[SAEN] 马刺选秀目标:科迪-威廉姆斯(Cody Williams) 的理由

By Jeff McDonald, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-06-22 13:02:12


科罗拉多大学前锋科迪-威廉姆斯(Cody Williams) 左,与他的哥哥杰伦-威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams) 十分相似,杰伦是雷霆队复兴的关键人物之一,他在 2022 年选秀大会上被选中第 12 位。

编辑注:马刺队在周三的 NBA 选秀大会上拥有两张前十顺位的选秀权,这是球队历史上首次拥有两张前十顺位。

如果没有去年马刺队选中维克多-文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 的事件,这两张选秀权中的任何一张都将是球队自 1997 年以来最高的选秀顺位。


过去两个赛季,NBA 球迷们目睹了俄克拉荷马城雷霆队的杰伦-威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams) 从 2022 年选秀大会的第 12 位选秀权成长为球队崛起至西部联盟顶端的关键人物之一。


科罗拉多大学前锋科迪-威廉姆斯(Cody Williams),杰伦的弟弟,在今年选秀大会之前也掀起了类似的波澜。

威廉姆斯身高 6 英尺 8 英寸,拥有足够的身材来担任侧翼球员。他是一名流畅的空切终结者,同时也是一名才华横溢的突破手。

威廉姆斯还展现出在防守端的竞争意愿,并且能够防守多个位置,这是现代 NBA 中必不可少的素质。

如果他能够增加定点三分球能力,他可能会发展成为杰拉米-格兰特(Jerami Grant) 类型的强力前锋。

威廉姆斯不被认为是一名爆发力十足的运动员,但他展现出作为一名狡猾得分手的前景,因为他能够利用油漆区内的角度。在这方面,他让 NBA 球探想起了,嗯,杰伦-威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams)。

简而言之,威廉姆斯是马刺队必须考虑的那种球员,特别是如果他跌落到第 8 位。在马刺队的世界里,他可能是文班亚马(Wembanyama) 身边的“切特-霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)”。

威廉姆斯是麦当劳全明星和亚利桑那州吉尔伯特市佩里高中的顶级预备队球员,他在参加了耐克篮球峰会和国际篮联 19 岁以下锦标赛后,在大学首个赛季表现不稳定,带着些许低迷的情绪进入大学。

他在科罗拉多大学作为一名大一新生表现出色,在那里他是该校历史上评分最高的球员。他场均得到 11.9 分,投篮命中率为 55.2%,并且是 NCAA 新秀球员年度奖的决赛入围者。

威廉姆斯的三分球命中率达到了 41.7%,但这只是低容积(41 次尝试)的结果。球探们不确定他的投篮能力能否在下一个级别中发挥作用。

在整个赛季的不同时期,威廉姆斯都曾被认为是今年 NBA 选秀大会的状元热门,不过这种说法在整个夏天都冷却下来了。


如果排名前半段的球队认为威廉姆斯的投篮能力是金玉其外,那么他可能会跌落到第 7 到第 14 位,在这种情况下,他将非常适合马刺队。

如果球队相信威廉姆斯的身材、多功能性和家族血统,他可能会成为前 5 顺位选秀的意外之喜。

在这种情况下,马刺队将不得不在第 4 位做出艰难的决定。

有一点是明确的:如果科迪-威廉姆斯(Cody Williams) 真的要成为下一个杰伦-威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams),他将让一些重建球队感到非常高兴。

点击查看原文:Spurs draft prospect: The case for Cody Williams

Spurs draft prospect: The case for Cody Williams

Colorado forward Cody Williams, left, has drawn comparisons to his older brother Jalen Williams, who has become a big part of the Thunder’s resurgence since going 12th overall in the 2022 draft.

Editor’s note: The Spurs enter Wednesday’s NBA draft armed with a pair of top 10 picks for the first time in team history, holding the No. 4 and No. 8 selections.

Had it not been for last year, when the Spurs famously nabbed Victor Wembanyama first overall, either of those picks would have marked the club’s highest draft slots since 1997.

This is the next in a series of profiles of prospects the Spurs might consider at those spots:

For the past two seasons, the NBA has watched as Oklahoma City’s Jalen Williams went from being the No. 12 pick in the 2022 draft to one of the key figures in the Thunder’s rise toward the top of the Western Conference.

Now the league is prepared to find out whether that kind of swift development runs in the Williams family.

Colorado forward Cody Williams, Jalen’s little brother, has been making similar waves in the run-up to this year’s draft.

At 6-foot-8, Williams comes blessed with adequate size to play on the wing. He is a smooth finisher in the open court and a talented slasher.

Williams has also shown a willingness to compete on the defensive end, and an ability to guard multiple positions — a must-have in the modern NBA.

With the addition of a spot-up 3-point shot, he could develop into a Jerami Grant-type of power forward.

Williams isn’t considered an explosive athlete, but has shown promise as a crafty scorer with his ability exploit angles in the paint. In that, he reminds NBA scouts of, well, Jalen Williams.

In short, Williams is the sort of fit the Spurs will have to consider, especially if he slides as far as No. 8. In Spurs world, he could be the Jalen Williams to Wembanyama’s Chet Holmgren.

A McDonald’s All-American and top prep recruit coming out of Perry High School in Gilbert, Ariz., Williams entered his lone college season on a bit of a downbeat after unsteady performances at the Nike Hoops Summit and FIBA Under-19 tournament.

He bounced back well as a freshman with the Buffaloes, where he was the highest-rated recruit in the program’s history. He averaged 11.9 points on 55.2 percent shooting, and was a finalist for the NCAA’s Freshman of the Year.

Williams made a promising 41.7 percent of his 3-point shots, but on low volume (41 attempts). Scouts are unsure how that part of his game will translate at the next level.

At various points throughout the season, Williams was in the discussion to go No. 1 in this year’s NBA draft, though that talk has cooled throughout the summer.

Draft analysts are mixed on where Williams might fall now.

If the teams picking in the top half of the lottery believe Williams’ 3-point prowess to be fool’s gold, there is a chance he could slip to the seven-through-14 range, in which case he would make a lot of sense for the Spurs.

If teams believe in Williams’ size, versatility and family pedigree, he could be a surprise top 5 selection.

In that case, the Spurs would have a tough decision to make at No. 4.

This much seems clear: If Cody Williams is indeed set to become the next Jalen Williams, he is about to make some rebuilding team very happy.

By Jeff McDonald, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News