[PtR] 拉斯维加斯夏季联赛比赛讨论:马刺 vs 开拓者

By Mark Barrington | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-14 08:30:00


2024年加州经典赛 - 圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 中国队


欢迎来到比赛讨论专区。经常光顾这里的朋友们都知道我们的规矩,但对于所有新朋友来说,我们有一些规则。我们的 *社区准则 * 适用,基本上就是说要友善,不要进行人身攻击,不要恶意挑衅,也不要过度说脏话。

今年的拉斯维加斯夏季联赛已经进行到第二天了,但这才是圣安东尼奥马刺队的首场比赛。自上一场在加州经典赛上以 89-67 大胜中国国家队后,马刺队的阵容发生了一些变化。最重要的补充可能是易卜拉希马·迪亚洛 (Ibrahama Diallo),他是一位身高 7 英尺的中锋,他的到来能让马刺队在内线拥有足够的高度来对抗一些体型更大的夏季联赛球队。夏季联赛阵容中预计进入常规赛名单的球员和萨克拉门托站一样,分别是二年级侧翼球员西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)、首轮秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle),以及可能获得双向合同的哈里森·英格拉姆 (Harrison Ingram)。球队中的其他球员将努力争取在职业篮球队中赢得一席之地,但除非发生意外,否则他们不会留在马刺队。


开拓者队这边值得关注的球员将是多诺万·克林根(Donovan Clingan),他是卡斯尔在康涅狄格大学时的前队友,预计他很快就会成为一名统治级的 NBA 中锋。

让我们在这个不眠之城,花点时间观看这场非凡运动员的练习赛,享受比赛的乐趣,无论比分如何。今晚的比赛结束后,他们将在明天晚上 7:00 对阵亚特兰大老鹰队,这场比赛也将由 ESPN2 转播。





圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 波特兰开拓者(拉斯维加斯夏季联赛)

2024 年 7 月 13 日 | 美国中部时间晚上 8:00
流媒体直播: ESPN
电视转播: ESPN2

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点击查看原文:Las Vegas Summer League Game Thread: Spurs vs Trail Blazers

Las Vegas Summer League Game Thread: Spurs vs Trail Blazers

2024 California Classic - San Antonio Spurs v China

The Spurs move to Las Vegas for more Summer League action

Welcome to the Game Thread. Veterans of the Game Thread know how we do things around here, but for all you newbies we have a few rules. Our community guidelines apply and basically say be cool, no personal attacks, don’t troll and don’t swear too much.

It’s the second day of games in this year’s Las Vegas Summer League, but San Antonio’s first. The Spurs have a few changes in the roster since their last game in the California Classic, an 89-67 blowout of the China National Team. The most important addition is probably Ibrahama Diallo, a 7’ center that gives them enough height to match up better in the paint against some of the bigger Summer League teams. The only players on the Summer League squad that are expected to make the regular season roster are the same as in Sacramento, second-year wing Sidy Cissoko, first round pick Stephon Castle, and possible 2-way project Harrison Ingram. The rest of the players on the squad are going to be working hard to earn a spot somewhere on a professional basketball team, but it’s not going to be the Spurs unless something unexpected happens.

Tonight will be another chance to see how Castle’s game is progressing and to see if Ingram continues to adapt to the pro game and Spurs system. It would be nice for Sidy to show some ability to dominate at this level, but the Spurs brass has shown a lot of patience with him, and with him coming off of knee surgery, there’s really no feeling of urgency. Yet.

The player to watch on Portland is going to be Donovan Clingan, Castle’s former teammate at UCONN, who is expected to be a dominant NBA center sooner, rather than later.

Let’s spend part of our Saturday night watching some extraordinary athletes play a practice game in the city that never sleeps, and try to have some fun, no matter the score. After tonight, they play again tomorrow against the Atlanta Hawks, at 7:00 PM, which will also be on ESPN2.

Game Prediction:

Castle will announce that the ‘T’ is his name is no longer silent, which will result in some hilarious moments as announcers try to figure out how to pronounce his name.

One final word:

Go Spurs GOOOOOO!!

San Antonio Spurs vs Portland Trail Blazers (Las Vegas Summer League)

July 13, 2024 | 8:00 PM CT
Streaming: ESPN

Reminder: It is against site policy to post links to illegal streams in the comments, but it is not against site policy to exchange email addresses, for instance.

By Mark Barrington, via Pounding The Rock