[PtR] 开放讨论:布伦特·巴里(Brent Barry)离开圣城,加盟菲尼克斯太阳队

By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-25 19:00:00




两届 NBA 总冠军得主布伦特·巴里(Brent Barry)已辞去圣安东尼奥马刺队篮球运营副总裁一职,前往菲尼克斯担任太阳队的助理教练。


— 布伦特·巴里 (@Barryathree) 2024 年 7 月 24 日

“非常荣幸和激动能够加入 @Suns 大家庭,感谢所有帮助我迈出这一步的人。我的篮球生涯不是章节,而是待写的巨著。期待与一群非凡的篮球人才,尤其是那些优秀的球员们,一起踏上这段旅程。”

巴里将与前马刺队助理教练迈克·布登霍尔泽(Mike Budenholzer)在太阳队重聚,后者于去年 5 月签约成为太阳队的新任主教练。

此前,“Bud”教练和“Bones”曾在马刺队共事。巴里在 2004 年至 2008 年期间效力于马刺队,并在这里赢得了他的两枚总冠军戒指。布登霍尔泽从 1996 年到 2013 年担任波波维奇的助理教练,这段时间正好涵盖了巴里在马刺队的整个职业生涯。



— 布伦特·巴里 (@Barryathree) 2024 年 7 月 24 日

“对于 @spurs 大家庭,言语已经无法表达我的感情。这里就像家一样,是一个充满爱的大家庭,让我明白篮球之外还有更重要的东西。圣安东尼奥是独一无二的,你们帮助我养育了三个儿子,我将永远心存感激。”

巴里于 2018 年加入马刺队管理层,并在过去六年中见证并支持了球队近几十年来最剧烈的变化。



大卫·菲兹代尔(David Fizdale)
查德·福西尔(Chad Forcier)
文斯·莱加尔萨(Vince Legarza)
迈克·霍普金斯(Mike Hopkins)
查森·艾伦(Chaisson Allen)

可能还有一个名额,我们知道前亚特兰大老鹰队大个子佩罗·安蒂奇(Pero Antic) 曾在夏季联赛中为太阳队试训

— 布兰登·克林 (@BrendonKleen14) 2024 年 7 月 23 日

除了布登霍尔泽和布伦特·巴里之外,教练组中还有查德·福西尔(Chad Forcier),他曾在 2007 年至 2016 年期间担任圣安东尼奥马刺队的助理教练。在 2019 年至 2023 年期间协助布登霍尔泽执教密尔沃基雄鹿队后,他再次与“Bud”教练联手。

2023 年,凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)的重磅交易耗尽了太阳队的四个未来首轮选秀权,这迫使菲尼克斯进入了“赢在当下”的模式。

在上赛季季后赛中被明尼苏达森林狼队横扫出局后,他们解雇了曾带领洛杉矶湖人队夺得 2020 年 NBA 总冠军的弗兰克·沃格尔(Frank Vogel),并聘请了曾率领密尔沃基雄鹿队在 2021 年总决赛中击败菲尼克斯太阳队夺冠的布登霍尔泽。

点击查看原文:Open Thread: Brent Barry is leaving the Alamo City for the Valley of the Suns

Open Thread: Brent Barry is leaving the Alamo City for the Valley of the Suns

Dallas Mavericks v San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs VP of basketball operations will be an assistant coach in Phoenix this season

Two-time NBA Champion Brent Barry has left his post as vice president of basketball operations for the San Antonio Spurs and is heading to Phoenix as an assistant coach of the Suns.

Humbled and excited to be a part of the @Suns organization and appreciate so many that have a part in this step in a basketball journey that has not chapters but volumes to be written. Looking forward to the journey w/some incredible minds but moreover some incredible players

— Brent Barry (@Barryathree) July 24, 2024

“Humbled and excited to be a part of the @Suns organization and appreciate so many that have a part in this step in a basketball journey that has not chapters but volumes to be written. Looking forward to the journey w/some incredible minds but moreover some incredible players.”

Barry joins former Spurs assistant coach Mike Budenholzer, who signed on as the Suns new head coach last May.

Previously, Coach “Bud” and “Bones” worked together on the Spurs. Barry played with the Silver & Black from 2004-2008, winning both of his rings here. Budenholzer was Pop’s assistant coach from 1996-2013, covering Barry’s entire tenure with the squad.

Barry shared the news in a pair of tweets announcing the move and thanking the Spurs.

And to the @spurs organization-there aren’t words there is only what has already been shared. It is family and it is community and it is knowing that there is a life bigger than basketball. There is no place like SA and you helped raise three men, I am forever grateful

— Brent Barry (@Barryathree) July 24, 2024

“And to the @spurs organization-there aren’t words there is only what has already been shared. It is family and it is community and it is knowing that there is a life bigger than basketball. There is no place like SA and you helped raise three men, I am forever grateful.”

Barry joined the Spurs front office in 2018 and spent the last six years supporting arguably the most drastic changes to the team in decades.

Meanwhile, the Suns are slowly building a San Antonio Spurs coalition in Phoenix.

Suns coaching staff under Mike Budenholzer:

David Fizdale
Chad Forcier
Vince Legarza
Mike Hopkins
Chaisson Allen
Brent Barry

Might be room for one more, and we know former Atlanta Hawks big man Pero Antic was with the Suns at Summer League for a trial run

— Brendon Kleen (@BrendonKleen14) July 23, 2024

In addition to Budenholzer and Brent Barry, the coaching staff features Chad Forcier, San Antonio assistant coach from 2007-2016. He rejoins Coach Bud after assisting him in Milwaukee from 2019-2023.

With the blockbuster Kevin Durant trade in 2023 draining the Suns of four future first-round draft picks, Phoenix has been forced into a “win-now” mode.

After being swept by the Minnesota Timberwolves in the playoffs last season, they fired Frank Vogel, who coached the Lakers to the 2020 NBA Championship and hired Budenholzer, who was at the helm of the Bucks 2021 title, in which Milwaukee defeated the Phoenix Suns.

By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock