By Dennis Rudner, San Antonio Express-News | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2023-10-18 16:09:50
9 月下旬,作为马刺队新视频的一部分,维克托·文班亚马参观了 Roo Pub,视频中这位新秀参观了圣安东尼奥的马刺队壁画和其他景点。
自 6 月马刺队选中维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)以来,已经过去了近 110 天。
从那时起,“维克托·文班亚马”在《快报新闻》的头条新闻中出现了 130 多次;“文班”则出现了 20 多次。
文班星期三: 统计数据、场外新闻等,尽在您的收件箱中
但现在是时候系好他的 20.5 码球鞋,开始工作了。训练已经开始。文班和他的队友们已经回到球馆,准备今天前往俄克拉荷马城参加马刺队的首场季前赛。
如果您错过了 150 多篇报道中的一两篇,以下是一些您真正需要了解的关于篮球运动员文班和 19 岁少年维克托的事情。
马刺队的维克托·文班亚马在 10 月 2 日的马刺队媒体日上摆姿势。
NBA 选秀抽签
让我们回到 5 月 16 日,马刺队赢得了相当于本周 15.5 亿美元强力球的奖金——NBA 选秀抽签,以及选中一位被誉为能够改变球队未来命运的法国天才少年的机会。观看文班在这里得知圣安东尼奥可能会成为他的新家时的反应。
6 月 22 日,球迷们在 AT&T 中心举行的 NBA 选秀观看派对上,在法国篮球运动员维克托·文班亚马被选为圣安东尼奥马刺队的状元秀之前欢呼雀跃。
NBA 选秀之夜
7 月 9 日,在拉斯维加斯举行的 NBA 夏季联赛中,马刺队的维克托·文班亚马在对阵波特兰开拓者队的比赛第四节暂停后做出反应。开拓者队以 85-80 击败了马刺队。
以下是我们现在知道的关于维克托的一些事实。你到底有多高?为什么要穿 1 号球衣?
维克托·文班亚马,图中坐在 Tacos al Carbón Cabrón 店外,在马刺队的新视频中,他在马刺队的壁画、当地酒吧和餐馆周围向这座城市表达了他的爱。
没过多久,你就成了 le toast de la ville!(法语:城市之光)7 月,我们建议你做一些事情来帮助你了解阿拉莫城,你一定在阅读(你在阅读,对吧?)因为在过去的两个月里,一段爱情故事正在发展。
布兰妮·斯皮尔斯身高 5 英尺 4 英寸。维克托·文班亚马身高 7 英尺 3 英寸多。
因此,当这位凭借“Hit me, baby, one more time”这句歌词而走红的流行歌星指责马刺队的保安袭击她,并因为她在拉斯维加斯想拍一张文班的照片而拍了一下他的肩膀,想引起他的注意就将她打倒在地时,互联网几乎崩溃了。点击上面的链接观看。
几天后,斯皮尔斯的粉丝、温文尔雅的《都市报》专栏作家吉尔伯特·加西亚(Gilbert Garcia)对此事发表了评论,称她试图制造争议的行为是“可悲和尴尬的”。
8 月,马刺队前锋维克托·文班亚马在马刺队训练馆外与以“马刺女士”闻名的索维娅·劳里亚诺(Sovia Lauriano)合影。
G.T. Hustle 2
以下是我们所知道的。他穿 20.5 码的鞋。他和耐克在法国签署了一份协议,并将延续下去。在夏季联赛期间,他穿着的是耐克 Air Zoom GT Run。还有一款是耐克的 G.T. Hustle 2,这是一款更新的球鞋,以马刺队的颜色为灵感。
5 月 26 日,阿拉莫穹顶体育馆坐落在圣安东尼奥市中心,旁边是美洲之塔附近的会议中心。
马刺队组织对此事一直保持沉默。7 月,该队官员没有回复记者多次的置评请求。
马刺队的维克托·文班亚马在 10 月 2 日的马刺队媒体日上为摄影师摆姿势。
上周,马刺队启用了他们新的价值 5 亿美元的训练馆。聚光灯对准了——还能是谁呢?——文班亚马。
新星的到来,加上新场馆的盛大开幕,让马刺队成为了这个星球上最令人眼花缭乱的 22 胜 60 负的球队。
“教练格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)说,“每个赛季开始时都充满了兴奋。没有人输掉比赛,每个人都是赢家,每个人都将赢得冠军,诸如此类。”
然而,即使是 74 岁的波波维奇也不能淡化球队自蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)以来最受吹捧的选秀球员的到来。
9 月 24 日,马刺队新秀维克托·文班亚马和圣安东尼奥街头艺术家科尔顿·瓦伦丁(Colton Valentine)在南城 101 号的艺术家文班亚马壁画前合影。文班亚马的到访让这位艺术家感到惊喜,他与文班亚马谈论了这幅壁画,并在上面签了名。
马刺队新秀维克托·文班亚马最近与队友和马刺队名宿马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)一起参观了圣安东尼奥。
二年级生,圣安东尼奥马刺队后卫马拉基·布拉纳姆(Malaki Branham)(左)希望他永不停歇的夏天能带来一个突破性的赛季,尤其是在维克托·文班亚马加盟的情况下。
6 月 22 日,来自阿灵顿的马克·伯内特(Mark Burnett)在 AT&T 中心外展示了他以维克托·文班亚马为主题的发型艺术,参加 NBA 选秀观看派对。
维克托·文班亚马在 2023 年 NBA 选秀大会上被马刺队选中成为状元秀后,与 NBA 总裁亚当·萧华(Adam Silver)合影留念。萧华赞扬了这位 19 岁的球员,因为他很好地处理了最近与流行歌星布兰妮·斯皮尔斯之间的耳光争议。
7 月 11 日,在拉斯维加斯举行的 2023 年 NBA 夏季联赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队的维克托·文班亚马在队友布莱克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)(14 号)在下半场对阵华盛顿奇才队的比赛中扣篮后,在场边做出反应。
7 月 7 日,在拉斯维加斯举行的 NBA 夏季联赛中,马刺队的维克托·文班亚马带球突破夏洛特黄蜂队的凯·琼斯(Kai Jones)。
7 月 9 日,在拉斯维加斯举行的夏季联赛中,马刺队的维克托·文班亚马(01 号)拍拍队友马拉基·布拉纳姆(22 号)的肩膀,他和布莱克·韦斯利(14 号)转向替补席,观看对阵波特兰的比赛。开拓者队以 85-80 击败了马刺队。
点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama's shoe size, Britney Spears incident and more
Victor Wembanyama’s shoe size, Britney Spears incident and more
Victor Wembanyama visits the Roo Pub in late September as part of a new Spurs video that shows the rookie visit Spurs murals and other sites in San Antonio.
Nearly 110 days have passed since the Spurs drafted Victor Wembanyama in June.
Since then, “Victor Wembanyama” has appeared in more than 130 headlines in the Express-News; “Wemby” has shown up more than 20 times.
We’ve learned a lot about Wemby, and he’s learned a lot about us. He’s been all over town, taking in the sights and meeting an adoring city and hundreds, maybe thousands of fans.
Wemby Wednesday: Stats, off-the-court news and more, delivered to your inbox
But now it’s time to lace up his 20.5s and get to work. Practice has started. Wemby and his teammates are back in the gym and getting ready to head to Oklahoma City today for the Spurs’ first preseason game.
In case you missed one or two of the 150-plus stories, the following is a smattering of things you really need to know about Wemby the basketball player and Victor the 19-year-old kid.
Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama poses Oct. 2 during Spurs Media Day.
NBA Draft Lottery
Go back to May 16 when the Spurs won the equivalent of this week’s $1.55 billion Powerball — the NBA Draft Lottery and the chance to draft a teen French phenom billed as a generational talent apt to change the team’s fortunes for years to come. Watch Wemby’s reaction here when he learns San Antonio likely will become his new home.
Fans at an NBA Draft watch party June 22 at the AT&T Center cheer before French basketball player Victor Wembanyama is selected as San Antonio Spurs’s No. 1 pick.
NBA Draft night
No surprises. Nobody trying to overthink this thing. “With the first pick …” and Spurs Nation erupted in ecstasy. Christmas won’t be this good for Spurs fans.
Fans and the city of San Antonio soon would discover that in Victor Wembanyama, the Spurs are getting their first franchise player comfortable with being a true celebrity.
Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama reacts after a stop in the fourth quarter of an NBA Summer League against the Portland Trailblazers on July 9 in Las Vegas. Blazers defeated the Spurs, 85-80.
A few things to know about Wemby
We already know he’s pretty good at basketball. We know he’s pretty tall. We know he’s French, but what planet is this “alien” really from?
Here are few facts about Victor we know now. How tall are you, really? Why wear No. 1?
Victor Wembanyama, shown sitting outside Tacos al Carbón Cabrón, shows some love around the city at Spurs murals, local bars and restaurants in a new Spurs video.
Vic, here’s a few things to know about San Antonio
It didn’t take long to become le toast de la ville! In July, we suggested things to do to help you learn about the Alamo City, and you must have been reading (you were reading, right?) because the past two months a love affair developed.
You’ve been all over town, meeting an adoring fan base and just normal, everyday folk.
Britney Spears, left, and Victor Wembanyama made headlines this summer over an altercation involving the pop singer and Wemby’s security detail.
The Britney Spears kerfuffle
Britney Spears is 5 feet, 4 inches tall. Victor Wembanyama is 7’3"-plus.
So when the pop star, who made the phrase, “Hit me, baby, one more time” popular, accused Spurs security of assaulting her and knocking her down just because she reached up and touched Wemby’s shoulder to get his attention for a photo in Las Vegas, the internet almost broke. Click the link above to watch.
Wembanyama said something happened, but he wasn’t sure. Well, what really happened was Spears’ hand was swatted away and it hit her in the face. She didn’t fall down.
Mild-mannered Metro columnist Gilbert Garcia, a fan of Spears, weighed in a few days later, calling her attempts to drum up controversy "pathetic and embarrassing."
Spurs forward Victor Wembanyama poses with Sovia Lauriano, best known as “the Spurs Lady,” outside the Spurs practice facility in August.
One more Puro San Antonio thing
With the Britney incident in the rearview, the “Alien” met the “Spurs Lady.”
His close encounter with Sovia Lauriano is too precious not to include here. It’s just one of those special moments that make Wembanyama special, and it only cemented the love affair with the fans and San Antonio.
G.T. Hustle 2
Wemby’s shoes
Here’s what we know. He wears a size 20.5. He has a Nike deal from France that carries over. During Summer League play, he was rocking the Nike Air Zoom GT Run. And there’s also Nike’s G.T. Hustle 2, a newer shoe that features Spurs-inspired colors.
The Alamodome sits May 26 in front of downtown San Antonio as the Convention Center is seen next to the Tower of the Americas.
A downtown arena to showcase Wemby?
Landing the No. 1 pick had an immediate impact on how the landscape of downtown San Antonio might be changing.
The Spurs organization has been silent on the matter. Team officials did not respond to repeated requests for comment in July.
But downtown interests — developers, business executives, tourism industry officials and lawyers — have been buzzing about the possibility of a Spurs move for months.
Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama poses for photographers Oct. 2 during Spurs Media Day.
Time to get to work
The Spurs cracked open their new $500 million practice facility last week. And the spotlight was on — who else? — Wembanyama.
The arrival of a new star combined with the grand opening of the new digs to make the Spurs the giddiest 22-60 team on the planet.
“Every season begins with tremendous excitement,” coach Gregg Popovich said. “Nobody has lost any games, everybody is a winner, everybody is going to win a championship, all that sort of thing.”
Yet even the 74-year-old Popovich could not downplay the arrival of the team’s most ballyhooed draft pick since Tim Duncan completely.
“Of course,” Popovich acknowledged, “when you add a player of Victor’s abilities, your prospects look better.”
Achievement unlocked: Spurs star Victor Wembanyama visits the Alamo.
Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama and San Antonio street artist Colton Valentine pose Sept. 24 in front of the artist’s Wembanyama mural at Southtown 101. Wembanyama surprised the artist with a visit to talk about and sign the mural.
Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama recently toured San Antonio with teammates and Spurs great Manu Ginboli.
Second-year San Antonio Spurs guard Malaki Branham, left, hopes his non-stop summer leads to a breakout season, especially with Victor Wembanyama on the way.
Mark Burnett of Arlington shows off his Victor Wembanyama-themed hair art outside the AT&T Center on June 22 for an NBA Draft viewing party.
Victor Wembanyama poses for a photo with NBA commissioner Adam Silver after being selected first overall by the Spurs at the 2023 NBA Draft. Silver praised the 19-year-old for how he has handled the recent slap controversy with pop star Britney Spears.
Victor Wembanyama of the San Antonio Spurs reacts on the bench after teammate Blake Wesley #14 dunked against the Washington Wizards in the second half of a 2023 NBA Summer League game July 11 in Las Vegas.
The Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama drives on Charlotte Hornets’ Kai Jones during an NBA Summer League game July 7 in Las Vegas.
Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama (01) pats teammate Malaki Branham (22) on the shoulder as he and Blake Wesley (14) turn toward the bench in the Summer League game against the Portland on July 9 in Las Vegas. Blazers defeated the Spurs, 85-80.
By Dennis Rudner, San Antonio Express-News, via San Antonio Express-News