[PtR] 开放话题:蒂姆·邓肯罕见现身

By Jeph Duarte | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-06-28 19:00:00




周三晚上,NBA 世界齐聚一堂,欢迎 30 位首轮秀。来自纽约布鲁克林巴克莱中心的希望之星们聚集在绿屋,等待着 NBA 总裁亚当·萧华宣布 2024 年 NBA 选秀大会 的首轮人选。


随着夜幕降临,间隔时间里,专家们会讨论之前的选择、即将到来的球队的需求,有时还会与 NCAA 教练、球员家属和球员进行简短的交谈。



我想我们应该相信他们 pic.twitter.com/uAkgEdXaT5

— 马刺文化 (@SpursCulture) 2024年6月27日

在这里你可以看到圣安东尼奥马刺队主教练格雷格·波波维奇与马刺队管理层成员在一起,布莱恩·赖特(Brian Wright) 坐在波波维奇旁边。背对镜头的人是戈尔吉·吉昂(Gorgui Dieng),他已经从球员转型为篮球运营代表。

而躲在门框后面的那个穿着亮色短裤和 Questlove T 恤的人,正是蒂姆·邓肯(Timothy Theodore Duncan)。


你必须明白,蒂姆·邓肯虽然出现在了他熟悉的环境中,但他一直都很害羞,不喜欢抛头露面。他躲避着镜头和灯光,潜伏在健身房的角落里,偶尔出现分享他无限的智慧,然后又回到 黑杰克汽车改装店 的深处。

如果你访问这个 Reddit 帖子,你会看到大多数评论都来自那些了解这位马刺传奇人物不喜欢抛头露面的人。

马刺球迷不应该惊讶于 (a) 他在房间里,以及 (b) 他看起来并不想待在房间里。


点击查看原文:Open Thread: The elusive Tim Duncan spotted in his natural habitat.

Open Thread: The elusive Tim Duncan spotted in his natural habitat.

San Antonio Spurs v Charlotte Hornets

Image of Big Fun during the draft make for a humorous post

On Wednesday night, the NBA world gathered to welcome 30 first round picks. From the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, New York, hopefuls gathered in the green room as NBA Commissioner Adam Silver called the first round of the 2024 NBA Draft.

Each team is given five minutes to officially make their pick.

As the evening progressed, the time between was filled with pundits discussing the previous pick, the upcoming team’s needs, and sometimes talking briefly with NCAA coaches, families, and players.

One variation on the night showed cameras located where franchises and front offices were watching and working as well frothier respective hometowns.

A room full of basketball geniuses

I think we should trust them pic.twitter.com/uAkgEdXaT5

— Spurs Culture (@SpursCulture) June 27, 2024

Here you can see San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich with members of the Spurs front office (or PATFO), Brian Wright next to Pop. The man facing away from camera is Gorgui Dieng, who transitioned from player to basketball operations representative since retiring.

And hidden in the back by the door frame in those bright shorts and Questlove t-shirt is none other than Timothy Theodore Duncan.

During the Draft broadcast, they showed the members moving about in the conference room. When the spotlight landed on San Antonio for the fourth pick, the Victory Capital Performance Center office was revealed, Duncan could be seen walking away, so much so that my wife even commented “it looks like he’s avoiding the cameras.”

You must understand that Tim Duncan, although seen in his natural habitat, has proven to be shy and elusive. He avoids cameras and lights and lurks front he corners of a gym while emerging to share infinite wisdom before withdrawing to the recesses of Blackjack Speed Shop.

If you visit the Reddit post, you’ll see most comments are from those who know the Spurs legend’s propensity for avoiding the spotlight.

Spurs fans should not be surprised that (a) he was in the room and (b) that he looks like he doesn’t want to be in the room.

One thing is for sure — he is still part of the franchise that he led through five championships while never missing a postseason. And his opinion is paramount in a room full of basketball minds.

By Jeph Duarte, via Pounding The Rock