[PtR] 马刺 2024/25 赛季不容错过的比赛

By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, Jacob Douglas, Bill Huan | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-17 06:50:24



赛程已经出炉,现在是时候来看看最激动人心的对决,并预测马刺队在维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的第二个赛季会有怎样的表现了。


玛丽莲·杜宾斯基(Marilyn Dubinski): 诚然,除了在达拉斯的赛季揭幕战之外,很难再关注其他比赛了,这并不是因为比赛本身——我个人预计会输掉这场比赛,因为主队往往会在揭幕战中获胜,独行侠队也会因为升起西部冠军旗帜而士气高涨,他们还有一个积极的克莱·汤普森——仅仅是因为在又一个漫长的休赛期之后,新赛季终于要开始了,这让人感到兴奋。更不用说,我们将第一次看到克里斯·保罗、哈里森·巴恩斯和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)身披马刺队的球衣。紧接着,是两场主场对阵火箭队的比赛,马刺队最好能赢下这两场比赛,因为两队的竞争正在加剧,这两场比赛可能会影响到之后的排名,而且我不得不听他们那糟糕的解说。

马克·巴灵顿(Mark Barrington): 对我来说,有趣的是赛程的前面阶段有很多与西部球队的比赛。在12月5日对阵芝加哥公牛队之前,他们要与西部球队进行11场比赛,然后是与华盛顿奇才队的比赛,之后还要与西部球队再战9场。对于一支拥有众多年轻球员和全新首发阵容的球队来说,这对银黑军团来说是一个相当艰难的开局阶段。我最期待的早期比赛是在10月30日对阵俄克拉荷马雷霆队,届时我们将看到进步神速的维克托·文班亚马和进入第二个赛季(如果算上他的红衫赛季,那就是第三个赛季)的切特·霍姆格伦之间的再次对决。在上赛季初,我认为切特的表现略胜于维克托,但这一次情况应该会有所不同。

雅各布·道格拉斯(Jacob Douglas): 上一次维克托·文班亚马和扬尼斯·阿德托昆博交手时,那真是一场巨人之间的较量。文班对“字母哥”的盖帽将会在我的脑海中留下深刻的印象。我最期待的是他们两人的再次交手,这一次是在1月8日于密尔沃基进行的比赛。我很惊讶,在经历了去年那场精彩的比赛之后,这场比赛居然没有被安排在全国直播。

杰西·戈麦斯(Jesus Gomez): 我很期待文班亚马和阿尔佩伦·申京的第一次交手。上赛季,申京在对阵马刺队的比赛中占据了统治地位,我很想知道文班能否在一个体型更大、技术更娴熟的低位进攻型中锋面前表现得更好,因为作为一名新秀,他似乎在防守端最难对付的就是这类球员。同样有趣的是,看看他能否利用自己的跳投将速度较慢的申京吸引出油漆区,从而让他在进攻端的日子不好过。对阵火箭队的第一场比赛应该会很有趣。

比尔·黄(Bill Huan): 圣诞大战!!去年对阵纽约尼克斯队的比赛绝对是一场疯狂的比赛,我很乐意一边啃着圣诞老人的饼干,一边观看一场精彩程度哪怕只有那场比赛一半的比赛。除了圣安东尼奥马刺队之外,尼克斯队也是本赛季我最期待观看的球队之一。除了布伦森和兰德尔之外,尼克斯队基本上已经组建了一支由超级角色球员组成的阵容,而不是试图引进更多球星,看看他们在竞争更加激烈的东部会有什么样的表现,这将会很有趣。


杜宾斯基: 从竞技的角度来看,我不认为这些比赛会给马刺队带来任何劣势,因为奥斯汀基本上算是主场作战(而且这将有助于分担牛仔竞技表演之旅的比赛场次,这很好),而且巴黎的观众将会为维克托·文班亚马和马刺队加油,而不是为印第安纳步行者队加油。当然,从经济角度来看,情况就不同了。这意味着季票持有者可以观看的主场比赛减少了(尽管这可能已经计算在他们的套票中了),更值得注意的是,球馆员工的工作机会和收入也减少了。


巴灵顿: 在巴黎的比赛将是事实上的主场比赛,因为法国有维克托·文班亚马的球迷。奥斯汀的观众以有点太酷而不屑一顾而闻名,但穆迪中心是另一回事,我预计球迷们会在这两场奥斯汀的比赛中真正支持球队。说实话,我认为进行这些比赛对球队来说根本不是什么竞技劣势,因为球迷们会很兴奋,球馆将会座无虚席,而且真的不存在什么旅行劣势,因为两支球队都必须前往巴黎参加比赛,而奥斯汀离家也不远。对圣安东尼奥的球迷来说,最糟糕的是,他们可以在自己的城市观看的比赛少了四场,但他们中的大多数人并不介意分享,因为马刺队现在拥有了世界上最好的篮球运动员,已经成为了一种国际现象。

道格拉斯: 我不认为这两场“中立场”比赛是劣势。法国国家队主教练樊尚·科莱基本上称文班是法国的迈克尔·乔丹。巴黎给人的感觉就像主场一样,除了需要进行国际旅行之外。也许凯文·杜兰特和菲尼克斯太阳队在他重返奥斯汀时会吸引一些球迷,但这仍然应该是一场挤满了马刺队球迷的比赛。


戈麦斯: 现在还好。去巴黎是有道理的,这样主场球迷就可以观看文班的比赛了,但我怀疑马刺队是否会每年都去欧洲。马刺队似乎很重视奥斯汀的比赛,但要适应这些比赛应该不会太难。今年的问题在于,两场巴黎的比赛和两场奥斯汀的比赛在时间上比较接近,而且都安排在赛程中客场较多的一段时间里。从1月23日到3月3日,马刺队只会在冰霜银行中心球馆进行三场比赛。如果他们遭遇连败,就像很多年轻球队在客场时那样,那么他们本赛季可能很难再翻身了。

黄: 考虑到这只是文班的第二个赛季,扩大品牌影响力绝对值得牺牲一点竞技优势。事实上,马刺队在巴黎比赛时很可能会占据上风,因为那是文班的王国,而且这也将使马刺队登上世界舞台。作为一支“小市场球队”,在一个由外国球员主导的时代,很多球星并不仅仅想去纽约这样的地方,提高马刺队的知名度只会是件好事。


杜宾斯基: 这可能取决于新球员的融入情况,但以5胜5负的成绩开局,上下浮动一两场都是很有可能的。这其中有一些艰难的客场比赛(客场对阵达拉斯、俄克拉荷马和休斯顿),我预计会输掉,但两场主场对阵休斯顿的比赛、两场对阵爵士队的比赛(主场和客场)以及主场对阵波特兰的比赛都是有机会赢下的。我主要希望马刺队能够避免过去两个赛季的某种趋势:在经历了短暂的良好开局之后,便开始了一波长达两位数的连败,一直持续到12月,几乎毁掉了整个赛季。希望他们现在拥有了经验丰富的老将和回归的球员,能够避免出现这样的情况。

巴灵顿: 前10场比赛是对阵西部球队的比赛,而波特兰开拓者队似乎是唯一一支我认为可以轻松战胜的球队。如果沿用去年的阵容,马刺队在这段艰难的赛程中很可能会以2胜8负的成绩收官,但我还是要乐观地认为,阵容的改善将使他们在前10场比赛中取得3胜7负的成绩,如果运气好的话,可能会是4胜6负。马刺队会赢下一两场对阵休斯顿的比赛,可能会战胜快船队和开拓者队,也许还会爆冷赢下另一场比赛,比如对阵俄克拉荷马的比赛。

道格拉斯: 在文班亚马的带领下,斗志昂扬的马刺队将取得高于五成的开局——只是略高于五成。我认为他们的战绩会是6胜4负。他们至少会输掉一场对阵休斯顿的比赛,但在与处于篮球炼狱中的犹他爵士队的两场比赛中都会获胜。对阵达拉斯、明尼苏达和俄克拉荷马的比赛可能会输掉,但对阵快船队和开拓者队的比赛是可以赢下的。只要在与对手火箭队的比赛中三局两胜,马刺队就应该能够取得比上赛季好得多的开局。

戈麦斯: 这是一个棘手的问题,因为在即将到来的新赛季,由于文班更加成熟,球队的组织和投篮也得到了改善,马刺队应该有机会战胜任何对手。以7胜3负的成绩战胜那些没有竞争力的西部球队,再加上爆冷战胜一支强队,这现实吗?并非完全不可能,只要一切按计划进行。但我认为4胜6负是一个更现实的结果,输掉那些马刺队预计会输掉的比赛,赢下其他比赛。

黄: 我认为4胜6负是一个合理的猜测。我更看好三场对阵犹他和波特兰的比赛,考虑到文班的成长和其他阵容上的升级,期待马刺队再赢下一两场对阵西部强队的比赛是完全合理的。

点击查看原文:The can’t-miss games of the Spurs’ 2024/25 season

The can’t-miss games of the Spurs’ 2024/25 season

NBA: Oklahoma City Thunder at San Antonio Spurs

The schedule is out, so it’s time to look at the most exciting matchups and project how the Spurs will fare in Victor Wembanyama’s second season.

The schedule is out. Which is the game you are looking forward to the most?

Marilyn Dubinski: It’s admittedly hard to look any further than the season opener at Dallas not because of anything having to do with the game — I personally foresee a loss just because the home team tends to win the opener, the Mavs will be coming off the high of raising a conference championship banner, they will have a motivated Klay Thompson — but just the thrill that the season will finally be here after another long offseason. Not to mention, we’ll get to see Chris Paul, Harrison Barnes and Stephon Castle in Spurs uniforms for the first time. Immediately after that, there’s both home games against the Rockets, which the Spurs better win because that rivalry is blossoming, they may matter towards seeding down the road, and I have to listen to their horrible announcers.

Mark Barrington: The interesting thing to me is how front-loaded the schedule is with Western Conference games. They play 11 games against west teams before they play Washington, and then 9 more teams from the west until they face Chicago on December 5. With so many young players and a new starting lineup, this is a pretty tough early gauntlet for the Silver and Black. The early game I’m most looking forward to is against Oklahoma City on October 30, as we see a rematch between a much-improved Victor Wembanyama and Chet Holmgren in his second year (third if you count his redshirt campaign). At the beginning of last season, I think Chet outplayed Victor slightly, but it should be a different story this time.

Jacob Douglas: The last time Victor Wembanyama and Giannis Antetokounmpo faced off it was a battle of titans. I’ll have Wemby’s block on the Greek Freak seared into my brain for years to come. I’m most looking forward to these two meeting again, this time in Milwaukee on January 8th. I’m surprised the game won’t be nationally broadcast after last year’s exciting game.

Jesus Gomez: I’m looking forward to the first matchup between Wembanyama and Alperen Sengun. Sengun dominated against the Spurs last season and I’m eager to see if Wemby can do a better job against a bigger and skilled post-up center, the archetype he seemed to struggle the most against on defense as a rookie. It will also be interesting to see whether he can make life difficult for the slower Sengun on the other end by drawing him out of the paint with his jumper. That first game against the Rockets should be fun.

Bill Huan: Christmas!! That game last year against New York was absolutely (Knicker)bonkers, and I’d be happy to watch a match that’s half as entertaining while nibbling on Santa’s cookies. The Knicks are also one of the teams I’m most looking forward to watching this season outside of San Antonio. Other than Brunson and maybe Randle, New York has essentially assembled a roster full of super role players instead of trying to get more stars, and it’ll be interesting to see how that works out in a much improved East.

The Spurs will play a total of 38 games in the Frost Bank Arena since they’ll play twice in Paris and host two games in Austin. Is growing the brand worth the competitive disadvantage in a season where San Antonio hopes for more wins?

Dubinski: From a competitive standpoint, I don’t think these games represent any disadvantages for the Spurs because Austin is basically a home game (and it will help divide up the Rodeo Road trip, which is nice), and the crowds in Paris will be rooting for Victor Wembanyama and the Spurs, not the Pacers. Of course, it’s a different story from a monetary standpoint. That’s fewer home games for season ticket holders (although perhaps it was calculated into their package) and more notably, fewer games for arena employees to work and earn money.

International games happen every year but for the most part are one-offs for individual teams, so I don’t think much of that. However, it will be interesting to see how much longer the Austin games go on, especially assuming they build that new arena in the next decade. To get all parties fully on board to provide funding, they may need to return all home games to San Antonio and end the Austin series.

Barrington: The games in Paris will be de facto home games because of the Victor Wembanyama fans in France. Austin audiences are noted for being kind of too cool for school, but the Moody Center is something else, and I expect the fans to really get behind the team for the Austin games. I honestly think that having these games isn’t a competitive disadvantage at all for the team, as the fans will be excited, the arenas will be full, and there’s really no travel disadvantage, since both teams have to travel to the Paris games, and Austin isn’t far from home. The worst part of this for San Antonio fans is that they have four fewer games that they can attend in their home city, but most of them don’t mind sharing, as the Spurs are an international phenomenon now that they have the best basketball player in the world on their team.

Douglas: I don’t view either of those “neutral court” games as a disadvantage. The French National coach, Vincent Collet, basically called Wemby the Michael Jordan of France. Paris is going to feel like a home game, other than the international travel. Maybe Kevin Durant and the Suns get some fans in his return to Austin, but that should still be a crowd filled with Spurs fans.

The Spurs are an international brand. We are talking about two decades now of star players from other countries donning the Silver and Black. It makes a lot of sense that they would be the team to continue to be a liaison for the sport abroad. As for the Austin games, I’m somewhat neutral. Adding a few closer-to-home games during the rodeo road trip makes sense to me.

Gomez: It’s fine for now. It makes sense to go to Paris so that the home crowd can watch Wemby but I doubt the Spurs will be making yearly trips to Europe. The Spurs do seem committed to the Austin games but it shouldn’t be too hard to adjust to those. The issue this year is that the two Paris games and the two Austin games are somewhat close to each other and in the middle of a road-heavy stretch of the schedule. From January 23 to March 3, the Spurs will play just three games at the Frost Bank Arena. If they go on a losing streak, like a lot of young teams do away from home, it could be tough to turn the season around.

Huan: Given that this is only Wemby’s second season, growing the brand is absolutely worth a marginal competitive disadvantage. If anything, the Spurs will likely have the upper hand when playing in Paris because that’s Wemby’s kingdom, and it’ll put the organization on a global stage too. Being a “small market team,” growing the Spurs’ popularity can only be a good thing in a foreign-dominated era where many stars aren’t looking to just go to the New Yorks of the world.

What do you think the team’s record will be after 10 games?

Dubinski: It may depend on how seamlessly the newcomers fit in, but a 5-5 start with a one (or two) game buffer in either direction is very possible. There are some tough road games in there (at Dallas, OKC and Houston) that I don’t predict as wins, but both home games vs. Houston, both games against the Jazz (home and away) and at home vs. Portland are all on the winnable side. My main hope is that the Spurs will avoid a certain trend from the last two seasons: a quick start before embarking on a massive double-digit losing streak that extends into December and all but derails the rest of the season. Hopefully they now have the veterans and returning experience to avoid such a stretch.

Barrington: The first 10 games are against Western Conference teams, and Portland looks like the only one where I’d pencil in an easy win. The Spurs could easily have gone 2-8 against this gauntlet with last year’s lineup, but I’m going to be optimistic and say that the improved lineup sets them up for a 3-7 record in the first 10, maybe 4-6 if the bounces go their way. The Spurs will win one or two of the Houston games, possibly beat the Clippers and the Blazers, and maybe another upset win, like against OKC.

Douglas: A motivated Wembanyama and crew will hop out to an above .500 start – just barely. I have them at 6-4 to start the season. They’ll drop at least one game to Houston, but pick up two wins against a Utah Jazz team in basketball purgatory. Dallas, Minnesota and Oklahoma City are probably losses, but the Clippers and Trail Blazers games are winnable. Win two out of three against the rival Rockets and the Spurs should be in business for a much better start than last season.

Gomez: It’s a tricky question because this upcoming season the Spurs should have a puncher’s chance against anyone, thanks to a more mature Wemby and improved playmaking and shooting. Is 7-3 with a win over the non-contending West teams, plus an upset against a big hitter, out of the question? Not really, as long as things go to plan. But I’ll go with 4-6 as a more realistic scenario, with losses to the teams the Spurs are expected to struggle against and wins against the rest.

Huan: I think 4-6 is a fair guess. I’d favor the three games against Utah and Portland, and considering Wemby’s growth and other roster upgrades, it’s entirely reasonable to expect another win or two against the West’s elite.

By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, Jacob Douglas, Bill Huan, via Pounding The Rock