[ESPN] 2024-25 NBA 赛季里程碑:勒布朗·詹姆斯、斯蒂芬·库里等巨星将创造历史

By ESPN Staff, 2024-09-04 21:00:00



NBA 第 79 个赛季即将到来,10 月 22 日的揭幕战将在不到 7 周的时间内打响!


勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James) 将迎来他的第 22 个赛季,他是现役年龄最大的 NBA 球员。他的儿子布朗尼·詹姆斯(Bronny James) 可能加入他的行列,这将是 NBA 历史上父子二人首次作为队友共同征战赛场。

詹姆斯还将追逐 另一个 纪录——努力成为首位得分突破 50,000 分的球员。而斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry) 在奥运会上的惊人表现之后,将在湾区度过的第 16 个赛季中继续扩大他在三分球榜上的领先优势。

从尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic) 的精彩三双到凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant) 在历史得分榜上的攀升,以下是一些 2024-25 赛季 NBA 赛季中最值得关注的里程碑。



洛杉矶湖人队超级巨星在进入联盟的第 22 个赛季时,已经创造了历史,与文斯·卡特并列 NBA 历史最多。詹姆斯对职业赛场的压力并不陌生,他在 18 岁时就加入了联盟。在 12 月 30 日的生日那天,詹姆斯也将成为 NBA 历史上第一位在青少年时期和 40 岁时都打过球的球员。

勒布朗·詹姆斯将迎来他的第 22 个赛季,目前是联盟中最老的现役球员。(Photo by Adam Pantozzi/NBAE via Getty Images)在两个赛季前超越卡里姆·阿卜杜勒-贾巴尔(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar),夺得 NBA 历史总得分王之后,詹姆斯只差 850 分钟就能再次超越这位历史传奇,成为常规赛总分钟数最多的球员。詹姆斯上赛季的常规赛场均出场时间为 35.3 分钟,如果他保持健康,能够承受住比赛强度,他将在湖人队 12 月 8 日对阵波特兰开拓者队的第 24 场比赛中达到这一里程碑。如果他能打满 69 场比赛,他还能超越阿卜杜勒-贾巴尔(1,560 场)成为常规赛出场次数最多的球员,仅次于罗伯特·帕里什(1,611 场)。

最值得注意的是,布朗尼·詹姆斯在 2024 年 NBA 选秀大会上被选中第 55 位,他将与父亲并肩作战,成为联盟历史上父子二人首次在 NBA 比赛中并肩作战——假设他们都能在接下来的赛季中打球。


詹姆斯在两个赛季前成为 NBA 历史总得分王,随后在 2023-24 赛季成为 NBA 首位常规赛得分突破 40,000 分的球员。在本赛季,他将进一步超越其他球员,成为首位常规赛和季后赛总得分突破 50,000 分的球员。他只需要再得 1,364 分(远低于上赛季的 1,984 分),如果他保持上赛季的场均得分,他将在第 53 场比赛中达到这一里程碑。

詹姆斯还差 9 个 30 分以上的比赛,就能超越迈克尔·乔丹,成为 NBA 历史上得分超过 30 分的比赛次数最多的球员(562 场)。詹姆斯上赛季有 22 场比赛得分超过 30 分。


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在历史得分榜上的下一个现役球员是菲尼克斯太阳队的前锋凯文·杜兰特,他只需要 76 分就能达到 29,000 分。杜兰特上赛季场均得到 27.1 分,如果他能保持健康,进入新赛季,这位 14 次全明星将在 10 月 26 日对阵达拉斯独行侠队的第三场比赛中达到这一里程碑。

斯蒂芬·库里和德玛尔·德罗赞是联盟中最出色的射手之一,他们距离职业生涯得分突破 25,000 分也并不遥远。库里将在金州勇士队迎来他的第 16 个赛季,他需要 1,332 分才能达到这一里程碑,这是一个可以实现的目标(如果他保持上赛季的得分节奏),他将在 2 月 8 日对阵芝加哥公牛队的第 50 场比赛中实现这一目标。

德罗赞将在上赛季为公牛队效力三年后,在本赛季加盟萨克拉门托国王队,他需要 1,418 分才能达到 25,000 分。如果这位六届全明星能够保持上赛季场均 24 分的得分,他将在 3 月 5 日对阵丹佛掘金队的第 59 场比赛中达到这一里程碑。


在 2021 年成为 NBA 历史三分球王之后,库里有机会成为首位三分球突破 4,000 个的球员。

库里需要再投进 253 个三分球才能达到这一里程碑。他上赛季投进了 357 个三分球(场均 4.8 个),如果他保持这样的节奏,他将在 2 月 12 日对阵独行侠队的第 52 场比赛中达到 4,000 个三分球。

斯蒂芬·库里在 2021 年超越雷·阿伦,成为历史三分球王,他将在本赛季努力成为首位三分球突破 4,000 个的球员。(AP Photo/Godofredo A. Vásquez)在这一榜单上的下一个现役 NBA 球员是洛杉矶快船队的后卫詹姆斯·哈登。哈登职业生涯三分球总数为 2,940 个,他只需要再投进 34 个三分球就能超越雷·阿伦,成为 NBA 历史上三分球命中数排名第二的球员。

卡尔-安东尼·唐斯在本赛季也有机会加入一个由 7 英尺高的球员组成的精英团队。明尼苏达森林狼队的大个子只需要再投进 25 个三分球,就能成为第四位三分球突破 1,000 个的 7 英尺高的球员,加入德克·诺维茨基、钱宁·弗莱和劳里·马卡宁的行列。


詹姆斯在多个排行榜上不断攀升,包括罚球历史榜单。如果詹姆斯本赛季至少再罚进 142 个罚球——他上赛季常规赛罚进了 303 个——他将超越莫西斯·马龙(8,531 个),成为 NBA 历史罚球命中数排名第二的球员。卡尔·马龙以 9,787 个罚球命中数保持着这一纪录。

掘金队控球后卫拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克,NBA 历史上三双王,只需要再完成一次三双就能达到 200 次三双。(他上赛季只完成了一次三双。)在进入联盟的第 18 个赛季,威斯布鲁克有可能成为第一位为六支不同球队完成三双的球员。

尼古拉·约基奇职业生涯已经完成了 130 次三双,他只需要再完成 9 次三双就能超越魔术师约翰逊,成为历史三双榜单的第三名。(Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)威斯布鲁克的新队友尼古拉·约基奇可能不得不与他分享这一荣誉;他只差 9 次三双就能超越魔术师约翰逊,成为历史三双榜单的第三名。约基奇上赛季以 25 次三双位居联盟第二,职业生涯总共完成了 130 次三双。如果他保持这样的节奏,他肯定会在这份榜单中上升。

克里斯·保罗,现年 39 岁,是联盟中仅次于詹姆斯和 P.J. 塔克的第三大龄现役球员。在与圣安东尼奥马刺队签约后,保罗现在将与联盟中最年轻、最令人兴奋的球员之一——20 岁的维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 联手。

保罗目前在历史助攻榜上排名第三,总助攻数为 11,894 次。本赛季,如果他能够接近上赛季的场均助攻数(6.8 次),他将超越杰森·基德(12,091 次)。有了文班亚马这样身高达到 7 英尺 4 英寸的巨塔作为目标,保罗应该能够在助攻榜上攀升。

  • 研究资料由 ESPN 数据与信息部的马特·威廉姆斯提供 *

By ESPN Staff, via ESPN

点击查看原文:2024-25 NBA milestones for LeBron James, Stephen Curry and more

2024-25 NBA milestones for LeBron James, Stephen Curry and more


The NBA’s 79th season is right around the corner with the Oct. 22 opening night tip-off less than seven weeks away!

We’re anticipating another historic season full of big moments, eye-catching plays and – most importantly – milestones and records surpassed.

LeBron James enters his 22nd season as the oldest active NBA player. He could be joined by his son, Bronny James, which would mark the first time a father-son duo shared the floor as teammates in NBA history.

James is also chasing another scoring record – trying to become the first player to hit 50,000 career points. And, after a stupefying Olympics debut, Stephen Curry will look to extend his lead on the all-time 3-point leaderboard in his 16th season in the Bay.

From Nikola Jokic’s amazing triple-doubles to Kevin Durant’s climb up the all-time scoring list, here are some of the biggest milestones to keep an eye on for the 2024-25 NBA season.

LeBron James makes his mark … once again

James proved throughout his illustrious career that there are few records and milestones that he cannot attain.

The Los Angeles Lakers superstar is already making history entering his 22nd season in the league, tying Vince Carter for most in NBA history. James is no stranger to the pressure of the pros, entering the league when he was just 18 years old. On his birthday on Dec. 30, James will also become the first player to play in the NBA as both a teenager and a 40-year-old.

LeBron James is entering his 22nd season in the NBA and is currently the oldest active player in the league. (Photo by Adam Pantozzi/NBAE via Getty Images)After passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar two seasons ago to claim the NBA’s all-time scoring title, James is only 850 minutes shy of passing the all-time great again for most regular-season minutes. James averaged 35.3 regular-season minutes last season, and if he stays healthy and can handle the load, James can reach this mark by the Lakers’ 24th game on Dec. 8 against the Portland Trail Blazers. He can also pass Abdul-Jabbar (1,560) for most regular-season contests played if he manages to play 69 games, trailing only Robert Parish (1,611) for the most.

Most notably, Bronny James, after being selected at No. 55 in the 2024 NBA draft, will step onto the court with his father as teammates, marking the first time in league history that a father-son duo will play together in the NBA – assuming they both play next season.

Every point counts

James followed up his achievement of becoming the NBA’s all-time leading scorer two seasons ago by becoming the first NBA player to pass 40,000 regular-season points in 2023-24. This season, he’ll separate himself from the pack even more and become the first player to reach 50,000 points, combined regular-season and postseason. He needs just 1,364 points (well below his 1,984 total from last season) and if he maintains his same points-per-game pace as last regular season, he will hit that mark in his 53rd game.

James also needs just nine more 30-point performances to surpass Michael Jordan for most in NBA history (562 games). James had 22 games with 30-plus points last season.


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The next active player on the all-time scoring leaderboard is Phoenix Suns forward Kevin Durant, who needs just 76 points to reach 29,000. Durant averaged 27.1 points per game last season – if he can stay healthy entering the season, the 14-time All-Star can hit that mark by the Suns’ third game against the Dallas Mavericks on Oct. 26.

Stephen Curry and DeMar DeRozan, two of the most prolific shooters in the league, are within range of 25,000 career points. Curry, entering his 16th season with the Golden State Warriors, needs 1,332 points to hit that mark, an achievable feat (if he maintains last season’s scoring pace) by the Warriors’ 50th game on Feb. 8 against the Chicago Bulls.

DeRozan, who will join the Sacramento Kings this season after playing the past three years for the Bulls, needs 1,418 points to reach 25,000. If the six-time All-Star can maintain last season’s average of 24 points per game, he can hit that mark by the Kings’ 59th game, on March 5 against the Denver Nuggets.

From deep!

After becoming the NBA’s all-time leading 3-point scorer in 2021, Curry has the chance to become the first player to hit 4,000 3-pointers.

Curry needs 253 3-pointers to hit the mark. He made 357 shots from beyond the arc last season (4.8 per game), and if he continues that pace, he’ll reach 4,000 by the Warriors’ 52nd game on Feb. 12 against the Mavericks.

Stephen Curry surpassed Ray Allen for the all-time 3-point leader in 2021 and will look to be the first player to reach 4,000 3s this season. (AP Photo/Godofredo A. Vásquez)The next active NBA player on this list is LA Clippers guard James Harden. With 2,940 career 3-pointers, Harden needs just 34 more to pass Ray Allen for second most in NBA history.

Karl-Anthony Towns also has a chance this season to join an elite group of 7-footers. The Minnesota Timberwolves big man needs just 25 3-pointers to become the fourth 7-footer to reach 1,000, and join the likes of Dirk Nowitzki, Channing Frye and Lauri Markkanen.

It’s the little things that count

James continues to climb multiple leaderboards, including the all-time list for free throws. If James makes at least 142 free throws this season – he made 303 last regular season – he’ll pass Moses Malone (8,531) for second in NBA history. Karl Malone holds the record with 9,787 made free throws.

Nuggets point guard Russell Westbrook, the NBA’s all-time leader in career triple-doubles, needs only one more to hit 200. (He had only one last season.) Entering his 18th season, Westbrook can become the first player to record a triple-double for six different franchises.

Nikola Jokic has 130 career triple-doubles and needs nine more to surpass Magic Johnson for 3rd on the leaderboard. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)Westbrook’s new teammate Nikola Jokic might have to share the wealth; he’s only nine triple-doubles short of passing Magic Johnson for third all time. Jokic was second in the league last season with 25 triple-doubles for a career total of 130. If he keeps that pace, he will definitely make a jump in the standings.

Chris Paul, at 39, is the third-oldest active player in the league behind James and P.J. Tucker. After signing with the San Antonio Spurs, Paul now joins forces with one of the league’s youngest and most exciting players in 20-year-old Victor Wembanyama.

Paul currently holds third place on the all-time assist leaderboard with 11,894. This season, he could surpass Jason Kidd (12,091) if he averages anywhere near his assists per game (6.8) from last season. With a target as big as the 7-foot-4 Wembanyama, Paul should be able to climb up the leaderboard.

Research contributed by ESPN Stats & Information’s Matt Williams