2024 年 7 月 22 日,美国东部时间上午 7:53
拉斯维加斯 NBA 夏季联赛即将落下帷幕,新秀和年轻球员们正在努力留下深刻的印象。
新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)(第 4 顺位,圣安东尼奥马刺队)、道尔顿·克内希特(Dalton Knecht)(第 17 顺位,洛杉矶湖人队)和里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard)(第 3 顺位,休斯顿火箭队)在职业生涯初期表现出色。谢泼德在拉斯维加斯掀起了最大的波澜,他在前三场比赛中场均得到 20 分,两分球命中率为 49%,三分球命中率为 38.5%。
夏季联赛将于周一晚上结束,届时孟菲斯灰熊队将在冠军赛中对阵迈阿密热火队(美国东部时间晚上 8 点,ESPN)。
随着我们进入休赛期的核心阶段,我们的 NBA 内部人士正在分析加州北部、盐湖城和拉斯维加斯夏季联赛中最精彩的表现和最大的惊喜。
肯德拉·安德鲁斯(Kendra Andrews): 在加州精英赛上投篮挣扎之后,道尔顿·克内希特在拉斯维加斯找到了自己的立足点。他场均出手 7.7 次三分球,命中率为 39.1%,场均得到 21.1 分。目前还不清楚克内希特将如何适应新教练JJ·雷迪克(JJ Redick)的计划,但这位 17 号秀证明了他可以为湖人队增加投篮深度。
凯文·佩尔顿(Kevin Pelton): 华盛顿奇才队后卫巴勃·卡林顿(Bub Carrington)在夏季联赛中场均得到 15.8 分、7.4 个篮板和 5.2 次助攻,看起来已经准备好在下个赛季作为 NBA 最年轻的球员之一做出贡献。在距离 19 岁生日还有一天的时候,卡林顿在周六战胜密尔沃基雄鹿队的比赛中拿下 13 分和 15 个篮板,为他的夏季联赛之旅画上了圆满的句号。如果奇才队在新秀赛季就把进攻交给卡林顿,那么他们将会经历一段艰难的时期——这对他们追求 2025 年乐透选秀权可能更有利——但他命中急停三分球的能力最终可能会使他成为一名危险的挡拆球员。
奥姆·扬米苏克(Ohm Youngmisuk): 快船队可能在 2023 年的第 48 顺位新秀乔丹·米勒(Jordan Miller)身上找到了又一个二轮秀瑰宝。米勒毕业于迈阿密大学,在夏季联赛揭幕战中,他就在战胜丹佛掘金队的比赛中砍下 36 分,三分球 10 投 6 中,并且在那之后也没有销声匿迹。他带领快船队打进了夏季联赛半决赛,场均得到 25.4 分(夏季联赛第三高)、4.2 个篮板、2.6 次助攻和 1.4 次抢断,三分球命中率高达 60%。米勒将努力保持这种势头,并追随另一位身高 6 英尺 5 英寸的后卫的脚步,快船队在 2019 年第二轮的同一个顺位选中了他——特伦斯·曼(Terance Mann)。随着保罗·乔治(Paul George)和拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)在自由市场离队,米勒有机会在上赛季只打了 8 场常规赛之后,在训练营中证明自己。
蒂姆·邦坦普斯(Tim Bontemps): 从夏季联赛一开始,里德·谢泼德就展现出了自己的实力。在选秀过程中,我非常看好谢泼德的潜力,他在拉斯维加斯的表现也说明了为什么火箭队应该对他未来的休斯顿之旅感到兴奋——在那里,他可以与阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson)组成完美的长期后场搭档。如果不是因为火箭队拥挤的阵容和轮换,他将是我心中毫无疑问的年度最佳新秀。
杰里米·吴(Jeremy Woo): 尽管只打了几场比赛,但迈阿密热火队的凯莱布·韦尔(Kel’el Ware)正在迎来转机——他在拉斯维加斯表现出色,看起来非常自在,并且已经在一个非常适合他发展的球队中站稳了脚跟。韦尔以其与他出色的身体协调性和篮下手感不相匹配的比赛态度而闻名,但现在比赛对他来说很容易。他有更多的空间来进行操作,后卫也能更容易地找到他,为他送出空中接力。当热火队在选秀大会上以第 15 顺位选中他时,我最初对他的适应情况并不确定,但他的发展轨迹正朝着正确的方向前进。
安德鲁斯: 扎克·埃迪(Zach Edey)几乎没有得到上场时间。我很期待看到这位灰熊队的 9 号秀与夏季联赛的其他天才球员交手。但在加州精英赛和拉斯维加斯的比赛中,这位身高 7 英尺 4 英寸的中锋都遭遇了脚踝伤势,这使得他整个夏天只在场上打了 42 分钟。埃迪加入年轻且有竞争力的灰熊队是一件很有趣的事情,但他的健康状况值得关注,因为这支球队在上赛季饱受伤病困扰。
佩尔顿: 亚历克斯·萨尔(Alex Sarr)的投篮不准。考虑到萨尔的年龄和身材,他的技术水平令人震惊,这位奇才队的榜眼秀在周二的比赛中 15 投 0 中,夏季联赛的两分球命中率为 23%,三分球命中率为 12%。另一方面,萨尔在防守端看起来像是一位状元秀,他能够盖帽,也能换防到外线,但他必须控制住自己在进攻端出手三分球的欲望,并找到更多在篮筐上方终结进攻的机会。
扬米苏克: 奇才队知道亚历克斯·萨尔需要大量的时间来发展。萨尔想打防守,他的移动像一个小个子球员,而且臂展惊人。尽管如此,在目睹了他在对阵亚特兰大老鹰队状元秀扎卡里·里萨谢(Zaccharie Risacher)的比赛中首发出场,得到 12 分、7 个篮板、4 次助攻和 4 次盖帽之后,当这位身高 7 英尺的少年成为第一个在对阵波特兰开拓者队的比赛中 15 投 0 中,其中三分球 7 投 0 中,一分未得的球员时,还是让人感到震惊。萨尔也能组织进攻,不过正如一位奇才队的球探所指出的那样,他有时会在这样做的时候遇到麻烦。
邦坦普斯: 今年的夏季联赛介于 2023 年维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的首次亮相和明年库珀·弗拉格(Cooper Flagg)以及其他备受赞誉的 2025 年 NBA 选秀大会新星的到来之间,拉斯维加斯的氛围有所欠缺。布朗尼·詹姆斯(Bronny James)的出现并没有达到之前炒作的预期,而美国观众对国际球员在前两顺位被选中并不熟悉,这也无济于事。
吴: 森林狼队的 8 号秀罗伯·迪林厄姆(Rob Dillingham)在效率方面遇到了一些困难。他有时看起来很不自在,这可能是他在选秀前过程中因伤缺席比赛造成的。鉴于他现阶段缺乏身体对抗,他犯错的空间并不大。
哪位新秀会对他们的 NBA 球队产生立竿见影的影响?
安德鲁斯: 随着年轻的火箭队寻求更进一步,里德·谢泼德将立即扮演重要的角色。自夏季联赛开始以来,他看起来很自在,能够轻松找到自己的投篮位置,并扮演着场上指挥官的角色。这些能力将为他赢得在休斯顿的出场时间,为火箭队的年轻核心杰伦·格林(Jalen Green)、小贾巴里·史密斯(Jabari Smith Jr.)、阿门·汤普森和阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun)提供支持。
佩尔顿: 多诺万·克林根(Donovan Clingan)。尽管克林根的进攻——尤其是他的三分球——仍在努力中,但他的篮筐保护能力将立即为波特兰开拓者队带来红利,这支球队上赛季的防守效率排名联盟第 23 位。特别是,开拓者队在篮下的防守很挣扎。根据 NBA 高阶数据统计,对手在限制区内的投篮命中率为 70.5%,仅次于奇才队,排名联盟第二。克林根的场均 4.3 次盖帽创造了 NBA 夏季联赛纪录,这将是一个巨大的提升。
扬米苏克: 谢泼德看起来很有信心,而且他的表现超过了他 6 英尺 2 英寸,182 磅的身材。他场均得到 20 分、5.3 次助攻和 4.8 个篮板,投篮命中率为 50%。但他在防守端也让人眼前一亮,场均贡献 2.8 次抢断和 1.3 次盖帽。显然,到了下一个级别,比赛会变得更加艰难,但谢泼德看起来已经做好了迎接挑战的准备。如果夏季联赛的表现能说明什么的话,那就是这位来自肯塔基大学的后卫将会成为球迷的最爱。
邦坦普斯: 扎克·埃迪,因为他加入了孟菲斯灰熊队。埃迪不仅是今年的 9 号秀,并且在普渡大学连续两次获得奈史密斯年度最佳球员奖,而且这位身高 7 英尺 4 英寸的中锋似乎将成为灰熊队的首发中锋,这支球队将在贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)回归后与德斯蒙德·贝恩(Desmond Bane)和杰伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.)并肩作战,力争在季后赛中走得更远。
吴: 很明显,现在火箭队需要让谢泼德上场。他拉开场上空间的能力至关重要,而且由于他身边有很多组织者,他的组织压力会小一些。我并不是说他会成为一名首发球员,但我们在拉斯维加斯看到的他的表现预示着他有能力立即帮助火箭队。
周一的冠军将是 _______。
安德鲁斯: 灰熊队整个夏天都在以均衡而强大的进攻势不可挡。杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jaylen Wells)在半决赛中砍下 28 分,带领灰熊队战胜了洛杉矶快船队,而二年级前锋小GG·杰克逊(GG Jackson II)场均 20.8 分,排名夏季联赛第 11 位。
佩尔顿: 孟菲斯灰熊队。热火队的 5 连胜建立在 44.5% 的三分球命中率之上,这远远高于拉斯维加斯的任何其他球队。没有其他球队的命中率能达到 40%。我们已经看到热火队在半决赛中被打回原形,当时他们 31% 的三分球命中率足以让他们以 3 分的优势险胜金州勇士队,因为勇士队的命中率只有 23.5%。考虑到正常的投篮命中率,我更看好灰熊队的胜算。
扬米苏克: 即使没有扎克·埃迪,孟菲斯灰熊队仍然有足够的赢球资本。小杰克逊场均得到 20.8 分、8.4 个篮板,三分球命中率为 34.1%。与此同时,小斯科蒂·皮蓬(Scotty Pippen Jr.)场均得到 20 分、8.2 次助攻和 5 个篮板,并在半决赛战胜快船队的比赛中砍下三双。
邦坦普斯: 孟菲斯灰熊队,仅仅是因为小杰克逊和小皮蓬的存在,后者在周日以 1 分险胜快船队的比赛中砍下三双,并且在整个夏季联赛中场均得到 20 分。
吴: 迈阿密热火队。那套阵容配合默契,如果三年级后卫约什·克里斯托弗(Josh Christopher)能够复制半决赛的表现,我会选择他们。在周日对阵勇士队的比赛中,克里斯托弗全队最高的 23 分。
点击查看原文:2024 NBA summer league roundtable: Surprises, best fits and title game picks
2024 NBA summer league roundtable: Surprises, best fits and title game picks
Jul 22, 2024, 07:53 AM ET
NBA summer league in Las Vegas is coming to a close, and newly drafted prospects and young veterans are wrapping up their efforts to make lasting impressions.
Rookies Stephon Castle (No. 4, San Antonio Spurs), Dalton Knecht (No. 17, Los Angeles Lakers) and Reed Sheppard (No. 3, Houston Rockets) had strong starts to their professional careers. Sheppard made the biggest splash in Las Vegas, averaging 20 points on 49% from 2 and 38.5% from 3 in his first three games.
Summer league will wrap up Monday night as the Memphis Grizzlies take on the Miami Heat (8 ET, ESPN) in the championship.
As we head into the heart of the offseason, our NBA Insiders are breaking down the biggest performances and surprises from summer league action in Northern California, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.
What has been the biggest surprise at summer league?
Kendra Andrews: After struggling with his shot at the California Classic, Dalton Knecht found his footing in Las Vegas. He shot 39.1% from 3 on 7.7 attempts per game and averaged 21.1 points. It’s unclear where Knecht will fit into new coach JJ Redick’s plans, but the No. 17 pick proved he can add shooting depth in Los Angeles.
Kevin Pelton: Washington Wizards guard Bub Carrington, who averaged 15.8 points, 7.4 rebounds and 5.2 assists at summer league, looked ready to contribute as one of the youngest players in the NBA this upcoming season. One day shy of his 19th birthday, Carrington capped his summer with 13 points and 15 rebounds in Saturday’s win against the Milwaukee Bucks. There will be rough stretches if the Wizards turn their offense over to Carrington as a rookie – maybe all the better for their pursuit of 2025 lottery positioning – but his ability to hit pull-up 3s could eventually make Carrington a dangerous pick-and-roll player.
Ohm Youngmisuk: The Clippers might have found another second-round gem in 2023 pick Jordan Miller. Taken 48th overall out of Miami, Miller opened summer league with 36 points and 6-for-10 shooting from behind the arc in a win over Denver and didn’t fade into the background after that. He led the Clippers to the summer league semifinals, averaging 25.4 points (third best in summer league), 4.2 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 1.4 steals while shooting 60% from 3. Miller will try to keep this momentum and follow in the footsteps of another 6-foot-5 guard the Clippers took at the same pick in the 2019 second round – Terance Mann. With Paul George and Russell Westbrook gone via free agency, there is an opportunity for Miller to prove himself in training camp after playing in just eight regular-season games last season.
Tim Bontemps: From the start of summer league, Reed Sheppard looked the part. I was high on Sheppard’s potential during the draft process, and he showed with his play in Las Vegas why the Rockets should be very excited about his future in Houston – where he could be a perfect fit alongside Amen Thompson as a long-term backcourt tandem. If it weren’t for the crowded Houston roster and rotation, he would be my clear pick for Rookie of the Year.
Jeremy Woo: Despite a short stretch of games, Miami Heat’s Kel’el Ware is turning a corner – he was productive, looked extremely comfortable in Las Vegas and has landed in an excellent developmental spot with the Heat. Reputed for his inconsistent motor outweighing his considerable coordination and touch around the basket, the game is coming easily to Ware right now. He has more space to operate and for guards finding him for lobs. I was initially unsure about the fit when Miami took him 15th in the draft, but his trajectory is pointing in the right direction.
What was the biggest disappointment at summer league?
Andrews: That Zach Edey barely got to play. I was looking forward to seeing the Grizzlies’ No. 9 pick go up against summer league talent. But ankle injuries during the California Classic and in Vegas limited the 7-foot-4 center to just 42 minutes on the court this summer. Edey joining the young and contending Grizzlies is intriguing, but his availability will be something to watch on a team that was riddled by injuries last season.
Pelton: Alex Sarr’s inaccuracy. Given Sarr’s skill level for his age and size, I’m shocked the Wizards’ No. 2 pick shot 0-for-15 from the field on Tuesday and finished summer league at 23% shooting on 2-pointers and 12% on 3s. On the other side, Sarr looked the part of a top pick defensively, erasing shots and switching out on the perimeter, but he’ll have to rein in hunting 3s on offense and find more opportunities to finish above the rim.
Youngmisuk: The Wizards knew Alex Sarr needs plenty of time to develop. Sarr wants to play defense, can move like a small player and has great length. Still, after seeing his debut with 12 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 blocks against Atlanta’s No. 1 overall pick Zaccharie Risacher, it was jarring when the 7-foot teenager became the first player to shoot 0-for-15, including 0-for-7 from 3, and failed to score a point in a game against Portland. Sarr can also put the ball on the floor, although, as one Wizards talent evaluator pointed out, he can sometimes get in trouble when he does.
Bontemps: With this year’s event between the 2023 debut of Victor Wembanyama and next year’s entrance of Cooper Flagg and the rest of the lauded 2025 NBA draft class, the atmosphere in Vegas was lacking. The presence of Bronny James didn’t meet previously hyped expectations, and it didn’t help that the American audience wasn’t familiar with the international top two picks.
Woo: Timberwolves No. 8 pick Rob Dillingham struggled a bit with efficiency. He looked uncomfortable at times, which could be a result of the on-court inactivity due to injury seen in his pre-draft process. With his lack of physical strength at this stage, he doesn’t have a lot of margin for error.
Which rookie will have an immediate impact on their NBA team?
Andrews: As the young Rockets look to take the next step, Reed Sheppard will have an immediate role. He has looked comfortable since the start of summer league, finding his shooting spots with ease and acting as floor general. These tools will earn him minutes in Houston in support of the Rockets’ young core of Jalen Green, Jabari Smith Jr., Amen Thompson and Alperen Sengun
Pelton: Donovan Clingan. Although Clingan’s offense – and particularly his 3-point shooting – is still a work in progress, his rim protection will pay immediate dividends for a Portland Trail Blazers team that ranked 23rd in defensive rating last season. In particular, Portland struggled to defend at the hoop. Opponents made 70.5% of shots in the restricted area, per NBA Advanced Stats, second highest in the league behind the Wizards. Clingan, whose 4.3 blocks per game were an NBA summer league record, will be a dramatic upgrade.
Youngmisuk: Sheppard looked confident and performed above his size of 6-foot-2, 182-pounds. He averaged 20 points, 5.3 assists and 4.8 rebounds, and he shot 50% from the field. But he surprised on the defensive end, averaging 2.8 steals and 1.3 blocks. Obviously, things will get much tougher at the next level, but Sheppard looks up for the task. And if summer league is any indication, the Kentucky product is going to be a fan favorite.
Bontemps: Zach Edey, because of the situation he joins in Memphis. Not only was Edey the ninth overall pick and coming off winning a second consecutive national player of the year award at Purdue, but the 7-foot-4 center appears on track to be the starting center for a Grizzlies squad that will be looking to make a deep playoff run with Ja Morant back in action alongside Desmond Bane and Jaren Jackson Jr.
Woo: It’s obvious at this point that Houston needs to play Sheppard. His ability to space the floor will be crucial, and he’ll operate with less playmaking workload thanks to the number of creators on the floor around him. I’m not saying he’ll be a starter, but what we saw from him in Vegas portends well for his ability to help the Rockets immediately.
Monday’s champion will be _______.
Andrews: The Grizzlies have been rolling all summer with a balanced and strong offense. Jaylen Wells led the Grizzlies with 28 points in the semifinals against the LA Clippers, and second-year forward GG Jackson II’s average of 20.8 points ranks 11th best throughout summer league.
Pelton: Memphis. The Heat’s 5-0 record has been built on 44.5% 3-point shooting, far better than any other team in Vegas. No other team is even shooting 40% beyond the arc. We already saw Miami come back to earth in the semifinal, when 31% from 3 was good enough for a three-point win because the Warriors shot 23.5%. Given normal shooting, I like the Grizzlies’ chances.
Youngmisuk: Even without Zach Edey, Memphis should still have plenty to win with. Jackson is averaging 20.8 points, 8.4 rebounds and 34.1% shooting from behind the arc. Scotty Pippen Jr., meanwhile, is averaging 20 points, 8.2 assists and 5 rebounds and is coming off a triple-double in the semifinal win over the Clippers.
Bontemps: Memphis, simply because of the presence of Jackson and Pippen, the latter of whom had a triple-double in Sunday’s one-point win over the Clippers and has averaged 20 points throughout summer league.
Woo: Miami. That roster fits well together, and I’ll make that pick with the caveat that third-year guard Josh Christopher needs a semifinals repeat. Christopher led the team with 23 points against the Warriors on Sunday.
via ESPN