[SAEN] 2024 年 NBA 模拟选秀:马刺队再获法国球星,与文班组成双核

By Nick Moyle, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-06-22 13:45:46


扎卡里·里萨谢尔 (Zaccharie Risacher) 可能在第 4 号签被马刺队选中,他将为圣安东尼奥带来一名技术娴熟的锋线防守球员,以及一名强大的接球投篮威胁。

随着 NBA 选秀大会的第一轮将于周三晚上 6:30 开始,现在是时候进行最后一次模拟选秀了。马刺队拥有第 4 号签和第 8 号签,他们将在周三的首轮选秀中成为联盟中最引人注目的球队之一,因为他们希望围绕新秀球星维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 挑选两名理想的补充球员。以下是前 30 位选秀预测。

1. 亚特兰大老鹰队:多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan),康涅狄格大学,中锋,7 尺 2 英寸,20 岁

据多份报道,亚特兰大老鹰队仍在考虑交易第 1 号签。如果老鹰队保留这个签位,据说他们正在考虑用它来选中亚历克斯·萨尔 (Alex Sarr)、扎卡里·里萨谢尔 (Zaccharie Risacher) 或多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan)。

由于据报道萨尔对在亚特兰大打球有一些抵触,老鹰队可以选择用这个签位来选中这位康涅狄格大学的大个子,他在 2024 年全国冠军争夺战中证明了自己的统治力。虽然克林根不是一名射手,但他会在攻防两端都为亚特兰大提供强大的内线力量。这位身高 7 尺 2 英寸,体重 280 磅的传统中锋在上个赛季场均得到 13 分(投篮命中率 63.9%)、7.4 个篮板和 2.5 次盖帽。

2. 华盛顿奇才队:亚历克斯·萨尔 (Alex Sarr),珀斯野猫队(澳大利亚),中锋,7 尺 1 英寸,19 岁

人们对萨尔的进攻潜力有很多疑问,但他拥有全明星防守天赋,而且直到明年 4 月才满 20 岁。

这位身高 7 尺 1 英寸的法国球员不是文班亚马,但他是一名充满弹性和移动能力的封盖机器。这位 19 岁的球员在为法国队参加世界大赛时表现出色,并且在上个赛季效力于澳大利亚顶级职业联赛时,场均得到 9.4 分、4.3 个篮板和 1.9 次盖帽,出场时间为 17 分钟。

3. 休斯敦火箭队(通过布鲁克林篮网队):里德·谢泼德 (Reed Sheppard),肯塔基大学,控球后卫/得分后卫,6 尺 3 英寸,20 岁

与克林根一样,谢泼德也是选秀大会前最大的上升球员之一。这位前野猫球员场均得到 12.5 分(投篮命中率 53.6%)、4.5 次助攻、4.1 个篮板、2.5 次抢断和 2.3 个三分球,是肯塔基队的第六人。他三分球命中率高达 52.1%,在 33 场比赛中投进了 144 球中的 75 球。他也是一名狂热、本能的防守球员,这是休斯敦需要的。

一个紧迫的问题是,谢泼德能否在 NBA 领导球队,不过休斯敦不需要立即让他承担这个角色,因为老牌控球后卫弗雷德·范弗利特 (Fred VanVleet) 将在 2025-26 赛季前一直效力于球队。

4. 圣安东尼奥马刺队:扎卡里·里萨谢尔 (Zaccharie Risacher),JL 布尔格队(法国),小前锋,6 尺 8 英寸,19 岁

如果亚特兰大老鹰队选择大个子球员而不是里萨谢尔,这位法国锋线球员可能会在第 4 号签被马刺队选中。他作为一名锋线防守球员的技术和致命的接球投篮威胁将帮助解决一些需求,并且仍然有机会在第 8 号签选择一名后卫。

里萨谢尔在 2023-24 赛季的欧洲杯比赛中场均得到 13.1 分(投篮命中率 56.6%)和 1.9 个三分球(投篮命中率 56.1%),并且直到明年 4 月才满 20 岁。

5. 底特律活塞队:马塔斯·布泽利斯 (Matas Buzelis),发展联盟 Ignite 队,前锋,6 尺 10 英寸,19 岁

底特律需要一名四号位球员来补充中锋贾伦·杜伦 (Jalen Duren),杜伦在他的第二个赛季场均得到 13.8 分、11.6 个篮板和 2.4 次助攻。布泽利斯似乎是这里最完美的球员,他是一名多才多艺、能够拉开空间的大个子,可以利用错位优势。

这位芝加哥人效力于 Ignite 队,场均得到 11.8 分、5.0 个篮板、1.3 次盖帽和 1.1 次抢断。尽管布泽利斯的三分球命中率只有 6 投 27 中,但他在他最后的两个高中赛季中,三分球命中率都超过 42%。底特律希望这只是一个意外,并选择这位拥有巨大潜力的年轻人。

6. 夏洛特黄蜂队:斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle),康涅狄格大学,后卫,6 尺 6 英寸,19 岁

卡斯尔可以与拉梅洛·鲍尔 (LaMelo Ball) 在夏洛特的后场组成强大的双人组。他是一名强壮的防守球员,并且展示了强劲的组织能力,尽管他上个赛季的三分球命中率只有 26.7%,罚球命中率只有 75.5%。

除了投篮问题外,卡斯尔在大学篮球的最高舞台上表现出色。他在两场四强赛中场均得到 18 分(投篮命中率 50%)、5 个篮板、2.5 次助攻和 1 次抢断。

7. 俄勒冈开拓者队:科迪·威廉姆斯 (Cody Williams),科罗拉多大学,前锋,6 尺 8 英寸,19 岁

威廉姆斯被认为是前十名的球员,但他并没有在科罗拉多大学达到预期。这位身高 6 尺 8 英寸的前锋场均得到 11.9 分(投篮命中率 55.2%)、3.0 个篮板、1.6 次助攻、0.7 个三分球(投篮命中率 41.5%)和 0.7 次盖帽,出场时间为 28.4 分钟。


8. 圣安东尼奥马刺队(通过多伦多猛龙队):德文·卡特 (Devin Carter),普罗维登斯大学,后卫,6 尺 3 英寸,22 岁

如果马刺队在第 4 号签选中了里萨谢尔,他们几乎肯定会用他们的第二个乐透签选择一名具有控球后卫潜力的球员。他们的选择可能会落在卡特、塞尔维亚职业球员尼古拉·托皮奇 (Nikola Topic) 或肯塔基大学的罗布·迪林汉姆 (Rob Dillingham) 之间。托皮奇最近被诊断出部分前交叉韧带撕裂,这可能会让卡特在 2024 年大东区年度最佳球员在与多支球队的训练中表现出色后占据优势。这位 22 岁的球员上个赛季场均得到 19.7 分、8.7 个篮板、3.6 次助攻、1.8 次抢断和 1 次盖帽。他还在每场比赛中投进了 2.5 个三分球,投篮命中率为 37.7%。## 9. 孟菲斯灰熊队:达尔顿·克奈克特 (Dalton Knecht),田纳西大学,得分后卫/小前锋,6 尺 6 英寸,23 岁

达尔顿·克奈克特是一位大器晚成的球员,他在田纳西大学的唯一一个赛季中成长为一名潜在的前十名球员。这位来自北科罗拉多大学的转学生在 SEC 联赛中成为了明星,场均得到 21.7 分、4.9 个篮板和 2.6 个三分球,带领志愿者队自 2010 年以来首次进入精英八强。

克奈克特是一位真正的三级得分手,他会要求得到关注,并为全明星后卫贾莫兰特 (Ja Morant) 创造更多空间。他的横向移动防守能力不足,无法跟上更快的锋线球员,但他的防守意愿是存在的。

10. 犹他爵士队:罗布·迪林汉姆 (Rob Dillingham),肯塔基大学,控球后卫,6 尺 2 英寸,19 岁

这位身高 6 尺 2 英寸的后卫像奥运短跑运动员一样飞奔,这与他在篮筐附近柔和的触球形成了鲜明的对比。这位 2024 年 SEC 第六人奖得主场均得到 15.2 分、3.9 次助攻和 2.0 个三分球,投篮命中率为 44.4%,出场时间仅为 23.3 分钟。

迪林汉姆是一名天赋异禀的得分手,但他在防守方面存在一些令人担忧的缺点。这位身高 6 尺 2 英寸,体重 170 磅的后卫在面对体型更大、更强壮的对手时往往会吃亏,但他的动态发挥和强劲的投篮命中率仍然使他成为一个有吸引力的选择。

11. 芝加哥公牛队:尼古拉·托皮奇 (Nikola Topic),贝尔格莱德红星队(塞尔维亚),后卫,6 尺 6 英寸,18 岁

托皮奇可能需要休战一个新秀赛季,因为他需要进行手术来修复部分撕裂的前交叉韧带。这对芝加哥来说可能无关紧要,因为他们在重建过程中,据报道已经将全明星后卫扎克·拉文 (Zach LaVine) 作为交易筹码。

在受伤之前,托皮奇被认为是潜在的前三名球员,他在塞尔维亚顶级职业联赛中表现出色。这位 2024 年亚得里亚海联盟最佳新秀需要提高他的投篮技术,但这位身材高大的后卫的创造性终结和高超的组织能力可能会让这里的人们难以拒绝。

12. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队(通过休斯敦火箭队):蒂贾内·萨隆 (Tidjane Salaun),肖莱队(法国),前锋,6 尺 9 英寸,18 岁

萨隆是一名身高 6 尺 9 英寸的前锋,臂展为 7 尺 1 英寸,他拥有积极的手部动作和强大的突破本能。他最近被评为 FIBA 冠军联赛最佳年轻球员,他在法国顶级职业联赛中场均得到 9.0 分、4.0 个篮板、1.4 个三分球和 1.2 次抢断,当时只有 18 岁。

俄克拉荷马城雷霆队最近将后卫乔什·吉迪 (Josh Giddey) 换成了全明星防守球员亚历克斯·卡鲁索 (Alex Caruso)。雷霆队可能会选择通过将像萨隆这样拥有巨大潜力的新秀加入他们的年轻核心阵容来加强防守。

13. 萨克拉门托国王队:朗·霍兰二世 (Ron Holland II),发展联盟 Ignite 队,前锋,6 尺 7 英寸,18 岁

邓肯维尔高中球星朗·霍兰最初承诺加盟德克萨斯大学,但他最终签署了发展联盟 Ignite 队。他是一名超凡的运动员,爆发力十足的终结者,以及一名顽强的单防球员,场均得到 18.5 分、6.7 个篮板、2.1 次抢断和 1.1 次盖帽。

霍兰僵硬的跳投是他进入选秀大会前最大的问题。他在 15 场比赛中,三分球 11 投 46 中(命中率 23.9%),罚球 30 投 44 中(命中率 68.2%)。

14. 俄勒冈开拓者队(通过金州勇士队):贾科比·沃尔特 (Ja’Kobe Walter),贝勒大学,后卫,6 尺 5 英寸,19 岁

沃尔特,曾经是五星级新秀,在上个赛季场均得到 14.5 分、4.4 个篮板、2.1 个三分球和 1.1 次抢断。

他是一名柔顺的射手,也是一名强硬的终结者,可以作为二号组织者。沃尔特在关键时刻也往往能够挺身而出,在 NCAA 锦标赛中场均得到 19.5 分、5.0 个篮板和 3.0 个三分球。

15. 迈阿密热火队:卡尔顿 “巴伯” 卡林顿 (Carlton “Bub” Carrington),匹兹堡大学,后卫,6 尺 5 英寸,18 岁

16. 费城76人队:贾里德·麦凯恩 (Jared McCain),杜克大学,控球后卫,6 尺 3 英寸,20 岁

17. 洛杉矶湖人队:特里斯坦·达席尔瓦 (Tristan da Silva),科罗拉多大学,大前锋,6 尺 9 英寸,23 岁

18. 奥兰多魔术队:约翰尼·弗菲 (Johnny Furphy),堪萨斯大学,后卫,6 尺 8 英寸,19 岁

19. 多伦多猛龙队(通过印第安纳步行者队):伊夫斯·米西 (Yves Missi),贝勒大学,中锋,7 尺 0 英寸,19 岁

20. 克利夫兰骑士队:凯肖恩·乔治 (Kyshawn George),迈阿密大学,前锋,6 尺 7 英寸,20 岁

21. 新奥尔良鹈鹕队(通过密尔沃基雄鹿队):凯尔·菲利波斯基 (Kyle Filipowski),杜克大学,中锋,7 尺 0 英寸,20 岁

22. 菲尼克斯太阳队:达伦·霍姆斯二世 (Daron Holmes II),代顿大学,中锋,6 尺 10 英寸,21 岁

23. 密尔沃基雄鹿队(通过新奥尔良鹈鹕队):凯尔·韦尔 (Kel’el Ware),印第安纳大学,中锋,7 尺 0 英寸,20 岁

24. 纽约尼克斯队(通过达拉斯独行侠队):泰勒·史密斯 (Tyler Smith),发展联盟 Ignite 队,大前锋,6 尺 11 英寸,19 岁

25. 纽约尼克斯队:瑞恩·邓恩 (Ryan Dunn),弗吉尼亚大学,前锋,6 尺 8 英寸,21 岁

26. 华盛顿奇才队(通过洛杉矶快船队):以赛亚·科利尔 (Isaiah Collier),南加州大学,控球后卫,6 尺 4 英寸,19 岁

27. 明尼苏达森林狼队:杰伦·泰森 (Jaylon Tyson),加州大学伯克利分校,前锋,6 尺 7 英寸,21 岁

28. 丹佛掘金队:扎克·埃迪 (Zach Edey),普渡大学,中锋,7 尺 3 英寸,22 岁

29. 犹他爵士队(通过俄克拉荷马城雷霆队):凯文·麦库勒二世 (Kevin McCullar Jr.),堪萨斯大学,得分后卫/小前锋,6 尺 6 英寸,23 岁

30. 波士顿凯尔特人队:泰勒·科莱克 (Tyler Kolek),马奎特大学,控球后卫,6 尺 1 英寸,23 岁

德文·卡特 (Devin Carter) 上个赛季在普罗维登斯大学场均得到 19.7 分,并且获得了大东区年度最佳球员。

普罗维登斯大学后卫德文·卡特 (Devin Carter) 在 2024 年 3 月 14 日星期四,在纽约举行的大学篮球大东区锦标赛四分之一决赛中,对阵克莱姆森大学比赛的下半场突破得分。

克莱姆森大学后卫贝勒·谢尔曼 (Baylor Scheierman) 在 3 月 14 日在纽约举行的比赛中防守普罗维登斯大学后卫德文·卡特 (Devin Carter)。

塞尔维亚后卫尼古拉·托皮奇 (Nikola Topic) 的选秀顺位无疑因为需要手术修复部分撕裂的前交叉韧带的消息而下降了。

肯塔基大学的罗布·迪林汉姆 (Rob Dillingham) 在防守方面有一些缺点,但他速度很快,并且在篮筐附近触球柔和。

从左到右,前发展联盟 Ignite 球员马塔斯·布泽利斯 (Matas Buzelis)、朗·霍兰 (Ron Holland) 以及珀斯野猫队的亚历克斯·萨尔 (Alex Sarr) 都有可能在这个选秀大会上被选中。

中锋多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan) 是一名出色的内线防守球员,正是亚特兰大急需的球员。

多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan) 证明了自己是一位双料冠军得主,他帮助康涅狄格大学连续两年获得了冠军。

斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle) 在投篮方面存在问题,但他展现了强大的组织能力。

斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle) 在投篮方面存在问题,但他展现了强大的组织能力。

邓肯维尔高中的朗·霍兰 (Ron Holland),左,最初承诺加盟德克萨斯大学,他是一名爆发力十足的终结者,也是一名顽强的单防球员。

点击查看原文:2024 NBA mock draft: Spurs land another French star to pair with Wemby

2024 NBA mock draft: Spurs land another French star to pair with Wemby

Zaccharie Risacher could fall into the Spurs’ laps at No. 4, giving San Antonio a skilled perimeter defender and a a strong catch-and-shoot threat.

With the first night of the NBA draft set to begin at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, it’s time for one final mock draft. The Spurs, who own the No. 4 and No. 8 picks, will enter Wednesday’s first round as one the league’s most intriguing teams as they seek to add a pair of ideal complementary players around budding superstar Victor Wembanyama. Here’s a projection of how the first 30 picks might play out.

1. Atlanta: Donovan Clingan, UConn, C, 7-2, 20

Atlanta is still considering trading the No. 1 overall pick, according to multiple reports. If the Hawks hang onto it, they’re said to be considering using it on either Alex Sarr, Zaccharie Risacher or Donovan Clingan.

With Sarr reportedly showing some aversion to playing in Atlanta, the Hawks could opt to use this pick on the UConn pick man who proved dominant down the stretch for the 2024 national champions. While not a shooting threat, Clingan would provide a ferocious interior presence that Atlanta desperately needs on both ends. A throw-back big, the mountainous 280-pound center averaged 13 points on 63.9% shooting, 7.4 rebounds and 2.5 blocks last season.

2. Washington: Alex Sarr, Perth Wildcats (Australia), C, 7-1, 19

Questions abound over Sarr’s offensive potential, but he comes with All-Defensive upside and won’t turn 20 until next April

The 7-foot-1 Frenchman isn’t Wembanyama, but he is an elastic and mobile shot-altering force. The 19-year-old has played well on the world stage for France and averaged 9.4 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1.9 blocks in 17 minutes playing in Australia’s top pro league last season.

3. Houston (via Brooklyn): Reed Sheppard, Kentucky, PG/SG, 6-3, 20

Along with Clingan, Sheppard has been one of the biggest risers in the run-up to the draft. The former Wildcat averaged 12.5 points on 53.6% shooting, 4.5 assists, 4.1 rebounds, 2.5 steals and 2.3 3-pointers as Kentucky’s sixth man. He connected on 3s at a 52.1% clip, sinking 75 of 144 in 33 games. He’s also a rabid, instinctual defender, which Houston could use.

The pressing question is whether Sheppard can run the show in the NBA, though Houston wouldn’t have to thrust him into that role right away with veteran point guard Fred VanVleet under team control through 2025-26.

4. San Antonio: Zaccharie Risacher, JL Bourg (France), SF, 6-8, 19

If Atlanta opts for a big man over Risacher, the French wing could fall into the Spurs’ lap at No. 4. His skill as a perimeter defender and lethal catch-and-shoot threat would help address some needs and still provide an opportunity to grab a guard with the No. 8 pick.

Risacher averaged 13.1 points on 56.6% shooting and 1.9 3s on 56.1% shooting in 2023-24 EuroCup competition and won’t turn 20 until next April.

5. Detroit: Matas Buzelis, G League Ignite, F, 6-10, 19

Detroit could use a four to complement center Jalen Duren, who posted 13.8 points, 11.6 rebounds and 2.4 assists in his second season. Buzelis seems like the perfect fit here as a versatile and floor-stretching big who can exploit mismatches.

The Chicago native averaged 11.8 points, 5.0 rebounds, 1.3 blocks and 1.1 steals for the Ignite. And though Buzelis shot an unsightly 6-of-27 from deep, he was above 42% in his final two prep seasons. Detroit will hope that was just an aberration and take a shot on a teen with tremendous upside.

6. Charlotte: Stephon Castle, UConn, G, 6-6, 19

Castle could form a strong 1-2 punch in Charlotte’s backcourt with LaMelo Ball. He’s a sturdy defender and has shown strong playmaking chops, though he shot just 26.7% from 3-point range and 75.5% from the free-throw line last season.

Shooting woes aside, Castle proved unflinching on college basketball’s biggest stage. He averaged 18 points on 50% shooting, five rebounds, 2.5 assists and one steal in two Final Four games.

7: Portland: Cody Williams, Colorado, F, 6-8, 19

Regarded as a top-10 recruit, Williams didn’t quite meet expectations at Colorado. The wiry 6-8 forward averaged 11.9 points on 55.2% shooting, 3.0 rebounds, 1.6 assists, 0.7 3-pointers on 41.5% shooting and 0.7 blocks in 28.4 minutes.

Williams fits best as an off-ball threat on offense and a versatile defender who can guard multiple positions.

8. San Antonio (via Toronto): Devin Carter, Providence, G, 6-3, 22

If the Spurs get Risacher at No. 4, they’ll almost certainly look for a player with lead guard potential with their second lottery pick. Their choice could come down to Carter, Serbian pro Nikola Topic or Kentucky’s Rob Dillingham. Topic was recently diagnosed with a partially torn ACL, which could give Carter an edge after the 2024 Big East Player of the Year’s impressive showings in workouts with multiple teams. The 22-year-old averaged 19.7 points, 8.7 rebounds, 3.6 assists, 1.8 steals and one block per game last season. He also connected on 2.5 3-pointers per game on 37.7% shooting. ## 9. Memphis: Dalton Knecht, Tennessee, SG/SF, 6-6, 23

A late bloomer, 23-year-old Dalton Knecht transformed into a potential top-10 pick during his only season at Tennessee. The Northern Colorado transfer embraced life as an SEC star, averaging 21.7 points, 4.9 rebounds and 2.6 3s and taking the Volunteers to their first Elite Eight since 2010.

Knecht a legitimate three-level scorer who would demand attention and create more space for All-Star guard Ja Morant. He does struggle to move laterally on defense and stick with quicker wings, though the willingness to body up is there.

10. Utah: Rob Dillingham, Kentucky, PG, 6-2, 19

The 6-foot-2 guard darts around with an Olympic sprinter’s motor that belies his soft touch around the rim. The 2024 SEC Sixth Man of the Year averaged 15.2 points, 3.9 assists and 2.0 3-pointers on 44.4% shooting in just 23.3 minutes.

A gifted scorer, Dillingham has some concerning shortcomings as a defender. The 170-pound guard tends to struggle against bigger, stronger matchups, but his dynamic play and strong shooting splits still make him an attractive pick here.

11. Chicago: Nikola Topic, Crvena Zvezda (Serbia), G, 6-6, 18

Topic will likely have to sit out his rookie season following surgery to repair his partially torn ACL. That might not matter to Chicago as it seeks a rebuild while reportedly dangling All-Star guard Zach LaVine as trade bait.

Prior to the injury, Topic was viewed as a potential top-three pick after holding his own in Serbia’s top pro league. The 2024 Adriatic League Top Prospect needs to refine his shot, but the big guard’s creative finishes and heady playmaking could be too attractive to pass on here.

12. Oklahoma City (via Houston): Tidjane Salaun, Cholet (France), F, 6-9, 18

Salaun is a 6-9 wing with a 7-1 wingspan, active hands and strong slashing instincts. He was recently named FIBA Champions League’s Best Young Player after averaging 9.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, 1.4 3s and 1.2 steals as an 18-year-old in France’s top pro league.

Oklahoma City recently swapped guard Josh Giddey for All-Defensive team guard Alex Caruso. The Thunder could look to double down on defense by adding a high-upside rookie like Salaun to their young core.

13. Sacramento: Ron Holland II, G League Ignite, F, 6-7, 18

Initially a Texas commit, Duncanville star Ron Holland instead signed with the G League Ignite. He’s an off-the-chart athlete, explosive finisher and tenacious on-ball defender who averaged 18.5 points, 6.7 rebounds, 2.1 steals and 1.1 blocks.

Holland’s stiff jumper is his biggest issue heading into the draft. He hit just 11 of 46 3-pointers (23.9%) and 30 of 44 free throws (68.2%) in 15 games.

14. Portland (via Golden State): Ja’Kobe Walter, Baylor, G, 6-5, 19

Walter, a former five-star recruit, tallied 14.5 points, 4.4 rebounds, 2.1 3s and 1.1 steals last season.

He’s a silky shooter and tough finisher who can act as a secondary playmaker. Walter also tends to show up in big moments, averaging 19.5 points, 5.0 rebounds and 3.0 3s in the NCAA Tournament.

15. Miami: Carlton “Bub” Carrington, Pittsburgh, G, 6-5, 18

16. Philadelphia: Jared McCain, Duke, PG, 6-3, 20

17. L.A. Lakers: Tristan da Silva, Colorado, PF, 6-9, 23

18. Orlando: Johnny Furphy, Kansas, G, 6-8, 19

19. Toronto (via Indiana): Yves Missi, Baylor, C, 7-0, 19

20. Cleveland: Kyshawn George, Miami, F, 6-7, 20

21. New Orleans (via Milwaukee): Kyle Filipowski, Duke, C, 7-0, 20

22. Phoenix: Daron Holmes II, Dayton, C, 6-10, 21

23. Milwaukee (via New Orleans): Kel’el Ware, Indiana, C, 7-0, 20

24. New York (via Dallas): Tyler Smith, G League Ignite, PF, 6-11, 19

25. New York: Ryan Dunn, Virginia, F, 6-8, 21

26. Washington (via L.A. Clippers): Isaiah Collier, Southern Cal, PG, 6-4, 19

27. Minnesota: Jaylon Tyson, California, F, 6-7, 21

28. Denver: Zach Edey, Purdue, C, 7-3, 22

29. Utah (via Oklahoma City): Kevin McCullar Jr., Kansas, SG/SF, 6-6, 23

30. Boston: Tyler Kolek, Marquette, PG, 6-1, 23

Devin Carter averaged 19.7 points per game this past season at Providence and was the Big East Player of the Year.

Providence guard Devin Carter goes to the basket during the second half of the team’s NCAA college basketball game against Creighton in the quarterfinals of the Big East Conference men’s tournament Thursday, March 14, 2024, in New York.

Creighton guard Baylor Scheierman defends against Providence guard Devin Carter during the first half of a March 14 game in New York.

Serbian guard Nikola Topic’s draft status no doubt took a hit with news that he needed surgery to repair a partially torn ACL.

Kentucky’s Rob Dillingham has some shortcomings as a defender, but his speed and soft touch around the rim.

From left, former G League Ignite players Matas Buzelis and Ron Holland Alex Sarr of the Perth Wildcats all have a chance to be taken early in this year’s NBA draft.

Center Donovan Clingan is a superior defender in the middle, the kind that Atlanta very much needs.

Donovan Clingan proved to be a winner twice over, winning back-to-back titles with UConn.

Stephon Castle has his issues as a shooter but has shown strong chops as a playmaker.

Stephon Castle has his issues as a shooter but has shown strong chops as a playmaker.

Duncanville’s Ron Holland, left, initially a Texas commit, is an explosive finisher and a tenacious on-ball defender.

By Nick Moyle, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News