[PtR] 开放话题:马刺发布夏季联赛幕后系列视频 ▶️

By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-22 19:00:00


2024 NBA 夏季联赛 - 圣安东尼奥马刺对阵波特兰开拓者


我们圣安东尼奥马刺队的夏季联赛之旅已经结束。在拉斯维加斯的 3 场比赛之后,他们是 5 支保持不败的球队之一。不幸的是,他们在第四场比赛中输给了费城 76 人队,冠军之路戛然而止。


在夏季联赛期间,马刺队制作了一段 27 分钟的幕后视频,并发布在YouTube上。第一部分重点介绍了加州经典赛,这是规模更大的拉斯维加斯夏季联赛的前奏。

喜欢到目前为止的 #夏季马刺吗?

在我们全新的《马刺内幕》系列节目中,一起走进幕后吧!第二部分即将推出 https://t.co/myTU0ZU86O pic.twitter.com/1jNKbvNU99

— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@spurs) 2024 年 7 月 17 日

视频一开始,夏季联赛主教练肯尼·特雷维诺(Kenny Trevino)召集了球队,并分享了一些关于团队凝聚力和合作精神的想法,然后展示了选秀日和媒体日的片段。

以第四顺位被选中的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)和以第四十八顺位被选中的哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram)都迅速融入了球队、城市和夏季联赛的期望。

除了膝盖手术后正在康复的西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko),马刺队还派出了发展联盟的一些球员,以及一些满怀希望的落选新秀,他们都希望能够引起人们的注意。

马刺队在萨克拉门托取得了 1 胜 2 负的战绩,在前两场比赛中分别输给了夏洛特黄蜂队和国王队中的一支球队。他们唯一的一场胜利是对阵参加了这项为期三天赛事的中国国家队。




点击查看原文:Open Thread: Spurs release behind the scenes series on Summer League

Open Thread: Spurs release behind the scenes series on Summer League

2024 NBA Summer League - San Antonio Spurs v Portland Trail Blazers

Part I focuses on the California Classic

Summer League has ended for our San Antonio Spurs. After three games in Las Vegas, they were one of five undefeated teams. Unfortunately, they lost their fourth game to the Philadelphia 76ers, stunting their championship run.

Last night, they played their fifth and final Las Vegas Summer League game and dominated the Toronto Raptors for a majority of the evening.

During Summer League, the Spurs produced a twenty-seven minute behind the scenes video that posted on YouTube. Part one highlighted the California Classic, a prelude to the larger Las Vegas Summer League.

Loving #SummerSpurs action so far?

Go behind-the-scenes with us in our brand new Inside the Spurs series! Part 2 coming soon https://t.co/myTU0ZU86O pic.twitter.com/1jNKbvNU99

— San Antonio Spurs (@spurs) July 17, 2024

The video starts with Summer League head coach Kenny Trevino rallying the team and sharing some thoughts on bonding and teamwork before moving into draft and media day footage.

Stephon Castle, drafted fourth overall, and Harrison Ingram, forty-eighth pick were both placed into a rapid exposure to the team, the city, and the expectations of Summer League.

Along with Sidy Cissoko, who was rehabbing after knee surgery, the Spurs were also represented by some of their G-League members as well as some hopefuls and un-drafted young men hoping to make it onto someone’s radar.

The Spurs went 1-2 in Sacramento, dropping their first two games against the Charlotte Hornets and one of the Kings. Their lone win was against the Chinese National Team who competed in the three-day competition.

They learned about teamwork and made improvements within the small timeframe in California.

As Coach Trevino shared closing out the series:

“And we now know it’s about our defense. our defense makes our offense that much easier. We’ll take this right into Vegas, we’ve got our momentum.”

By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock