the NBA legends’ careers wind down?

To determine the rankings, we asked ESPN analysts Kevin Pelton, Bobby Marks and Tim Bontemps to rate teams in five categories and rank them relative to the rest of the league. (An explanation of each category and a full view of all 30 teams’ ratings is at the bottom of these rankings.)

Here is our latest update ahead of the 2024-25 season, featuring a new No. 1 franchise, young contenders on the rise and why the Lakers fell into the league’s bottom 10.

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NO | NY | OKC | ORL | PHI | PHX\


1. Oklahoma City Thunder

Previous ranking: 3

Having won 57 games last season and capturing the West’s No. 1 seed with the NBA’s second-youngest roster, the Thunder could occupy the top spot for a while. Oklahoma City already has the second best title odds at ESPN BET behind the Boston Celtics. And unlike the defending champions, who are staring at escalating luxury tax bills and second-apron restrictions, the Thunder are built to last with their stockpile of draft picks giving them the ability to add cost-controlled contributors as their stars get expensive. Given that enviable position, and reigning Coach of the Year Mark Daigneault, it’s no surprise Oklahoma City got our top management ranking . – Pelton

2. Boston Celtics

Previous ranking: 1

The champs dropped one spot through no fault of their own, as they maintained the top ranking in the player category and jumped from fourth to second in management. But Oklahoma City’s major jump in the player category (from seventh to second) vaulted them to the top. Also complicating Boston’s future: the crushing payroll bill coming ahead of the 2025-26 season, when the Celtics are set to become the NBA’s first $500 million roster. This is Boston’s fourth straight appearance inside the top five in these rankings, and the 13th time in the past 15 rankings – dating back to the fall of 2015 – that the Celtics have finished in the top 10. – Bontemps

3. New York Knicks

Previous ranking: 8

Behind acquisitions of OG Anunoby and Mikal Bridges, the Knicks jumped up from 10th to third in the player category, leading to a five-spot jump to No. 3 overall. That’s the highest position for the Knicks since these rankings debuted 15 years ago. Continued impressive work from coach Tom Thibodeau and president Leon Rose earned New York a jump up from a tie for ninth in management to fourth – up from a tie for 20th two seasons ago. Between the salaries added to the books and the draft capital sent out in deals, New York predictably dropped in both money (tied for 13th) and draft (sixth) from where it was a year ago. – Bontemps

4. Philadelphia 76ers

Previous ranking: 13

Up nine spots from last season, the 76ers went from closing the James Harden trade saga to landing superstar free agent Paul George in the span of nine months. That helped Philadelphia jump from 15th to fifth in the player category, while a full season with coach Nick Nurse and Daryl Morey’s management of the Harden trade request and its aftermath caused a jump from 17th to a tie for fourth in management. Philly’s fourth place overall ranking is tied for the franchise’s highest ever, matched during the early “Process” days. – Bontemps

5. Dallas Mavericks

Previous ranking: 16

The defending West champions were one of this ranking’s biggest movers – from 16th overall all the way to fifth. (Like the Knicks, the Mavericks are enjoying their highest ever spot on the list.)

Dallas shot up from 13th in the player category to fourth after its Finals run – in large part due to the rapid rise of center Dereck Lively II – and from a tie for 22nd to seventh in the management category, both of which powered most of the Mavericks’ leap into the top five. – Bontemps

6. Denver Nuggets

Previous ranking: 2

This is a pivotal season to determine how long Denver can compete for a second championship with three-time MVP Nikola Jokic. The Nuggets were favored to win the West last season until they lost Game 7 at home to the Minnesota Timberwolves in the second round. Starting guard Kentavious Caldwell-Pope subsequently left for Orlando in free agency, which means they’re betting big on recent first-round picks Christian Braun and Julian Strawther to fill KCP’s role and extend their title window. Down the road, the Nuggets still have tax concerns after signing Jamal Murray to a max extension and Aaron Gordon potentially hitting unrestricted free agency next summer. The Nuggets can’t look to the trade market for help: Denver cannot trade any pick until after next year’s draft. – Pelton

7. Houston Rockets

Previous ranking: 26

After finishing with a 41-41 record following a 16-6 close to the regular season, Houston enjoyed a 19-spot improvement from last year – by far the biggest jump in the league. Houston’s first top-10 ranking since landing in the fourth spot five years ago was powered by top 10 rankings in each of the management, money, draft and market categories and a jump from 26th to 17th in the players category. – Bontemps

8. Minnesota Timberwolves

Previous ranking: 19

A year ago, the Timberwolves’ all-in deal for Rudy Gobert looked like a misstep after they lost in the opening round. With expensive extensions for Anthony Edwards and Karl-Anthony Towns kicking in, Minnesota needed to accomplish more and did just that. The Timberwolves finished one game out of first in the West and knocked out the defending champion Denver Nuggets before losing in the conference finals in five games to Dallas. Minnesota must now navigate an expensive roster with few tradeable picks, as well as a dispute over ownership of the franchise, but the Wolves are built to contend as Edwards’ star rises. – Pelton

9. Golden State Warriors

Previous ranking: 5

The Warriors landed in the top 10 for the 17th time in 18 rankings despite missing the playoffs last season and losing Klay Thompson to the Mavericks in free agency. The departure of Thompson, however, has given Golden State greater roster flexibility with the additions of Kyle Anderson, Buddy Hield and De’Anthony Melton.

The Warriors continue to find themselves in the luxury tax this season but avoided the punitive first- and second-apron restrictions now and in the future. There is also a sense of stability with coach Steve Kerr and Stephen Curry signing extensions, taking the coach through the 2025-26 season and the two-time MVP guard under contract through the 2026-27 season. – Marks

10. San Antonio Spurs

Previous ranking: 18

The combination of Victor Wembanyama’s arrival, lots of future salary cap space and the best draft situation of any team in the NBA has the Spurs inside the top 10 for the first time since 2018. If Wembanyama can continue to make strides on the court in the same way he did during his unanimous Rookie of the Year campaign, and the Spurs can land another elite talent in the loaded 2025 draft lottery, this could be the first of many top-10 finishes for the franchise. – Bontemps

11. Orlando Magic

Previous ranking: 23

No team in the East made a bigger jump than Orlando. The Magic won 47 games last season – their most since 2010-11 – then signed Caldwell-Pope, extended Franz Wagner and re-signed Gary Harris, Moritz Wagner, Goga Bitadze and Jonathan Isaac. Orlando continues to boast financial flexibility with six players on first-round rookie contracts, including All-Star Paolo Banchero. And the Magic are one of just five teams with control over their next seven first-round picks. – Marks

12. Memphis Grizzlies

Previous ranking: 4

A lost season for star guard Ja Morant and the Grizzlies saw them tumble down this list, landing outside the top 10 after finishing fourth, first and first in the previous three editions of these rankings. That was fueled by drops in the player (fifth to 11th) and management (seventh to 18th) categories after Morant played just nine games due to a suspension and shoulder injury. If Memphis returns to conference title contention and Morant can stay healthy and in the lineup, this ranking should rise quickly. – Bontemps

13. Cleveland Cavaliers

Previous ranking: 12

The Cavaliers won a playoff series without LeBron James on the roster for the first time since 1993, yet last season raised questions about their future. Cleveland played its best basketball without Darius Garland and Evan Mobley while the duo dealt with injuries, suggesting they might not fit ideally with Donovan Mitchell and Jarrett Allen. The Cavaliers opted for roster continuity this summer, betting new coach Kenny Atkinson can get more out of this group. If that doesn’t work, Cleveland, with few draft picks and a payroll already in the luxury tax, could choose to trade a core player. – Pelton

14. Indiana Pacers

Previous ranking: 21

A dream season saw the Pacers go from the lottery to the conference finals, taking advantage of short-handed opponents during an impressive playoff run. Our panel still isn’t buying Indiana as contenders, although the roster led by rising star Tyrese Haliburton ranked 10th. The question is how the Pacers take the next step after prioritizing retaining players via free agency and extensions this summer. That could prevent Indiana from re-signing key starter Myles Turner as an unrestricted free agent without going into the tax. The Pacers are also now out a lottery-protected first-round pick from the Pascal Siakam deal. – Pelton

15. Milwaukee Bucks

Previous ranking: 6

After a second consecutive first-round loss in Milwaukee, the Bucks tumbled nine spots in the rankings ahead of Damian Lillard’s second season with the team. With the roster aging – only the LA Clippers were older last season when weighted by minutes played – and few draft picks to trade, Milwaukee has to hope for better chemistry with coach Doc Rivers returning for a full season. Even if the Bucks do bounce back, hefty luxury tax bills could affect their willingness to re-sign starting center Brook Lopez next summer. Looming over everything: the fear Giannis Antetokounmpo might ask for a trade if he senses Milwaukee can no longer compete for a title. – Pelton

16. New Orleans Pelicans

Previous ranking: 17

The Pelicans once again land in the middle of this list after a season that saw them make the in-season tournament semifinals and get the healthiest season yet of Zion Williamson’s career. But a hamstring strain forced Williamson to miss the Pelicans’ entire four-game sweep to the Thunder. Adding Dejounte Murray via trade both boosted the team’s player score (17th to 14th) but dropped its draft score (fifth to ninth), leading to New Orleans essentially standing pat. – Bontemps

17. Miami Heat

Previous ranking: 7

Jimmy Butler’s future has the Heat in a holding pattern. Butler has a $52.4 million player option ahead of the 2025-26 season and can be a free agent if there is no extension by June 30. The Heat are now looking at two possibilities: If Butler leaves, Miami regains financial flexibility but in a below-average free agent class. If Butler opts-in or signs a new contract, the Heat once again are likely a luxury tax team. The trade to acquire Terry Rozier moved Miami from No. 19 to 24 in draft assets. The Heat owe Oklahoma City a top-14 protected first in 2025 (the first is unprotected in 2026 if not conveyed) from a previous trade and will now send the Charlotte Hornets a 2027 top-14 protected first. The first is unprotected in 2028 if Miami does not reach the playoffs this season. – Marks

18. Sacramento Kings

Previous ranking: 11

The Kings added six-time All-Star DeMar DeRozan, re-signed sixth man Malik Monk and extended coach Mike Brown through 2026-27 but still fell seven spots in this edition of the rankings thanks primarily to a drop from from No. 14 to 20 in the draft category. The Kings still owe Atlanta a 2025 top-12 protected first-round pick from the Kevin Huerter trade, and Sacramento sent San Antonio the right to swap firsts in 2031 as part of the DeRozan trade. The Kings have no second-round picks available to trade in the next three years. – Marks

19. Phoenix Suns

Previous ranking: 9

While Phoenix might not be ready to write off the Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal trades as failures, there are concerns for what the future holds. Coming off a first-round sweep to Minnesota, Phoenix stayed the course with Durant, Beal and Devin Booker, who will earn a combined $375 million in salary over the next three seasons. As a result, Phoenix will continually be restricted by the second apron rules; the Suns are projected to exceed $400 million in payroll this season and in 2025-26. Because of the Durant and Beal moves, Phoenix can trade only its 2031 first-round pick, and therefore ranks 28th in the draft category. – Marks

20. LA Clippers

Previous ranking: 14

The 2019 Paul George trade from the Thunder and then subsequently letting George walk for nothing to the 76ers this offseason pushed the Clippers out of the top half in these rankings. The Clippers ranked 26th in draft, a result of still owing Oklahoma City a 2026 unprotected first-round pick. The Thunder also have the right to swap firsts with the Clippers in 2025 and 2027. In addition, the trade to acquire James Harden has the Clippers with one future first (2032) available to trade. If there is a silver lining for the Clippers, it’s the salary flexibility to add to their future roster and remain below the second apron. – Marks

21. Los Angeles Lakers

Previous ranking: 10

The Lakers fell out of the top 10, dropping 11 spots to No. 21 – their worst rank since LeBron James joined the franchise in 2018. Despite having James and nine-time All-Star Anthony Davis, the Lakers rank 19th in the player category, an 11-spot decrease from last year. A big reason for the drop is the Lakers’ offseason inactivity after winning 47 games falling to Denver in the first round of the playoffs. The Lakers also moved nine spots back in management after adding JJ Redick, the third coach general manager Rob Pelinka has hired in the past five years. Redick is the sixth head coach since 2010 to get a job without any professional coaching experience. – Marks

22. Toronto Raptors

Previous ranking: 24

Toronto moved on from its prior era this past season, as Fred VanVleet walked in free agency last summer before Pascal Siakam and OG Anunoby were traded. With money and draft scores inside the top 10 and a player score that bumped up slightly (from 24 to 22) the Raptors are firmly oriented toward the future behind All-Star Scottie Barnes, midseason acquisitions Immanuel Quickley and RJ Barrett and 2023 lottery pick Gradey Dick. – Bontemps

23. Atlanta Hawks

Previous ranking: 20

The Hawks picked a direction, splitting up the backcourt of Trae Young and Dejounte Murray. The Murray trade to New Orleans netted Atlanta two valuable first-round picks; a 2025 first from the Lakers and a 2027 more favorable Milwaukee or New Orleans first. Despite not controlling their own first-round pick over the next three seasons as a result of acquiring Murray from San Antonio in 2022, the Hawks ranked No. 16 in draft assets. Trading Murray to New Orleans, meanwhile, removed the $114 million owed to Murray and has allowed Atlanta breathing room below the luxury tax this season. – Marks

24. Utah Jazz

Previous ranking: 15

The Jazz entered last season as a crossroads. Although Utah again flirted with a .500 record before the trade deadline, starting rookie Keyonte George at point guard was an indicator the Jazz were thinking long term. Despite extending All-Star forward Lauri Markkanen in August, that’s clearly the case now, with a youthful roster featuring five players taken in the past two drafts. With extra picks coming from multiple teams, Utah can afford to build patiently with an eye toward sustainable success beyond the rankings’ three-year window. – Pelton

25. Chicago Bulls

Previous ranking: 27

Don’t confuse Chicago moving up two spots with an endorsement of the Bulls’ direction. It’s simply that they’ve backed their way into a rebuild after trading Alex Caruso to Oklahoma City and losing DeMar DeRozan to Sacramento in a sign-and-trade this summer. Given those departures, it’s disappointing Chicago is still net even in terms of future first-round picks. The Bulls owe San Antonio a protected pick from their deal to acquire DeRozan, and may never see the pick the Portland Trail Blazers owe them that is lottery-protected through 2028. At least Chicago now has a path to cap space in 2026 – the last year of Zach LaVine’s contract. – Pelton

26. Charlotte Hornets

Previous ranking: 29

The Hornets have slowly moved out of the bottom two. The three-spot jump is a result of acquiring seven draft picks, including two future firsts, since January and the emergence of 2023 No. 2 overall pick Brandon Miller. The trades to move veterans Terry Rozier and PJ Washington have Charlotte ranked in the top 10 in draft assets and financial flexibility over the next three seasons. How the roster improves internally is dependent on the availability of 2022 All-Star LaMelo Ball, however. Ball appeared in 22 games last season and has missed 42% of the total games throughout his four-year career. – Marks

27. Brooklyn Nets

Previous ranking: 22

After getting a massive return for Mikal Bridges in the first trade between the two New York City teams in 40 years, the Nets are left with a roster that ranks last in the player category. It is both expected to, and should, get worse over the course of this season as veterans such as Dennis Schroder, Dorian Finney-Smith, Cam Johnson and Nic Claxton all could be appealing to other teams in trades. With regained control of their draft moving forward, and more cap space than any team in the league, the Nets have promising building blocks to turn things around. – Bontemps

28. Washington Wizards

Previous ranking: 30

There is reason for optimism in Washington despite ranking in the bottom three. Since stripping down the roster starting with the Bradley Beal trade to Phoenix last year, the Wizards have acquired three first-round picks, four years of pick swaps and 14 seconds. The draft assets and removal of Beal’s salary has Washington ranked fourth in money and sixth in the draft. The next step in roster improvement – the Wizards rank 29th in players – is the internal development of 2024 picks Alex Sarr, Bub Carrington and Kyshawn George and 2023 lottery pick Bilal Coulibaly – Marks

29. Detroit Pistons

Previous ranking: 25

Instead of progressing in their rebuild, the Pistons bottomed out last season, losing a record 28 consecutive games in November and December. Although Detroit avoided a real run at the worst win percentage in NBA history, the losing cost lead decision-maker Troy Weaver and coach Monty Williams their jobs. Trajan Langdon and J.B. Bickerstaff were hired as their replacements, and their task is to find the keepers from the Pistons’ fleet of recent lottery picks and assemble them into a real roster rather than a collection of parts. – Pelton

30. Portland Trail Blazers

Previous ranking: 28

A year removed from trading Damian Lillard, the Blazers hit the bottom of the future rankings for the first time ever. No. 3 pick Scoot Henderson predictably struggled as a 19-year-old rookie point guard, while 2023 lottery pick Shaedon Sharpe’s season ended in January because of an abdominal surgery that required surgery. This year’s No. 7 pick, Donovan Clingan, is blocked from starting by incumbent center Deandre Ayton. Barring a breakout season from one of their prospects, Portland’s best chance at stardom might come through the 2025 lottery. The Blazers also must wait until at least 2026 to have meaningful cap space and have only their own first-round picks (lottery-protected) until 2028. – Pelton

NBA Future Power Rankings: Full results and methodology

We determined that the most important category is a team’s current roster and the future potential of those players. That category accounts for more than 50% of each NBA team’s overall Future Power Rating, the 0-100 score each team receives to determine its overall ranking.

At the same time, we looked at many other factors such as management, ownership, coaching, a team’s spending habits, its cap situation, the reputation of the city and the franchise and what kind of draft picks we expect the team to have in the future.

The full ratings and rankings for every category are below.

Players (58.3%)

Rank Team Rating
1 Boston 91
2 Oklahoma City 88
3 New York 81
T-4 Dallas 79
T-4 Philadelphia 79
6 Denver 77
7 Minnesota 76
8 Cleveland 67
9 Milwaukee 66
10 Indiana 59
T-11 Memphis 58
T-11 Phoenix 58
T-13 Orlando 57
T-13 New Orleans 57
15 Golden State 53
T-16 Sacramento 52
T-16 Houston 52
18 San Antonio 49
19 Los Angeles Lakers 47
20 Miami 42
21 LA Clippers 40
22 Toronto 33
23 Atlanta 31
T-24 Charlotte 22
T-24 Chicago 22
26 Utah 19
27 Portland 17
28 Detroit 16
29 Washington 10
30 Brooklyn 2
Current players and potential for the future

Management (16.7%)

Rank Team Rating
T-1 Oklahoma City 92
T-1 Boston 92
3 Miami 81
T-4 New York 80
T-4 Philadelphia 80
6 Golden State 71
7 Dallas 69
8 Houston 60
T-9 Minnesota 59
T-9 LA Clippers 59
11 Indiana 59
12 Denver 58
13 San Antonio 56
14 Orlando 55
15 Sacramento 53
16 Milwaukee 50
17 Utah 49
T-18 Memphis 48
T-18 Cleveland 48
20 New Orleans 47
21 Toronto 44
22 Phoenix 43
23 Atlanta 27
T-24 Washington 23
T-24 Los Angeles Lakers 23
26 Brooklyn 22
27 Detroit 14
28 Charlotte 10
29 Portland 8
30 Chicago 5
Quality/stability of front office, ownership, coaching

Money (8.3%)

Rank Team Rating
1 Brooklyn 98
2 Houston 88
3 San Antonio 86
4 Washington 79
5 Detroit 76
6 Charlotte 72
T-7 Toronto 70
T-7 Utah 70
9 Chicago 69
10 Memphis 62
11 Portland 55
12 Atlanta 52
T-13 Oklahoma City 51
T-13 LA Clippers 51
T-15 New Orleans 50
T-15 Sacramento 50
17 Orlando 48
T-18 Indiana 43
T-18 Dallas 43
20 Los Angeles Lakers 41
21 Philadelphia 39
T-22 Cleveland 36
T-22 Miami 36
T-22 Golden State 36
25 New York 34
26 Milwaukee 24
27 Denver 20
28 Minnesota 10
29 Phoenix 8
30 Boston 5
Projected salary-cap situation

Draft (8.3%)

Rank Team Rating
1 San Antonio 92
T-2 Brooklyn 90
T-2 Oklahoma City 90
4 Utah 84
5 Houston 75
T-6 Washington 71
T-6 Toronto 71
8 Charlotte 68
9 New Orleans 66
10 Orlando 63
T-11 Memphis 57
T-11 Portland 57
13 Detroit 55
14 Chicago 54
15 Philadelphia 53
16 Atlanta 51
17 Golden State 49
18 Boston 46
19 Indiana 45
20 Sacramento 42
21 Los Angeles Lakers 36
22 Dallas 33
23 New York 31
24 Miami 29
25 Cleveland 23
26 LA Clippers 17
T-27 Milwaukee 16
T-27 Phoenix 16
29 Minnesota 11
30 Denver 10
Future draft picks; draft positioning

Market (8.3%)

Rank Team Rating
T-1 New York 94
T-1 Los Angeles Lakers 94
3 LA Clippers 87
4 Golden State 85
5 Miami 82
6 Brooklyn 79
7 Phoenix 75
T-8 Boston 63
T-8 Dallas 63
10 Houston 62
11 Chicago 59
12 Philadelphia 57
13 Atlanta 54
14 Orlando 49
15 Toronto 48
16 Denver 44
17 Milwaukee 41
T-18 Washington 39
T-18 San Antonio 39
T-20 Indiana 31
T-20 Charlotte 31
T-22 Sacramento 30
T-22 Memphis 30
24 Portland 28
T-25 New Orleans 26
T-25 Cleveland 26
27 Oklahoma City 25
28 Utah 23
29 Minnesota 20
30 Detroit 17
Appeal to future acquisitions