[SAEN]卡斯尔向 NBA 球队表明他想打控球后卫

By Tom Orsborn, Sports reporter | San Antonio Express-News, 2024-05-20 14:38:26


康涅狄格大学后卫斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(5)在 2024 年 4 月 8 日星期一亚利桑那州格兰代尔举行的 NCAA 大学最终四强篮球锦标赛上半场控球,普渡大学后卫兰斯·琼斯防守。

上周,马刺队仔细研究了选秀大会上的情报,毫无疑问,他们将密切关注一名排名前 10 的新秀,此人几乎挂着牌子说,“我非常适合你们的球队”。

前康涅狄格大学一年级球员斯蒂芬·卡斯尔在芝加哥明确表示,在五年级老将、埃尔帕索当地人特里斯坦·牛顿上赛季担任哈士奇队控球后卫并带领他们连续第二次获得 NCAA 冠军后,他想作为控球后卫获得聘用。

卡斯尔去年以来自乔治亚州科文顿(靠近亚特兰大)的五星级控球后卫的身份来到康涅狄格州,但在牛顿场均助攻近五次帮助球队获得 2023 年冠军后,他不得不在哈士奇队打无球。


但当他在媒体访问中被问及孟菲斯队可能在总排名中选择他的可能性时,卡斯尔明确表示他不希望在 NBA 中重复这种情况。


拥有第 4 和第 8 顺位签位的马刺队正在寻找一名与维克托·文班亚马合作的长期指挥官。特雷·琼斯在过去两个赛季里为马刺队打了 113 场控球后卫比赛并表现出色,但他的身材矮小,只有 6 英尺 1 英寸,而且他的三分投射一直很挣扎,尽管上赛季有所提高。

在 19 岁的卡斯尔身上,马刺队将拥有一名身材魁梧的 6 英尺 6 英寸、210 磅、潜力无限的后场防守球员,他的臂展为 6 英尺 9 英寸,在为哈士奇队出战的 34 场比赛中,场均得到 11.1 分、4.7个篮板和 2.9 次助攻,命中率为 54.4%。


马刺队可能对卡斯尔的一个担忧是他本赛季三分球命中率只有 26.7%。但他场均只投出 2.2 次远投,并且在选秀大会的投篮训练中,他表现出色。






在宣传自己入选前 10 名优资格时,卡斯尔列出了马刺队在球员身上寻找的几项人格特质。


卡斯尔也来自一种文化,这种文化在波波维奇的领导下,马刺队已经保持了很长时间。丹·赫利的哈士奇队以 37-3 结束比赛,包括以场均 23.3 分的优势赢得了他们在 NCAA 锦标赛中的六场比赛,对手包括斯泰森、西北大学、圣地亚哥州立大学、伊利诺斯大学、阿拉巴马大学和普渡大学,这是疯狂三月历史上最大的分差(+140)。


在半决赛中以 86-72 击败阿拉巴马大学的比赛中,卡斯尔展示了他的进攻技巧,在出战 29 分钟,13 投 7 中的情况下,追平了他本赛季的 21 分最高分。


现在,他准备在 NBA 继续展示他的全面技能。





Castle points out to NBA teams he wants to play the point

[Image] UConn guard Stephon Castle (5) drives as Purdue guard Lance Jones defends during the first half of the NCAA college Final Four championship basketball game, Monday, April 8, 2024, in Glendale, Ariz.

As the Spurs pore over intelligence gathered at the draft combine last week, they’re undoubtedly paying close attention to a top-10 prospect who all but hung a sign around his neck saying, “I’m a great fit for your team.”

One-and-done Connecticut-ex Stephon Castle made it clear in Chicago he’s seeking employment as a point guard after fifth-year senior and El Paso native Tristen Newton filled that role for the Huskies last season in leading them to their second consecutive NCAA championship.

Castle arrived in Connecticut last year as a five-star point guard out of Covington, Ga., near Atlanta, but he had to play off the ball for the Huskies after Newton averaged nearly five assists per game in helping guide them to the 2023 title.

"I feel my true position is point guard, and I feel the last few months I had to sacrifice for the betterment of the team,” Castle said. “It worked out for us, so it’s not anything to harp on or be bitter about.”

But when he was asked during media availability about the possibility of Memphis selecting him ninth overall, Castle made it clear he doesn’t want to repeat that scenario in the NBA.

“They have a star point guard in Ja Morant,” Castle said. "I feel like I can fit on to any kind of team. I feel like my game is pretty flexible. I feel like I can play with any kind of guys in any kind of way. But I also feel like I made that sacrifice in college. Now, we’re talking about my career, and that’s something I take pride in. Now, I really want to play the one. So, that’s just something to think about.”

The Spurs, who own the No. 4 and No. 8 overall picks, are in the market for a long-term field general to team with Victor Wembanyama. Tre Jones started 113 games at point guard for the Spurs over the last two seasons and acquitted himself well, but he’s undersized at 6-foot-1 and has struggled with his 3-point shooting, although he showed improvement last season.

In the 19-year-old Castle, the Spurs would have a sturdy 6-foot-6, 210-pound high-ceiling defender with a 6-foot-9 wingspan who averaged 11.1 points, 4.7 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game while shooting 54.4 percent from the field in 34 games for the Huskies.

“I have a lot of aspirations defensively in the league,” Castle said. “I think I’ll be shooting for, hopefully, first-team all-defense in the next couple of years.”

One concern the Spurs might have concerning Castle is he shot just 26.7% from beyond the arc this season. But he averaged only 2.2 shots from deep and he shot well from deep in drills at the combine.

“I’ll be fine," he said of his perimeter stroke. “I work super hard on it. I’m super confident in it. It’s not a shot that I’m scared of taking. I’ve taken 3s my whole life, my whole high school career. I was just adapting to a role I had to play at UConn.”

And it’s a role one of his former teammates believes will intrigue Spurs coach Gregg Popovich.

“There aren’t too many guards out there that want to guard the ball the way he does,” said center Donovan Clingan, another lottery prospect from Connecticut. “He doesn’t care if he scores zero points, his mission is to stop their best player from scoring.”

But that’s not to say Castle can’t make an impact offensively.

“I feel like he has a lot more to his offensive game to show,” Clingan said. “He can get to the rim at a high level, he’s very explosive. We saw (during combine shooting drills) that he’s been in the gym working on shooting the ball.”

In touting his qualifications for top-10 status, Castle listed several character traits the Spurs look for in a player.

“Whatever team that takes the chance on me, I want them to know that they’re getting a hard worker, a great teammate, a great person and somebody that has so much more to their game than they’ve shown the past couple of months," he said.

Castle also comes from a culture that mirrors the one the Spurs have had for so long under Popovich. Dan Hurley’s Huskies finished 37-3, including winning their six NCAA Tournament games over Stetson, Northwestern, San Diego State, Illinois, Alabama and Purdue by an average of 23.3 points per game, the largest differential (plus-140) in March Madness history.

“It’s a hard-working culture," Castle said. "It speaks to the kind of team that we had last year that we have our whole starting five here (at the combine). We were a super deep team. We all work hard and we all know how to win. If you get somebody from UConn, I’d say you’re getting a pretty good player.”

In the 86-72 win over Alabama in the semis, Castle showcased his offensive skills by tying his season high with 21 points on 7 of 13 from the field over 29 minutes.

“I feel like the Final Four really said it all for me," he said. "I feel like I had a pretty good game (against the Crimson Tide) and put myself on a good stage. I would just say that Final Four run had a big impact on my decision (to turn pro).”

Now he’s ready to continue to showcase his all-around skills in the NBA.

“I’m more of a two-way point guard," he said. “I really like to pass the ball. And I like to shoot off the dribble a lot. That’s what my game really consists of, being on the ball, getting my teammates involved, scoring whenever I need to and defending at a high level.”

But it all comes with the stipulation that he gets a shot at playing the point.

“I’d be blessed to play anywhere," Castle said. “I would love to go somewhere that allows me to develop and expand my game in the way I desire. … There’s a lot I haven’t been able to showcase.”

By Tom Orsborn, Sports reporter , via San Antonio Express-News