By MateoMayorga | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-09-04 21:54:43
据KSAT 于 2023 年和今年 7 月报道,马刺与半球公园项目的关联尚不清楚,但此前球队代表和市政官员就搬迁事宜进行过会谈。截至 7 月,沟通似乎仍在继续。
10. SBC 中心首秀:2002 年 11 月 1 日
在客场取得开门红(击败湖人)和遭遇两连败(分别输给勇士和金州勇士)之后,卫冕 MVP 蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)带领银黑军团在 SBC 中心的首场比赛中取得了胜利。马刺在进入第四节时领先四分,最终以 6 分的优势结束了比赛,并将到访的多伦多猛龙队在最后一节的得分压制在个位数。
邓肯本场 47.1% 的命中率砍下 22 分,外加 15 个篮板和 3 次盖帽,为球队在这座球馆的第一个四年冠王朝开了个好头。
9. 蝙蝠事件:2009 年万圣节
在一次死球期间,吉诺比利(Manu Ginóbili)一巴掌把蝙蝠拍到空中,捡起来后交给了球童。NBA 将这段视频剪辑上传到了他们的 YouTube 页面,并在视频结尾打上了“奇迹发生之地”(Where amazing happens.)。
比赛重新开始,只有人类球员参与其中,马刺最终以 19 分的优势获胜。
8. 维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的首秀:2023 年 10 月 25 日
文班亚马的 NBA 首秀以马刺主场 7 分惜败达拉斯独行侠而告终。他的表现——15 分、5 个篮板、2 次助攻、2 次抢断和 1 次盖帽——以他的标准来看并不算特别,但这却是一个新时代的开始。
尽管如此,这足以展现他作为一代天骄的潜力,许多球迷都对他印象深刻。当晚他最精彩的表现是在扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)换防被过掉后,作为协防球员封盖了凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)的急停跳投。
7. 托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)力压拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)和凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant):2012 年西部决赛第二场
尽管邓肯当晚表现不佳,但帕克利用挡拆战术摧毁了雷霆的防守,他在掩护后接球跳投,杀入篮下得分,并在开阔的半场和阵地战中送出妙传。帕克的速度快如闪电,仿佛 AT&T 中心的幽灵。整个晚上,帕克都牢牢掌控着比赛的节奏。他以 76.2% 的命中率砍下全场最高的 34 分,带领马刺以 2-0 的总比分领先。
6. 吉诺比利封盖詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden):2017 年西部半决赛第五场
马刺与休斯顿火箭的系列赛战至 2-2 平,比赛还剩 9.3 秒时,主队以 110-107 领先。帕蒂·米尔斯(Patty Mills)代表马刺,埃里克·戈登(Eric Gordon)代表火箭,在米尔斯所在的半场进行跳球。
戈登赢得了跳球,莱恩·安德森(Ryan Anderson)在左侧三分线外拿到球,并传给了身后的哈登。吉诺比利一直在盯防哈登,但被一步过掉。然而,吉诺比利并没有放弃防守,他从哈登身后将他的三分出手拒之门外,断送了对手扳平比分的希望。
5. 邓肯在家乡球迷面前捧起首座 MVP 奖杯:2002 年
在 2001-02 赛季,邓肯与埃尔金·贝勒(Elgin Baylor)、拉里·伯德(Larry Bird)、奥斯卡·罗伯特森(Oscar Robertson)、鲍勃·佩蒂特(Bob Pettit)和乔治·麦肯(George Mikan)一起,成为 NBA 历史上仅有的六位在职业生涯前五年都入选最佳阵容一阵的球员。他也成为马刺队史上第二位,也是最后一位获得常规赛 MVP 的球员。
在西部半决赛第三场对阵洛杉矶湖人的比赛前,马刺主席彼得·霍尔特(Peter Holt)将 MVP 奖杯颁发给了邓肯。邓肯高举奖杯,三万五千名球迷的欢呼声响彻球馆。
4. 马刺主场 40 胜 1 负,创下队史纪录:2016 年 4 月 12 日
2016 年 4 月 12 日,俄克拉荷马雷霆队在赛季倒数第二场比赛中做客圣安东尼奥。马刺以 4 分的优势赢得了这场比赛,这是他们本赛季的第 66 场胜利,这也延续了他们队史常规赛最佳战绩,同时也是他们在 AT&T 中心的第 40 场胜利。马刺的胜利追平了 1985-86 赛季波士顿凯尔特人队创造的 NBA 历史最佳主场战绩。
本场比赛,马刺的首发球员场均上场 30.8 分钟,可见他们对这场比赛的重视程度。值得注意的是,杜兰特和威斯布鲁克都没有在这场比赛中出场。第二天,马刺在达拉斯赢得了最后一场比赛的胜利,最终以 67 胜 15 负的战绩结束了这个赛季。在此之前,马刺的最佳战绩是 2005-06 赛季的 63 胜 19 负。
3. 邓肯在对阵太阳的比赛中投进加时赛三分球:2008 年季后赛首轮第一场
在马刺与太阳的竞争如火如荼的时候,两队在 2008 年季后赛首轮相遇,第一场比赛就打得异常激烈。阿玛雷·斯塔德迈尔(Amar’e Stoudemire)在加时赛犯满离场之前,21 投 13 中,狂砍 33 分。比赛还剩 9.9 秒时,马刺落后 3 分,他们在边线发球。球馆里的每个人都站了起来。
2. 丹尼·格林(Danny Green)和吉诺比利在对阵勇士的比赛中命中关键三分:2013 年西部半决赛第一场
在 2013 年西部半决赛首场比赛中,勇士队一度 sembrava 将在马刺的主场取得胜利。斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)在第三节大发神威,12 投 9 中,独得 22 分,其中包括连续得到 16 分。比赛还剩不到 5 分钟时,马刺落后 16 分。
随后,马刺开始奋起直追。比赛还剩 29 秒时,丹尼·格林在掩护后跑到右侧三分线外,接球命中三分,将比赛拖入加时赛。
在第二个加时赛还剩 3.9 秒时,帕克吸引了两名防守球员的注意,莱昂纳德(Kawhi Leonard)发边线球,吉诺比利在左侧底角获得空位机会。他接球后稳稳命中三分,杀死比赛。
波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)在那场比赛后对《圣安东尼奥快报》说了一句名言:“我从想当场交易他变成了想明天早上为他做早餐。”
1. 在主场夺冠:2003 年对阵篮网,2005 年对阵活塞,2014 年对阵热火
除非你把民权运动之前的冠军也算进去,否则 هیچ 一个总冠军比其他任何一个都更有意义。所以这必须是一个并列第一。马刺球迷很幸运,他们亲眼目睹了球队在主场三次夺冠,并体验了夺冠的喜悦。
首先,他们在第六场比赛中击败篮网后,看到了马刺捧起奥布莱恩杯。这是海军上将大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)的最后一舞,他 8 投 6 中,得到 13 分和 17 个篮板。在赛后采访中,他说他的谢幕演出是上帝的安排。
接下来,马刺在第七场比赛中险胜卫冕冠军活塞,赢得了七年内的第三个总冠军。防守是取胜的关键,他们将活塞的首发球员命中率限制在 40%,并阻止了对手频繁地站上罚球线。
波波维奇在那晚击败了他的老朋友兼导师拉里·布朗(Larry Brown),成为 NBA 历史上第五位三次夺冠的主教练。他说:“我不知道我们是怎么做到的,但我太激动了。非常感谢大家。”
在开局不稳的情况下,吉诺比利、莱昂纳德和帕蒂·米尔斯稳住了球队的进攻,他们都命中了接球就投的三分球。三人合计 18 投 11 中,这就像一把战锤击穿了对手的盔甲,粉碎了他们的五脏六腑。
吉诺比利甚至在运球过掉雷·阿伦(Ray Allen)后,隔扣了克里斯·波什(Chris Bosh)。蒂亚戈·斯普利特(Tiago Splitter)在底线送给了德维恩·韦德(Dwyane Wade)一记大帽。
热火在最后一节早早缴械投降,莱昂纳德最终获得了总决赛 MVP。这些都是不可磨灭的回忆。
点击查看原文:The 10 best moments at the SBC/AT&T/Frost Bank Center
The 10 best moments at the SBC/AT&T/Frost Bank Center
Spurs fans have been lucky to witness the ride
The San Antonio Spurs have played in their building, now the Frost Bank Center, for 22 seasons. Its home has seen many of the top moments in franchise history. But is the run there coming to an end?
As KSAT reported in July and in 2023, it’s unknown what the Spurs’ connection with the project at Hemisfair Park is, but previously, talks were held between team representatives and city officials about a relocation. As of July, that communication is seemingly continuing.
Regardless, it’s an excellent opportunity to honor the Spurs’ house and the unforgettable memories created there. Let’s review some of the greatest moments of the ride.
10. The first game at the SBC Center: Nov. 1, 2002
The Spurs moved from the Alamodome, a large football stadium, to a more accommodating, modern venue for the fans.
After starting the season on the road, beating the Lakers and losing to the Warriors and Golden State, the reigning MVP Tim Duncan powered the Silver and Black to a win on day one for the SBC Center. After leading by four entering the fourth quarter, the Spurs closed the match, shutting down the visiting Toronto Raptors to six points in the frame.
Duncan finished with 22 points on 47.1 percent shooting, 15 rebounds and three rejections to kick off the first of four championship seasons in the arena.
9. Batgate: Halloween, 2009
A loose bat flew around the gym in the first quarter as the Spurs dueled with the Sacramento Kings. The broadcast comically observed that the winged mammal was leading the Kings’ fastbreak.
During a dead ball, Ginóbili slapped the bat out of the air, picked it up and handed the creature to an usher. The NBA clipped this footage on its YouTube page and ended the video with “Where amazing happens.”
The match resumed with only humans participating, and the Spurs won by 19 points.
Ginóbili later got a rabies shot and informed the public his actions were not safe.
8. Victor Wembanyama’s debut: October 25, 2023
Victor Wembanayma’s first taste of NBA action was a seven-point loss for the Spurs at home to the Dallas Mavericks. His performance—15 points, five rebounds, two assists, two steals, and a block—was nothing special by his standards, but it was the beginning of a new era.
Still, it was enough to showcase his potential as a generational player, and many fans were impressed. His finest action of the evening was denying Kyrie Irving’s pull-up jumper as a helper after Zach Collins was beat on a switch.
Before the season, the Spurs had missed the Playoffs for four straight years. It may take more before the squad sniffs the postseason again, but that reality is easier to stomach for anyone supporting the team because it is being built in the right direction, led by a special young man.
7. Tony Parker outduels Russell Westbrook And Kevin Durant: Game 2, 2012 Western Conference Finals
Despite TD having a nightmarish performance, Parker destroyed the Thunder on pick-and-pop sets, caught and fired behind flares, spun into the lane for baskets and threaded dimes in the open and half court. Parker was so fast that he looked like the Phantom of the AT&T Center. Parker had the Spurs in control the entire evening. He finished as the top scorer with 34 points on 76.2 percent accuracy, leading the Spurs to a 2-0 series lead.
6. Manu Ginóbili blocks James Harden: Game 5, 2017 West semifinals
The Spurs versus Houston Rockets series was tied at 2-2, and the scoreboard read 110-107 in favor of the hosts. Patty Mills for the Spurs and Eric Gordon for the Rockets handled the jump ball in the former’s territory with 9.3 seconds left.
Gordon won the tip, Ryan Anderson recovered the ball on the left wing and passed to James Harden behind him. Ginóbili was tracking the Beard and got beat by the dribble. Yet, Ginóbili stayed with the play and denied Harden’s 3-point attempt from behind and any chance to tie.
After the game, the veteran guard told reporters in a scrum, “I tried to bother him as much as I could, and I found myself very close to the ball, so I went for it. [It] was very risky. It was risky thing, but it was also a risky thing to let him shoot, so I took my chances.”
5. Duncan claims his first MVP crown in front of supporters: 2002
In 2001-02, Duncan joined Elgin Baylor, Larry Bird, Oscar Robertson, Bob Pettit, and George Mikan as the only players named to First Team All NBA the first five years of their careers. And he became the second and last Spur to win MVP honors.
Before Game 3 of the West semifinals against the Los Angeles Lakers, Spurs chairman Peter Holt handed him the trophy. Duncan lifted it over his head as most of the thirty-five thousand fans screamed in admiration.
4. Spurs set franchise record, go 40-1 at home: April 12, 2016
On April 12, 2016, the OKC Thunder visited for the penultimate game of the year. The Spurs’ four-point win was the 66th earned, which continued its run of the top regular season in franchise history and was its 40th at AT&T Center. The Spurs’ triumph tied the 1985-86 Boston Celtics for the best home record in NBA history.
The starters averaged 30.8 minutes in that match, indicating how serious the Spurs took it. Notably, Durant and Westbrook were absent. The group finished with one more victory the next day in Dallas, going 67-15. Before this campaign, the best record the Silver and Black ever amassed was 63-19 in 2005-06.
3. Tim Duncan’s OT three vs. Suns: Game 1, 2008 first round
At the height of the Spurs-Suns rivalry, the two teams opened the 2008 playoffs against each other in a hotly contested match. Amar’e Stoudemire ripped Spurs coverages for 33 marks before fouling out in overtime. Then, with 9.9 seconds left, the Spurs ran a sideline inbound as they were down by three. Everyone in the building was standing.
Next, Ginóbili and Duncan ran a pick-and-roll set that attracted two defenders to the ball. Ginóbili flicked the rock back to TD on the wing, who then canned a 3-pointer to tie. It was the only triple Duncan made all season and he was zero for four before his hoist. The crowd erupted just as Duncan did with emotion. Ginóbili would go on to secure the win in 2OT.
2. Danny Green and Manu Ginóbili huge threes vs. Warriors: Game 1, 2013 West semifinals
It looked like the Warriors would pants the Spurs in the series opener in round two in 2013. Stephen Curry pieced up the defense for 22 points on nine of 12 looks, including 16 straight points, in the third quarter. The Spurs were below 16 points with fewer than five minutes remaining.
Then the Silver and Black started chopping away at the lead. With 29 seconds left, Danny Green curled to the right wing behind a stagger screen and connected on a tray that forced the first extra period.
In the second overtime, with 3.9 seconds left, Ginóbili was left open on the weak side as Parker attracted two defenders and Leonard inbounded. He caught the ball and buried the game-winner over a late closeout by Kent Bazemore.
Popovich was famously quoted in the San Antonio Express-News saying, “I went from trading him on the spot to wanting to cook breakfast for him tomorrow.”
1. Securing championships at home: 2003 vs. Nets, 2005 vs. Pistons, 2014 vs. Heat
No championship means more than any other unless you count the ones earned before the Civil Rights Movement. So this must be a three-way tie. Spurs fans are fortunate to have witnessed three titles seized in their building and experienced the emotions of the celebration.
First they got to see the Silver and Black hold the trophy after taking out the Nets in Game 6. This was Admiral David Robinson’s last ride and he went out dropping 13 points on six of eight attempts with 17 rebounds. At the on-court interview, he said his grand finale was a plan written by God.
Next, the Spurs narrowly defeated the defending champions, the Pistons, in Game 7, winning the third ring in seven years. The defense was the difference, holding the Pistons’ starters to 40 percent shooting and preventing a high volume of trips to the line.
Popovich became the fifth coach (at the time) to win three NBA championships that night by defeating his old friend and mentor, Larry Brown. He said, “I don’t know how the hell we did it, but I’m thrilled. Thank you very much.”
Lastly, it was revenge in Game 5, blasting the Heat into oblivion and breaking them up following the previous year’s debacle- not putting them down and paying for it.
After a shaky start, Ginóbili, Kawhi Leonard and Patty Mills settled the offense, each hitting catch-and-shoot triples. The three of them combined for 11 of 18 trays, which had the effect of a war hammer piercing a rival’s armor, shattering their internal organs.
Ginóbili even posterized Bosh after shedding Ray Allen on a drive. And Tiago Splitter annihilated Dwyane Wade with a baseline block.
The fans were ready for the party throughout the game.
The Heat bent the knee early in the last quarter and the night ended with Leonard earning the Finals MVP. These are unerasable memories.
By MateoMayorga, via Pounding The Rock