By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-09-12 19:00:00
NBA 历史上只有三位球员的职业生涯胜率超过 70%,而他们都是圣安东尼奥马刺队的成员。
马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)、蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan) 和托尼·帕克(Tony Parker) 组成了史上最成功的「三巨头」之一。他们联手在 2003 年、2005 年、2007 年和 2014 年赢得了四座总冠军奖杯。马刺队在世纪之交成为了一支劲旅。他们与 洛杉矶湖人队 作为对手,在西部决赛中多次相遇,甚至盖过了总决赛的风头。
2014 年,马刺队完成了史诗般的逆袭。在这个时代,马刺队对阵 NBA 所有球队都保持着胜率优势。
卡里姆·阿卜杜尔-贾巴尔(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar),史上最伟大的中锋之一,“Showtime”时代湖人「三巨头」的重要组成部分。
迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan) 和斯科蒂·皮蓬(Scottie Pippen) 统治了 90 年代。
沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O’Neal) 在任何一支球队都是一股强大的力量,他在其辉煌的职业生涯中取得了巨大的成功。
丹尼·安吉(Danny Ainge)、罗伯特·霍里(Robert Horry) 和德里克·费舍尔(Derek Fisher) 都才华横溢,但他们的成功很大程度上受益于各自球队核心的传奇球员。
点击查看原文:Open Thread: The Spurs legends top all-time highest winning percentage
Open Thread: The Spurs legends top all-time highest winning percentage
Manu and Tony and Tim, oh my
There are only three NBA players with a winning percentage of over a 70%, and they were all members of the San Antonio Spurs.
Manu Ginobili, Tim Duncan, and Tony Parker are one of the most successful Big 3s of all time. Four titles together in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2014. The Spurs became a force at the turn of the century. With the Los Angeles Lakers as their rivals, they duked out the Western Conference often overshadowing the Finals themselves.
In 2014, the Spurs made a dynamic comeback. During this era, the Spurs also earned winning records over every team in the NBA.
Every era has had their superstars, but none more underrated than the three international players from that “boring small market team.”
Check out the other players in the top ten for all-time winning percentage.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, one of the greatest big men to play the game and an integral part of the Showtime Lakers Big 3.
Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen owned the 90s.
Shaquille O’Neal was a force on any team, and he found success throughout his illustrious career.
Danny Ainge, Robert Horry, and Derek Fisher, all extremely talented in their own right, but whose success most greatly benefitted from the legends are the core of their respective teams.
Quite an impressive list when you consider the competition.
By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock