[PtR] 马刺队与莱利·米尼克斯签署训练营合同 ▶️

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-22 09:57:30


2024 NBA 夏季联赛 - 费城 76 人队对阵圣安东尼奥马刺队


每年夏季联赛,总会有一位落选秀球员打出名堂。尽管在选秀之夜没有引起太多关注,但这些球员在 NBA 比赛中证明了自己的价值,吸引了那些寻求竞争优势的球队管理层和教练组的目光。今年,圣安东尼奥马刺队可能已经将这样一位落选新星收入囊中。周六,来自莫尔黑德州立大学的落选前锋莱利·米尼克斯(Riley Minix)与马刺队签署了一份训练营合同。

联盟消息人士告诉 @spotrac,圣安东尼奥马刺队已经与莱利·米尼克斯签署了一份训练营合同。

— 基思·史密斯 (@KeithSmithNBA) 2024 年 7 月 22 日

米尼克斯是 NBA 选秀 中最励志的球员之一。这位前 NAIA 联赛的球星在他唯一一个一级联盟赛季中就成为了莫尔黑德州立大学的主力球员。大四赛季,他场均得到 20.9 分和 9.17 个篮板。在 NCAA 锦标赛中,他表现出色,在首轮输给伊利诺伊大学的比赛中砍下 27 分,并命中 5 记三分球。他拥有一套独特的进攻技巧,既能在低位得分,也能在外线投篮。


16 分

4 次助攻

55% 命中率

20 分钟


— KJ (@KJ__Hoops) 2024 年 7 月 17 日

米尼克斯代表夏季联赛马刺队出战的两场比赛中得分都上双,包括对阵鹈鹕队时得到 16 分和对阵猛龙队时得到 14 分。他拉开场上空间的能力正是圣安东尼奥所需要的,而且这也有可能成为他未来进入 NBA 的敲门砖。夏季联赛教练肯尼·特雷维诺(Kenny Trevino)称赞了米尼克斯在 拉斯维加斯夏季联赛 中展现出的力量和得分能力。

米尼克斯将有机会在训练营中争取一个双向合同名额。马刺队目前只有一个双向合同名额,由贾马里·布耶(Jamaree Bouyea)占据。二轮秀哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram)可能会获得第二个名额。除了马刺队决定引进的任何外部球员外,米尼克斯是最后一个双向合同的有力竞争者。也不要忘了多米尼克·巴洛(Dominick Barlow),他还没有签署任何合同。

9 月份训练营开始后,马刺队将有机会考察米尼克斯和其他球员的表现。

点击查看原文:Spurs sign Riley Minix to training camp deal

Spurs sign Riley Minix to training camp deal

2024 NBA Summer League - Philadelphia 76ers v San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio’s summer league stand-out will join the team for training camp.

An undrafted player typically makes a name for himself every Summer League. Despite not garnering much interest on draft night, these players prove their worth against NBA competition in front of front offices and coaching staffs looking for a competitive edge. This year, the San Antonio Spurs may have their hands on one of those undrafted gems. Riley Minix, an undrafted forward out of Morehead State, signed a training camp contract with the Spurs on Saturday.

The San Antonio Spurs have signed Riley Minix to a training camp contract, a league source tells @spotrac.

— Keith Smith (@KeithSmithNBA) July 22, 2024

Minix had one of the best stories in the NBA Draft. The former NAIA star was a dominant force at Morehead State in his sole Division One season. He averaged 20.9 points and 9.17 rebounds in his senior season. He had a great game in the NCAA Tournament, putting up 27 points while hitting 5 three-pointers in a first-round loss to Illinois. He brings a unique offensive skillset, scoring the ball on the low block and on the wing.

Riley Minix today in the Spurs summer league win against the Pelicans.

16 Points
4 Assists
55% FG
20 Minutes

Huge game from Minix in his summer league debut. pic.twitter.com/K8DZAqLGsG

— KJ (@KJ__Hoops) July 17, 2024

Minix had two double-digit scoring performances with the Summer Spurs, including 16 points against the Pelicans and 14 points against the Raptors. His ability to space the floor was much needed for San Antonio and could be a skill that lands him on an NBA team one day. Summer League coach, Kenny Trevino, praised Minix for his strength and scoring ability throughout the Las Vegas Summer League.

Minix will come into training camp with a chance to earn a two-way roster spot. The Spurs currently only have Jamaree Bouyea occupying a two-way spot. Second-round pick, Harrison Ingram, will likely receive the second spot. Minix is a leading candidate for the last two-way contract, along with any outside prospect the Spurs decide to bring in. Don’t count out Dominick Barlow, who has not signed a contract yet.

The Spurs will get a chance to look at how Minix and the others stack up when training camp starts in September.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock