[ESPN] 2024 年 NBA 夏季联赛:今年新秀的初步印象



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2024 年 7 月 15 日,美国东部时间上午 8:00

拉斯维加斯——2024 年 NBA 选秀大会的新秀们于本周末在拉斯维加斯夏季联赛中亮相,今年 58 名新秀中的绝大多数人都在内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的托马斯和麦克中心以及考克斯馆座无虚席的观众面前登场。NBA 每年 7 月的峰会吸引了来自篮球界各个角落的参观者,30 支球队不仅积极评估顶级新秀,还评估那些在 NBA 边缘苦苦挣扎的落选球员和年轻老将。

状元扎卡里·里萨谢(Zaccharie Risacher)(亚特兰大老鹰队)、榜眼阿莱克斯·萨尔(Alex Sarr)(华盛顿奇才队)和探花里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard)(休斯顿火箭队)是焦点人物,里萨谢和萨尔在周五的揭幕战中正面交锋,萨尔和谢泼德在周日对决。

以下是迄今为止引起 ESPN 分析师乔纳森·吉沃尼(Jonathan Givony)、杰里米·伍(Jeremy Woo) 和凯文·佩尔顿(Kevin Pelton)关注的球员。


萨尔的首秀令人眼前一亮,在战胜老鹰队和里萨谢的比赛中,他得到 12 分、7 个篮板、4 次助攻和 4 个盖帽。萨尔在攻防两端都奉献了一些令人瞠目结舌的时刻,他展现出了以惊人敏捷性覆盖球场、在球场各处封盖投篮、本能地轮转盖帽以及展现出 7 英尺 1 英寸身高少见的令人印象深刻的进攻多样性的能力。


像许多 19 岁的同类型大个子一样,他还有很多地方需要改进,比如有时会操之过急,在对抗中遇到问题,以及在攻防两端的意识和决策方面偶尔会出现失误。但他的高光时刻实在太精彩了,让人很难不对他的长期前景看好,即使在他逐渐适应比赛的过程中,显然会经历一些成长的烦恼。

—— 吉沃尼



他的 9 次三分球出手命中了 3 个,包括一个漂亮的摆脱运球后的后撤步跳投,以及一次接队友传球后的定点远投。与之前在法国联赛相比,他获得了更多的进攻自由,积极地进行攻防转换,无私地将球传到球场各处,展现出流畅的突破速度,并在挡拆后用非惯用手娴熟地完成篮下终结。他在整场比赛中都在寻找后撤步三分球的机会,但结果喜忧参半,他的控球能力以及在攻防两端对抗中的表现仍有待提高,他 195 磅的体重显然还需要增加力量。

虽然这不是本周末最令人印象深刻的表现,但总体而言还是有很多积极的方面,因为他以多种方式得分,尽管在首发控球后卫科比·巴夫金(Kobe Bufkin) 在比赛前几天受伤后,老鹰队的阵容缺乏层次感和组织能力。

—— 吉沃尼


作为波特兰开拓者队和圣安东尼奥马刺队的球员,前康涅狄格大学队友多诺万·克林甘(Donovan Clingan) 和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 在周六的比赛中首次作为对手交锋。虽然夏季联赛的结果并不总是能说明问题,但看到这两位乐透秀球员离开哈士奇队的体系后会有什么样的表现仍然很有趣,这让我们对他们最终在 NBA 中的角色有了一些了解。


马刺队押注卡斯尔能够胜任长期的组织进攻角色,而维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 作为进攻核心的存在也减轻了卡斯尔作为全职控球后卫的压力。尽管有 5 次失误,但他 20 投 8 中,得到全场最高的 22 分。

虽然开拓者队在大部分时间里都处于落后,但克林甘的表现非常高效,他利用自己的身高在内线筑起了一道墙,赢得了很多五五开的球,并且在篮板上做得很好,尽管他 8 投 1 中只得到 4 分,但他抢下了 13 个篮板和 5 个盖帽。他在防守端非常活跃,并且在防守覆盖面上起到了威慑作用,在比赛后期还封盖了卡斯尔的上篮。他的投篮能力显然还停留在理论阶段——他在两次空位三分球出手时显得犹豫不决,结果都投丢了——但 NBA 的很多人都相信,他最终能够在远距离保持对对手的威胁。

虽然马刺队和开拓者队在下赛季都没有太高的期望,但这两名球员都被寄予厚望,希望他们能够在新秀赛季就做出贡献。NBA 球队大多对康涅狄格大学的教练组为职业联赛培养这批天才球员的方式印象深刻。克林甘和卡斯尔适应的速度将是本赛季值得关注的故事情节。

—— 伍


探花秀谢泼德在本届选秀大会上排名我的数据预测榜首,他在前两场比赛中的表现恰好说明了这一点。在周五对阵洛杉矶湖人队的比赛中得到 23 分后,谢泼德在周日对阵萨尔和奇才队的比赛中再次砍下 22 分、7 次助攻、6 个篮板和 5 次抢断。

在肯塔基大学的 33 场比赛中,谢泼德只有 7 次得分超过 20 分,而在他作为职业球员的前两场比赛中,他已经做到了这一点。谢泼德带球到达他想去的地方以及用一个强硬的变向运球创造投篮空间的能力令人印象深刻。

我们已经知道,在大学联赛中三分球命中率高达 52% 的谢泼德是一名强大的射手。在周日第三节比赛中,他在距离篮筐 27 英尺的地方命中一记远投,在那节比赛中,谢泼德 6 投 4 中得到 9 分,并送出 2 次助攻。

在防守端,谢泼德积极的双手不断制造抢断。谢泼德在周五的比赛中有 3 个盖帽,并在周日的比赛中完成了两次抢断后快攻得分。

谢泼德加入了拥有首发球员杰伦·格林(Jalen Green) 和弗雷德·范弗利特(Fred VanVleet) 以及 2023 年乐透秀阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson) 和老将亚伦·霍勒迪(Aaron Holiday) 的拥挤的休斯顿后卫线。然而,如果谢泼德在拉斯维加斯的表现能够说明问题的话,那就是他将凭借自己的实力在新秀赛季获得稳定的出场时间。

—— 佩尔顿


巴布·卡林顿(Bub Carrington) | 控球后卫 | 华盛顿奇才队

在周五的焦点战中,里萨谢和萨尔抢占了头条,而卡林顿则奉献了一场沉着、全面的表现,他得到 19 分、9 个篮板和 8 次助攻,险些拿下三双。7 月 21 日才满 19 岁的卡林顿是夏季联赛中最年轻的球员之一,但他看起来非常自在。他展现出了进攻潜力和出色的篮球智商,这使得他足以吸引奇才队通过交易在第 14 顺位选中他。—— 伍

特伦斯·香农二世(Terrence Shannon Jr.) | 得分后卫/小前锋 | 明尼苏达森林狼队

在战胜新奥尔良鹈鹕队的比赛中,香农 14 投 9 中砍下 25 分,开启了他的夏季联赛之旅,他看起来很有可能在本赛季为森林狼队提供帮助。他得分效率很高,覆盖球场的速度很快,在防守端表现出色,并且竞争非常激烈——这些特点预示着他很有可能作为 27 号秀兑现自己的天赋。—— 伍

科迪·威廉姆斯(Cody Williams) | 得分后卫/小前锋 | 犹他爵士队

在周六爵士队一分险胜达拉斯独行侠队的比赛中,威廉姆斯展现出了让他成为犹他队未来希望的技术。他看起来比在科罗拉多大学时更加自信和果断,他投进了三个三分球,并利用自己修长的步伐冲击篮下并在攻防转换中得分。作为一名得分手,更稳定地找到这种状态是他进步的下一步。—— 伍

瑞安·邓恩(Ryan Dunn) | 小前锋 | 菲尼克斯太阳队

在周六对阵金州勇士队的首场比赛中,邓恩在防守端制造混乱的能力得到了充分展现。太阳队将身高 6 英尺 6 英寸的邓恩作为防守后卫使用,在 2-3 联防中把他放在外线,给持球人施压。邓恩有 3 次抢断和 2 个盖帽,包括在后场断掉了勇士队控球后卫尤里·柯林斯(Yuri Collins) 的球。—— 佩尔顿

道尔顿·克奈特(Dalton Knecht) | 得分后卫/小前锋 | 洛杉矶湖人队

在加州经典赛上表现不佳(三场比赛投篮命中率为 30%)之后,克奈特在周五的拉斯维加斯首秀中 18 投 9 中得到全场最高的 25 分。在一众湖人队球迷面前,克奈特投进了 5 个三分球,并在运球后展现出良好的视野,送出 4 次助攻。—— 佩尔顿

点击查看原文:2024 NBA summer league: First impressions on this year's rookie class

2024 NBA summer league: First impressions on this year’s rookie class


  • Multiple Contributors

Jul 15, 2024, 08:00 AM ET

LAS VEGAS – The 2024 NBA draft class debuted over the weekend at Las Vegas Summer League, with the vast majority of this year’s 58 draftees taking the floor in front of packed crowds at UNLV’s Thomas and Mack Center and Cox Pavilion. The NBA’s annual July summit draws visitors from all corners of the basketball world, with 30 teams actively evaluating not only the top rookies, but undrafted players and younger veterans who are fighting to make the fringes of NBA rosters.

Top picks Zaccharie Risacher (No. 1, Atlanta Hawks), Alex Sarr (No. 2, Washington Wizards) and Reed Sheppard (No. 3, Houston Rockets) were among the headliners, with Risacher and Sarr going head-to-head on Friday’s opening night and Sarr and Sheppard facing off Sunday.

Here’s who caught the eyes of ESPN analysts Jonathan Givony, Jeremy Woo and Kevin Pelton so far.

Washington’s Sarr wows with upside in debut

Sarr had an eye-opening debut, with 12 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 blocks in a win against the Hawks and Risacher. There were a handful of jaw-dropping moments from Sarr on both ends of the floor, showing his ability to cover ground with incredible agility, contest shots all over the floor, rotate for blocks instinctually and bring impressive offensive versatility you don’t often see at 7-foot-1.

He pushed the ball in transition, hit a skillful turnaround jumper out of a fake dribble-handoff, attacked closeouts looking to find teammates and made two impressive pull-up 3-pointers, which showed off his tantalizing offensive upside.

As is often the case, there were some sped-up moments, issues handling contact and lapses in awareness and decision-making on both ends of the floor, as he’s very much a work in progress in many ways as 19-year-old big men in his mold often are. But the highs were so incredibly high that it was difficult not to come away bullish on his long-term outlook, even if there will clearly be some growing pains as he figures out his game.

– Givony

Productive, assertive start for Risacher

Some early nerves from Zaccharie Risacher gave way to a confident offensive performance that demonstrated his shotmaking versatility, feel for the game and all-around skill level that made him the draft’s No. 1 pick.

He hit three of his nine 3-point attempts, including a pretty escape dribble pullup and a deep spot-up off a kickout pass. He was given more shot-creation freedom than previously seen in France, aggressively transitioning the ball, spraying passes unselfishly all over the floor, showing nice pace getting to the rim fluidly and finishing skillfully off the glass with his off hand out of pick-and-roll. He hunted pullup 3s all game with mixed results and still has a ways to go with his handle and ability to play through contact on both ends, clearly needing to add strength to his 195-pound frame.

It was not the most impressive performance of the weekend, but there are quite a few positives to take away overall, as he scored in a variety of ways, despite the lack of hierarchy and playmaking on the Hawks’ roster after losing starting point guard Kobe Bufkin to injury just days prior.

– Givony

Former UConn teammates Castle, Clingan square off

Former UConn teammates Donovan Clingan and Stephon Castle faced off as opponents for the first time Saturday as the Portland Trail Blazers and San Antonio Spurs. While summer league can be a fickle evaluation, it was intriguing to see both lottery picks removed from the Huskies’ system, providing a sense of their eventual roles in the NBA.

Castle’s jump shot has been the biggest unknown for what type of contributor he might become. He did hit a pair of first-half 3s (including a contested one over Clingan) but also had some bad misses on jumpers, which indicates his game is still a bit of a mixed bag in terms of shot selection and efficiency. It was encouraging to see him get into the paint consistently and make plays off the drive, flashing nice vision in two-man situations and deceptive change of pace.

The Spurs are betting Castle will be able to handle a long-term playmaking role, and the presence of an offensive focal point in Victor Wembanyama lessens the pressure on Castle to be a full-time point guard. Despite five turnovers, he finished with a game-high 22 points on 8-of-20 shooting.

While the Blazers trailed most of the game, Clingan was productive, walling off the paint with his size, winning 50-50 balls and doing a good job on the glass, totaling 13 rebounds and five blocks despite scoring 4 points on 1-of-8 shooting. He was active and made an impact as a deterrent in coverage, also chipping in a block on Castle at the rim late in the game. The shooting component of his game is clearly still theoretical – he looked tentative on a pair of open 3s that he missed – but many around the NBA believe he’ll eventually be able to keep teams honest from long range.

Although neither the Spurs nor the Trail Blazers have lofty expectations for next season, both players will be expected to contribute as rookies. NBA teams have largely been impressed with the way UConn’s staff has prepared this recent wave of talent for the pros. How quickly Clingan and Castle can adapt will be a worthwhile storyline to track this season.

– Woo

Sheppard makes case as draft’s best prospect

Sheppard, the No. 3 pick, topped my stats-based projections for this year’s draft and showed exactly why during his first two games. After scoring 23 points against the Los Angeles Lakers on Friday, Sheppard followed that performance up with 22 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds and 5 steals against Sarr and the Wizards on Sunday.

After scoring 20-plus points just seven times in 33 games at Kentucky, Sheppard has already done it in each of his first two outings as a pro. Sheppard’s ability to get where he wants with the ball and create separation with a hard crossover has stood out.

We already knew Sheppard, who hit 52% of his 3s from the college line, was a powerful shooter. He hit from a listed 27 feet during Sunday’s third quarter, which also saw Sheppard score nine points on 4-of-6 shooting and a pair of assists.

Defensively, Sheppard’s active hands constantly generate deflections. Sheppard had three blocks Friday and racked up a pair of pick-six steals Sunday.

Sheppard joins a crowded Houston backcourt with starters Jalen Green and Fred VanVleet, along with 2023 lottery pick Amen Thompson and veteran Aaron Holiday. If Sheppard’s play in Vegas so far is any indication, however, he’ll force his way into regular playing time as a rookie.

– Pelton

Notable rookie performances

Bub Carrington | PG | Washington Wizards

While Risacher and Sarr grabbed headlines in Friday’s marquee matchup, Carrington turned in a poised, all-around showing, just missing a triple-double with 19 points, 9 rebounds and 8 assists. Carrington, who turns 19 on July 21, looked plenty comfortable despite being one of the youngest players at summer league. He flashed the offensive upside and advanced basketball IQ that made him attractive enough for the Wizards to trade to select him at No. 14. – Woo

Terrence Shannon Jr. | SG/SF | Minnesota Timberwolves

Shannon kicked off summer league with a 25-point showing on 9-of-14 shooting in a win against the New Orleans Pelicans, looking very much like a player who can help the Timberwolves this season. He scored efficiently, looked explosive covering ground, made plays defensively and competed hard – traits that bode well for his chances of delivering value as the 27th pick. – Woo

Cody Williams | SG/SF | Utah Jazz

Williams flashed skills that make him such an interesting long-term prospect in Utah’s one-point win against the Dallas Mavericks on Saturday. He looked more confident and assertive than at Colorado, knocking down a trio of 3-pointers and using his long stride to attack the paint and score in transition. Finding that level as a scorer more consistently is the next step in his progression. – Woo

Ryan Dunn | SF | Phoenix Suns

Dunn’s ability to create havoc on defense was on display in his first game against the Golden State Warriors on Saturday. Phoenix used the 6-foot-6 Dunn as a defensive guard, putting him on the perimeter in a 2-3 zone, pressuring ball handlers. Dunn had three steals and two blocks, including picking Warriors point guard Yuri Collins in the backcourt. – Pelton

Dalton Knecht | SG/SF | Los Angeles Lakers

After a slow start at the California Classic, where he shot 30% in three games, Knecht scored a game-high 25 points on 9-of-18 shooting in his Vegas debut Friday. In front of a crowd full of Lakers fans, Knecht knocked down five 3-pointers and showed vision off the dribble, handing out four assists. – Pelton

via ESPN