[SAEN] 马刺赛季回顾:球员最佳表现排名

By Nick Moyle, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-31 14:02:43






1. 维克多·文班亚马

3月29日 - 马刺 130,尼克斯 126 (OT)

比赛得分 - 39.8

数据统计 - 40分(22投13中,9投4中,12罚10中),20个篮板,7次助攻,2次抢断,1次封盖,4次失误,38分钟。

回顾 - 尼克斯球星杰伦·布伦森和文班亚马在弗罗斯特银行中心上演了一场对比鲜明的史诗级对决。这位身高6尺2寸的后卫在得到61分的比赛中投进了25球,但却被马刺队的这位7尺3寸的新秀抢尽了风头。文班亚马在第四节和加时赛中得到18分,最终得到40分,这是过去20个赛季中新秀第三高的比赛得分。


2. 德文·瓦塞尔

12月15日 - 马刺 129,湖人 115

比赛得分 - 31.7

数据统计 - 36分(19投12中,10投5中,7罚7中),6个篮板,3次助攻,1次抢断,1次封盖,1次失误,35分钟。

回顾 - 瓦塞尔在弗罗斯特银行中心帮助球队度过了一个急需的释放压力的夜晚,也许是他职业生涯中最棒的表现。他在35分钟的比赛中,63%的命中率下砍下了个人最高的36分,并贡献了+20的正负值,帮助马刺终结了持续了一个半月的18连败。这位第四年球员还以惊人的154的进攻效率值面对勒布朗·詹姆斯和他的队友。

3. 特雷·琼斯

1月13日 - 公牛 122,马刺 116

比赛得分 - 29.0

数据统计 - 30分(13投10中,6投4中,6罚6中),9个篮板,4次助攻,1次失误,32分钟。

回顾 - 琼斯在背靠背比赛的第二天,尽其所能为疲惫不堪、缺少文班亚马的马刺注入活力。这位无私的组织后卫改变了节奏,开始进攻,得到个人最高的30分,而他的其他首发球员总共只得到27分,18投8中(21.1%)。琼斯在比赛还剩4分28秒时投进了一个扳平比分的上篮,尽管最终输掉了比赛,但他以惊人的+55的净效率值结束比赛。

4. 扎克·科林斯

11月 17 - 国王 129,马刺 120

比赛得分 - 27.2

数据统计 - 28分(14投10中,5投3中,6罚5中),8个篮板,5次助攻,3次抢断,1次封盖,3次失误,34分钟。

回顾 - 科林斯展示了他2017年以状元秀身份被选中时的进攻潜力,但在连续的伤病阻碍了他的职业生涯。他以71%的命中率得到全场最高的28分,是唯一一位正负值为正的首发球员(+19)。但是,马刺队的其他球员合计只得到了42.3%的命中率,他们无法阻挡国王队后卫迪亚伦·福克斯(43分,7次助攻)的快速进攻。

5. 杰雷米·索汉

3月25日 - 马刺 104,太阳 102

比赛得分 - 24.5

数据统计 - 26分(19投10中,7投1中,5罚5中),18个篮板,1次助攻,1次抢断,1次封盖,0次失误,36分钟。

回顾 - 这位二年级前锋实际上有两场比赛的得分比这场更高,但毫无疑问,这是索汉最具影响力、最令人信服的表现。在文班亚马缺席的情况下,索汉以26分与瓦塞尔并列全场最高分,并创下个人最高的18个篮板。在投丢了前6次三分球后,他在比赛还剩29秒时投进了一个制胜的三分球,帮助球队以3-1的战绩赢得系列赛。他还在与太阳队的顶级得分手凯文·杜兰特对位时,以4次盖帽和2次篮板球领跑马刺队,只让杜兰特得到8分。

6. 凯尔登·约翰逊

10月31日 - 马刺 115,太阳 114

比赛得分 - 22.3

数据统计 - 27分(20投10中,9投4中,4罚3中),4次助攻,3个篮板,2次抢断,0次失误,33分钟。

回顾 - 这是约翰逊第四高的比赛得分,但他在万圣节对阵菲尼克斯的爆发,是他这个忽冷忽热赛季中最强劲的表现。他得到全场最高的27分,最后两分是在比赛还剩1.2秒时,从杜兰特手中抢断后,投进了一个有争议的制胜上篮。约翰逊在下半场得到18分,帮助马刺在加时赛中以33-19的比分战胜太阳队,取得了一场令人震惊的客场胜利。

7. 多米尼克·巴洛

3月9日 - 马刺 126,勇士 113

比赛得分 - 21.7

数据统计 - 19分(10投7中,1投0中,6罚5中),8个篮板,4次助攻,1次抢断,1次封盖,0次失误,30分钟。

回顾 - 在文班亚马和瓦塞尔缺阵的情况下,格雷格·波波维奇不得不依靠他的角色球员在客场对阵没有斯蒂芬·库里的金州勇士队。巴洛在没有库里情况下接下了重任,得到赛季最高的19分,70%的命中率,并创下了惊人的+62的净效率值。这位二年级前锋在上个月的比赛中只得到了11分,他在海湾地区的爆发就更加引人注目了。

8. 布莱克·韦斯利

4月14日 - 马刺 123,活塞 95

比赛得分 - 20.3

数据统计 - 17分(9投7中,1投1中,3罚2中),7个篮板,5次助攻,3次抢断,1次失误,30分钟。

回顾 - 这位二年级后卫在职业生涯中第四次首发出场,在马刺队的赛季收官战中击败了糟糕的活塞队。在文班亚马、约翰逊、瓦塞尔和索汉都缺席的情况下,他创下了个人得分和篮板的新高,同时还与文班亚马并列,以3次抢断并列全场最高。

9. 德文特·格雷厄姆

4月5日 - 马刺 111,鹈鹕 109

比赛得分 - 19.0

数据统计 - 20分(15投6中,12投4中,4罚4中),5次助攻,2个篮板,3次抢断,0次失误,25分钟。

回顾 - 这并非这位前堪萨斯州立大学杰鹰队的球员最精准的投篮表现,但他在新奥尔良帮助马刺爆冷击败了季后赛球队鹈鹕队的比赛中,他个人最高的20分和3次抢断证明至关重要。格雷厄姆领跑马刺队得分,并在比赛最后时刻罚进了两次关键的罚球,帮助球队锁定了胜利。

10. 马拉基·布兰汉

3月3日 - 马刺 117,步行者 105

比赛得分 - 18.6

数据统计 - 18分(13投7中,6投2中,2罚2中),6次助攻,4个篮板,1次抢断,2次失误,31分钟。

回顾 - 布兰汉在第三节得到他18分中的9分,帮助马刺将半场4分的领先优势扩大到9分。他还与文班亚马并列,以6次助攻并列全队最高,并以+8.6的净效率值结束比赛。

11. 朱利安·尚帕涅

3月9日 - 马刺 126,勇士 113

比赛得分 - 17.1

数据统计 - 17分(8投5中,8投5中,2罚2中),7个篮板,5次助攻,1次封盖,3次失误,34分钟。

回顾 - 与巴洛一样,尚帕涅在马刺队的前两位球员缺阵的情况下,挺身而出,对阵金州勇士队。他以17分和5记三分球,追平了个人赛季新高,并且没有犯规,这对一支缺少两名首发球员(科林斯和索汉)并且有两名首发球员(科林斯和索汉)分别领到5次犯规的球队来说至关重要。

12. 桑德罗·马穆卡什维利。

4月12日 - 马刺 121,掘金 120

比赛得分 - 16.9

数据统计 - 21分(14投8中,5投3中,4罚2中),12个篮板,2次助攻,1次封盖,2次失误,30分钟。

回顾 - 对于替补受伤的索汉首发的马穆卡什维利来说,这是一场重要的比赛。“马穆”对卫冕冠军交出了一份令人愉快的两双数据,并在第四节贡献了7分、4个篮板、1次封盖和1次助攻,帮助马刺在最后10分钟内从落后17分的劣势中反败为胜。

13. 塞迪·奥斯曼

12月15日 - 马刺 129,湖人 115

比赛得分 - 13.7

数据统计 - 15分(11投6中,6投3中),6次助攻,2个篮板,0次失误,25分钟。

回顾 - 奥斯曼在圣安东尼奥并没有得到很多上场时间,但他在12月15日发挥了重要的补充作用,帮助马刺终于打破了球队纪录的连败。这位第七年球员在首节比赛中,在索汉犯规麻烦的情况下,挺身而出,投进了两个三分球,帮助马刺队以12分的优势领先湖人队。奥斯曼以+26的净效率值结束比赛。

14. 西迪·西索科

4月9日 - 马刺 102,灰熊 87

比赛得分 - 11.4

数据统计 - 10分(6投4中,1投0中,2罚2中),3个篮板,2次助攻,1次抢断,1次封盖,0次失误,21分钟。

回顾 - 马刺队的另一位法国新秀本赛季只打了12场比赛,他将时间分配在圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀之间。在赛季末的一场对阵灰熊队的替补阵容的比赛中,这位20岁的球员取得了不错的进步,他在下半场得到10分中的8分,完成了他的第一个两位数得分,这是他职业生涯中第一次。西索科在第二天又创造了个人最高的14分,尽管他们在俄克拉荷马城输掉了38分的比赛。




菲尼克斯,亚利桑那州 - 11月2日:圣安东尼奥马刺队的凯尔登·约翰逊(3号)在菲尼克斯,亚利桑那州的印迹中心举行的NBA比赛上半场,试图从菲尼克斯太阳队的格雷森·阿伦(8号)头顶投进一个三分球。马刺队最终以132-121的比分战胜了太阳队。

圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州 - 1月13日:圣安东尼奥马刺后卫特雷·琼斯(33号)在周六,2024年1月13日,在圣安东尼奥举行的NBA篮球比赛上半场,突破芝加哥公牛后卫科比·怀特(0号)的防守。

圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州 - 11月17日:圣安东尼奥马刺队的扎克·科林斯(23号)在11月17日,在圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州的弗罗斯特银行中心举行的NBA季前赛比赛中,从萨克拉门托国王队基根·穆雷(13号)头顶扣篮得分。

印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州 - 11月6日:圣安东尼奥马刺队的马拉基·布兰汉(22号)在11月6日,在印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州的盖恩布里奇球馆举行的比赛中,在首节比赛中,运球突破印第安纳步行者队泰里斯·哈利伯顿(0号)的防守。





旧金山,加利福尼亚州 - 3月9日:圣安东尼奥马刺队的多米尼克·巴洛(26号)在周六,2024年3月9日,在旧金山,加利福尼亚州的追梦球馆举行的比赛中,从金州勇士队Gui Santos(15号)头顶扣篮得分。


点击查看原文:Spurs season in review: Ranking every player's best performance

Spurs season in review: Ranking every player’s best performance

San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama, right, embraces guard Devin Vassell at the conclusion of their 130-126 overtime victory over the New York Knicks in their NBA game at the Frost Bank Center on Friday, March 29, 2024.

The meteoric rise of Victor Wembanyama overshadowed just about everything else in San Antonio as the Spurs skidded to their second straight 22-win season. Despite the poor record, Wemby and his teammates crafted a number of memorable individual performances throughout the year.

Here, we’ll try to identify each player’s best showing using “game score,” a catch-all metric created by statistical analyst and former Memphis Grizzlies vice president of basketball operations John Hollinger to give a rough measure of a player’s overall productivity. The scale is similar to that of points scored – 40 is an outstanding performance, 25 is a strong performance, 10 is an average performance, etc.

Read on to get the numbers and details on each player’s best performance from the 2023-24 campaign, ranked below by game score. Note that not every player’s season-high was selected, with other important factors – quality of opponent, game result, roster limitations – lending more weight to a game that received a slightly lower score.

1. Victor Wembanyama.

March 29 - Spurs 130, Knicks 126 (OT)

Game score - 39.8

Box score - 40 points (13-22 FG, 4-9 3P, 10-12 FT), 20 rebounds, 7 assists, 2 steals, 1 block, 4 turnovers, 38 minutes.

Recap - Knicks star Jalen Brunson and Wembanyama engaged in an epic battle of contrasts at the Frost Bank Center. The 6-foot-2 guard drained 25 shots in his 61-point eruption and was somehow overshadowed by the Spurs’ 7-3 rookie. Wembanyama scored 18 of his career-high 40 points in the fourth quarter and overtime, finishing with the third-best game score by a rookie over the last 20 seasons.

“I’ve never seen so much greatness before,” Wembanyama said after dueling with Brunson. “I’ve just witnessed so much greatness and I want to be a part of it. I always wanted to, but more and more seeing that I’m already able to compete with those guys."

2. Devin Vassell

Dec. 15 - Spurs 129, Lakers 115

Game score - 31.7

Box score - 36 points (12-19 FG, 5-10 3P, 7-7 FT), 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal, 1 block, 1 turnover, 35 minutes.

Recap - Vassell helped deliver a much-needed night of catharsis at the Frost Bank Center with perhaps the best performance of his career. He set a new personal best with 36 points on 63% shooting and was plus-20 in 35 minutes as the Spurs snapped an 18-game losing streak that had festered for a month and a half. The fourth-year guard also posted an astronomical 154 offensive rating against LeBron James and Co.

3. Tre Jones

Jan. 13 - Bulls 122, Spurs 116

Game score - 29.0

Box score - 30 points (10-13 FG, 4-6 3P, 6-6 FT), 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 turnover, 32 minutes.

Recap - Jones did all he could to inject life into the weary, Wembanyama-less Spurs on the second night of a back-to-back. The selfless initiator switched gears and went on the attack, going off for a career-high 30 points as his fellow starters combined for just 27 points on 8 of 38 (21.1%). Jones, who finished with an astounding plus-55 net rating despite the loss, dropped in a game-tying layup with 4:28 remaining but the Bulls pulled away to spoil his rare offensive outburst.

4. Zach Collins

Nov. 17 - Kings 129, Spurs 120

Game score - 27.2

Box score - 28 points (10-14 FG, 3-5 3P, 5-6 FT), 8 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals, 1 block, 3 turnovers, 34 minutes.

Recap - Collins showcased the offensive potential that made him the 10th overall pick in back in 2017 before a series of injuries impeded his career. He tallied a season- and team- high 28 points on 71% shooting and was the only starter with a positive plus plus/minus (+19). But the rest of the Spurs shot a combined 42.3%, and they had no answer for the light-speed attacks of Kings guard De’Aaron Fox (43 points, seven assists).

5. Jeremy Sochan

March 25 - Spurs 104, Suns 102

Game score - 24.5

Box score - 26 points (10-19 FG, 1-7 3P, 5-5 FT), 18 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 1 block, 0 turnovers, 36 minutes.

Recap - The sophomore forward actually had two outings that scored higher than this one, but there’s little doubt this was Sochan’s most impactful and resounding performance. With Wembanyama sidelined, Sochan matched Vassell’s team-high with 26 points, grabbed a career-best 18 rebounds and, after clanking his first six 3-point attempts, buried a game-winning triple with 29 seconds left to clinch the season series 3-1. He also led the Spurs in deflections (four) and loose balls recovered (two) while surrendering only eight points to Kevin Durant when matched up against the Suns’ masterful scorer.

6. Keldon Johnson

Oct. 31 - Spurs 115, Suns 114

Game score - 22.3

Box score - 27 points (10-20 FG, 4-9 3P, 3-4 FT), 4 assists, 3 rebounds, 2 steals, 0 turnovers, 33 minutes.

Recap - This was Johnson’s fourth-highest game score, but this Halloween outburst against Phoenix marked his most powerful performance in a season that ran hot and cold. He scored a game-high 27 points, the last two coming on contested game-winning layup with 1.2 seconds left following a clutch strip of Durant. Johnson scored 18 points in the second half and helped the Spurs outscore the Suns 33-19 in overtime to secure a stunning road upset.

7. Dominick Barlow

March 9 - Spurs 126, Warriors 113

Game score - 21.7

Box score - 19 points (7-10 FG, 0-1 3P, 5-6 FT), 8 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal, 1 block, 0 turnovers, 30 minutes.

Recap - With Wembanyama and Vassell out, Gregg Popovich had to lean on his role players in a road tilt with a Golden State team that was without the services of Stephen Curry. Barlow answered the bell with a season-high 19 points on 70% shooting and an outrageous plus-62 net rating. The fact that second-year forward had scored just 11 total points during the previous month’s worth of games made this breakout in the Bay all the better.

8. Blake Wesley

April 14 - Spurs 123, Pistons 95

Game score - 20.3

Box score - 17 points (7-9 FG, 1-1 3P, 2-3 FT), 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals, 1 turnover, 30 minutes.

Recap - The second-year guard made the most of his fourth career start by beating up on the tragic Pistons in the Spurs’ season finale. He set career highs in points and rebounds while matching his high in steals with Wembanyama, Johnson, Vassell and Sochan all sitting out.

9. Devonte’ Graham

April 5 - Spurs 111, Pelicans 109

Game score - 19.0

Box score - 20 points (6-15 FG, 4-12 3P, 4-4 FT), 5 assists, 2 rebounds, 3 steals, 0 turnovers, 25 minutes.

Recap - This wasn’t the former Kansas Jayhawk’s most accurate shooting performance, but his season-high 20 points and three steals proved pivotal in helping the Spurs upset the playoff-bound Pelicans in New Orleans. Graham led the Spurs in scoring and sank two late free throws to clinch the win.

10. Malaki Branham

March 3 - Spurs 117, Pacers 105

Game score - 18.6

Box score - 18 points (7-13 FG, 2-6 3P, 2-2 FT), 6 assists, 4 rebounds, 1 steal, 2 turnovers, 31 minutes.

Recap - Branham scored half of his 18 points during the third quarter as the Spurs pushed their four-point halftime lead to nine. He also tied Wembanyama for the team lead with six assists and finished with a plus-8.6 net rating.

11. Julian Champagnie

March 9 - Spurs 126, Warriors 113

Game score - 17.1

Box score - 17 points (5-8 FG, 5-8 3P, 2-2 FT), 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 1 block, 3 turnovers, 34 minutes.

Recap - Just as Barlow did, Champagnie stepped up against Golden State with the Spurs’ top two players out. He matched his season high in points and 3-pointers and didn’t commit a foul, which proved crucial for a shorthanded squad that had two starters (Collins and Sochan) pick up five apiece.

12. Sandro Mamukelashvili.

April 12 - Spurs 121, Nuggets 120

Game score - 16.9

Box score - 21 points (8-14 FG, 3-5 3P, 2-4 FT), 12 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 block, 2 turnovers, 30 minutes.

Recap - This was a massive game for Mamukelashvili, who started in place of the injured Sochan. “Mamu” delivered a delightful double-double against the reigning champions and provided some fire in the fourth quarter with seven points, four rebounds, one block and one assist as the Spurs rallied from a 17-point deficit with 10 minutes remaining.

13. Cedi Osman

Dec. 15 - Spurs 129, Lakers 115

Game score - 13.7

Box score - 15 points (6-11 FG, 3-6 3P), 6 assists, 2 rebounds, 0 turnovers, 25 minutes.

Recap - Osman didn’t get much time to shine in San Antonio, but he played an important complementary role on Dec. 15 as the Spurs finally broke their franchise-record losing streak. The seventh-year forward stepped up in the first quarter with Sochan in foul trouble, sinking a pair of 3s to help the Spurs outscore the Lakers by 12 in his 7 minutes on the court. Osman finished with a plus-26 net rating

14. Sidy Cissoko

April 9 - Spurs 102, Grizzlies 87

Game score - 11.4

Box score - 10 points (4-6 FG, 0-1 3P, 2-2 FT), 3 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal, 1 block, 0 turnovers, 21 minutes.

Recap - The Spurs’ other French rookie appeared in only 12 games this season while splitting time between San Antonio and Austin. A late-season matchup against the Grizzlies’ skeleton crew went down as a solid confidence-booster for the 20-year-old forward as Cissoko recorded his first double-digit scoring game, with eight of those 10 points coming in the first half. Cissoko set a new career-high with 14 points the very next day, though it came in a 38-point loss at Oklahoma City.

San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama makes a free throw to tie the game at 121-121 with 24 seconds remaining in regulation in their NBA game with the New York Knicks at the Frost Bank Center on Friday, March 29, 2024. San Antonio beat the Knicks 130-126 in overtime.

San Antonio Spurs guard Devin Vassell (24) shoots a jumper over Los Angeles Lakers guard Max Christie (10) during the first half at Frost Bank Center on Friday, Dec. 15, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas.

San Antonio Spurs forward Jeremy Sochan (10) rebounds the ball over Phoenix Suns forward Kevin Durant (35) during the first half at Frost Bank Center on Monday, March 25, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas. The Spurs defeated the Suns, 104-102.

PHOENIX, ARIZONA - NOVEMBER 02: Keldon Johnson #3 of the San Antonio Spurs attempts a three-point shot over Grayson Allen #8 of the Phoenix Suns during the first half of the NBA game at Footprint Center on November 02, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.The Spurs defeated the Suns 132-121.

San Antonio Spurs guard Tre Jones (33) drives to the basket against Chicago Bulls guard Coby White (0) during the first half of an NBA basketball game in San Antonio, Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

SAN ANTONIO, TX - NOVEMBER 17: Zach Collins #23 of the San Antonio Spurs dunks past Keegan Murray #13 of the Sacramento Kings in the first half of an NBA In-Season Tournament game at Frost Bank Center on November 17, 2023 in San Antonio, Texas.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA - NOVEMBER 06: Malaki Branham #22 of the San Antonio Spurs dribbles the ball while being guarded by Tyrese Haliburton #0 of the Indiana Pacers in the first quarter at Gainbridge Fieldhouse on November 06, 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

San Antonio Spurs forward Julian Champagnie (30) intercepts a Golden State Warriors pass between forward Andrew Wiggins (22) and forward Draymond Green (23) during the first half at Frost Bank Center on Monday, March 11, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas.

San Antonio Spurs forward Cedi Osman (16) goes up for a shot around Los Angeles Lakers forward Rui Hachimura (28) and forward Christian Wood (35) during the first half at Frost Bank Center on Friday, Dec. 15, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas.

San Antonio Spurs forward Sandro Mamukelashvili (54) celebrates after scoring during the second half of their NBA game with the Denver Nuggets at the Frost Bank Center on Friday, April 12, 2024 in San Antonio. Spurs won 121-120.

San Antonio Spurs guard Devonte’ Graham (4) celebrates a 3-point basket next to New Orleans Pelicans guard Dyson Daniels (11) during the first half of an NBA basketball game in New Orleans, Friday, April 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Matthew Hinton)

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 09: Dominick Barlow #26 of the San Antonio Spurs slams dunks over Gui Santos #15 of the Golden State Warriors during the second half at Chase Center on March 09, 2024 in San Francisco, California.

San Antonio Spurs guard Sidy Cissoko (25) dunks against the Memphis Grizzlies in the first half of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in Memphis, Tenn. (AP Photo/Brandon Dill)

By Nick Moyle, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News

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