[PtR] 马刺 2024 年选秀评级:用第四顺位选中斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle)

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-06-27 09:09:46


2024 年 NBA 选秀 - 首轮


在整个 2024 年 NBA 选秀 过程中,圣安东尼奥马刺队始终与一名球员联系在一起——斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle)。周三晚上,马刺队用第四顺位选中了这位来自 康涅狄格大学 的悍将,将传闻变成了现实。卡斯尔在大一赛季就随康涅狄格大学赢得了全国冠军。他是大东联盟年度最佳新人,并入选了 NCAA 全锦标赛阵容。他将为圣安东尼奥提供多位置的防守能力和高水平的防守。


斯蒂芬·卡斯尔,6 英尺 6 英寸的后卫/侧翼,康涅狄格大学

2023-2024 赛季数据:11.1 分、2.9 次助攻、4.7 个篮板、47.2% 的投篮命中率、26.7% 的三分球命中率、75.5% 的罚球命中率、50.7% 的有效投篮命中率

卡斯尔是一位身高 6 英尺 6 英寸的大个子后卫/侧翼混合球员。他是一位优秀的运动员,拥有防守多个位置的力量。他的防守和竞争力是他最大的优势。他整个赛季都在盯防对方的后卫,并且在换防到大个子球员时也能稳住阵脚。他在进攻端很有破坏力,可以轻松绕过掩护,并移动脚步挡在持球人面前。他的身高帮助他在外线干扰投篮并堵塞传球路线。

无论马刺队把他用作后卫还是侧翼,卡斯尔都将融入他们围绕维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 建立的防守型长人阵容。卡斯尔和杰里米·索汉 (Jeremy Sochan) 将组成强大的防守二人组来对付对方的持球人,而文班亚马则在他们身后保护篮筐。在卡斯尔、索汉、德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell) 和朱利安·尚帕尼 (Julian Champagnie) 之间,圣安东尼奥正在组建一支能够防守多个位置的多功能进攻球员队伍。

最近几周,有 13 位选秀专家参与了我们的播客,我们问了他们一系列“最佳”问题,以确定谁是 2024 届新秀中各个类别中最强的球员。



来自康涅狄格大学的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 pic.twitter.com/vk3SqjQHOK

— 主题:雷霆播客 (@OKCTopicThunder) 2024 年 6 月 26 日


在进攻端,卡斯尔在康涅狄格大学打满了所有位置。康涅狄格大学主教练丹·赫尔利 (Dan Hurley) 的进攻体系非常依赖球员的多功能性、掩护和球的转移。作为一名五星高中生,卡斯尔融入了这个体系,放弃了主要的控球职责。他作为一名无球空切手和掩护人蓬勃发展,使康涅狄格大学的进攻流畅起来。他将非常适合马刺队注重转移球的进攻体系。

卡斯尔和文班亚马应该会组成一对强大的二人组,在进攻端能够做很多事情。卡斯尔有耐心和力量在挡拆中找到自己的位置,并且在与多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan) 并肩作战一年后,他已经习惯了与巨人一起打球。在文班亚马持球、卡斯尔掩护的反向挡拆中,他将是文班亚马的绝佳搭档。无论是杀入篮下,还是在短距离突破后将球分给射手,卡斯尔都将在这种战术中 thrive。


圣安东尼奥对他来说是一个独特的地方,因为他可以在与文班的挡拆中获得很多这样的机会 pic.twitter.com/BAxvmq6zor

— 加布 (@Hoops_GE) 2024 年 6 月 25 日


对于这位第四顺位新秀来说,最大的疑问是他的投篮能力。他在大学里的三分球命中率只有 26.7%。他在罚球线附近的抛投和急停跳投表明他最终可能能够投篮。他的罚球命中率为 75.5%,这表明他的跳投并非完全没有希望。圣安东尼奥的投篮教练吉米·巴伦 (Jimmy Barron) 似乎已经帮助像索汉和特雷·琼斯 (Tre Jones) 这样的非射手球员提高了他们的投篮水平。随着马刺队寻求开发卡斯尔的跳投,他将与卡斯尔密切合作。

斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 - 明星投篮训练 #NBADraft pic.twitter.com/tmXcXihtHX

— 5k (@iLoveShawn5000) 2024 年 5 月 13 日

尽管缺乏投篮能力,但卡斯尔仍然非常适合马刺队。他能够防守,知道如何在注重转移球的进攻体系中打球,并且是一位久经考验的赢家。他与文班亚马在攻防两端都很有默契。这个选择表明,他们希望围绕着这位 7 英尺 4 英寸的“外星人”打造一支身材高大、防守强悍的球队。卡斯尔有潜力成为这种阵容中的长期首发球员。

点击查看原文:Spurs 2024 Draft grade: select Stephon Castle with the 4th pick

Spurs 2024 Draft grade: select Stephon Castle with the 4th pick

2024 NBA Draft - Round One

San Antonio selects a versatile defender who won a championship as a freshman.

Throughout the 2024 NBA Draft process, the San Antonio Spurs were tied to one player time and time again – Stephon Castle. On Wednesday night, the Spurs made those rumors reality by selecting the UCONN Husky with the fourth overall pick. Castle won a national championship with UCONN in his freshman season. He was the Big East Freshman of the Year and made the NCAA All-Tournament team. He’ll provide San Antonio with versatility to play multiple positions and defend at a high level.

Draft Grade: A

Stephon Castle, 6-foot-6 guard/wing, UCONN

2023-2024 stats: 11.1 points, 2.9 assists, 4.7 rebounds, 47.2% FG, 26.7% 3PT, 75.5% FT, 50.7% EFG

Castle is a big guard/wing hybrid at 6-foot-6. He’s a good athlete with the strength to guard multiple positions. His defense and competitiveness are his biggest strengths. He hounded opposing guards all season and was able to hold his own when he switched onto bigger players. He’s disruptive at the point of attack, easily navigating screens and moving his feet to stay in front of ball-handlers. His length helps him contest shots on the perimeter and clog up passing lanes.

Whether or not the Spurs use him as a guard or wing, Castle will fit into the long, defensive team they are building around Victor Wembanyama. Castle and Jeremy Sochan will give them a formidable defensive duo to put on opposing ball-handlers, with Wembanyama protecting the rim behind them. Between Castle, Sochan, Devin Vassell and Julian Champagnie, San Antonio is assembling versatile offensive players who can guard multiple positions.

13 draft experts came on the pod in recent weeks, and we asked them a series of “best of’s” to determine who was the best in each category of the 2024 draft class

Topic: Thunder Superlatives

Best perimeter defense goes to:

Stephon Castle of UCONNpic.twitter.com/vk3SqjQHOK

— Topic: Thunder Podcast (@OKCTopicThunder) June 26, 2024

On top of his defensive ability, Castle will bring a great motor and winning mentality to the roster. Wembanyama has proven to be a fiery competitor who wants to win above all else, Castle has a similar reputation. As the Spurs look to get back into the playoffs, they need culture boosters like Castle.

Offensively Castle played all over the floor for the Huskies. UCONN head coach, Dan Hurley’s offense is heavily reliant on player versatility, screening and ball movement. As a 5-star recruit, Castle bought into the system, giving up primary ball-handling duties. He thrived as an off-ball cutter and screener who made the Husky offense sing. He’ll fit right in with the Spurs ball-movement heavy offense.

Castle and Wembanyama should create a formidable duo that can do a lot of things offensively. Castle has the patience and strength to get to his spots in the pick and roll, and is used to playing with a behemoth after spending a year with Donovan Clingan. He will be an awesome partner with Wembanyama in the inverted pick and roll, with Wembanyama handling the ball and Castle screening. Whether he gets all the way to the rack, or sprays it out to shooters in the short roll, Castle will thrive in that action.

Stephon Castle as a screener tho>>

SA is a unique spot for him because he could get a lot of these looks on inverted PnRs with Wemby pic.twitter.com/BAxvmq6zor

— Gabe (@Hoops_GE) June 25, 2024

It will take some time for Castle to develop into a leading primary ball-handler. He showed a lot of promise as a point guard at the high school level, but didn’t have as many reps leading the squad at UCONN. He has solid instincts as a passer, especially when the defense collapses around the rim. He hit Clingan for dump off passes often, and that should translate to playing alongside Wembanyama.

The biggest question mark for the fourth overall pick is his shooting ability. He hit just 26.7% of his threes in college. His touch on floaters and pull-ups in the paint indicate that he may be able to shoot the ball eventually. He shot 75.5% at the free throw line, an indicator that his jump shot isn’t completely broken. San Antonio’s shooting coach, Jimmy Barron, has seemingly helped non-shooters like Sochan and Tre Jones improve their shooting. He will be working closely with Castle as the Spurs look to unlock his jumper.

Stephon Castle - Star Shooting Drill #NBADraft pic.twitter.com/tmXcXihtHX

— 5k (@iLoveShawn5000) May 13, 2024

Castle is a seamless fit with the Spurs despite his lack of shooting. He can defend, knows how to play in a movement heavy offense and is a proven winner. He has good synergy with Wembanyama on both ends. The pick indicates that they are looking to build a long, defensively robust team around their 7-foot-4 alien. Castle has the potential to become a long-term starter on that kind of roster.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock