[PtR] 马刺裁掉贾马里·鲍耶,空出一个双向合同名额

By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-09-16 07:25:23




马刺队周日宣布裁掉后卫贾马里·鲍耶(Jamaree Bouyea),这表明他们的大名单调整尚未结束。现在圣安东尼奥有一个双向合同名额可以填补。

鲍耶上赛季在波特兰效力一段时间后,与马刺队签署了一份双向合同,只为这支球队出场过三次。这位发展联盟的佼佼者是马刺队最近一支夏季联赛阵容中的一员,并且表现出色,在拉斯维加斯的五场比赛中,他场均上场 24.3 分钟,得到 11.8 分、3.6 次助攻、2 个篮板和 3 次抢断。当他代表银黑军团出场时,他提供了一些控球和组织能力,但从未给人留下深刻印象,足以被视为常规阵容席位的有力竞争者。现在,马刺队和鲍耶分道扬镳。

裁掉鲍耶的决定空出了一个双向合同名额,因为圣安东尼奥目前只有小戴维·杜克(David Duke Jr.)和哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram)占据着三个指定名额中的两个,还有一个休赛期名额可以用一份短期合同来填补。随着训练营的临近,裁掉一名后卫,为缺乏内线球员的阵容增加一些体型可能是正确的做法。管理层可能会很快填补这个双向合同名额,但更有意义的做法是保留一些阵容灵活性,并利用训练营合同增加一名球员,同时保留这个双向合同名额一段时间,可能会将其留给在训练和季前赛中表现出色的人。

马刺队将于本月晚些时候开始训练营,并将于 10 月 7 日对阵雷霆队的比赛中迎来他们的第一场季前赛。

点击查看原文:Spurs waive Jamaree Bouyea, open two-way spot

Spurs waive Jamaree Bouyea, open two-way spot

NBA: Summer League-San Antonio Spurs at Portland Trail Blazers

The Spurs now have an open two-way roster spot after waving the journeyman guard.

The Spurs announced they have waived guard Jamaree Bouyea on Sunday, showing they are still not done with their roster. Now there’s a two-way spot open for San Antonio to fill.

Bouyea was signed to a two-way deal last season by the Spurs after a stint in Portland and suited up for the big team only three times. The G League standout was a part of San Antonio’s most recent Summer League squad and had a solid performance, averaging 11.8 points, 3.6 assists, two rebounds and three steals in 24.3 minutes per game on five appearances in Las Vegas. He provided some ball handling and playmaking when he saw the floor with the Silver and Black but never managed to impress enough to be considered a serious candidate for a regular roster spot. Now, the Spurs and Bouyea have parted ways.

The decision to waive Bouyea opened up a two-way spot, as San Antonio currently only has David Duke Jr. and Harrison Ingram using up two of the three designated slots, as well as an offseason spot that can be filled with a player on a make-good deal. With training camp drawing closer, waving a guard to add some size to a group that lacks interior players could be the right play. The front office may fill the two-way spot quickly but it would make more sense to retain some roster flexibility and use a training camp deal to add someone while keeping the two-way spot open for a while, potentially saving it for whoever stands out in practice and preseason.

The Spurs will start training camp later this month and will play their first preseason game on Oct. 7 against the Thunder.

By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock