[PtR] 夏季联赛马刺战胜开拓者,我们能学到什么?

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-15 00:13:37


2024 NBA 夏季联赛 - 圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵波特兰开拓者队


拉斯维加斯夏季联赛 通常是星光熠熠的盛会,NBA 球星和名流云集。而圣安东尼奥马刺队在这场盛会中很少扮演主角。上个赛季,整个篮球界都想看看维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 在他的第一场“NBA 比赛”中的表现。本赛季,马刺队再次铺开红地毯,迎接一位传奇教练的到来,并将年轻球员介绍给他们的新老将。

继上周加州经典赛后,夏季联赛的马刺队在摆脱了一些“锈迹”后,看起来好多了。他们在以 83-77 的比分战胜了波特兰开拓者队。最大的新闻可能是场外发生的事情,格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)、克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul) 和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes) 坐在场边观赛。波波维奇此行是为了帮助美国篮球教练协会 (National Basketball Coaches Association) 向前马刺队助理教练汉克·伊根(Hank Egan) 颁发特克斯·温特(Tex Winter) 助理教练终身成就奖。伊根曾执教过波波维奇,并给了他在空军学院的第一份助理教练工作。

波波维奇罕见地接受了 ESPN 的马克·琼斯(Mark Jones) 和多丽丝·伯克(Doris Burke) 的直播采访。他谈到了马刺队的新老将,以及参加夏季联赛的年轻球员。他说保罗和巴恩斯能够帮助年轻球员学习 NBA 生活中必要的经验教训。他高度赞扬了西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko) 的潜力,并暗示斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 很可能会直接上场。


— 诺亚·马加罗-乔治 (@N_Magaro) 2024 年 7 月 14 日

他对夏季联赛球员的赞扬出现在他们大放异彩的夜晚。卡斯尔凭借在篮筐下强势的终结能力和挡拆时的耐心,再次看起来像是 2024 年 NBA 选秀大会 中表现更好的新秀之一。这位首轮秀全场得到全队最高的 22 分,外加 5 个篮板、4 次助攻和 1 次抢断。西索科在膝盖手术后仅仅七周就显得生龙活虎。在上半场比赛中,他在防守端无处不在,并且在快攻中表现出色。在这场胜利中,他得到 8 分、5 个篮板、3 次助攻和 2 次抢断。

四号秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔继续着令人印象深刻的表现,他在拉斯维加斯的首秀中表现出色,带领@spurs 走向胜利!

22 分 | 5 个篮板 | 4 次助攻 | 2 个三分球 pic.twitter.com/BgkndgWtGD

— NBA (@NBA) 2024 年 7 月 14 日

卡斯尔继续着他的出色表现,西索科也强势回归。其他夏季联赛马刺队球员也开始找到状态。与在萨克拉门托的惨败相比,球队已经有所进步。这对马刺队的教练组来说是一个令人鼓舞的信号,因为他们将在拉斯维加斯继续征战。他们的下一场比赛将在 7 月 14 日星期日对阵亚特兰大老鹰队 和状元秀扎卡里·里萨谢(Zaccharie Risacher)。


  • 夏季联赛教练肯尼·特雷沃(Kenny Trevino) 和马刺队教练组鼓励卡斯尔大胆出手。他在过去两场比赛中做出了回应,每场都出手 20 多次。卡斯尔在外线、中距离出手,并能攻击篮筐。这对卡斯尔来说是很好的锻炼机会,因为他还没有表现出持续投进这些球的能力。夏季联赛是试验和改进比赛中薄弱环节的时候。结果可能会令人兴奋。卡斯尔命中了一记后撤步接球就投的三分球,并在他的前队友多诺万·克林甘(Donovan Clingan) 的防守下命中了一记急停三分球,全场三分球 6 投 2 中。虽然还有很多糟糕的投篮,但看到卡斯尔作为一名射手的成长速度可能比马刺队前几年选中的其他一些年轻球员更快,这令人鼓舞。
  • 我们在这里有点老生常谈了,但卡斯尔在挡拆中的表现看起来很出色。他的比赛节奏令人印象深刻,不一定是那种花哨的或过度劲爆的,但他可以用他的控球能力、力量和速度变化让防守者措手不及。卡斯尔的传球能力很突出。他擅长将球传给内线的大个子和空切手。他可以用单手将球传给角落的射手。他的决策能力还有待提高,因为他现在倾向于强行出手。这在一定程度上可能与马刺队教练组的鼓励有关。波波维奇说他会在赛季初就让他上场,这并不难理解。
  • 西索科打出了他在夏季联赛中的最佳表现。波波维奇谈到他的身材和运动能力,再加上他的传球直觉,是“我梦寐以求的”。很明显,马刺队很看重他作为一名有潜力的球员。西索科在场上是一个“混乱制造者”,他到处跑动,用他精明的传球做出精彩的表演。当他在转换进攻中跑动时,通常会有好事发生。西索科很适合圣安东尼奥正在打造的这支球队。这支球队拥有多才多艺的球员,他们能防守、运球和传球。他们仍然需要投篮,这是西索科需要加强的地方。他还需要在半场进攻中找到自己的定位。抛开缺点不谈,像这样的夜晚会让你想起他的潜力。
  • 贾马里·布耶(Jamaree Bouyea) 看起来越来越像一名 NBA 轮换球员了。在周六的比赛中,他的防守非常出色。这位马刺队的双向球员在对阵开拓者的比赛中得到 11 分、6 次助攻、4 次抢断和 4 次盖帽。他非常努力,而且速度很快。他和卡斯尔之间有一种很好的默契,几乎可以模拟出保罗和卡斯尔的后场组合会是什么样子,因为他们都能控球,都能打无球,而且防守都很强硬。
  • 随着夏季联赛的进行,内森·门萨(Nathan Mensah) 的表现越来越好。在周六的比赛中,他得到 12 分和 10 个篮板,还有 2 次抢断。尽管身高只有 6 英尺 9 英寸,但在整场比赛中,门萨都在与体型更大的克林甘对抗,并赢得了这场对决。他作为一名篮筐保护者,有一种很好的直觉,这在今年的奥斯汀球队中值得探索。
  • 马刺队的二轮秀哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram) 在夏季联赛中的投篮表现出色。在周六的比赛中,他投进了两个三分球,最终得到 8 分、5 个篮板和 3 次抢断。英格拉姆看起来像是一个不错的二轮秀,他最终可能会在 NBA 获得上场时间。他有可能成为一名多才多艺的 3D 侧翼球员,并且能够持球进攻,这很吸引人。
点击查看原文:What we learned from the Summer Spurs win over the Trail Blazers

What we learned from the Summer Spurs win over the Trail Blazers

2024 NBA Summer League - San Antonio Spurs v Portland Trail Blazers

An eventful night for the Spurs finishes with a win in Vegas.

The Las Vegas Summer League is typically a star-studded affair filled with NBA royalty and celebrities attending the event. The San Antonio Spurs rarely have a major starring role in the affair. Last season, the entire basketball world wanted to see how Victor Wembanyama would play in his first “NBA game.” This season, the Spurs rolled out the red carpet once again to honor a historic coach and introduce the youngsters to their new veterans.

The Summer Spurs looked much better after shaking off some rust in the California Classic last week. They defeated the Portland Trail Blazers in an 83-77 win. The biggest story might have been what happened off the court, with Gregg Popovich, Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes sitting courtside. Popovich attended to help the National Basketball Coaches Association give former Spurs assistant coach, Hank Egan, the Tex Winter Assistant Coach Lifetime Impact Award. Egan coached Popovich and gave him his first assistant coaching job at Air Force.

Popovich did a rare broadcast interview with Mark Jones and Doris Burke of ESPN. He talked about the Spurs’ new veterans, and the young guys playing in the Summer League. He spoke about Paul and Barnes being able to help the young players learn necessary lessons in NBA life. He spoke highly of Sidy Cissoko’s potential and teased that Stephon Castle would likely play right away.

Coach Popovich on what he loves about Cissoko and Castle from earlier tonight: pic.twitter.com/AaSYVVltQH

— Noah Magaro-George (@N_Magaro) July 14, 2024

His praise for the Summer League players came on a night when they shined. Castle once again looked like one of the better rookies in the 2024 NBA Draft class with strong finishing at the rim and patience in the pick and roll. The first-round pick finished with a game-high 22 points and added in 5 rebounds, 4 assists and a steal. Cissoko looked spry just seven weeks after knee surgery. He was everywhere in the first half on the defensive end and ran the break well. He had 8 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals in the win.

No. 4 pick Stephon Castle continues to impress with a solid Vegas debut to lead the @spurs to victory!

22 PTS | 5 REB | 4 AST | 2 3PM pic.twitter.com/BgkndgWtGD

— NBA (@NBA) July 14, 2024

Castle continues to impress and Cissoko has come on strong. The rest of the Summer Spurs are starting to round into form as well. The team has improved from their blowout losses in Sacramento. That’s an encouraging sign for the Spurs coaching staff as they continue in Vegas. Their next contest with come against the Atlanta Hawks and number-one-pick, Zaccharie Risacher on Sunday, July 14th.


  • Summer League coach, Kenny Trevino and the Spurs coaching staff have encouraged Castle to fire away. He’s responded by getting up 20+ shots in the last two games. Castle is pulling up from deep, in the mid-range and getting to the basket. These are good reps for Castle to get right now because he hasn’t consistently shown the ability to knock down those shots, yet. Summer League is the time to experiment and work on weaker aspects of your game. The results can be exciting. Castle hit a backpedaling catch and shoot three-pointer and a pull-up 3 over the outstretched arms of his former teammate, Donovan Clingan, as he went 2-6 from deep. There are still plenty of bad misses, but it’s encouraging to see that Castle is likely a bit further along as a shooter than some of the other young players the Spurs have drafted in previous years.
  • We’re beating a dead horse here, but Castle has looked strong operating out of the pick-and-roll. He plays with an impressive pace that’s not necessarily shifty or overly explosive, but he can catch defenders off-guard with his ball-handling ability, strength and change of speed. Castle’s passing ability stands out. He’s adept at dump-offs to bigs and cutters in the paint. He made eye-popping, one-handed skip passes to shooters in the corners. His decision-making still has a ways to go, as he tends to force the issue right now. Some of that could be related to the encouragement of the Spurs staff. Popovich says he is going to play early on in the season, and it’s not hard to see why.
  • Cissoko had his best game of the Summer League. Popovich talked about his frame and athleticism combined with his passing instincts being “the dream in the back of my head.” It’s clear that the Spurs value him as a prospect. Cissoko is a chaos agent on the floor, running around everywhere and making flashy plays with his savvy passing. When he runs in transition, good things typically happen. Cissoko fits in with the team San Antonio is building. One with versatile athletes who defend, dribble and pass. They’ll still need shooting, and that’s an area of the game where Cissoko needs a lot of work. He still needs to find a role in the half-court offense. Weaknesses aside, nights like this remind you of his upside.
  • Jamaree Bouyea looks more and more like an NBA rotation player. He was excellent defensively in the win on Saturday. The Spurs two-way player had 11 points, 6 assists, 4 steals and 4 blocks against Portland. He works his tail off and is really quick. He and Castle have a nice synergy, that almost emulates what a CP3 & Castle backcourt could look like, as they both handle the ball, can play off-ball and play tough defense.
  • Nathan Mensah has only gotten better as the Summer League has gone along. He had 12 and 10 with 2 steals on Saturday. Despite being undersized at 6-9, Mensah competed against the bigger Clingan all night and won the matchup. He has nice instincts as a rim protector that could be worth exploring in Austin this year.
  • Spurs second-round pick, Harrison Ingram has shot the ball well in the Summer League. He hit a pair of threes on Saturday on his way to an 8-point, 5-rebound and 3-steal night. Ingram looks like a solid second-round pickup who could eventually play NBA minutes. His upside to be a versatile 3&D wing who can provide something off the dribble is enticing.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock