[PtR] 2024 SB Nation 模拟选秀:马刺队用第 8 号签选中蒂佳内·萨拉恩

By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-06-24 22:59:00


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今年马刺队在 SB Nation 2024 模拟选秀中拥有两个乐透签。第 4 号签 被用来选中斯蒂芬·卡斯尔。而使用第 8 号签,我们采取了一种更冒险的方式。由于马塔斯·布泽利斯和科迪·威廉姆斯在第八顺位第二次选择时已经被选中,所以“猛击岩石”选择了蒂佳内·萨拉恩,原因如下:


萨拉恩可能是一个潜力股,但他太吸引人了,无法放弃。很少有 18 岁的球员拥有他的身体素质——身高 6 尺 10 英寸,臂展 7 尺 1 英寸,运动能力高于平均水平——同时还有可行的外线进攻和最终成为防守大闸的工具。在一个更强大的选秀阵容中,仅凭潜力不足以让他获得前 10 的顺位,但今年没有稳妥的选择,马刺队拥有两个签位,可以承受这种冒险。

萨拉恩的潜力风险很大。他非常粗糙,几乎没有数据来支撑他能在 NBA 达到任何水平的论点。在法国联赛,他平均每场不到 23 分钟,得到 9 分和 4 个篮板,失误数多于助攻数,三分球命中率只有 33%,整个赛季只封盖了 8 次。他利用自己的身高和快速的爆发力很好地完成了传球线路的防守,平均每场超过 1 次抢断,但他不是一名优秀的防守球员。在进攻端,他只是一名角色球员。他有过几场比赛表现出色,但也有一些比赛表现迷茫。

然而,他的潜力非常诱人。如果他的投篮是真的,那么他将拥有一个可以依赖的技能,让他尽快获得一些上场时间,同时学习基本功。他甚至可以成为一名可行的小球中锋,因为他很年轻,可以增加肌肉。这需要一段时间才能实现,假设它真的会发生,但完全成熟的萨拉恩将是一名非常有用的球员,并且有可能成为维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 旁边的首发。

要查看完整的 SB Nation 模拟选秀,请查看 母页面 的明天。

点击查看原文:2024 SB Nation Mock Draft: Spurs pick Tidjane Salaun with the 8th pick

2024 SB Nation Mock Draft: Spurs pick Tidjane Salaun with the 8th pick

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Salaun is a project who may not pan out, but his upside is too intriguing to pass up.

This year the Spurs have two lottery picks to use in the SB Nation 2024 mock draft. The No. 4 pick was used to select Stephon Castle. With the eighth pick, we took a riskier approach. Since Matas Buzelis and Cody Williams were off the board by the second selection at eighth, Pounding the Rock took Tidjane Salaun for these reasons:

At this stage, Salaun seems too raw to contribute much as a rookie but his youth, size, motor and budding skillset make him a worthwhile project. If he reaches his ceiling, Salaun could be a do-it-all forward who offers shooting, passing and defense while also being able to play center for stretches on small lineups. The Spurs would need to be patient with him, but they could mold him into a uniquely valuable player.

Salaun might be a project, but he’s too intriguing to pass up. There are not a lot of 18-year-old forwards with his physical profile — 6’10 with a 7’1 wingspan and above-average athleticism — with a viable perimeter game and the tools to eventually become a defensive presence. In a more stacked draft class, upside alone wouldn’t warrant a top-10 selection, but there are no sure things this year and the Spurs, which have two picks, can afford to take a big swing.

There’s serious bust potential with Salaun. He’s as raw as they come and there’s little production to back up claims that he can do anything at an NBA level. In just under 23 minutes per game, he averaged nine points and four rebounds, had more turnovers than assists, only hit 33 percent of his threes and blocked only eight shots in an entire season in the French league. He used his length and quick burst to play the passing lanes well, averaging over a steal a game, but he wasn’t a good defender. On offense, he was a roleplayer. He had a few games in which he looked fantastic and others in which he looked lost.

The upside is tantalizing, though. If the shot is real, he’ll have a skill he can rely on sooner rather than later to get some minutes as he learns the fundamentals. He could even become a viable small-ball center since he’s so young and could add more muscle. It would take a while to get there, assuming it happens at all, but the fully realized version of Salaun would be an incredibly useful player and potentially a starter next to Victor Wembanyama.

To see the complete SB Nation Mock Draft, check out the mother page tomorrow.

By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock