By Nick Moyle, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-08-22 07:41:16
文件 - 2024 年 7 月 4 日,星期四,在拉斯维加斯举行的 WNBA 篮球比赛中,拉斯维加斯王牌队主教练贝基·哈蒙 (Becky Hammon) 在上半场向球员发出指示。 (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP, 文件)
拉斯维加斯王牌队教练贝基·哈蒙 (Becky Hammon) 最近否认了前王牌队球员迪丽卡·汉拜 (Dearica Hamby) 上周提起的联邦诉讼中对她和 WNBA 球队的职场歧视和报复指控。
汉拜是圣安东尼奥银星队在 2015 年的首轮秀,她声称哈蒙和王牌队在得知她在 2022 年 8 月怀孕后采取了歧视性做法。该诉讼称,哈蒙告诉汉拜,她“没有采取适当的预防措施来避免怀孕”,并在 2023 年 1 月给她贴上了卫冕冠军王牌队的“问号”标签。
在这些指控言论发表后不久,拉斯维加斯就将汉拜交易到洛杉矶火花队,换来了前锋阿曼达·扎伊·B 和 2024 年的二轮选秀权。WNBA 在 2023 年 5 月进行调查后,联盟以“违反联盟和球队的职场尊重政策”为由对哈蒙处以停赛两场和罚款的处罚,并取消了拉斯维加斯 2025 年的首轮选秀权。
汉拜的新诉讼要求赔偿损失,并指控 WNBA 未能妥善处理违反联邦和州反歧视法赋予她的权利的行为。哈蒙曾在 2014 年至 2021 年期间担任圣安东尼奥马刺队的助理教练,在最近的一场王牌队比赛后,她再次否认了这些指控。
“哈蒙上周日表示,根据 ESPN 的说法,“以下是一些事实。我在 WNBA 或 NBA 待了 25 年。我从来没有收到过人力资源投诉。从来没有,一次都没有。实际上,我仍然没有收到,因为迪丽卡没有提出任何投诉。她没有向球员联盟投诉,也没有向 WNBA 投诉。这些都是事实。
“事实上,在 2023 年 1 月亚特兰大打电话给我们之前,没有人提议交易她。这是事实。所以……这根本没有发生。对不起,欺凌?我每天都和她说话。如果她想训练,她就训练。如果她不想,她就不训练。实际上,是超乎寻常的关心。超乎寻常的关心。”
汉拜于 2023 年 3 月 6 日生下了她的儿子,目前在火花队度过了职业生涯最好的一年。她第三次入选全明星阵容,目前场均得到 19.2 分、10.0 个篮板、3.5 次助攻和 1.4 次抢断。汉拜还帮助美国队在巴黎奥运会上获得了女子三人篮球比赛的铜牌。
王牌队在一份声明中表示:“作为一个组织,我们继续支持我们在 2023 年 5 月 16 日对 WNBA 对此事进行调查后发表的声明。鉴于这是一场正在进行的诉讼,王牌队目前不会发表进一步评论。”
2024 年 8 月 3 日,星期六,在法国巴黎举行的 2024 年夏季奥运会女子三人篮球附加赛中,美国队的迪丽卡·汉拜 (Dearica Hamby) (5 号) 在队友莱恩·霍华德 (Rhyne Howard) (10 号) 投进制胜球后庆祝。美国队以 21-13 获胜。
2024 年 7 月 5 日,星期五,在洛杉矶举行的 WNBA 篮球比赛中,洛杉矶火花队前锋迪丽卡·汉拜在下半场对阵拉斯维加斯王牌队的比赛中做出反应。
文件 - 2023 年 6 月 11 日,星期日,在明尼阿波利斯举行的 WNBA 篮球比赛中,洛杉矶火花队前锋迪丽卡·汉拜在上半场对阵明尼苏达山猫队的比赛中运球过半场。汉拜将顶替上周遭遇前交叉韧带撕裂的洛杉矶火花队队友卡梅隆·布林克,进入美国奥运会三人篮球队。
文件 - 2024 年 6 月 7 日,星期五,在拉斯维加斯举行的 WNBA 篮球比赛中,拉斯维加斯王牌队教练贝基·哈蒙在上半场对阵西雅图风暴队的比赛暂停期间欢迎球员。哈蒙在整个职业球员生涯中都被迫证明自己的能力。这种弱者的心态帮助她在名人堂级别的球员生涯中不断前进,现在也帮助她成为两届卫冕冠军王牌队的教练。(Ellen Schmidt//Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP, 文件)
2024 年 6 月 19 日,星期三,在拉斯维加斯举行的 WNBA 篮球比赛中,拉斯维加斯王牌队教练贝基·哈蒙在上半场对阵西雅图风暴队的比赛中观战。(Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP)
2022 年 4 月 5 日,星期二,在丹佛举行的 NBA 篮球比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队助理教练贝基·哈蒙 (Becky Hammon)(前排)在上半场与教练格雷格·波波维奇 (Gregg Popovich) 旁边的球员交谈。(美联社照片/David Zalubowski)
2022 年 1 月 10 日,星期一,在纽约举行的 NBA 篮球比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队助理教练贝基·哈蒙(左)在上半场对阵纽约尼克斯队的比赛中与球员交谈。(美联社照片/Frank Franklin II)
点击查看原文:Becky Hammon: Bullying alleged in lawsuit ‘didn't happen'
Becky Hammon: Bullying alleged in lawsuit ‘didn’t happen’
FILE - Las Vegas Aces head coach Becky Hammon calls to players during the first half of a WNBA basketball game against the Washington Mystics, Thursday, July 4, 2024, in Las Vegas. (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP, File)
Las Vegas Aces coach Becky Hammon recently denied allegations of workplace discrimination and retaliation leveled against her and the WNBA franchise in a federal lawsuit filed last week by former Aces player Dearica Hamby.
Hamby, the San Antonio Silver Stars’ first-round pick in 2015, alleged that Hammon and the Aces engaged in discriminatory practices after learning she was pregnant in August 2022. The lawsuit claims Hammon told Hamby she was "not taking proper precautions not to get pregnant” and labeled her a “question mark” for the defending champion Aces in January 2023.
Shortly after those alleged remarks, Las Vegas traded Hamby to the Los Angeles Sparks for forward Amanda Zahui B. and a 2024 second-round pick. Following an investigation by the WNBA in May 2023, the league suspended Hammon for two games without pay for “violating league and team Respect in the Workplace policies” and docked Las Vegas a 2025 first-round pick.
Hamby’s new lawsuit seeks compensatory damages, and accused the WNBA of failing to properly address a violation of her rights under federal and state anti-discimination law. Hammon, who was an assistant with the San Antonio Spurs from 2014-21, again denied the allegations following a recent Aces game.
“Here’s some facts,” Hammon said last Sunday, per ESPN. "I’ve been in either the WNBA or the NBA for now 25 years. I’ve never had an HR complaint. Never, not once. I still didn’t, actually, because Dearica didn’t file any. She didn’t file with the players’ union, she didn’t file with the WNBA. Those are facts.
“It’s also factual that nobody made a call about trading her until Atlanta called us in January [2023]. That’s a fact. So … it just didn’t happen. I’m sorry, the bullying? I spoke with her every day. If she wanted to practice, she practiced. If she didn’t, she didn’t. Over-the-top care, actually. Over-the-top care.”
Hamby, who gave birth to her son on March 6, 2023, is currently having a career year with the Sparks. She was selected to her third All-Star team and is currently averaging 19.2 points, 10.0 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 1.4 steals. Hamby also helped the United States win bronze in the women’s 3x3 tournament at the Paris Olympics.
“As an organization, we continue to stand behind our statement on May 16, 2023, made at the conclusion of the WNBA’s investigation into this matter,” the Aces said in a statement. “Given that this is an ongoing litigation, the Aces will have no further comment at this time.”
Dearica Hamby (5), of the United States, celebrates making the game winning shot with teammate Rhyne Howard (10) after a women’s 3x3 basketball play-in game against China during the 2024 Summer Olympics, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024, in Paris, France. The United States won 21-13.
Los Angeles Sparks forward Dearica Hamby reacts during the second half of a WNBA basketball game against the Las Vegas Aces, Friday, July 5, 2024, in Los Angeles.
FILE - Los Angeles Sparks forward Dearica Hamby dribbles down the court during the first half of a WNBA basketball against the Minnesota Lynx, game Sunday, June 11, 2023, in Minneapolis. Hamby is replacing Los Angeles Sparks teammate Cameron Brink, who suffered a torn ACL last week, on the U.S. Olympic 3x3 basketball team.
FILE - Las Vegas Aces coach Becky Hammon welcomes players during a timeout during the first half of the team’s WNBA basketball game against the Seattle Storm on Friday, June 7, 2024, in Las Vegas. Hammon has been forced to prove her abilities throughout her playing career. That underdog mentality helped drive her to a Hall of Fame playing career and now as coach of the two-time defending champion Aces. (Ellen Schmidt//Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP, File)
Las Vegas Aces coach Becky Hammon watches play during the first half of the team’s WNBA basketball game against the Seattle Storm on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in Las Vegas. (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP)
San Antonio Spurs assistant coach Becky Hammon, front, talks to players, next to coach Gregg Popovich during the first half of the team’s NBA basketball game against the Denver Nuggets on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, in Denver. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
San Antonio Spurs assistant coach Becky Hammon, left, talks to players during the first half of an NBA basketball game against the New York Knicks, Monday, Jan. 10, 2022, in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
By Nick Moyle, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News