By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-27 09:46:08
马刺队 2024 年的一位新秀已经找到了他的新东家。西班牙俱乐部巴塞罗那宣布,胡安·努涅斯(Juan Nuñez)将在下赛季为他们效力。努涅斯是马刺队用从步行者队交易得到的 36 号签选中的。
努涅斯上赛季效力于德国的乌尔姆队,征战德国联赛和欧洲杯(欧洲第二大洲际俱乐部赛事)。现在,这位前途无量的控球后卫将回到他的祖国西班牙,为欧洲最知名、最成功的篮球队之一效力,这对他的职业生涯来说是一个明显的进步。在皇家马德里度过了他的少年时代后,他将加入他们的劲敌,加入一支拥有多名前 NBA 球员的豪华阵容,他们将试图争夺欧洲联赛的冠军。据之前的报道,他签署了一份为期三年的合同,其中可能包含 NBA 跳出条款。
马刺队将 35 号签交易给了步行者队(后者用它选中了约翰尼·费菲(Johnny Furphy)),换来了 36 号签,并选中了努涅斯。最初,来自西班牙的传闻表明,马刺队正在考虑立即让他加盟,但随着克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)与马刺队签约,这些传闻也随之平息。从那时起,努涅斯就与巴塞罗那紧密联系在一起,最终巴塞罗那得到了他。关于他是否真的会与巴塞罗那签约,一度存在一些不确定性,因为巴塞罗那和皇家马德里在前乐透秀马里奥·赫佐尼亚(Mario Hezonja)的问题上存在冲突,而马德里有权匹配任何对努涅斯的报价,但这笔交易还是完成了。努涅斯还与巴塞罗那篮球运营主管胡安·卡洛斯·纳瓦罗(Juan Carlos Navarro)的一个女儿约会,因此这笔签约比大多数签约都更加引人注目。
由于俱乐部与控球后卫罗卡斯·约库拜蒂斯(Rokas Jokubaitis)和里奇·卢比奥(Ricky Rubio)分道扬镳,努涅斯应该会在巴萨获得出场时间。他将不得不与前马刺球员尼古拉斯·拉普罗维托拉(Nicolas Laprovittola)和托马什·萨托兰斯基(Tomas Satoransky)竞争,但努涅斯被认为是西班牙篮球的明日之星之一,巴塞罗那在他身上投入了巨资,所以他应该会得到一切机会来争取上场时间。这位身高 6 英尺 4 英寸的挡拆型组织者将拥有出色的搭档来执行二人转,前乐透秀扬·韦塞利(Jan Vesely)和威利·赫南戈麦斯(Willy Hernangomez)将为他掩护。在其他 NBA 球迷可能熟悉的名字中,努涅斯还将与亚历克斯·阿布里内斯(Alex Abrines)、贾巴里·帕克(Jabari Parker)和贾斯汀·安德森(Justin Anderson)共用一个更衣室。这支球队将力争在国内联赛和欧洲联赛中取得佳绩,并且有实力在下赛季制造轰动。
在遗憾错失西班牙国家队奥运阵容后,留在欧洲,为一支拥有优秀阵容并且应该能让他发挥作用的球队效力,似乎是努涅斯发展的最佳选择。马刺队现在已经有太多需要上场时间或发展时间的控球后卫,而这位 20 岁的球员在球队试图在短期内提高竞争力的过程中,无法得到他需要的关注和上场时间。如果他能兑现他的潜力,努涅斯会在更接近 NBA 水平时找到他的马刺之路,届时球队也会为他留出一个位置。将努涅斯“藏匿”起来,也可以让马刺队在他进入巅峰期时再签下他,而不必急于帮助他完善自己的比赛。努涅斯有成为宝藏球员的天赋,但他可能需要一段时间才能达到目标。
点击查看原文:Spurs’ second round pick Juan Nuñez signs with Barcelona
Spurs’ second round pick Juan Nuñez signs with Barcelona
The point guard will be stashed in Europe, where he could develop into an intriguing piece for the rebuilding Spurs.
One of the Spurs’ 2024 draft picks has found his new team. Juan Nuñez, who San Antonio selected with the 36th overall pick they acquired from the Pacers via trade, will play next season with Barcelona, the Spanish club announced.
Nuñez played for Ulm in Germany last season, competing in the domestic league and the Eurocup, the continent’s second-best international club competition. Now the promising point guard will return to his native Spain to suit up for one of the most recognizable and successful teams in European basketball, a clear step up in his career. After spending his teenage years playing for Real Madrid, he will join their archrival on a stacked roster featuring several former NBA players who will attempt to secure a EuroLeague title. He signed a three-year deal that likely has an NBA out, according to previous reports.
The Spurs traded the 35th pick to the Pacers, who used it in Johnny Furphy, for the 36th pick that landed them Nuñez. Initially, rumors from Spain suggested that San Antonio was considering bringing him over immediately, but those subsided once Chris Paul signed with the Silver and Black. From then on Nuñez was linked strongly to Barcelona, which ended up securing his services. There was some uncertainty over whether he was going to actually sign with the Blaugrane because Barcelona and Real Madrid had a conflict over former lottery pick Mario Hezonja and Madrid had the right to match any offer for Nuñez, but the operation went through. Nuñez is also dating one of the daughters of the head of basketball operations for Barcelona, Juan Carlos Navarro, so the move had more scrutiny than most.
Nuñez should get minutes for Barca since the club parted ways with point guard Rokas Jokubaitis and Ricky Rubio. He will have to compete with former Spur Nicolas Laprovittola and Tomas Satoransky, but Nuñez is considered one of the young jewels of Spanish basketball and Barcelona made a big investment in him, so he should get every opportunity to claim playing time. The 6’4” pick-and-roll playmaker will have great partners to run the two-man game, as former lottery pick Jan Vesely and Willy Hernangomez are there to set picks for him. Among other names NBA fans might be familiar with, Nuñez will also share a locker room with Alex Abrines, Jabari Parker and Justin Anderson. The team will look to compete in the domestic league as well as the EuroLeague and has the talent to make noise next season.
After barely missing out on being a part of Spain’s national team in the Olympics, staying in Europe playing for a team that has a quality roster and should have a role for him seems the best step for Nuñez’s development. The Spurs simply have too many guards right now who need minutes or development time and the 20-year-old could have not gotten the attention and playing time he needs as the team attempts to be more competitive in the short term. If he lives up to his upside, Nuñez will find his way to San Antonio when he’s more NBA-ready and the franchise has a spot for him. Stashing Nuñez could also allow the Silver and Black to sign him as he enters his prime instead of having to help round out his game. The talent is there for Nuñez to be a steal, but it might take him a while to get there.
We will bring you regular updates once Nuñez’s season starts.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock