By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-22 03:48:34
NBA官方公布了2023-24赛季百大扣篮榜单。与往年不同,马刺队球员奉献了多达七次精彩扣篮,考虑到球队的阵容变化,这也并非出人意料。这其中大部分要归功于维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama),但即使没有他,其他马刺球员的扣篮次数也比去年仅有一次入选翻了一番。(尽管那次扣篮排名第四,但不知何故,球迷们非要争论那到底算不算扣篮,而不是单纯享受排名带来的喜悦。耸肩)
排名第93位(2:26)的是凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)在一月份对阵雄鹿队的比赛中,绕过布鲁克·洛佩兹(Brook Lopez)完成的反身扣篮。那场比赛扣人心弦,最终马刺队惜败,但这场比赛被广泛认为是马刺队赛季的转折点(让我们面对现实吧,这更多是因为特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)终于获得了首发机会,而不是其他原因)。
排名第70位(9:00)的是文班在榜单上的五个扣篮中的第一个,他在对阵休斯顿火箭队的比赛中,以一个转身过掉贾巴里·史密斯(Jabari Smith),随后反身完成扣篮。马刺队在选秀大会上力压火箭队获得了状元签(以及当火箭队抽中四号签时,文班似乎流露出了满意的表情),这重新点燃了两队之间的“IH-10号公路德比”的战火,而这仅仅是个开始。(在那场比赛中,文班实际上两次颜扣史密斯,排名靠前的那个是下面视频中的第二个。)
接下来是一个更出人意料的上榜者,马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)在对阵湖人队的比赛中隔扣勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James),排名第61位(11:38)。不是很多球员都能说自己把“小皇帝”放进了自己的海报里,正如肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliott)所说,他可以把这件事讲给他的孙子们听。
接下来的都是文班的表演时间了,他在前25名中占据了四个席位。排名第25位(22:22)的是他在德里克·怀特(Derrick White)和凯尔特人队头上完成的滑翔暴扣。在那次进攻中,他从罚球线内一步起跳,然后像在空中滑翔一般轻松写意地完成了扣篮,这让全世界都为之惊叹。文班让这看起来很容易,但这并不容易做到,至少在一段时间内,这是NBA社交媒体平台上有史以来观看次数最多的视频(现在可能仍然是)。
进入前20名,我们将看到一些更令人难忘的扣篮。排名第19位(24:17)的是文班在三分线外用一个crossover晃开凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)后,左手隔扣德鲁·尤班克斯(Drew Eubanks)的精彩片段(这也是对杜兰特在上一个回合扣篮的复仇)。这是他们在赛季初横扫太阳队两场比赛中的第一场,而这次进攻帮助马刺队吹响了反击的号角,最终赢得了胜利。
最后但同样精彩的是排名第15位(25:56)的扣篮。文班在这次进攻中完全碾压了阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun),并造成对手犯规,打成“2+1”,这也为“IH-10号公路德比”的火焰增添了更多燃料。这次进攻我最喜欢的部分是,申京在被扣篮之后只是无奈地挥了挥手,因为除此之外,他还能做什么呢?面对文班的这次进攻,他无能为力。在未来,这两位联盟中最优秀的年轻内线球员之间将会上演更多精彩的对决。
— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@spurs) 2024年8月20日
点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama makes five of the NBA’s top 100 dunks of the 2024-25 season
Victor Wembanyama makes five of the NBA’s top 100 dunks of the 2024-25 season
Plus two more from other Spurs. It’s a new era when the Spurs are making the highlight reals!
The NBA has released its Top 100 Dunks of the 2023-24 season, and in a change from years past but unsurprisingly considering the personnel, the Spurs executed a whopping seven of them. Most of that was thanks to Victor Wembanyama, but even without him, a couple of other Spurs still doubled last year’s tally of just one. (Although it was number four, and somehow fans wanted to debate whether or not it was actually a dunk instead of just enjoy the ranking. *Shrug.)
Note: While the video is only on for now (link above), separate videos of each play is provided here, as well as the time stamp if you want to go watch the entire video there.
At #93 (2:26) came Keldon Johnson’s reverse dunk around Brook Lopez in their January thriller against the Bucks that is largely considered a turning point of the season despite being a loss (which, let’s face it, has more to do with Tre Jones finally starting than anything).
At #70 (9:00) comes the first of Wemby’s five dunks in the list, beginning with a spin move and reverse dunk around Jabari Smith of the Houston Rockets. The Spurs winning the lottery over the Rockets (and Wemby’s seemingly satisfied reaction when the Rockets were selected 4th) has revitalized the IH-10 rivalry, and this was just the beginning. (Wemby actually got Smith twice in that game, the ranked one is the second in the video below.)
Next is a more unexpected entry, with Malaki Branham coming in at #61 (11:38) when he posterized LeBron James against the Lakers. Not many players can say they put The King on their poster, and as Sean Elliott said, he’ll be able to tell his grandkids about that one.
It’s all Wemby from here, with four more in the top 25. At #25 itself (22:22) is his soaring dunk over Derrick White and the Celtics, where he amazed the world by taking off from just inside the free throw line and sort of gliding through he air for a smooth dunk with relative ease. This shouldn’t be as easy as Wemby makes it look, and at at least at one point, it was the most viewed play ever across the NBA’s social media platforms (and it may still be).
Soon after at #22 (23:20) is a onehanded dunk starting from outside the paint against the Jazz. Interestingly, this play doesn’t really ring a bell with me (maybe because it was during a blowout loss) and at this point almost seems like “just another Wemby dunk”, but of course, not everyone sees him every game, so some plays may register more with outsiders.
In the top 20, we’re getting back to some more memorable dunks, and at #19 (24:17) is Wemby’s left handed posterization of Drew Eubanks after putting Kevin Durant on skates with a crossover move at the three-point line (revenge for a Durant dunk on the previous play). This was the first game of their mini-series sweep in Phoenix early in the season, and this play helped spark a big comeback for the win.
Last but not least comes at #15 (25:56), when Wemby absolutely demolished Alperen Sengun for the and-one, just adding more fuel to the fire of the IH10 rivalry. My favorite part of the play is Sengun just waiving it off after it happens, because what else can you do? There was nothing he could do about that one. There will be plenty of big battles in future between two of the best young big men in the league.
Again, you can watch the entire video at, but if this isn’t enough Spurs dunks for you, the Spurs themselves have you covered.
one min of Spurs dunks? one min of Spurs dunks #NBADunkWeek
— San Antonio Spurs (@spurs) August 20, 2024
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock