By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-31 19:00:00
TOPPS 公司在 15 年后重新推出这款备受欢迎的纪念品
自从去年文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)被圣安东尼奥马刺队以状元签选中后,他的纪念品就一路走红。选秀大会当天,我在 AT&T 中心球馆参加了观赛派对,球馆里的球衣在那天就被抢购一空。
凭借着前所未有的身高、灵活性和投篮能力,文班亚马成为了自勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)以来最受追捧的潜力新星。
上个赛季,一张文班亚马的球星卡以超过 6.7 万美元的价格成交。这张卡片是超级限量版新秀卡,由文班本人签名。除了签名外,他还题词“史上第一人”。
随着球星卡销售的复苏,Topps 篮球卡宣布将在 15 年后首次回归,推出 2023-24 Topps Chrome 篮球系列。
每个爱好者礼盒包含 12 包,每包 8 张卡。
点击查看原文:Open Thread: Victor Wembanyama trading cards will be a hot item this season
Open Thread: Victor Wembanyama trading cards will be a hot item this season
TOPPS is bringing back the popular memorabilia after fifteen years
Wembanaya memorabilia exploded after he was selected No. 1 overall by the San Antonio Spurs last year. I was at the AT&T Center for the Draft Watch Party and jerseys sold out that day to the crowd in the arena.
Considering his unprecedented combination of size, mobility and shooting, he came in as the most hyped prospect since LeBron James.
Last season a Wembanyama trading card sold for over $67,000. The card was a SuperFractor Rookie Card that was signed by Victor. In addition to his signature, he inscribed with “1st Ever.”
With the resurgence in card sales, Topps Basketball announced their return for the first time in fifteen years, releasing a 2023-24 Topps Chrome Basketball series.
At the top of the heap are Victor Wembanyama autographed rookie cards.
There is also a set featuring LeBron James autographed cards.
Each hobby box has 12 packs, with each pack containing 8 cards.
Cards are available now for all you collectors out there.
By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock