[PtR] PtR 调查:史上最讨喜和最令人讨厌的马刺球员

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-28 22:45:48




欢迎回到 PtR 调查,我们将跟随一个网络趋势,球迷们投票选出他们心目中的球员,组成如下所示的表格。最近,我们评选了史上最被低估和最被高估的马刺球员,结果如下:

考虑到很多马刺球员常年被低估,这在很大程度上要归功于他们身处一个小市场球队,但马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)以 39% 的得票率赢得了最被低估球员的称号,这已经是差距最小的一次投票了。你可能会问,一个名人堂成员怎么会被低估呢?嗯,虽然有些人忘记了这是篮球名人堂,而不是 NBA 名人堂,但许多人认为他仍然不合格,忘记了他在全球和美国为篮球运动做出的所有贡献。此外,许多人以他只获得过一次最佳第六人奖(该奖项是在他职业生涯中期设立的)为由,不认为他是“史上最佳第六人”,这简直是对他的侮辱。

在最被高估的球员中,每个人最喜欢的“前”马刺球员理查德·杰弗森(Richard Jefferson)以 49% 的得票率获胜,当时人们期望他能为一支试图在进攻端迎头赶上的马刺队带来得分冲击,因为 NBA 正从防守至上的时代走出来,更加重视进攻。在之前效力于新泽西和密尔沃基的五个赛季中,杰弗森场均得分达到20分,但来到圣安东尼奥后,他却无法达到人们对他的期望(也许这种期望本身就不公平),仅仅两个半赛季后,随着马刺决定改变方向,他就被交易走了。



这些球员可能是效力马刺期间问题缠身的球员(如丹尼斯·罗德曼(Dennis Rodman)或科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)),也可能是离开后变得更加令人讨厌的球员。对于斯蒂芬·杰克逊(Stephen Jackson)和罗伯特·霍里(Robert Horry)(以及在较小程度上,杰弗森)这样的球员来说,情况肯定会是这样,他们在媒体和播客上都毫不避讳地批评马刺队,在某些情况下,他们还会对角色和上场时间耿耿于怀15-20 年,或者发表一些荒谬的言论,比如三巨头成员让马刺队失去了总冠军。这足以让任何一个球迷怒火中烧。



点击查看原文:PtR Survey: The most likeable and annoying Spurs of all time

PtR Survey: The most likeable and annoying Spurs of all time

San Antonio Spurs v Phoenix Suns

There’s a lot of likeable Spurs to choose from, and maybe more annoying ones than you remember.

Welcome back to the PtR Survey, where we are following an online trend where fans are voting on players from their team to fill out a grid like the one below. Most recently, we did the most underrated and overrated Spurs of all time, and the results were as follows:

Most underrated was the closest poll yet considering a lot of Spurs are perennially underrated in no small part thanks to them being a small market team, but winning with 39% of the vote was Manu Ginobili. How can a Hall of Famer be underrated, you may ask? Well, while some forget that it is the BASKETBALL Hall of Fame, not NBA, many thought he was still unqualified, forgetting all he had contributed to the game both around the globe and in the US. Also, many use the fact that he only ever won one Sixth Man of the Year award (which was created in the middle of his career) to not consider him as the “best ever sixth man”, which is a travesty.

At most overrated, winning with 49% of the vote is everyone’s favorite former Spur, Richard Jefferson, who was brought in expecting to bring a scoring punch to a Spurs team that was trying to catch up offensively as the NBA was moving out of its most defensively-dominant era and putting more emphasis on the other side of the ball. After averaging 20 points per game across his previous five seasons in New Jersey and Milwaukee, Jefferson just couldn’t live up to the perhaps unfair hype placed on him when he came to San Antonio, and he was traded just two-and-half seasons later as the Spurs decided to go in a different direction.

Our next category is easier to define but may be just as hard to make pick, as they are more personality based. Beginning with Most Likeable, there is quite the abundance of contenders since the Spurs have been known to sign high quality characters. For me, these are players who were beloved by fans and teammates, locker room leaders, active in the community, represented the team well, and will always receive a loud round of applause when they appear at Spurs games. In this case, I couldn’t really narrow it down to just four options based both on feedback and my own gut feeling, so we have six! Good luck picking just one.

For Most Annoying Spur, there haven’t been as many of those over the years but still enough that I couldn’t narrow it down to just four. (As a side note, I considered making this “most unlikeable” to more mirror of the first category, but “most annoying” is what’s being used in these projects on social media, so I’m sticking with the norm for this one.)

These could be players who were problematic during their time with the Spurs (such as Dennis Rodman or Kawhi Leonard) or have become more annoying since they left. That would certainly be the case for players like Stephen Jackson and Robert Horry (and to a lesser extent, Jefferson), who have all gone out of their way to criticize the Spurs to the media and on podcasts, in some cases carrying 15-20 year-old gripes about role and playing time or making absurd claims like member of the Big Three costing the Spurs championships. That’s enough to make any fan’s blood boil.

All of these guys have annoyed Spurs fans on or off the court at some point or another, sometimes repeatedly, so again, good luck picking just one.

Be sure to vote, and remember, if “Other” wins in either poll, I will check the comments here and on social media, and the most liked will win.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock