[PtR] 我们从马刺夏季联赛战胜中国队的比赛中学到了什么

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-10 22:30:00


2024 年加州经典赛 - 圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵中国队


加州经典赛对圣安东尼奥马刺夏季联赛阵容并不友好。在前两场比赛中,马刺队被经验更加丰富的 NBA 阵容击败。在前往拉斯维加斯参加剩余夏季联赛的最后一场比赛中,圣安东尼奥队以 89-67 击败中国国家队,扭转了局面。

圣安东尼奥队在前两场比赛中投篮命中率均未超过 30%。虽然对阵中国队的比赛中进攻并非完美无缺,但肯定有所改善。马刺队投篮命中率为 43.2%,三分球命中率为 31.3%。在前两场比赛中,马刺队在处理球方面显得有些松散,而在这场比赛中,他们仅出现 7 次失误,全队送出 20 次助攻。他们在防守端也加强了强度,迫使中国队出现 17 次失误,并取得 12 次抢断和盖帽。

马刺队由他们的新秀二人组斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle) 和哈里森·英格拉姆 (Harrison Ingram) 领衔。卡斯尔在上半场占据主导地位,他在篮筐附近完成了多次强硬的进攻,并在挡拆中展现出了沉着冷静。他全场 21 投 8 中,得到 18 分、6 个篮板、5 次助攻和 3 次抢断。英格拉姆在周日的比赛中表现出色,在周二的比赛中再次贡献了两双数据。他在篮板上展现出了强大的统治力,并命中了三个三分球,最终得到 16 分和 10 个篮板。

中国国家队在加州经典赛的三场比赛中均遭遇惨败。他们的阵容中没有 NBA 球员(尽管杨瀚森是 2025 年 NBA 选秀 的热门人选)。在这支球队身上取得好成绩并不一定预示着长期的成功。但年轻的马刺队在这场比赛中表现出色,足以带着一些动力前往拉斯维加斯。7 月 13 日,他们将有机会在对阵 波特兰开拓者队 的比赛中展现自己的实力。


  • 卡斯尔在比赛一开始就展现出了强大的实力,他在挡拆中做出了一些漂亮的阅读,并在篮筐附近完成了多次强硬的进攻。他在有球和无球状态下都能够无缝衔接,根据马刺队在特定进攻回合的需求做出贡献。在康涅狄格大学,卡斯尔就展现出了强大的身体素质,这是他最大的优势之一。他可以顶着防守球员完成终结,或者隔着防守球员将球送进篮筐。在仅仅两场夏季联赛中,卡斯尔就展现出了坚实的基础。
  • 在他的第一场夏季联赛中命中了两个三分球之后,马刺球迷们开始怀疑卡斯尔的投篮是否比预期的要好。周二的比赛让他们回到了现实。他三分球 6 投 0 中,其中包括一些在无人防守的情况下出现的离谱失误。在成为一个稳定的三分球威胁之前,卡斯尔的投篮机制还需要一些改进。圣安东尼奥希望他在今年夏天保持侵略性,所以期待他继续在球场上的各个位置出手投篮。
  • 尽管卡斯尔的投篮状态不稳定,但他始终保持着侵略性和积极性。这是一个高尚品格的标志。在一个回合中,卡斯尔错失了一个空位三分球,他奋力拼抢自己的篮板球,但球弹到了中国队球员手中。他没有沮丧地慢慢跑回防守端,而是从后面追赶持球人,完成抢断,为圣安东尼奥队赢得了一次进攻机会。这样的表现展现了卡斯尔的竞争力和让他成为五号秀的动力。
  • 英格拉姆在夏季联赛中的表现令人眼前一亮。他是一个有趣且具有串联能力的球员,他可以接球就投三分,攻击对手的防守,并且在控球方面也有一定的能力。他不怕干脏活累活,在进攻篮板上表现得像一头野兽。他足够强壮,可以防守多个位置,在内线和外线都能有所贡献。在下赛季的马刺队轮换阵容中,很难为他找到一个合适的位置,但他是一个有趣的后备力量,他应该会在奥斯汀的 G 联赛球队中发展出一些真正的技能。
  • 贾马里·鲍耶 (Jamaree Bouyea) 在过去的两场比赛中也有一些亮点。他在对阵中国队的比赛中得到 14 分和 5 次助攻。他是场上速度最快的后卫之一,并且控球娴熟。他在转换进攻中的转身过人是我们迄今为止在夏季联赛中看到的最精彩的开放式进攻之一。他是进入拉斯维加斯后值得关注的球员之一。
  • 内森·门萨 (Nathan Mensah) 在经历了两场令人失望的比赛后,在本场比赛中挺身而出。他在攻防两端都有着出色的表现,保护着篮筐,并在篮板上努力拼抢。他最终得到 9 分、6 个篮板和 3 次盖帽。
点击查看原文:What we learned from the summer Spurs win over China

What we learned from the summer Spurs win over China

2024 California Classic - San Antonio Spurs v China

Rookies shine in blowout win against the Chinese National team.

The California Classic has not been kind to the San Antonio Spurs Summer League squad. In their first two games, the Spurs were blown out by more experienced NBA rosters. In their last game before heading to Las Vegas for the rest of Summer League, San Antonio flipped the script with a dominant 89-67 win against the Chinese National Team.

San Antonio failed to shoot over 30% from the field in its first two games. The offense wasn’t perfect against China, but it certainly improved. The Spurs shot 43.2% from the field and 31.3% from deep. After playing loose with the basketball in their first two games, the Spurs turned the ball over just 7 times while notching 20 assists as a team. They turned up the defensive intensity, forcing China to 17 turnovers and recording 12 stocks (steals + blocks).

The Spurs were led by their rookie duo of Stephon Castle and Harrison Ingram. Castle dominated the first half with physical finishes around the basket, and poise in the pick and roll. He finished with 18 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 3 steals on 8-21 shooting from the field. Ingram built on a nice game on Sunday with a double-double on Tuesday. He was physical on the glass and knocked down three triples on his way to a 16 point, 10 rebound performance.

The Chinese National team were blown out in all three of its California Classic games. They have no NBA players on the roster (although Yang Hansen is a 2025 NBA Draft prospect). Playing well against this team is not necessarily an indicator of long term success. But the young Spurs did enough in the game to head into Las Vegas with a bit of momentum. They have a chance to show what they’ve got against NBA talent when they face the Portland Trail Blazers on July 13.


  • Castle came out of the gates strong with some nice reads in the pick and roll and aggressive finishes at the rim. He seamlessly flowed on and off the ball to plug into whatever the Spurs needed on a given possession. At UCONN, Castle showed that his strength is one of his best assets. He can finish through defenders or put them through the basket. In just two Summer League games, Castle has shown a solid base to build upon.
  • After nailing two triples in his first Summer League game, Spurs fans wondered if Castle’s shot was better than expected. Tuesday’s game brought them back to reality. He was 0-6 from deep, including some ugly misses with no one guarding him. Castle’s mechanics still need some work before he’s a consistent three-point threat. San Antonio wants him to be aggressive this summer, so expect him to keep firing from all over the court.
  • Despite Castle’s inconsistent shooting night, he remained aggressive and engaged. That’s a sign of high character. On one play, Castle missed a wide open corner three, chased his own rebound, but the ball bounced to China. Instead of sulking and jogging back on defense, he swarmed the ball-handler from behind, secured the steal and gave San Antonio another possession. Plays like that show Castle’s competitiveness and motor that made him a top-5 pick.
  • Ingram has been a blast to watch in Summer League. He’s a fun connective player who can hit catch and shoot threes, attack a closeout and has some juice as a ball-handler. He’s not afraid to do the dirty work as he’s been a beast on the offensive glass. He’s strong enough to guard multiple positions, playing inside and out. It’s hard to find a place for him in the Spurs rotation next season, but he’s a fun depth piece who should develop some real skill in Austin with the G League team.
  • Jamaree Bouyea had his moments in the last two games. He tallied 14 points and 5 assists against China. He’s one of the quicker guards on the court and has a smooth handle. His spin move in transition was one of the best open court plays we’ve seen in Summer League. He’s someone to keep an eye on going into Las Vegas.
  • Nathan Mensah stepped up after two disappointing perfomrances. He had a nice game on both ends, defending the rim and working hard on the glass. He finished the game with 9 points, 6 rebounds and 3 blocks.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock