[PtR] 夏季联赛征程落幕,马刺惨败76人

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-20 11:02:08


2024 NBA 夏季联赛 - 新奥尔良鹈鹕对阵圣安东尼奥马刺



他们在第二节和第三节比赛中,在贾马里·布耶(Jamaree Bouyea)的带领下,发起了一波强势的反击,甚至一度在第三节比赛中取得领先。但他们在第四节比赛中后劲不足,76人队在最后几分钟内打出一波流,最终以96-80战胜了马刺队。这场失利使得马刺队的战绩变为3胜1负,并且如果需要比较净胜分来决定排名的话,他们也处于劣势,因此无论其他比赛结果如何,他们的夏季联赛之旅都已结束。


  • 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)在夏季联赛中,只要他出场,绝对可以竞争马刺队最佳球员的称号,但贾马里·布耶才是球队的真正 MVP。他在第二节比赛中独得8分,帮助马刺队缩小分差,并在整场比赛中帮助马刺队保持竞争力,最终得到15分和6次抢断。(如果你不知道的话,他曾在发展联盟的一场比赛中创下了9次抢断的纪录,并列历史第一。)我们有充分的理由相信他下赛季将继续担任马刺队的双向合同球员,而且谁知道呢?由于克里斯·保罗和特雷·琼斯都将在明年夏天成为自由球员,他或许能为自己赢得更多机会。
  • 哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram)是马刺队开局阶段唯一一个找到状态的球员,他包办了球队的前6分,并且他在整场比赛中都保持着稳定的发挥,最终得到14分(三分球5投3中)、9个篮板和3次助攻。作为一名48顺位的球员,他看起来非常出色,我预计他会和马刺队签下一份双向合同。他的实力似乎足以胜任NBA的比赛,但仍然可以在奥斯汀马刺队得到大量的锻炼机会。
  • 考虑到西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)刚刚从轻微的膝盖手术中恢复,他的表现情有可原,但他仍然缺乏除传球以外的进攻手段。他仅有的2分来自罚球,而他的三分球3投0中。他的防守和进攻端的闪光点仍然让他成为一个极具吸引力的新秀,他的上限目前还不得而知,但他很可能会在新赛季开始时被排除在轮换阵容之外,并被下放到奥斯汀马刺队去打磨他的进攻。
  • 我喜欢莱利·米尼克斯(Riley Minix)的进攻。他在外线手感柔和,无论有球还是无球都能很好地移动。这不是他投篮最好的一晚,全场7投仅2中,但即使投篮不中,当球离开他的手时,看起来也很舒服。我很乐意看到他加入奥斯汀马刺队,看看他能否在那里继续提升自己。
  • 遗憾的是,大卫·杜克(David Duke Jr.)因为臀部受伤,从未在夏季联赛中获得证明自己的机会。在常规赛结束前的几场比赛中,他看起来像是一位很有潜力的3D侧翼球员,他是球队为了腾出薪资空间签下克里斯·保罗和哈里森·巴恩斯而被裁掉的一员。他总是可以再签一份双向合同回到球队,但如果他能在拉斯维加斯证明自己的话,情况可能会对他更有利。


我们感谢所有马刺球迷的支持!整个夏天,我们都会继续为您带来马刺队的最新消息、文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在奥运会上的表现,以及我们能想到的任何其他有趣的报道。祝大家夏天快乐!

点击查看原文:Summer Spurs’ time in Las Vegas comes to an end with blowout loss to 76ers

Summer Spurs’ time in Las Vegas comes to an end with blowout loss to 76ers

2024 NBA Summer League - New Orleans Pelicans v San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs got out to a slow start and ran out of gas in game 4, ending their chances to advance to the semi-finals.

After three solid games in Las Vegas, the Summer Spurs had a chance to make the semi-finals on Sunday with a win over the Philadelphia 76ers and loss from either Golden State or Miami, but instead, the sloppy, disjointed version of the team we saw in Sacramento made a return. The Spurs struggled to score and hold on to the ball in the first quarter, getting down 25-12 with six turnovers.

They made a valiant comeback attempt in the middle quarters led by Jamaree Bouyea, even briefly taking the lead in third quarter, but they ran out of gas in the fourth as the 76ers ran away with the game in the final minutes, handing them the 96-80 loss. The defeat moves the Spurs to 3-1 and too far back in point-differential if a tie-breaker is needed, so their Summer League is over regardless of any other outcomes.


  • Stephon Castle can certainly make the case for being the Spurs’ best player in Summer League when he was available, but Jamaree Bouyea was their MVP. He scored 8 points in second quarter to help lead Spurs back and helped keep the Spurs alive throughout the game, finishing with 15 points and 6 steals. (In case you didn’t know, he owns a tie for a G League record of 9 steals in a game.) There is zero reason to believe he won’t remain a Spurs two-way player next season, and who knows? With both Chris Paul and Tre Jones hitting free agency next summer, he could earn himself more.
  • Harrison Ingram was the only one who had anything going early for the Spurs, scoring their first six points, and he remained solid all game with 14 points on 3-5 shooting from three, 9 rebounds, and 3 assists. He is looking like a very solid pick at 48th, and I expect him to sign a two-way contract with the Spurs. He seems good enough to be more than just an Austin Spur but still could use plenty of reps there.
  • Sidy Cissoko gets a bit of a pass considering he was coming off minor knee surgery, but still, he lacks an offensive game outside of passing. His only two points came from the line, and he was 0-3 from beyond the arc. His defense and flashes on the offensive side still make him a tantalizing prospect with an unknown ceiling at this point, but he will still likely start the season on the outside of the rotation and spending time in Austin to hone that side of his game.
  • I like Riley Minix’s offensive game. He has a soft touch outside and moves well both with and without the ball. It wasn’t his best shooting night, shooting just 2-7 from the field, but even his misses look good when they leave his hands. I wouldn’t mind seeing him with the Austin Spurs to see if he can work his way up.
  • It’s a shame David Duke Jr. never got a chance to make a case for himself in SL due to a hip issue. He looked good as a potential 3&D wing in a few games at the end of the regular season, he was part of the mass-wave that helped make cap space for Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes. He could always return on a two-way deal again, but it probably would have helped if he could have made a case for himself in Vegas.

And with that, we have officially hit the doldrums of the off-season. Barring any more unexpected moves, the Spurs have filled up their 15 main roster spots, but still have two two-ways to work with. The next actual game will be the Spurs’ preseason opener against the Thunder on October 7.

We appreciate all you Pounders do to keep us going Be sure to stick around all summer for more Spurs coverage, Victor Wembanyama at the Olympics, and any other off-the-wall content we can think of. Happy Summer!

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock