[PtR] 马刺在换来哈里森·巴恩斯后的阵容情况

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-08 03:12:46


2024 年 SoFi 附加赛 - 萨克拉门托国王队对阵新奥尔良鹈鹕队


在 2024 年休赛期开始之前,圣安东尼奥马刺队希望增加能够投篮、传球和防守的老将。在自由球员市场开放的第一天,他们以 1 年 1100 万美元的合同签下了克里斯·保罗 (Chris Paul)。上周末,马刺队进行了一笔交易,从萨克拉门托国王队获得了经验丰富的锋卫摇摆人哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes) 和一个 2031 年不受保护的首轮签互换权。仅用了两步,圣安东尼奥就解决了阵容中的漏洞,并为维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 和其他年轻核心球员配备了经验丰富的领袖。

为了使这些操作在财务上可行,还有很多工作要做。根据 Spotrac 的数据,考虑到克里斯·保罗和哈里森·巴恩斯 (1980 万美元) 的合同,马刺队的工资帽已经超过了 2650 万美元。据 The Spot Up Shot 的作者 保罗·加西亚 称,圣安东尼奥必须放弃塞迪·奥斯曼 (Cedi Osman) 和多米尼克·巴洛 (Dominick Barlow) 的受限制自由球员权利,以腾出 2110 万美元的薪资空间,从而吸收巴恩斯的薪水。然后他们将有 120 万美元的薪资空间来签下保罗,如果你像我一样不擅长数学,就会知道这比他同意的 1100 万美元合同少很多。

如果马刺队撤回对桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利 (Sandro Mamukelashvili) 和大卫·杜克 (David Duke Jr.) 的资质报价,同时放弃朱利安·尚帕尼 (Julian Champagnie) 和查尔斯·巴斯 (Charles Bassey) 的无保障合同,他们将腾出 1020 万美元的薪资空间来签下保罗。为了达到 1100 万美元,圣安东尼奥可能需要在不接收任何合同的情况下送走布雷克·韦斯利 (Blake Wesley) 或马拉奇·布拉汉姆 (Malaki Branham)。


如果马刺队为他们的两名新老将腾出薪资空间,他们仍然可以使用 790 万美元的中产特例来签下一名球员,即使超过工资帽。因此,圣安东尼奥可以放弃上赛季首发 59 场比赛并投出 36.5% 三分球命中率的尚帕尼,然后使用中产特例签回他。他们还可以利用老将底薪合同来填补阵容,即使超过工资帽。马刺队也将能够使用二轮秀特例与哈里森·英格拉姆 (Harrison Ingram) 签署一份合同。

如果马刺队清理了薪资空间并签下了保罗、巴恩斯和英格拉姆,他们的阵容中将有 13 名球员。NBA 球队名单最多可以容纳 15 名球员,外加三个双向合同名额(目前由贾马里·鲍伊 (Jamaree Bouyea) 和瑞权·格雷 (RaiQuan Gray) 占据)。考虑到中产特例和剩余的阵容名额,马刺队在今年夏天仍有操作空间。

他们仍然可以进行一笔重磅交易。由于巴恩斯的合同将被纳入马刺队的薪资空间,因此交易他没有任何限制。换句话说,如果圣安东尼奥仍然对 犹他爵士队 的前锋劳里·马尔卡宁 (Lauri Markkanen) 感兴趣,他们可以用巴恩斯的合同与爵士队进行交易,以匹配薪资。此处应有吃瓜表情。

如果马刺队总经理布赖恩·赖特 (Brian Wright) 无法与爵士队达成协议,巴恩斯将成为球队的关键补充。他和保罗可能会立即首发,与文班亚马、德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell) 和杰里米·索汉 (Jeremy Sochan) 一起组成首发阵容。特雷·琼斯 (Tre Jones) 可以轻松地进入替补席,与凯尔登·约翰逊 (Keldon Johnson) 和扎克·科林斯 (Zach Collins) 并肩作战。很难想象马刺队的首轮秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle) 不会在球队中扮演任何角色。在没有其他操作的情况下,圣安东尼奥已经形成了一个清晰(且有竞争力)的九人轮换阵容。替补阵容可能还需要一名体型更大、能够防守对方锋线的射手。使用中产特例回归的尚帕尼可以填补这个空缺,或者马刺队可以从外部自由球员市场上寻找另一名老将。

展望未来,马刺队的选秀资产在本赛季结束后变得更加丰富。赖特同时获得了可以提升马刺队目前胜率的两名老将,同时还获得了一个不受保护的首轮签和两个不受保护的首轮签互换权。他所放弃的只是德文特·格雷厄姆 (Devonte’ Graham)、今年的八号秀和一个 2025 年的次轮签。马刺队现在拥有未来 6 年的 13 个首轮签和 3 个首轮签互换权(包括 2031 年三支球队中的最佳签位)。


点击查看原文:Where the Spurs stand after the Harrison Barnes trade

Where the Spurs stand after the Harrison Barnes trade

2024 SoFi Play-In Tournament - Sacramento Kings v New Orleans Pelicans

San Antonio adds veteran talent, but has some cap navigation to do.

Coming into the 2024 offseason, the San Antonio Spurs were looking to add veteran talent that can shoot, pass and defend. On the first day of free agency, they signed Chris Paul to an $11 million, 1-year deal. Over the weekend, the Spurs made a trade to acquire a veteran swingman, Harrison Barnes, and a 2031 unprotected pick swap from the Sacramento Kings. In just two moves, San Antonio addressed holes in their roster and surrounded Victor Wembanyama and the rest of the young core with veteran leadership.

There is still plenty of work to be done to make these moves work financially. According to Spotrac, the Spurs are $26.5 million over the salary cap with the reported contracts of Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes ($19.8M). According to Paul Garcia, writer of The Spot Up Shot, San Antonio must renounce the cap holds of Cedi Osman and Dominick Barlow to open up $21.1 million in cap space, allowing them top absorb Barnes’ salary. They would then have $1.2 million in caps space to sign Paul, which in case you are bad at math like me, is not more than the $11 million contract he agreed to.

If the Spurs pull the qualifying offers from Sandro Mamukelashvili and David Duke Jr., while also waiving Julian Champagnie and Charles Bassey from their non-guaranteed contracts, they’ll open $10.2 million in cap space to sign Paul. In order to get to the $11 million number, San Antonio would likely need to move Blake Wesley or Malaki Branham without receiving any contracts in the potential deal.

Okay, that’s a lot to digest. To put it in simple terms, San Antonio needs to clear the books to make the Barnes and Paul deals work. Which means they’ll likely need to rescind offers to back of the rotation players and waive non-guaranteed deals. That doesn’t mean we won’t see Champagnie, Mamu and Bassey on the Spurs next season.

If the Spurs clear the cap space for their two new veterans, they’ll still have the $7.9 million mid-level exception they can use to sign a player while going over the salary cap. So San Antonio could waive Champagnie, who started 59 games and shot 36.5% from deep last season, and sign him using the mid-level exception. They can also use veteran minimum deals to fill out the roster while going over the cap. The Spurs will be able to use the second-round pick exception to sign Harrison Ingram to a deal as well.

If the Spurs clear cap space and sign Paul, Barnes and Ingram, they’ll have 13 players on the roster. An NBA roster can legally fit 15 players on the team, plus three two-way contract slots (currently filled by Jamaree Bouyea and RaiQuan Gray). With the mid-level exception and roster spots to fill, the Spurs still have moves to make this summer.

They can also still make a splashy trade. Because Barnes contract will be absorbed into the Spurs cap room, there are no restrictions on trading him. In other words, if San Antonio is still in on Utah Jazz forward, Lauri Markkanen, they can trade Barnes’ contract to the Jazz to match money. Insert eyeball emoji.

If Spurs general manager, Brian Wright isn’t able to work out a deal with the Jazz, Barnes will make for a key addition to the team. He and Paul will likely start right away, supplementing Wembanyama, Devin Vassell and Jeremy Sochan in the starting five. Tre Jones can comfortably move into a bench role where he will join Keldon Johnson and Zach Collins. It’s hard to imagine that the Spurs first-round pick, Stephon Castle, won’t play a role as well. With no additional moves, a clear (and competent) nine-man rotation has emerged for San Antonio. That bench unit could likely use another shooter with some size to guard bigger wings. Champagnie coming back on the mid-level could help fill that role, or the Spurs could look to external free agents to acquire another veteran.

Looking forward, the Spurs draft cache has only gotten larger this offseason. Wright simultaneously acquired two veterans who can boost the Spurs current chances at winning, while acquiring an unprotected first rounder and two unprotected pick swaps. All he had to give up was Devonte’ Graham, the eighth pick in the draft and a 2025 second round pick. The Spurs now have 13 first round picks and 3 pick swaps (including the best of three teams in 2031) in the next 6 drafts.

A lot has changed for San Antonio in the last few weeks. Still, there are more moves that can be made before the final roster takes shape. Bottom line, the Spurs got better this summer while maintaining the assets necessary to acquire top-level talent down the road.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock