[PtR] 马刺欢迎斯蒂芬·卡斯尔和哈里森·英格拉姆加入球队

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-06-30 06:43:12


2024 年 NBA 选秀 - 首轮


在纽约度过了忙碌的两天后,圣安东尼奥马刺队的被选中新秀们飞往南方参加了球队见面会。周六,马刺队举行了新闻发布会,向全世界介绍了他们 2024 届选秀中的两名成员。哈里森·英格拉姆(Harrison Ingram)和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 首次披上银黑战袍,并回答了媒体的一些问题。

未来一片光明 @StephonCastle | @Harrisoniingram pic.twitter.com/8p9HCidxU1

— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@spurs) 2024 年 6 月 29 日

马刺队的 36 号秀胡安·努涅斯(Juan Nunez)没有出席,因为他目前正在西班牙努力争取进入奥运会阵容。卡斯尔和英格拉姆由球队介绍出场,并与在马刺训练基地参加青少年训练营的孩子们共度了一段时光。

新秀在圣安东尼奥的第一天 :ballot_box_with_check: pic.twitter.com/XWtqsxFE9I

— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@spurs) 2024 年 6 月 29 日

还记得上赛季维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在新闻发布会后身穿球衣投了几球吗?他几乎每次投篮都投失了,这在互联网上引起了轩然大波。当然,人们不会对卡斯尔在新闻发布会后连续命中三分球反应过度,对吧?

斯蒂芬·卡斯尔轻松命中 3 球…… #nba #porvida #sanantonio pic.twitter.com/CkUAPE4MPO

— JeffGSpursKENS5 (@JeffGSpursZone) 2024 年 6 月 29 日

卡斯尔谈了很多关于他如何与文班亚马配合的话题。他提到,他与康涅狄格大学中锋多诺万·克林根(Donovan Clingan)并肩作战的经历,应该会让他更容易地适应与文班的配合。


“(维克多)是一个真正的空接目标。以前给 DC(克林根)传空接很有趣,所以我只能想象现在会是什么样子。” pic.twitter.com/vAWAl8mvk3

— 乔什·帕雷德斯(Josh Paredes) (@Josh810) 2024 年 6 月 29 日


“你们都看到了我身后有 DC(克林根)时有多棒。我现在只能想象身后有联盟最佳盖帽手是什么感觉。” ——斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 pic.twitter.com/CRK9oN5gsl

— 乔什·帕雷德斯 (@Josh810) 2024 年 6 月 29 日

英格拉姆也给当地媒体留下了良好的第一印象。这位达拉斯人听起来很高兴回到家乡德克萨斯州。他甚至还用西班牙语回答了一个问题。他告诉媒体,他在学校里学习了 12 年西班牙语。

哈里森·英格拉姆在今天的新闻发布会上说了几句西班牙语。 pic.twitter.com/yhoVb8tgvl

— 乔什·帕雷德斯 (@Josh810) 2024 年 6 月 29 日

英格拉姆在北卡罗来纳大学的三年级赛季三分球命中率为 38%。在为北卡效力之前,他并不以投篮著称。作为一名技术全面的球员,英格拉姆以能够防守多个位置以及在进攻端满足球队的任何需求而自豪。令人惊讶的是,他表示自己最擅长的技能是定点投篮,但这正是马刺队迫切需要的技能。



他还补充说,他的拿手好戏是接球就投三分。 pic.twitter.com/XuTTNqw1Q5

— 乔什·帕雷德斯 (@Josh810) 2024 年 6 月 29 日

在新闻发布会上,两位球员都对文班亚马赞不绝口。英格拉姆称他为“山羊的下一个化身(GOAT,Greatest Of All Time 的缩写,意为史上最佳)”。很明显,这位马刺队的内线球员已经在篮球界树立了自己的声誉。新秀们已经开始赞美二年级球员,这种情况并不常见。

用不了多久,马刺球迷就能看到卡斯尔和英格拉姆身披马刺球衣比赛了。这两名球员都将加入圣安东尼奥队在萨克拉门托的夏季联赛阵容。球队应该会在未来几天内公布名单。他们将在 7 月 6 日与夏洛特黄蜂队的比赛中拉开夏季联赛的序幕。

点击查看原文:Spurs welcome Stephon Castle and Harrison Ingram

Spurs welcome Stephon Castle and Harrison Ingram

2024 NBA Draft - Round One

The Spurs rookies get a warm welcome to San Antonio.

After an eventful two days in New York City, the San Antonio Spurs draftees took a flight south for an introduction. On Saturday, the Spurs held a press conference to show the world two members of their 2024 Draft class. Harrison Ingram and Stephon Castle donned the Silver and Black for the first time and answered some questions from the press.

Future is bright @StephonCastle | @Harrisoniingram pic.twitter.com/8p9HCidxU1

— San Antonio Spurs (@spurs) June 29, 2024

The Spurs 36th pick, Juan Nunez, was not in attendance as he is currently in Spain trying to make the Olympic roster. Castle and Ingram were introduced by the franchise and got to spend some time with a youth camp being held at the Spurs practice facility.

Rooks first day in SA :ballot_box_with_check: pic.twitter.com/XWtqsxFE9I

— San Antonio Spurs (@spurs) June 29, 2024

Remember last season when Victor Wembanyama took a few shots in uniform after his press conference? He missed pretty much every shot, and the internet went crazy. Surely people won’t overreact to Castle hitting three after three after his press conference, right?

Stephon Castle just nailing 3 shots… #nba #porvida #sanantonio pic.twitter.com/CkUAPE4MPO

— JeffGSpursKENS5 (@JeffGSpursZone) June 29, 2024

Castle talked a lot about how he fits with Wembanyama. He brought up that his experience playing with UCONN’s big man, Donovan Clingan, should make the transition to playing with Wemby a little easier.

Stephon Castle cracks a smile the second he hears the word “lob”.

“[Victor] is a real big target. It was fun throwing lobs to DC (Clingan), so I can only imagine what it’ll be like now.” pic.twitter.com/vAWAl8mvk3

— Josh Paredes (@Josh810) June 29, 2024

Castle and Wembanyama have the potential to be one of the best defensive duos in the league. Castle is a versatile and aggressive point of attack defender. Wembanyama’s ability as a rim protector is well documented. Ball-handlers will have to work to get around Castle, and then find a way to get a shot off against Wembanyama. Castle discussed the benefits of having an eraser like Wemby behind him.

“You saw how great it was when I had DC (Clingan) behind me. I can only imagine what it’ll be like to have the best shot-blocker in the league behind me now.” - Stephon Castle pic.twitter.com/CRK9oN5gsl

— Josh Paredes (@Josh810) June 29, 2024

Ingram also made a good first impression with the local media. He sounded excited to be back home in Texas, as a Dallas native. He even answered a question in Spanish. He told the press that he spent 12 years learning the language in school.

Harrison Ingram spoke some Spanish in today’s press conference. pic.twitter.com/yhoVb8tgvl

— Josh Paredes (@Josh810) June 29, 2024

Ingram shot 38% from deep in his Junior season at North Carolina. He wasn’t known as a shooter prior to his stint with the Tar Heels. As a versatile player, Ingram prides himself on being able to guard multiple positions and do whatever the team needs from him on the offensive end. It was surprising to hear him say the skill he’s most comfortable with is his spot-up shooting, but it’s a skill the Spurs desperately need.

Harrison Ingram on what he’ll bring to the Spurs:

“I like to do whatever it takes to win. Whatever Coach Pop asks of me, I’ll be ready to do.”

He also adds his bread and butter is the catch-and-shoot three. pic.twitter.com/XuTTNqw1Q5

— Josh Paredes (@Josh810) June 29, 2024

Both players had plenty of praise for Wembanyama in the press conference. Ingram called him “the next coming of the GOAT.” It’s clear that the Spurs big man has built up a reputation in the basketball world. It’s not often that rookies are already singing the praises of a second-year player.

It won’t be long until Spurs fans get to see Castle and Ingram play in a Spurs uniform. Both players will join San Antonio’s summer league squad in Sacramento. The team should announce the roster in the coming days. They’ll kick off their summer season with a game against the Charlotte Hornets on July 6th.



By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock