[PtR] 加州夏季联赛比赛讨论:马刺 vs 国王 1 队*

By Mark Barrington | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-08 09:30:00


2024 加州夏季联赛 - 夏洛特黄蜂 vs 圣安东尼奥马刺

马刺将迎战昨晚以 50 分优势击败中国的国王夏季联赛阵容。

欢迎来到比赛讨论区。老朋友们都知道这里的规矩,但对于所有新朋友,我们有一些规则。我们的*社区准则 * 适用,基本意思是保持冷静,不要进行人身攻击,不要恶意挑衅,也不要过多使用脏话。

首先,国王 1 队*不是一个错别字。国王队在加州夏季联赛派出了两支队伍,马刺今晚的对手是昨晚在萨克拉门托以 101-50 击败中国男篮的球队。国王 2 队今天也有比赛,在加州旧金山以 86-102 输给了迈阿密热火。一个小知识点,如果你查看 NBA 网站上的记分牌,SKO 指的是国王 1 队,而 SKT 指的是国王 2 队。据我所知,这两支国王夏季联赛球队将在 拉斯维加斯夏季联赛 中合并,这将使他们很有希望赢得梦寐以求的夏季联赛冠军奖杯。

马刺夏季联赛队刚刚以 32 分的劣势输给了夏洛特黄蜂队,后者拥有多名 NBA 比赛经验丰富的球员。马刺队昨晚唯一表现出色的是斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle),他在这场 30 分的失利中居然打出了正负值。卡斯尔和锡迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko) 预计都不会在夏季联赛背靠背的第二场比赛中出场,所以如果你只喜欢看马刺赢球的比赛,你可能想跳过这场。我们今晚主要看的是那些希望在…某个地方…找到工作的人,而不是马刺,因为预计他们在将新球员纳入阵容后将不会有任何空余名单位置。但我预计像小贾米尔·尼尔森(Jameer Nelson Jr.) 这样的球员会为了球探而努力比赛,让他们看到自己的比赛,并找到一份比两周夏季联赛更长期的工作。

如果你是一个篮球迷,那么今晚的比赛就是为你准备的。让我们一起观看一群人试图证明他们可以在高水平的职业篮球比赛中打球。我很期待看到德鲁·蒂米(Drew Timme) 的表现,他是国王 1 队的球员。


叶夫根尼·马萨尔斯基(Yauhen Massalski) 将打出他职业生涯中最好的一场比赛,几乎没有人会注意到。



圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 国王 1 队(加州夏季联赛)

2024 年 7 月 7 日 | 中部时间晚上 9:00
流媒体: ESPN
电视: ESPN2

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点击查看原文:California Classic Game Thread: Spurs vs Kings 1*

California Classic Game Thread: Spurs vs Kings 1*

2024 California Classic - Charlotte Hornets v San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs face the Kings Summer League squad that beat China by 50 last night

Welcome to the Game Thread. Veterans of the Game Thread know how we do things around here, but for all you newbies we have a few rules. Our community guidelines apply and basically say be cool, no personal attacks, don’t troll and don’t swear too much.

First of all, Kings 1* is not a typo. The Kings are fielding two teams for the California Classic Summer League, tonight’s opponent for the Spurs is the team that beat the Chinese National Team 101-50 last night in Sacramento. The Kings 2 team was also in action today, losing to the Miami Heat 102-86 in San Francisco, CA. A bit of trivia, if you’re looking at the scoreboard on the NBA website, SKO is Kings 1 and SKT is Kings 2. As far as I can tell, the two Kings summer league squads will be combined for Las Vegas Summer League, which should give them a good shot at winning that coveted Summer League Championship Trophy.

The Spurs Summer League is coming off a 32 point loss to the Charlotte Hornets, who had several players with extensive NBA playing experience. The only player with a good performance on the Spurs squad last night was Stephon Castle, who somehow managed a positive +/- in a 30 point loss. Neither Castle nor Sidy Cissoko are expected to play tonight on the second game of a summer back-to-back, so if you only like to watch games where the Spurs are winning, you might want to skip this one. We are going to be mostly watching guys who are looking to land jobs … somewhere … but not with the Spurs, who aren’t anticipated to have any open roster spots after they finish incorporating their new players into the squad. But I would expect guys like Jameer Nelson Jr. to play hard for the scouts at the arena to see his game and find him a longer term job that the two weeks of summer leagues.

If you’re a basketball junkie, tonight’s game is for you. Let’s watch a bunch of guys try to prove that they can play professional basketball at a high level. I’m looking forward to seeing Drew Timme, who is on the Kings 1 squad.

Game Prediction:

Yauhen Massalski will play his best game as a pro, and almost nobody will notice.

One final word:

Go Spurs GOOOOOO!!

San Antonio Spurs vs Kings 1 (California Classic)

July 7, 2024 | 9:00 PM CT
Streaming: ESPN

Reminder: It is against site policy to post links to illegal streams in the comments, but it is not against site policy to exchange email addresses, for instance.

By Mark Barrington, via Pounding The Rock