[PtR] 马刺队 2024 年选秀评分:用罗布·迪林厄姆交易来森林狼队的选秀权

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-06-27 09:58:43


2024 年 NBA 选秀 - 首轮


圣安东尼奥马刺队参加 2024 年 NBA 选秀,有机会获得两个前十顺位的选择权。此前有 传言 称他们可能会在选秀前交易掉第八顺位签。马刺队似乎已经选择了罗布·迪林厄姆(Rob Dillingham),为他们增添了一名爆发力强的进攻型后卫。就在选中迪林厄姆后不久,ESPN 的阿德里安·沃纳罗斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)报道称,该顺位签已被交易至 明尼苏达森林狼队

消息人士告诉 ESPN,森林狼队将送出 2031 年不受保护的首轮签和 2030 年受保护的首轮签互换权,从马刺队交易得到迪林厄姆。https://t.co/jTMUQlhsrh

— 阿德里安·沃纳罗斯基 (@wojespn) 2024 年 6 月 27 日

马刺队从森林狼队获得了 2031 年不受保护的首轮签和 2030 年受保护的首轮签互换权。这笔交易为马刺队今年夏天签下自由球员腾出了薪资空间。如果马刺队放弃所有非保障合同(德文特·格雷厄姆(Devonte’ Graham)、朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie) 和查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)),他们可以腾出 2600 万美元的薪资空间。这也为马刺队提供了两笔可以在未来交易中打包换取球星的资产。

迪林厄姆凭借其投篮能力和连续得分能力成为选秀专家们的心头好。他似乎可以为马刺队的后卫线提供一些急需的进攻火力。然而,人们对他的防守能力表示担忧,而且他在肯塔基大学也不是最好的组织者。选择斯蒂芬·卡索(Stephon Castle) 表明马刺队希望围绕维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 建立一支高大、全面的阵容。在这届充满问号的选秀大会上,马刺队决定进行交易,而不是进行第二轮首轮选择。

这笔交易为马刺队在未来七年的选秀中带来了 15 个首轮签。随着马刺队开始围绕文班亚马打造一支季后赛球队,他们将能够利用这些资产来选拔年轻球员,或者将它们打包在一起,交易来一位与他并肩作战的球星。篮球界刚刚见证了 纽约尼克斯队 为米卡尔·布里奇斯(Mikal Bridges) 放弃了五个首轮签。交易来一位球星的代价从未如此之高。马刺队正在储备弹药,让自己有能力支付这笔费用。

此举可能表明马刺队希望将重点从培养年轻球员转向引进经验丰富的球员。由于今年夏天拥有超过 2000 万美元的薪资空间,他们将成为自由球员市场上争夺一两名轮换球员的有力竞争者,或者在交易中承担薪水。这笔交易的赢家可能在未来一年左右才会明朗,届时我们将了解马刺队如何利用他们的薪资空间和选秀资产。

由于阵容名额有限,圣安东尼奥选择了灵活性,而不是培养另一名年轻球员。现在,所有人的目光都集中在布莱恩·赖特(Brian Wright)、格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)、R.C. 布福德(R.C. Buford) 和马刺队管理层的其他人身上,看他们如何利用这种灵活性来改善文班亚马身边的阵容。


点击查看原文:Spurs 2024 Draft grade: Trading Rob Dillingham to the Timberwolves

Spurs 2024 Draft grade: Trading Rob Dillingham to the Timberwolves

2024 NBA Draft - Round One

San Antonio acquired two first round picks for the eighth overall pick.

The San Antonio Spurs came into the 2024 NBA Draft with the opportunity to make two top-10 selections. There were rumblings that they could trade the eighth pick before the draft. It appeared that the Spurs had selected Rob Dillingham at eight, giving them an explosive offensive guard. Moments after the selection was made, ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski reported the pick had been traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves.

The Timberwolves are trading a 2031 unprotected first and a protected 2030 pick swap to the Spurs for Dillingham, source tells ESPN. https://t.co/jTMUQlhsrh

— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) June 27, 2024

San Antonio receives an unprotected 2031 first round pick and a protected 2030 pick swap from Minnesota. The trade opens up cap room for the Spurs to sign free agents this summer. If San Antonio waives all of their non-guarunteed contracts (Devonte’ Graham, Julian Champagnie and Charles Bassey) they could open up $26 million in cap room. It also gives the Spurs two more assets they can package in a trade for a star down the road.

Dillingham was a draft nerd favorite for his shooting ability and hot streak scoring. He seemingly would have given the Spurs some much needed offensive output at the guard position. However, there were real concerns about his defensive ability and he wasn’t the best playmaker at Kentucky. The Stephon Castle selection indicates the Spurs are looking to build a big, versatile roster next to Victor Wembanyama. In a draft filled with question marks, the Spurs decided to trade out, rather than make a second first round selection.

The trade gives the Spurs 15 future first round picks in the next seven drafts. As the Spurs begin to build a playoff team around Wembanyama, they’ll be able to use these assets to draft young talent, or package them together to trade for a star to play alongside him. The basketball world just saw the New York Knicks give up five first-round picks for Mikal Bridges. The price to trade for a star has never been higher. The Spurs are loading up on ammunition to put themselves in the position to pay that toll.

This move could be an indication that the Spurs are hoping to shift their focus from developing young players to acquiring veteran talent. With over $20 million in cap room this summer, they’ll be a contender to acquire a rotation piece or two in free agency or take on salary in a trade. The winner of this trade probably won’t be clear for another year or so, when we find out what the Spurs do with their cap space and draft assets.

With limited roster spots, San Antonio chose flexibility over developing another young player. Now all eyes are on Brian Wright, Gregg Popovich, R.C. Buford and the rest of the Spurs front office to utilize the flexibility to improve the roster around Wembanyama.

Trade Grade: B- (subject to change)

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock